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HM Ravagers & Temple progression thread

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Ha! While it's quite mean and elitist, some parts of the post above made me chuckle...



...I'm going to hell :(


You think trashketball making his signature "Bring the player, not the class" isn't elitist? Look at his forum signature. It looks like the back bumper of a PTA mom. MY KID GOT SERVER FOURTH REVAN HM AND HE DID IT WITH HIS SWELL FRIENDS THEY'RE BASICALLY THE SAME AS GODS.


The false macho posturing in progression in this game just gets out of hand. Be proud of your kill. But that whole bit at the end is basically a backhanded comment to real progression guilds that feel like killing bosses in a prompt manner, you know, because they respect the time of the rest of the people in their raid guild.

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Hey i'm not picking sides, I found it funny is all. Personally I think threads like this should end when the content is nerfed, or even better, we should have a system like the one above where operation difficulty can scale up past what is possible with multiple tiers to keep everyone happy, but diminishingly significant rewards. Edited by akisgood
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Hey i'm not picking sides, I found it funny is all. Personally I think threads like this should end when the content is nerfed, or even better, we should have a system like the one above where operation difficulty can scale up past what is possible with multiple tiers to keep everyone happy, but diminishingly significant rewards.


It already should have ended the minute 204 MH + nerf was a reality, but it's hard for the thread to end when the OP is unsubbed and uninstalled. Can't wait to see this thread getting bumped when there's no NiM in 3.3 and no new raid til close to damned near Christmas.



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For Reference


Other achievements claimed that couldn't fit:


World 2nd Plaguehorn

Server 32nd SM Nefra

TRE First missed his cleanse on deathmark during Council without saying "M8"

TRE 17th Buyer of Hateful Entity mask from a better guild

Server 8th tank to kill the boss for the first time while still believing in himself (just check the magnet on the fridge, mom is proud)

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I've been co-signed by a TRE member and a progression raider at that. THREE MORE CO SIGNS BY TRE RAIDERS AND I CAN FINALLY BE PROUD OF MYSELF.




Bring the keyboard, not the warrior.


He's 4/4, can he go 7/7?


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The title should of been removed as a reward for game update 3.2 in my opinion. That in of itself would of made me just a little bit happier with the situation. Edited by Akam
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Well I just got my daily dose of cringe lol.

Video games srs bsns


riggs is a beautiful raid leader who don't need no man. He still streams on twich from time to time.


PS: I changed my signature for you justin sempai. Notice me!

Edited by mastirkal
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wow. U mad bro. U do not know.


We did cora first. For the first 2 months we had maby 10 pulls on revan.

We have only bin rely on revan 4 the last 2/3 weeks. So from a raid group standpoint, not to shaby.

and we were, like many guids, having roster problems. so ur small rant. U DONT KNOW


Dont know the math, but dident u guys have more uptime on core thanks to the staking of BH when Hydro workt on everything b4 thy buft that?


As in gear, i am stil rocking the 192 mainhand and 2 192 mods and 1 enhancement. That is wat happens wen u are in a guild that is not fanatical at being world first. U rotate players, let others experience the content. The trill of killing a boss only a hand full of ppl on the server have kild. and u let them have the gear, thy need it more.

Maby that is wy we are stil going strong and u are, wel.. not.


The comp is the same one we had in the group 4 ever, wat ever the player wants to bring. we did not compromise and went with FoTm and i am prowd of that. Sent plays sent cos he enjoys it, same 4 shadow dps. The ppl how don it with suboptimal comps said them selfs thy only did it cos thy did it b4 with mostly BH, We did not.


My sig? is 10 hours old. had a very boring one b4 that. Is it boasting? maby. Am i prowd of what i have done in this game? U bet ur *** i am. Noting in it is a lie. Why are u mad i am stating the truth.


Let me ask u, Is killing revan less of a achievement cos 20 guids don it b4 u? Is becoming a doctor, engineer,... less of a achievement cos millions of ppl have don it b4 u. No its not.


U have quit this game. Ur opinion no longer matters. The trophy is a paperweight.

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Looking on Dxun trying to show that they achieved something is marvelous.

let's remember how Dxun killed council nim, hm bugging out Calphayus, got mouse macro to speak one haler to dps at P2. Yeah Dxun i'm sure you win arguments war here.

Edited by Magvay
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The comp is the same one we had in the group 4 ever, wat ever the player wants to bring. we did not compromise and went with FoTm and i am prowd of that.


So lets say a team did Revan with 1 or 2 more bounty hunters but before nerf and 204 mains hands they are still noober than you?




Also teach me your ways of typing. Its simply too amazing.

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wow. U mad bro. U do not know.


We did cora first. For the first 2 months we had maby 10 pulls on revan.

We have only bin rely on revan 4 the last 2/3 weeks. So from a raid group standpoint, not to shaby.

and we were, like many guids, having roster problems. so ur small rant. U DONT KNOW


Dont know the math, but dident u guys have more uptime on core thanks to the staking of BH when Hydro workt on everything b4 thy buft that?


As in gear, i am stil rocking the 192 mainhand and 2 192 mods and 1 enhancement. That is wat happens wen u are in a guild that is not fanatical at being world first. U rotate players, let others experience the content. The trill of killing a boss only a hand full of ppl on the server have kild. and u let them have the gear, thy need it more.

Maby that is wy we are stil going strong and u are, wel.. not.


The comp is the same one we had in the group 4 ever, wat ever the player wants to bring. we did not compromise and went with FoTm and i am prowd of that. Sent plays sent cos he enjoys it, same 4 shadow dps. The ppl how don it with suboptimal comps said them selfs thy only did it cos thy did it b4 with mostly BH, We did not.


My sig? is 10 hours old. had a very boring one b4 that. Is it boasting? maby. Am i prowd of what i have done in this game? U bet ur *** i am. Noting in it is a lie. Why are u mad i am stating the truth.


Let me ask u, Is killing revan less of a achievement cos 20 guids don it b4 u? Is becoming a doctor, engineer,... less of a achievement cos millions of ppl have don it b4 u. No its not.


U have quit this game. Ur opinion no longer matters. The trophy is a paperweight.


Alright, then I'll say my opinion on the matter. You killed the boss post nerf and then start plastering this "Bring the player, not the class." ******** and are trying to make a point about your comp. If you had done this pre nerf maybe it'd be a bit more respected, but as it is, your kill is a bit late to be relevant and your message just makes others find you guys as a bit wanting and annoying.


Also, while I don't usually like to go for the low hanging fruit like making fun of someone for very bad grammar and spelling. I do believe I need to go to the doctor because your post gave me cancer.

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Dont know the math, but dident u guys have more uptime on core thanks to the staking of BH when Hydro workt on everything b4 thy buft that?


Not sure if i did my math right but HM Revan pre buff lasted 1 month while post buff (3.0.2) has been 4 months from 3.2. Post buff being that they added Ballistic immunity preventing Hydrolic Cheese.


As in gear, i am stil rocking the 192 mainhand and 2 192 mods and 1 enhancement. That is wat happens wen u are in a guild that is not fanatical at being world first. U rotate players, let others experience the content. The trill of killing a boss only a hand full of ppl on the server have kild. and u let them have the gear, thy need it more.

Maby that is wy we are stil going strong and u are, wel.. not.


Assuming that we're not playing anymore because of gear is foolish and wrong. We left because of what we know about the future of progression raiding and it doesn't look good. As the the finacial aspect, we were never "rich" when we started progression. We only became rich when we were farming Revan 5-6 times a week and wanted to do money runs for NiM just in case we can quickly gear someone out.


The fact that you still have some 192 gear and no 204 MH is mind boggling. Let's do math since you like math. Content has been out for 24 weeks, lets assume you get 7/10 bosses. That's 168 pieces of loot you could have needed for gear. Not including bonus drops.


The comp is the same one we had in the group 4 ever, wat ever the player wants to bring. we did not compromise and went with FoTm and i am prowd of that. Sent plays sent cos he enjoys it, same 4 shadow dps. The ppl how don it with suboptimal comps said them selfs thy only did it cos thy did it b4 with mostly BH, We did not.


Many groups have killed it with little number of bounty hunters and killed it pre-nerf. In Zorz, we could care less what comp a group does. We only laugh at the fact that people would bring a class in which would lengthen the time of progression. Many groups rolled full BH's just to get a kill and only that. Look at Paradigm on Bastion, they had almost full BHs for their first kill. Next time they didn't care about comp (because Monolith is a thing and why pull a boss that drops sub optimal gear).


Let me ask u, Is killing revan less of a achievement cos 20 guids don it b4 u? Is becoming a doctor, engineer,... less of a achievement cos millions of ppl have don it b4 u. No its not.


Your logic is flawed. Is killing Revan less of an achievement if you were world 69420th? It's all based on perspective. Achieving world 1st and achieving world 6920th both have perceptual achievements attached to it. For one, people will will still remember who killed the final boss 1st, after till it's irrelevant is when people stop caring. Because the fight is dumbed down and 204 MHs are a thing makes it semi-irrelevant. Once it gets past gear level and actual levels, is when it gets irrelevant.


U have quit this game. Ur opinion no longer matters. The trophy is a paperweight.


And that's your opinion. :) I still get message over SWTOR forums, In-game mail, and Enjin about either how to do; mechanics, how to play an operative healer in PvE/PvP, about progression raiding. What you know might not be enough information to conjugate factual evidence from what we know. Also, It can't be a paperweight if we still haven't received it yet.



Edited by Diachi
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wow. U mad bro. U do not know.


We did cora first. For the first 2 months we had maby 10 pulls on revan.

We have only bin rely on revan 4 the last 2/3 weeks. So from a raid group standpoint, not to shaby.

and we were, like many guids, having roster problems. so ur small rant. U DONT KNOW


Dont know the math, but dident u guys have more uptime on core thanks to the staking of BH when Hydro workt on everything b4 thy buft that?


As in gear, i am stil rocking the 192 mainhand and 2 192 mods and 1 enhancement. That is wat happens wen u are in a guild that is not fanatical at being world first. U rotate players, let others experience the content. The trill of killing a boss only a hand full of ppl on the server have kild. and u let them have the gear, thy need it more.

Maby that is wy we are stil going strong and u are, wel.. not.


The comp is the same one we had in the group 4 ever, wat ever the player wants to bring. we did not compromise and went with FoTm and i am prowd of that. Sent plays sent cos he enjoys it, same 4 shadow dps. The ppl how don it with suboptimal comps said them selfs thy only did it cos thy did it b4 with mostly BH, We did not.


My sig? is 10 hours old. had a very boring one b4 that. Is it boasting? maby. Am i prowd of what i have done in this game? U bet ur *** i am. Noting in it is a lie. Why are u mad i am stating the truth.


Let me ask u, Is killing revan less of a achievement cos 20 guids don it b4 u? Is becoming a doctor, engineer,... less of a achievement cos millions of ppl have don it b4 u. No its not.


U have quit this game. Ur opinion no longer matters. The trophy is a paperweight.


English. Do you speak it?

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