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HM Ravagers & Temple progression thread

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My main point on why I don't think the thread matters following 3.2 is because them nerfing HM fights confirms that the devs don't think the clearance rate is high enough. The point was to give devs as much info as possible and to see how the general community was handling the fights. I mean if people want to keep posting kills to 8/9/10 by all means I'll be happy for them, I just don't know if the thread will serve its original purpose anymore.


Also, it should be noted that if 204 MHs drop from The Ziost Toborro-esque boss, regardless of nerfs, this thread doesn't matter anymore. Many of the NiM raiding community will quit, also :)


Also, yeah, IDK why MB isn't being nerfed but Bulo still is? Makes me think they just don't know HOW best to nerf it


To be fair, if you dropped below 30k HP on bulo, you could die at any second to a barrel. Which sucks.

The nerf of half its damage is going to be great QoL because I won't be globalled when running the barrel anymore by a mine cart + barrel combo (could be worse though, like when both carts used to chase you).


I just wish they'd fix AoE reduction on that fight though. Might be a pub-side specific bug, but AoE reduction isn't working on anything, and neither is Into the Fray.

Stupid Bulo


Oh and as for nerfing MB? I'd say the mechanics that took the longest to learn were the mines, and then keeping the Blaster tank up in phase 2. So i'd reduce the damage of Blaster's Auto-attack a little, and reduce the range of the mine's auto-detonate circle to 4m from 5m. Minor changes, but would make it a lot smoother.


Then again, we lucked out on our first kill - 3rd time in final phase and we didn't pay attention to our DPSing. Killed Blaster with 1.5 seconds to a wipe

Edited by TACeMossie
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So access is lost in four days this will be my last update.



On the 3.2 nerfs if I was still actively playing I would of kept updating just with a post 3.2 category like other threads do. No one was interested in keeping the thread alive so let it die or turn it into a discussion thread.

Edited by JDotter
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<Paradigm> The Badstion - Revan HM


I just noticed flesh linked the storymode achievement and I clicked it for the screenshot like a retard, let me know if it's not acceptable. I have video also.




My OBS crashed mid pull here (quicksync FTL) that's why it starts on second floor.



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Yeah this is the end of SWTOR for me. I wish everyone the best of luck in the future, whether they stay in this game or head to a different one. Progression was fun, the salt was always enjoyable, and many of you I really had a blast shooting the **** with over the past few years. Peace
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Yeah this is the end of SWTOR for me. I wish everyone the best of luck in the future, whether they stay in this game or head to a different one. Progression was fun, the salt was always enjoyable, and many of you I really had a blast shooting the **** with over the past few years. Peace


Bioware can't say they weren't warned this was coming. Fridge's State of the Galaxy episode 15 saw Justin say that he would be done with the game if something like this happened. The warning has now been fulfilled. I doubt we will ever see Zorz form up again in this game, and if the guild does continue in some form it will certainly be with an almost entirely new roster.


I can't speak for any of the nightmare guilds, but it would not surprise me to see Death and Taxes disband after this as well given what Fridge said in that show. It would also not surprise me to see quite a few other nightmare guilds pack it in as well.


Sic transit real progression raiding in SWTOR. The community was already small thanks to the content drought etc, but this is the final end I think. Bioware has now killed top PvP in this game AND top PvE in this game.

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Bioware can't say they weren't warned this was coming. Fridge's State of the Galaxy episode 15 saw Justin say that he would be done with the game if something like this happened. The warning has now been fulfilled. I doubt we will ever see Zorz form up again in this game, and if the guild does continue in some form it will certainly be with an almost entirely new roster.


I can't speak for any of the nightmare guilds, but it would not surprise me to see Death and Taxes disband after this as well given what Fridge said in that show. It would also not surprise me to see quite a few other nightmare guilds pack it in as well.


Sic transit real progression raiding in SWTOR. The community was already small thanks to the content drought etc, but this is the final end I think. Bioware has now killed top PvP in this game AND top PvE in this game.


So everyone who is definitely leaving, can I have your stuff? Sorry couldn't resist :p

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So everyone who is definitely leaving, can I have your stuff? Sorry couldn't resist :p


Did I say that I was quitting the game? No. I'm hardly part of the nightmare raiding community, having only just killed Bulo and Sword Squadron HM after the nerf. My point is an entirely serious one however. I really do think that Bioware has just successfully killed off serious progression raiding in this game. If this thread is anywhere near accurate then radically fewer than 20 guilds in the world have cleared this content five months after its release. One of those guilds has essentially had its nightmare raiding teams filleted so far as I am aware. The general vibe that I am getting is similar things are strongly possible at other guilds, if not already happened.


There is a certain point below which a community lacks critical mass. In other words if people leave that community and it falls below the critical mass it cannot rebuild to what it once was. No new serious raiders will be coming into Star Wars from the outside, so anyone new to the nightmare mode community will have to come from the ranks of the raiders in the game currently. What's happened to the tier of raiders below the nightmare progression teams? It's been hollowed out by people leaving the game in serious numbers as well, although it of course still remains more healthy in numbers terms than the nightmare community.


What happens to "progression" if it takes say over 2 months for anyone to finish a nightmare tier and then possibly weeks after that for further people to finish that tier? I believe that sort of length of time is perfectly possible given how long it has taken people to finish these ops on HM and the diminution in the strength of the community since 3.0.


On my personal future in the game, I'm very close to at least unsubscribing as well. Not taken that decision currently, but it is a distinct possibility.

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Oh and with the 204 mainhands dropping from the Colossal Monolith, I can see the reason for this thread to not be worth anything anymore.


I don't understand BW's reasoning behind putting the most wanted item of nim-quality on a world boss.

But the stupidity seems in line with their decision to release half a planet and hold back the other half for a week or the new torque fire animations

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I don't understand BW's reasoning behind putting the most wanted item of nim-quality on a world boss.

But the stupidity seems in line with their decision to release half a planet and hold back the other half for a week or the new torque fire animations

To make it accessible to more people. Simply putting a 204 Mainhand in the game on an easier boss isn't going to be the end of raiding as we know it. The mechanics are still brutal and need everyone to be playing well. Adding in a 204 Mainhand is, in my opinion, not going to invalidate anything in the current content.


This MH is also not going to be bis. It is essentially a mk2 item being added from what I see, I suspect, as a way of opening up the final bosses to more people. It is also locked behind a boss where difficulty is around that of HM lurker from what I've heard on the rumour mill. Whilst for a progression team that's fairly easy, for most players it's still going to be a tough fight.


Really, the progression race is over and has been for some time - the firsts have been claimed, and a very impressive achievement, but now it's time to allow others to fight the bosses, and this is a good way of opening the door a little without nerfing them to a shadow of their former selves. To me at least, getting the Mainhand from Revan isn't my goal, I'd rather the title and I'm still a long way off even starting Revan.

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To make it accessible to more people. Simply putting a 204 Mainhand in the game on an easier boss isn't going to be the end of raiding as we know it. The mechanics are still brutal and need everyone to be playing well. Adding in a 204 Mainhand is, in my opinion, not going to invalidate anything in the current content.


This MH is also not going to be bis. It is essentially a mk2 item being added from what I see, I suspect, as a way of opening up the final bosses to more people. It is also locked behind a boss where difficulty is around that of HM lurker from what I've heard on the rumour mill. Whilst for a progression team that's fairly easy, for most players it's still going to be a tough fight.


Really, the progression race is over and has been for some time - the firsts have been claimed, and a very impressive achievement, but now it's time to allow others to fight the bosses, and this is a good way of opening the door a little without nerfing them to a shadow of their former selves. To me at least, getting the Mainhand from Revan isn't my goal, I'd rather the title and I'm still a long way off even starting Revan.


Nobody gets a 204 MH for the mod or enhancement. People only care about the barrel/hilt which WILL be BiS. Also, a 204 MH for a fight that's tuned for 192 + set bonus? You do realize that's probably a 700 DPS increase per DPS on the core phase. While it wouldn't have completely invalidated the Revan kill on it's own, the massive nerfs to aberrations certainly pushes it more in that direction.

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Nobody gets a 204 MH for the mod or enhancement. People only care about the barrel/hilt which WILL be BiS. Also, a 204 MH for a fight that's tuned for 192 + set bonus? You do realize that's probably a 700 DPS increase per DPS on the core phase. While it wouldn't have completely invalidated the Revan kill on it's own, the massive nerfs to aberrations certainly pushes it more in that direction.

Is the fight truly tuned for 192 plus set bonus though? Genuine question as I've never tried it, but from what I hear it is possible with a specific group setup, but others will struggle without a significant amount of 198.


Killing Revan now, for me at least, would still be an achievement. The progression race is over, and was over months ago when Zorz got the first kill, then again on a lower level as each server first happened (I don't think there are any without a kill, but please correct me if I'm wrong).Now it's just for personal progress, and since we've had 5 months as it is, I the time is probably about right to start making it open to more than the top. 5%.

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Is the fight truly tuned for 192 plus set bonus though? Genuine question as I've never tried it, but from what I hear it is possible with a specific group setup, but others will struggle without a significant amount of 198.


Killing Revan now, for me at least, would still be an achievement. The progression race is over, and was over months ago when Zorz got the first kill, then again on a lower level as each server first happened (I don't think there are any without a kill, but please correct me if I'm wrong).Now it's just for personal progress, and since we've had 5 months as it is, I the time is probably about right to start making it open to more than the top. 5%.


It's a fight that is technically possible in 192s + set bonus, as that was what the earliest guilds to kill it had. Other than that, a non min maxed mix of 192 + 198 can kill the core with time to spare, especially if you start stacking BHs to reduce downtime. Killing Revan will still be an achievement, but having a 204 MH to make the burn phase easier cheapens the kill in my opinion. The difficulty of the core phase was simultaneously having to deal with Unstable Aberrations at the same time that you were trying to put out the maximum DPS possible. With a 204 MH, you could focus entirely on the Aberrations without putting a single GCD of damage during the explosions, and still pass the check. Try DF/DP NiM in 192s, and compare it to how the fights felt when you were doing it in 180s, that's basically the difference a 204 MH makes.

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