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Well done to notorious Republic players from Tomb of Freedon Nadd who got their ratings up significantly by running premades in solo rated, especially in the mornings and evenings. Well done guys!


Because solo ranked allows you to run with a team :rolleyes:

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Thank you, Ronniehenlau! This looks like End of Season 4 data, for the last 10 weeks of the Season. You haven't set anythging up for S5 yeat, I think, right? What I found interesting that the number of matches as down in the last week. Are you using a MMO week (Tue-Tue) or a traditional NAM week (Sun-Sun)?


@Kre'a: nice! I love it that you seem to have fun while playing ranked; it just too rare a quality. Well, I think Gunslingers are next on my circuit, so we'll see how's your daredevil Captain is holding up. :)


Solo queue: approximately 5455 entries with 3130 toons that did not complete their Daily (57.4%)

Group Queue: 1494 entries with 992 toons that did not complete their Daily (66.4%)


And, the first 2000 + ratings are ringing in. :) Natte the Assassin (TofN) and Xemirr the Sorcerer (TofN) are within one point of each-other.


Natte the Assassin

Xemirr the Sorcerer

Foxtrot the Sorcerer


Tthe Republic’s Gunslingers:


Wow, some serious Republic showing here. Dirtykillz, Kre'a and Vaezi of the Bastion, and Rhuarc of the Red Eclipse are in the Top 5 of the AC. Dirtykillz is holding that one spot in the Top 100, and Kre'a is 3-rd paging for now.


The Number Six:


Well, we have the very first rating invese I can see with Keyboardmuppet transfer. Please, folks, change the name's spelling!


Kre’a the Shadow and Affliction the Sorcerer moved to #5;


Krellton the Juggernaut (T3-M4); Mxgen the Marauder (Harbinger, woot!); Su'jini the Shadow (T3-M4); Glorfindriel the Sage (Bastion); Syenith the Vanguard (Battle Meditation); Plack the Commando (Mantle of the Force); Ky'wi the Gunslinger (Darth Nihilus); Murica the Operative (Bastion, still)


Home team:


Wow, lot's of things. Hsom the Operative just moved to our server, it seems, so welcome! I have not seen the mysterious No-shades, but Hottie's back and Quadraheal is a new name to remember in the AC :)


Okay, News in Operatives aside...


Ten utterly commited toons made it into the top 100 from the Harbinger out of 488 total entries. Harbinger's best range in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 4906


Republic: hugs!


“My” Juggernaut is now at 60+ wins, and almost at 1,300. Looking good!




You know, if anything, Firebaby the Powertech's performance is even more impressive this season than in S4. 194 wins, and the rating recovery from below the baseline to the high 1500's. Ah, say what you will, cool stuff is cool.

MVP wise, yep, it's TofN, TofN and more TofN. Xemirr the Sorcerer is at 196 MVPs, with a server-mate Starvedweasel the Assassin only 1 pat on the back behind.


Good luck, everyone!

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Thank you, Ronniehenlau! This looks like End of Season 4 data, for the last 10 weeks of the Season. You haven't set anythging up for S5 yeat, I think, right? What I found interesting that the number of matches as down in the last week. Are you using a MMO week (Tue-Tue) or a traditional NAM week (Sun-Sun)?



Traditional weeks (sun-sun). That is also excluding the last week, as mostly it was negative numbers due to purging the last wintraders etc.


And no, havent done season 5 yet - I generally wait a little until I get more data to work with. I'll probably sort it tonight or tomorrow.

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And yay! Ronniehenlau’s stats are now on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats

So, new week, new number sets! Woot!


Solo queue: approximately 5685 entries with 3247 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.1%)

Group Queue: 1607 entries with 1065 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.3%)


Xemirr the Sorcerer

Natte the Assassin

Mere-grand the Powertech


Tthe Republic’s Scoundrels:


White of the Bastion, Nerph of the Pot5, and Parpen of the T3-M4 are backblasting away in the Top 5!


The Number Six:


I think this is the first time I see someone doing a double number 6 with a homograph toon name :)


Krellton the Juggernaut (T3-M4); Noxxia the Marauder (T3-M4); Kre’a the Shadow (Bastion); Faizzcrusher the Sorcerer (TofN); Rage’coco the Powertech (Battle Meditation); Tanvir the Commando (TofN); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion); Murica the Operative (Bastion, still)


Class Balance


Still seeing a huge spike in Sorcerers in the Top 100, and we still retained all AC reps.


Shadow vs Assassin: 9, 11

Sage vs Sorcerer: 9, 20

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 1, 4

Sentinel vs Marauder: 1, 0

Commando vs Mercenary: 1, 2

Vanguard vs Powertech: 10, 13

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 1, 0

Scoundrel vs Operative: 6, 12

Total: 38, 62


By Server, what used to be the Bastion dominance, is replaced by TofN this Season so far. T3-M4 comes stronger as well, and the Harbinger is showing the highest number of the champions toons from the non PvP servers:


Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 27

The Bastion: 13

T3-M4: 8

The Harbinger: 12

The Ebon Hawk: 9

Jung Ma: 6

The Red Eclipse: 3

Prophecy of the Five: 6

Jedi Covenant: 7

Battle Meditation: 4

Mantle of the Force: 1

Jar'Kai Sword: 1

The Shadowlands: 1

The Progenitor: 1

Begeren Colony: 1

Vanjervalis Chain: 0

Darth Nihilus: 0


Home team:


We have 544 entries, ranging in rank from 4 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5187.


12 toons from the Hrabinger are ranking in the Top 100, with a new name added to the familiar ones – Orihimeh the Powertech. Also, seeing Mango the Powertech, I can’t help but wonder about the possible connection to Pineapple the Sorcerer and Watermelon the Sage….


Devil the Sniper is as amazing as ever with 179 wins perfectly coordinated with 179 MVPs. I am trying not to wear out “amazing”, but, huh, it is amazing!


On the Republic side, there is just nothing happening. I know it is how it is, but it is sad. I am guessing folks are playing Republic on the Bastion, and Empire - on the Binger?


“My” Juggernaut moved up to an absolute wonderful 70+ wins, paving his/her way to that 1,300+ rating. I know you can do it!




Firebaby the Powertech is the one and only, as ever, and in particular, in the 200+ wins category.


MVP wise, Xemirr the Sorcerer is much appreciated on ToFN.


Good luck, everyone!

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And yay! Ronniehenlau’s stats are now on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats

So, new week, new number sets! Woot!


Solo queue: approximately 5685 entries with 3247 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.1%)

Group Queue: 1607 entries with 1065 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.3%)


Xemirr the Sorcerer

Natte the Assassin

Mere-grand the Powertech


Tthe Republic’s Scoundrels:


White of the Bastion, Nerph of the Pot5, and Parpen of the T3-M4 are backblasting away in the Top 5!


The Number Six:


I think this is the first time I see someone doing a double number 6 with a homograph toon name :)


Krellton the Juggernaut (T3-M4); Noxxia the Marauder (T3-M4); Kre’a the Shadow (Bastion); Faizzcrusher the Sorcerer (TofN); Rage’coco the Powertech (Battle Meditation); Tanvir the Commando (TofN); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion); Murica the Operative (Bastion, still)


Class Balance


Still seeing a huge spike in Sorcerers in the Top 100, and we still retained all AC reps.


Shadow vs Assassin: 9, 11

Sage vs Sorcerer: 9, 20

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 1, 4

Sentinel vs Marauder: 1, 0

Commando vs Mercenary: 1, 2

Vanguard vs Powertech: 10, 13

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 1, 0

Scoundrel vs Operative: 6, 12

Total: 38, 62


By Server, what used to be the Bastion dominance, is replaced by TofN this Season so far. T3-M4 comes stronger as well, and the Harbinger is showing the highest number of the champions toons from the non PvP servers:


Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 27

The Bastion: 13

T3-M4: 8

The Harbinger: 12

The Ebon Hawk: 9

Jung Ma: 6

The Red Eclipse: 3

Prophecy of the Five: 6

Jedi Covenant: 7

Battle Meditation: 4

Mantle of the Force: 1

Jar'Kai Sword: 1

The Shadowlands: 1

The Progenitor: 1

Begeren Colony: 1

Vanjervalis Chain: 0

Darth Nihilus: 0


Home team:


We have 544 entries, ranging in rank from 4 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5187.


12 toons from the Hrabinger are ranking in the Top 100, with a new name added to the familiar ones – Orihimeh the Powertech. Also, seeing Mango the Powertech, I can’t help but wonder about the possible connection to Pineapple the Sorcerer and Watermelon the Sage….


Devil the Sniper is as amazing as ever with 179 wins perfectly coordinated with 179 MVPs. I am trying not to wear out “amazing”, but, huh, it is amazing!


On the Republic side, there is just nothing happening. I know it is how it is, but it is sad. I am guessing folks are playing Republic on the Bastion, and Empire - on the Binger?


“My” Juggernaut moved up to an absolute wonderful 70+ wins, paving his/her way to that 1,300+ rating. I know you can do it!




Firebaby the Powertech is the one and only, as ever, and in particular, in the 200+ wins category.


MVP wise, Xemirr the Sorcerer is much appreciated on ToFN.


Good luck, everyone!


Most Sorcs are now healers and are the preferred heals in ranked due to better survivability over the other healers... Most Mercs are still too squishy... Although OPs seem to be making a comeback

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In my vast experience (OMG, 6 matches!) this Season, all the healers on the opposing pugs were Operatives, and 2-3 Sorcerers were DPS. But I am sure that the increase in the # of Sorcerers is due to the popularity of the class as a Healer.
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In my vast experience (OMG, 6 matches!) this Season, all the healers on the opposing pugs were Operatives, and 2-3 Sorcerers were DPS. But I am sure that the increase in the # of Sorcerers is due to the popularity of the class as a Healer.


I guess I'm confused Domi, I thought you have been saying that your juggernaut has 70+ wins, but here you say you only have 6 matches. I must have missed something earlier.


Anyway, keep doing what you are doing. Your threads are a rare spot of cheer amidst the sometimes dour atmosphere of pvp forums:D

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Alrick, you and I will fight for the Republic yet!


Oh, “my” Juggernaut is not my character! That Juggernaut is the toon that took an exception to my poor Sorcerer in the ill-fated 6th match, but I’ve managed to patch it up later, thankfully. Now, I am rooting for the toon instead of playing myself. I really hope that Jugg gets into that 1350+ bracket. Just feel real bad about messing up like that after all the prep. Fingers crossed there is an offseason next time for the bumbling newbs like I!


Ronniehenlau’s stats are now on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


Solo queue: approximately 5816 entries with 3330 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.3%)

Group Queue: 1641 entries with 1084 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.1%)


Natte the Assassin

Xemirr the Sorcerer

Mere-grand the Powertech


Tthe Republic’s Guardians:


H-oot of the Pot5 is the only Guardian, but hey, the toon is #1, so no complaints!


The Number Six:


Krellton the Juggernaut and Noxxia the Marauder moved to #5


Arkaellek the Juggernaut (Harbinger); Lecyria the Marauder (Jar’Kai Sword); Kre’a the Shadow (Bastion, still); Drezmaster the Sorcerer (TofN, this toon is probably the most consistent champion I have noticed from S1 onward); Sparo the Powertech (TofN); Ichkreig’neyy the Mercenary (TofN, now I have to know what ‘neyy’ means); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion, still); Vespene the Operative (ToFN)


Home Team:


We have 560 entries, ranging in rank from 4 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5312. There are 116 toons that finished the Weekly so far.


11 toons from the Harbinger are ranking in the Top 100 – I think the new and old toons in the lead are now becoming familiar.


Oh, look, Kre’a the Assassin now shows up on the Binger J Let’s hope for a longer visit than the last one.


Devil the Sniper incredibly keeps his wins coordinated with his MVPs, at 194 each. It almost feels like the toon’s is in every match played on the Binger :)


I don’t think “my” Juggernaut was playing in the last couple of days, but hopefully the toon will be back into the fray soon!


New Neighborhood:


The Bastion has 837 entries in solo ranked, ranging from 6 (Dacri the Sage) to 5326. Fourteen of the Bastion’s very best are in the Top 100, 13 of which under the azure standard. The Republic’s heartbeat is strong on the Bastion with Murica the Operative, Dacri the Sorcerer and a couple of Powertechs – Ultra-one and Fakelayercake making an appearance on Page 1 of the Big Bad Bastion.


Dacri the Sage leads the pack in the number of wins (153) and the B’s Most Valuable one is a total scoundrel (White the Scoundrel).




Blackrain the Juggernaut joins Firebaby the Powertech in the 200+ wins category now.


And, Blackrain the Juggernaut also caught up with the server-mate, Xemirr the Sorcerer (TofN) with 234 MVPs.


Good luck, everyone! That mount looks fab.

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Hope everyone is having fun on Ilum and with the new alts! The game lately turned from a corner candy-store into a Sweets&Treats Warehouse.


Ronniehenlau’s stats are on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


So far, can’t see a Nexu Spike, but I expect that the participation rate will increase going into the weekend.


Solo queue: approximately 5961 entries with 3416 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.3%)

Group Queue: 1683 entries with 1110 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.0 %)


Natte the Assassin

Xemirr the Sorcerer

Foxtrot the Sorcerer


Tthe Republic’s Sentinels:


I’gor of the TofN and Mayphis of the T3-M4 are the two Sentinels in the Top 5 of the AC.


The Number Six:


Kre’a the Shadow moved to #3, Lecyria the Marauder moved to #5


Arkaellek the Juggernaut (Harbinger, still); Feken the Sentinel (Bastion); Kalderakyl the Shadow (TofN (Shadow?! TofN?! WOW!)); Keyboardmuppet the Sorcerer (Shadowlands, again, I think); Sparo the Powertech (TofN, still); Nofuneral the Commando (Bastion); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion, still); Vespene the Operative (ToFN, still)


Home Team:


We have 588 entries (+28), ranging in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5449. There are 124 toons that finished the Weekly so far.


New toon for today is Liquid the Operative (I also think about the Ops as fluid)


13 toons from the Harbinger are ranking in the Top 100, with Foxtrot the Sorcerer so far being the only one in the 2000+ range, though Affliction the Sorcerer is gaining momentum again in the steady way that is typical for the toon.


Kre’a’s continuing the sojourn as an Assassin on the Binger.


Devil the Sniper – almost at 200 wins! Neato.


The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character to be clear!) is back and had a great night, adding both wins and, yay! rating! Fingers crossed.




Aww, Devil the Sniper just narrowly missed the 200 wins, but I am pretty sure the toon will catch up tomorrow. Blackrain the Juggernaut and Firebaby the Powertech remain for now the only two toons with the 200+ wins. There are actually only 37 more toons with over 100. No wonder, seeing that achieving these numbers means somewhere between 7 to 18 wins a day.


Something good is going on on ToFN. I can see it in the numbers. The champion toons # increase, the sudden appearances of the Republic players, and that incredible flurry of MVPs. See, 13 top MVPs are ToFNers, and there are from the Binger (notably, Fay’tality, the Marauder).


Good luck, everyone!

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Hope everyone is having fun on Ilum and with the new alts! The game lately turned from a corner candy-store into a Sweets&Treats Warehouse.


Ronniehenlau’s stats are on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


So far, can’t see a Nexu Spike, but I expect that the participation rate will increase going into the weekend.


Solo queue: approximately 5961 entries with 3416 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.3%)

Group Queue: 1683 entries with 1110 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.0 %)


Natte the Assassin

Xemirr the Sorcerer

Foxtrot the Sorcerer


Tthe Republic’s Sentinels:


I’gor of the TofN and Mayphis of the T3-M4 are the two Sentinels in the Top 5 of the AC.


The Number Six:


Kre’a the Shadow moved to #3, Lecyria the Marauder moved to #5


Arkaellek the Juggernaut (Harbinger, still); Feken the Sentinel (Bastion); Kalderakyl the Shadow (TofN (Shadow?! TofN?! WOW!)); Keyboardmuppet the Sorcerer (Shadowlands, again, I think); Sparo the Powertech (TofN, still); Nofuneral the Commando (Bastion); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion, still); Vespene the Operative (ToFN, still)


Home Team:


We have 588 entries (+28), ranging in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5449. There are 124 toons that finished the Weekly so far.


New toon for today is Liquid the Operative (I also think about the Ops as fluid)


13 toons from the Harbinger are ranking in the Top 100, with Foxtrot the Sorcerer so far being the only one in the 2000+ range, though Affliction the Sorcerer is gaining momentum again in the steady way that is typical for the toon.


Kre’a’s continuing the sojourn as an Assassin on the Binger.


Devil the Sniper – almost at 200 wins! Neato.


The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character to be clear!) is back and had a great night, adding both wins and, yay! rating! Fingers crossed.




Aww, Devil the Sniper just narrowly missed the 200 wins, but I am pretty sure the toon will catch up tomorrow. Blackrain the Juggernaut and Firebaby the Powertech remain for now the only two toons with the 200+ wins. There are actually only 37 more toons with over 100. No wonder, seeing that achieving these numbers means somewhere between 7 to 18 wins a day.


Something good is going on on ToFN. I can see it in the numbers. The champion toons # increase, the sudden appearances of the Republic players, and that incredible flurry of MVPs. See, 13 top MVPs are ToFNers, and there are from the Binger (notably, Fay’tality, the Marauder).


Good luck, everyone!


I was about to make a witty comment about ToFN, but it'll probably come back and bite me in the *** later, so I won't.


Anyhow, nice going with this thread :D

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Keeping one’s hindquarters bite-marks free is important .


Stared for a while at the Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats and still can’t decide if I am seeing that Nexu spike or not. Certainly less pronounced than the Crystal Spike and Krea’s Spike last season.


Solo queue: approximately 6138 entries with 3416 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.3%)

Group Queue: 1760 entries with 1110 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (66.0 %)


The Top 3 formula is N-X-F so far.


Tthe Republic’s Shadows:


How Shadows are like Sentinels? In the Top 5, one of them is from ToFN: Kalderakyl, and another – from T3-M4: Su’jini.


The Number Six:


Nofuneral the Commando moved to #5 (the only toon with 0 MVP votes that high in the AC, it’s disconcerting, someone pls, vote for the toon!)


Arkaellek the Juggernaut (Harbinger, still); Feken the Sentinel (Bastion, still); Kre’a the Shadow (Bastion); Canuhealme the Sage (Bastion); Alexiani the Powertech (Ebon Hawk – nice spelling of the name, props); Nofuneral the Commando (Bastion); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion, still); Comeandgetthis the Operative (Ebon Hawk)


Home Team:


We have 612 entries (+24), ranging in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5592. There are 130 toons that finished the Weekly so far. What’s fascinating is that there are 9 toons with 8 wins – come on, guys, it’s just one more butt-kicking for goodness. :)


12 solid and 1 liquid toons (last pun, promise!) from the Harbinger are ranking in the Top 100, so my hopes now rest on Dre’a the Powertech to walk two steps up and bring us to a luckier number than 13!


Kre’a’s continuing the sojourn as an Assassin on the Binger, and Z Curve says there were some good games.

Also, there is Zetsuma the Juggernaut, on the Binger? Huh? Have the guys been tribute naming toons again, or that's a real mccoy?


And, I am happy to see some of the names without which the Harbinger LB ain’t the Harbinger LB are showing up on the Page 1 now. A-w-w-wsome.


Devil the Sniper – 204 wins, never doubt the sniper. Or the devil. Not sure which. Either?


Yes! The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character!) is less than 20 pts away from 1300, I am crossing the toes now too!




Firebaby the Powertech is half-way through the 200-300 range now, and is back in the same #2 AC position as the last Season. I can’t believe I am saying this, but when I was looking at it, I kindda missed all these Gladiases. Mere-Grand the Powertech is #1 of the AC currently, also of ToFN.


Blackrain the Juggernaut is quite close in the number of wins to Firebaby the Powertech, at 243, and Devil the Sniper is now officially part of the 200+ trinity.


There are 40 more toons with 100 or more wins, Obsice the Juggernaut of the Binger being the only one with exactly 100.


ToFN still showcases lots of pats on the back, with Blackrain the Juggernaut receiving the “You’ve rocked my socks off!” 262 times.


Good luck, everyone!

Edited by DomiSotto
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I think…. I think the world is moving to the Harbinger. Or at least Pot5. Numbers later, but the names, OMG, the names!


Yes, there is a spike. No doubt about it any more. There were almost 300 new entries per day in solo, rather than the usual ~ 100-150 and ~100 new entries in the groups. There is even a small increase in success rate. How awesome is that!


Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats give us the following numbers:

Solo queue: approximately 6424 entries with 3664 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (57.0%)

Group Queue: 1866 entries with 1230 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (65.9 %)


Did I post a formula yesterday? Too hasty. The Top 3 today are:


Mere-grand the Powertech

Natte the Assassin

Foxtrot the Sorcerer


Tthe Republic’s Sages:


Dacri of the Bastion is the only Brasen’thor in the Top 5 of the AC.


The Number Six:


Kre’a the Shadow moved to #3, Feken the Sentinel moved to #4, Nofuneral the Commando and Comeandgetthis the Operative moved to #5


Moshkong the Juggernaut (Harbinger); Mxgen the Marauder (Harbinger); Kalderakyl the Shadow (ToFN); Greensage the Sage (Bastion) and Faizzcrusher the Sorcerer (ToFN) – same exact rating of 1846; Alexiani the Powertech (Ebon Hawk, still); Terrikus the Mercenary (Jar’Kai Sword); Ky’wi the Gunslinger (Darth Nihilus); Hsom the Operative (Harbinger)


[i took a pause here, because I was expecting some crazy numbers and huge changes on the Binger. I hope that this mean more exciting gameplay for you all!]


Home Team:


The first thing that totally blew my mind away when I even glanced at the Binger’s page was that we now have Republic. Keltik the Sage right next to Foxtrot and Affliction the Sorcerers, Simulara, Regalitys and Karasu the Shadows, Kana’ba the Guardian, Nerph the Vanguard – that’s Page 1.


Crazy as it might sound, the Harbinger once again has the high ranking Republic toons. May that bring the pop back to the Fleet that has a lily pond. It’s been a while since we had hope.


Now, how many transfers did we have? On a normal day we grow by 20 new entries per day. We went to 644 today, welcoming 32 new entries, so, I guess ~10 transfers.


The Harbingers, new and old, now take 17 places in the Top 100, ranging in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 5846. There are 142 toons that finished the Weekly so far.


Devil the Sniper is back to coordinating MVPs and wins. 210 of each. Dunno how the toon does it. Calmly, I suppose. :)


The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character!) had a tiny set-back, but well, it’s not the last day of Season 5 yet!




Blackrain the Juggernaut (ToFN) has charged forward with 257 wins, and Siile the Sorcerer (ToFN) os the 4th person to get over 200 wins.


There are 43 more toons with 100 or more wins, Obsice the Juggernaut (who actually left the Binger for the Ebon Hawk, aww) being the only one with exactly 100.


Blackrain the Juggernaut is the lead in the MVP count, at 272


What an exciting day!


…and good luck, everyone!

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Different kind of excitement over the weekend, eh? It’s not just the mercs who need that OH, SH***! button.


I’ve considered shutting the heck up, with my clueless nonsense, but then I thought, well, I did step in there, and however brief my experience was, one thing I saw were people randomly mixed, as befit the ranked solo queues. Which is what I hope the majority of you sees as well.


I’ve looked at that toon I am cheering for, and the toon’s rating is finally over 1300 after the weekend, and I don’t want to miss the day s/he hits 1350.


I don’t want to miss watching the Republic toons coming back to the Binger either. BTW, I decided on Domi's Fan Appreciation Award for the highest winning Republic toon on the Harbinger - this Season it's going to be a Tauntaun Mount along with the usual 1 mln credits and the Republic Hero's Wartags.


So, yep, more clueless nonsense. But. For what it’s worth, for the galley, keep those white feathers clean without expecting accolades for it. If you dare not, what’s the point?


Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats give us the following numbers:

Solo queue: approximately 7454 (or 32% from Season 4 entries so far) entries with 4226 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (56.7%)


Group Queue: 2371 entries with 1557 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (65.7 %)


The Top 3 today are:


Xemirr the Sorcerer

Mere-grand the Powertech

Natte the Assassin


Top 100 Balancing Act:


The shift is starting towards the Empire-Republic balance, the same thing we’ve seen the last Season, likely due to the elite folks playing the alts.


By AC, our Top 100 in Solo Queue are:


Shadow vs Assassin: 8, 9

Sage vs Sorcerer: 12, 22

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 2, 3

Sentinel vs Marauder: 2, 0

Commando vs Mercenary: 2, 2

Vanguard vs Powertech: 10, 10

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 1, 0

Scoundrel vs Operative: 5, 12

Total: 42, 58


By Comparison, the Groups are Empire dominated, with huge prevalence in the Powertechs vs the huge prevalence in Sorcerers (that would be heals vs tanks, I am guessing):


Shadow vs Assassin: 9, 11

Sage vs Sorcerer: 6, 12

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 2, 6

Sentinel vs Marauder: 1, 1

Commando vs Mercenary: 2, 3

Vanguard vs Powertech: 5, 21

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 2, 3

Scoundrel vs Operative: 6, 10

Total: 33, 67


By the Server, our Top 100 are:


In Groups:


Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 12

The Harbinger: 12

The Red Eclipse: 12

The Ebon Hawk: 10

T3-M4: 9

The Shadowlands: 8

Jung Ma: 7

Vanjervalis Chain: 7

Darth Nihilus: 7

The Bastion: 4

Battle Meditation: 4

Mantle of the Force: 4

Prophecy of the Five: 2

Jedi Covenant: 1

Jar'Kai Sword: 1

The Progenitor: 0

Begeren Colony: 0


In Solo:


Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 27

The Harbinger: 15

The Bastion: 14

The Ebon Hawk: 7

Jedi Covenant: 7

T3-M4: 6

Jung Ma: 6

Battle Meditation: 5

Prophecy of the Five: 4

The Red Eclipse: 3

Mantle of the Force: 2

Begeren Colony: 2

The Shadowlands: 1

Jar'Kai Sword: 1

Vanjervalis Chain: 0

Darth Nihilus: 0

The Progenitor: 0


Tthe Republic’s Vanguards:


Lightmountan of the Bastion and Syenith of the Battle Meditation represent the Troopers in the top 5 of the AC.


The Number Six:


Kana’ba the Guardian (Harbinger); Macisia the Marauder (Reed Eclipse); Kalderakyl the Shadow (ToFN); Affliction the Sorcerer (Harbinger); Rage’coco the Powertech (Battle Meditation); As’ana the Mercenary (ToFN); Kre’a the Gunslinger (Bastion); Liquid the Operative (Harbinger)


Home Team:


The Harbinger’s toons even with a black-out over the long weekend hold 16 places in the Top 100, ranging in rank from 4 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 6751. There are 158 toons that finished the Weekly so far out of 721 entries.

Devil the Sniper is indefatigable with 240 wins to the toon’s name. :)


Of the republic camp, Simulara the Shadow has 59 wins to the toon’s name, still lower than Ordering-pizza the Shadow managed on the server last Season as a Republic toon (68). Along with Regalitys the Shadow, these two toons represent the Republic of the Harbinger in the Top 100.


Yes! The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character!) is well over 1300, and I just know it is going to hit 1350.




Blackrain the Juggernaut (ToFN) continues to be the highest winning toon this Season, and the only one with 300+ wins. Seven toons have 200 or more wins. Nobody has exactly 200 wins, but Zalmori the Sage now holds exactly 100 (and the previous toon with exactly 100, Obsice the Juggernaut, is back to the Harbinger, yay!).


Blackrain the Juggernaut is the lead in the MVP count, at 351, and Xemirr the Sorcerer is one less, 350. Dajarum the Assassin of the Ebon Hawk now represents someone not from ToFN/Binger in the highest Most Valuable 10 players.


Good luck, everyone!

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Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats give us the following numbers:

Solo queue: approximately 7754 entries with 4389 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (56.6%)

Group Queue: 2514 entries with 1645 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (65.4 %)


The Top 3 today are:


Xemirr the Sorcerer

Mere-Grand the Powertech

Foxtrot the Sorcerer


Tthe Republic’s Commandos:


Ka’sana and Tanvir both of ToFN in the top 5 of the AC.


The Number Six:


Moshkong the Juggernaut (Harbinger); Macisia the Marauder (Red Eclipse, still); Starvedweasel the Assassin (ToFN); Faizzcrusher the Sorcerer (ToFN); Syenith the Vanguard (Battle Meditation); Nofuneral the Commando (Bastion); Rhuarc the Gunslinger (Red Eclipse); Liquid the Operative (Harbinger, still)


Home Team:


We are down to 11 formidable toons from the Harbinger in the Top 100, ranging in rank from 3 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 6983. There are 167 toons that finished the Weekly so far out of 747 entries.


Devil the Sniper by now leads with 258 wins to the toon’s name. 


Of the republic camp, Karasu the Shadow has 116 wins to the toon’s name! Keltik the Sage and Simulara the Shadow represent the Republic of the Harbinger in the Top 100.


The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character!) is just skirting that 1350. Fingers crossed!




Blackrain the Juggernaut (ToFN) has one of those wonderful moments when the MVPs are the same as wins, both singularly impressive (373 each). Xemirr the Sorcerer is the only other characters with 300+ MVPs, but a couple of toons, Mere-grand the Powertech and Stravedweasel the Assassin are at 299!

In landmark numbers nobody has either 300, 200 or 100 wins exactly. However, for MVPs, I’gor, the Unmatched Sentinel (ToFN) and Deluxetryhard the Assassin (Harbinger) got exactly 100 MVPs apiece while I was looking.


Good luck, everyone!

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The numbers get messed up all the time for me, resetting back a few days and stuff. I keep starting to write, then numbers don’t make sense or indicate major clean-ups. So, short and sweet, and fingers crossed it is up to date:


Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats give us the following numbers:

Solo queue: approximately 8679 entries with 4876 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (56.2%)

Group Queue: 3104 entries with 1645 toons that are under 3 wins/30 medals (65.8 %)


The Top 3 today are:


Xemirr the Sorcerer

Mere-Grand the Powertech

Natte the Assassin


Tthe Republic’s Gunslingers:


Zevren of the Bastion made sure that Skavak is rolling in his grave. :)


The Number Six:


Azheo the Juggernaut (ToFN); Macisia the Marauder (Red Eclipse); Starvedweasel the Assassin (ToFN); Drezmaster the Sorcerer (ToFN); Alexiani the Powertech (Ebon Hawk); Plack the Commando (Mantle of the Force); Dirtykillz the Gunslinger (Bastion); Nerph the Scoundrel (Pot5)


Home Team:


Eleven toons from the Harbinger are currently in the Top 100. All and all, the Harbinger crowd ranges in rank from 4 (Foxtrot the Sorcerer) to 7762. There are 186 toons that finished the Weekly so far out of 836 entries.

Devil the Sniper by now leads with 288 wins to the toon’s name.


Of the republic camp, Karasu the Shadow has 114 wins to the toon’s name! Keltik the Sage and Simulara the Shadow represent the Republic of the Harbinger in the Top 100.


The Juggernaut I am cheering for (not my character!) is now certainly over 1350, so triple cheers!




Blackrain the Juggernaut (ToFN) has 466 wins to the toon’s name, and then it drops rapidly to the very same Devil the Sniper (Harbinger) with 288.


With the MVPs, ToFN crowd is on the roll, with Blackrain the Juggernaut starting to remind me of Aimyaim the Mercenary from the past season. Blackrain currently was acknowledged as a great player 463 times!


Good luck, everyone!

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  • 2 months later...

There were updates, restructures, server moves, moves ons, moves back, and I am hoping plenty new players queueing the Arenas! I am seeing so many incredible if unfamiliar folks on the Harbinger that I’ve told myself: “Self, I bet the home team is doing awesome…” So here I am, hoping to figure out whom I need to run from at full Force Speed if I see them in the regs and to determine what’s up with the LBs :)


Unfortunately, by the look of it Ronniehenlau’s stats on the http://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats are messed up.


In my highly unscientific estimate as of today (or whenever the LBs last updated):


Solo queue: approximately 10682 entries with 6395 toons that are under 3 wins (60%)

Group Queue: 2230 entries with 1687 toons that are under 3 wins (75.9 %)


I think the group queue has exhausted itself.


The Top 3 today in the Solo are:


Vara the Sorcerer (H)

Fitvelkiz the Powertech (H)

Foxtrot the Sorcerer (H)


The Highest ranking Republic toon is Imbanorthrend the Sage of the Red Eclipse.


The AC distribution in the Top 100 Overall is at present:


Shadow vs Assassin: 2, 8

Sage vs Sorcerer: 13, 28

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 2, 1

Sentinel vs Marauder: 3, 4

Commando vs Mercenary: 2, 0

Vanguard vs Powertech: 9, 20

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 0, 1

Scoundrel vs Operative: 1, 6

Total: 32, 68


As we can see, the Sorcerers and Sages strongly dominate, while the Assassins/Shadows gave way to the Vanguards/Powertechs.


In terms of Server distribution, the Top 100 players are found on:


The Harbinger: 20

Tomb of Freedon Nadd: 15

The Red Eclipse: 14

The Ebon Hawk: 11

T3-M4: 11

The Shadowlands: 9

The Progenitor: 7

Jedi Covenant: 5

Mantle of the Force: 4

Begeren Colony: 2

Jung Ma: 1

Darth Nihilus: 1

The Bastion: 0

Battle Meditation: 0

Prophecy of the Five: 0

Jar'Kai Sword: 0

Vanjervalis Chain: 0



The Republic’s Scoundrels:


The Operatives occupy all top 5 positions in the AC, and the highest ranking vagabond is Punch of the Shadowlands in the 7th position.


The Number Six:


Blue’sword the Guardian (Shadowlands), Carrick the Sentinel (MoF), La’entina the Assassin (finally, the name I recognize… ToFN), Imbanorthrend the Sage (Red Eclipse), Aezur the Powertech (Red Eclipse), Noodle the Mercenary (Red Eclipse), Poopsockjr the Sniper (Harbinger, as ever some names are just… intriguing), Yadira the Operative (TofN)


Home Team:


Twe—whoot- what-y(!) toons from the Harbinger are currently in the Top 100. Okay, it’s official. We are, like, a big thing now. Really, I remember the days I’ve listed each and every Top 100 Harbinger player… wow, NICE!


By the look of it 21% of the ranked entries in Solo Season 6 are associated with the Harbinger.


All and all, the Harbinger crowd ranges in rank from 1 (Vara the Sorcerer) to 10676. There are 1111 toons that finished the Weekly so far out of 2274 entries (49%).


A play called Random’marauder (oh, what AC could he possibly be?) is at an amazing 511 wins!


Of the republic camp, Dukenukem the Vanguard is the highest winning toon with 66 wins to the toon’s name! Zuey the Vanguard represents the Republic of the Harbinger in the Top 100.


The Harbinger overall is even more Imperial now. The Top 100 Binger distribution is:


Shadow vs Assassin: 2, 7

Sage vs Sorcerer: 0, 39

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 0, 6

Sentinel vs Marauder: 1, 12

Commando vs Mercenary: 0, 3

Vanguard vs Powertech: 2, 15

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 0, 2

Scoundrel vs Operative: 2, 9

Total: 7, 93





The not-so-random Random’marauder the Marauder is the only toon with over 500 wins (511 in case you’ve missed it a few lines back), with Grand the Operative being the only toon in the 400-500 wins range (431) and two more toons, recall the Marauder and Vara the Sorcerer recording between the 300 and 400 wins.



With the MVPs, Grand the Operative got 436 thumbs up! 'Tis as one of 'em operatives told me: "That's what we ops do, Doms."


Good luck, everyone!

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I think the group queue has exhausted itself.



The Top 3 today in the Solo are:


Vara the Sorcerer (H)

Fitvelkiz the Powertech (H)

Foxtrot the Sorcerer (H)


The AC distribution in the Top 100 Overall is at present:


Shadow vs Assassin: 2, 8

Sage vs Sorcerer: 13, 28

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 2, 1

Sentinel vs Marauder: 3, 4

Commando vs Mercenary: 2, 0

Vanguard vs Powertech: 9, 20

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 0, 1

Scoundrel vs Operative: 1, 6

Total: 32, 68




Good luck, everyone!


Saddest stats I have ever seen in the history of MMO's clearly 3.3 is a huge "suxscess" :rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:


congrats to Sorc/PT 3 seasons in a row dominate



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In terms of Server distribution, the Top 100 players are found on:

The Bastion: 0

Battle Meditation: 0

Prophecy of the Five: 0

Jar'Kai Sword: 0

Vanjervalis Chain: 0




The Harbinger overall is even more Imperial now. The Top 100 Binger distribution is:


Sage vs Sorcerer: 0, 39

Total: 7, 93


Even more frightening. Harbinger becomes completely imperial.


Time to move on.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Alrick, Alrick, folks are moving right now like migratory birds. Wait and see...


@COOKIES: Ah, no, not the Scops! The AC has maybe the strongest identity as it is now, and draws those wonderfully mercurial personalities. I would not want that to change. :)


I was wondering all Season 4 why the Vanguards-PTs were not yet displacing the Assassins, as it was the only AC that had a non-normal rating distribution where the super-high rating group was actually more populated than the really-really high rating group. Granted, one particularly nomadic Powertech (who currently peacefully enjoys the #1 in groups) single-handedly upset the whole statistics with his duplicate spree… but even with that anomaly,what an extraordinary class! (and draws alphas if I am to continue with the whole game of: “tell me who your Main is…”).


In my highly unscientific estimate:


Solo queue: approximately 10795 entries with 5,311 toons that are under 3 wins (49%) – I bet I goofed up yesterday, so I double checked today: 5482 entries with 3 or more wins. Oh, how I miss Ronniehenlau!

Group Queue: 2303 entries with 763 entries >3 wins, so 1,540 toons that are under 3 wins (66.9 %)


The Top 3 today in the Solo was unchanged when I was writing! In the exciting way the LBs are, it is different right now, but what it was:


Vara the Sorcerer (H)

Fitvelkiz the Powertech (H)

Foxtrot the Sorcerer (H)


Let's see what Monday brings :)


The Highest ranking Republic toon is Imbanorthrend the Sage of the Red Eclipse, 9th position.


The Republic’s Guardians:


Four out of five top AC are of the Order: Alec (TofN), the there since forever Kana’ba (Ebon Hawk), Blue’sword (Shadowlands) and someone with a passion for single sabres, but double consonants, Jacqquotte (Red Eclipse)


The Number Six:


Blue’sword the Guardian (Shadowlands) moved up to #4 and Yadira the Operative – to #5!


Arranec the Guardian (Vanjervalis Chain), Random’marauder the Marauder (Harbinger), Agawny the Shadow (Enon Hawk), Imbanorthrend the Sage (Red Eclipse, still), Aezur the Powertech (Red Eclipse, still), Noodle the Mercenary (Red Eclipse, still), Poopsockjr the Sniper (Harbinger, still), Jessalin the Operative (Progenitor)


The Galaxy Quest: Tomb of Freedon Naad


TofN is a EU English-language PvP server that goes on PvPing no matter what. Sixteen out of Top 100 players chose the arenas of TofN as their battleground. In total, there are 1858 entries on TofN, ranging from rank 12 (Sirox the Powertech) to 10795 (17% of all entries).


Group ranked suffered as much attrition on TofN as anywhere else, with 167 entries, and 42 top wins (Mere-grand, the Powertech) , 20 entries with 9 or more wins, 54 – with 3 or more wins. 18 toons currently hold 1350+ rating in the GR on TofN, with the top rating in groups being Myzran the Operative (#4 groups overall).


TofN is amply represented in the Top 5 of the Solo ACs: with Alec the Guardian at #2; I’gor the Sentinel - #3, Sirox the Powertech - #5, Tanvir the Commando and Steelo the Mercenary at #1 and #4 in the AC respectively, Timetravel the Gunslinger is #3, and Yadira the Operative - #5.


The highest winning toon on TofN is Recall the Marauder, with 395 wins and the toon is also the most MVP’d one as well (404) not only on TofN, but overall (#2).


The last time I’ve looked at TofN, it was a strongly Imperial server with 76% Imperial dominance factor in the Top 100. The server is slightly more balanced now, with the Imperial index down to 64. Class distribution is below, and it seems that TofN still favors Assassins and PTs equally.


Shadow vs Assassin: 7, 14

Sage vs Sorcerer: 6, 19

Guardian vs Juggernaut: 4, 4

Sentinel vs Marauder: 3, 9

Commando vs Mercenary: 1, 1

Vanguard vs Powertech: 7, 13

Gunslinger vs Sniper: 2, 0

Scoundrel vs Operative: 6, 4

Total: 36, 64


Home Team:


As crazy as it sounds, the Harbinger now sports even more players in top 100 than yesterday – 22, not to mention that the top 3 players are all of the Binger.


Vara the Sorcerer is still the best apprentice Lord Zash has ever had, and the lowest rank is 10790. There are 621 toons that finished the Weekly so far (i.e. 9 wins or more) and 1128 got that Daily done by now (3 wins or more) out of 2311 entries (27 and 49%).


The Random’marauder the Marauder is up to 514 wins.


Of the republic camp, Dukenukem the Vanguard is still the highest winning toon with 66 wins and Zuey the Vanguard represents the Republic of the Harbinger in the Top 100.




The not-so-random Random’marauder the Marauder is the only toon with over 500, with Grand the Operative being the only toon in the 400-500 wins range (442), but Recall the Marauder is just about to move to 400 wins (395 currently), with Vara the Sorcerer and Buurl the Powertech recording also between the 300 and 400 wins.


With the MVPs, Grand the Operative got accolades 453 times.


Good luck, everyone!

Edited by DomiSotto
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TofN is amply represented in the Top 5 of the Solo ACs: with Alec the Guardian at #2; I’gor the Sentinel - #3, Sirox the Powertech - #5, Tanvir the Commando and Steelo the Mercenary at #1 and #4 in the AC respectively, Timetravel the Gunslinger is #3, and Yadira the Operative - #5.


The highest winning toon on TofN is Recall the Marauder, with 395 wins and the toon is also the most MVP’d one as well (404) not only on TofN, but overall (#2).


The last time I’ve looked at TofN, it was a strongly Imperial server with 76% Imperial dominance factor in the Top 100. The server is slightly more balanced now, with the Imperial index down to 64. Class distribution is below, and it seems that TofN still favors Assassins and PTs equally.



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