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Veng Jugg NERF after 3.1?


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has anyone noticed a nerf to vengeance juggs after the update this morning?, looking at my tooltips compared to last night before the update my ability damages are about 6% lower than they were before the update, and a noticeable difference when parsing (192-198 6 piece set bonus), it did not say anything in patch notes about a nerf, so is this a bug or intentional?
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has anyone noticed a nerf to vengeance juggs after the update this morning?, looking at my tooltips compared to last night before the update my ability damages are about 6% lower than they were before the update, and a noticeable difference when parsing (192-198 6 piece set bonus), it did not say anything in patch notes about a nerf, so is this a bug or intentional?


I don't know about PVE because I'm mainly PVP player, but I've been noticing some increase in my vengeance spec damages overall. My dps in warzones sorta shot up since the update...

and nothing on vengeance spec has been done in this update except for that utility changes. only immortal spec should've had tool tip changes and stuff like that

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so what tooltips have changed? I dont pay attention at them all the time but even PVP players should pay attention to what their class is capable of and I do know some of those figures for sure. I haven't checked the new stats/tool tip regarding vengeance juggs but here's one strange thing I noticed after the update.

While on my PVP dps gear w/ stims, I noticed my min/max dmg went up about 100. I thought this was very strange since all of my stats were capped with 174 rating gears and stuff like that.

If you can list what has changed I can take a look at mine later when I log on and see if we can discuss about it or tell devs that they screwed up again =P

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pvper's wont really notice anything, this is mainly for pve'rs like i said, and ill say it again, all tooltips for our main rotational abilites have dropped 6%, though some people think it wont represent actual number in a boss fight or parse, it will, a 6% damage reduction to all our core abilities translates to almost a 2% overall dps loss Edited by MBloomberg
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