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Are they really launching the season with Hatred as is?


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I would rather fight a long line of Powertechs with shoulder cannon un-nerfed than a group of Hatred Sins. That class is on a different level as far as over-tuning is concerned.


How hard is it to take a couple seconds off their immunity and allow those dots to be cleansed again?


In b4 yolo que's of 4 sins versus 4 shadows.

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i hate to break it to you but you are way to late for in before full groups of sins in yolos....

its the season of the sin, noone else need apply, save for maybe a few good sorcs.

let the fotm commence... just dont kid yourselves into thinking its you and not the class doing so well

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all reroll a sin/shadow with the double xp week end, remove all other classes:


balance fixed


pvp fixed


pve fixed with the bot from solo mode for tank & healer


after this great idea they will be able to focus on real stuff like skins & décorations

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Instead of crying about hatred assassins and praying for their nerf explain what you think could be changed about the class. A lot of people cry about classes because they tear them up yet have no idea what is being done to them so they cry nerf and then *poof* Ops are nerfed.


IMO the only thing that could be done to nerf hatred without breaking the class is by taking away the dot spread from a death field. Anything else would be nerfing the assassin class to punish them for killing you.


Maybe it's utilities that you want nerfed but honestly utilities aren't that crazy, except for the dmg reduction while stunned utility in the first teir when it is in the sorcs masterful teir. The anti cc utility is fine as the cd is a long one and it is a masterful utility.


Assassins are scary because they are stealthers with cc, burst , and mobility. However the player base's fear of them is the biggest defense, if you know what their cd look like they are as squishy as a sorc without his bubble. Yet because the assassin is a big scary class it is usually the last to be attacked therefor gets the most dmg done.


The spec is very easy to play don't get me wrong, however is is hardly different than a class that can charge at you, has anti cc, can hit you for 9k and has lots on cc abilities, whos aoe spreads their dots, aand has heavy armor. And no one talked about that other class being Op. ( Jug def not Op don't nerf! D: )

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Instead of crying about hatred assassins and praying for their nerf explain what you think could be changed about the class. A lot of people cry about classes because they tear them up yet have no idea what is being done to them so they cry nerf and then *poof* Ops are nerfed.


reduce their damage by 50%

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reduce their damage by 50%


lol excactly this^ good example of someone who doesn't understand a class. Each attack is not hitting for twice the dmg it should be hitting. However for someone who doesn't understand the class, the look at the scoreboard and say, " they should have half that dmg".

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My issue with sin in its current form, is that its a classic case of having your cake and eating it too.

-They are a stealth class, which is a giant advantage in any game on its own. They choose when to fight, and when to break combat.

-You add on top of that massive CC immunities which stop other classes from keeping them in range when combined with Phase walk, shroud, ect. Now this would be understandable if...

-They didn't have great burst with that assassinate proc, with their two utility procs they not only have great dots and sustained pressure damage, they have burst, especially on enemies in low health.


They have very solid defensive abilities with cloak, immunities, and dcds. They are a stealth class. They have great sustained dot damage, and they have good burst. You cannot give one class literally A+ marks in everything. My sin is the least geared of my 60 toons, and I feel most unstoppable on him by far.


Either make their dots easier to cleanse, or remove the proc on assassinate above 30% health. Either way, they need a serious introduction to the nerf bat.

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lol excactly this^ good example of someone who doesn't understand a class. Each attack is not hitting for twice the dmg it should be hitting. However for someone who doesn't understand the class, the look at the scoreboard and say, " they should have half that dmg".


You're naive if you think I'm serious.

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Instead of crying about hatred assassins and praying for their nerf explain what you think could be changed about the class. A lot of people cry about classes because they tear them up yet have no idea what is being done to them so they cry nerf and then *poof* Ops are nerfed.


IMO the only thing that could be done to nerf hatred without breaking the class is by taking away the dot spread from a death field. Anything else would be nerfing the assassin class to punish them for killing you.


Maybe it's utilities that you want nerfed but honestly utilities aren't that crazy, except for the dmg reduction while stunned utility in the first teir when it is in the sorcs masterful teir. The anti cc utility is fine as the cd is a long one and it is a masterful utility.



Lets see how many sins will reach the top of the ranked. I m sorry bro, but assuming that hatred are even is just incarnation of stupidity.

I am sure there is no reason why all stupid player reroll Hatred. I am sure there is no reason why 4 sins are able to destroy a dps/tank heal team.

I used to play my hatred from 1.2 to 2.2. I felt alone at this time. It was a good class, that require to think about what you did. Now, take your sins, roll your face, do awesomme dammages in a very simple way. Don't worry, you'll have 2 free escape in case of trouble. You'll come back fulll life, while your target still sufur your dots.


Yes, your right, hatred are even. The only one thing that afraid us is their stealth, because stealth is awesome. Wait... lets talk about operatives. They have stealth... well, who cares about them? U? Wait, mara can have few seconde of stealth. Have I to be afraid?.


The truth is : hatreds flood so much dots that my PC lags as hell. Another exemple of OPness^^

Edited by Astyannax
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Instead of crying about hatred assassins and praying for their nerf explain what you think could be changed about the class. A lot of people cry about classes because they tear them up yet have no idea what is being done to them so they cry nerf and then *poof* Ops are nerfed.


IMO the only thing that could be done to nerf hatred without breaking the class is by taking away the dot spread from a death field. Anything else would be nerfing the assassin class to punish them for killing you.


Maybe it's utilities that you want nerfed but honestly utilities aren't that crazy, except for the dmg reduction while stunned utility in the first teir when it is in the sorcs masterful teir. The anti cc utility is fine as the cd is a long one and it is a masterful utility.


Assassins are scary because they are stealthers with cc, burst , and mobility. However the player base's fear of them is the biggest defense, if you know what their cd look like they are as squishy as a sorc without his bubble. Yet because the assassin is a big scary class it is usually the last to be attacked therefor gets the most dmg done.


The spec is very easy to play don't get me wrong, however is is hardly different than a class that can charge at you, has anti cc, can hit you for 9k and has lots on cc abilities, whos aoe spreads their dots, aand has heavy armor. And no one talked about that other class being Op. ( Jug def not Op don't nerf! D: )


The main thing that pisses me off about Assassins is that they were given Fadeout/Emersion in ADDITION to all the other amazing utilities they have. There is literally no reason to play a Sorcerer now because now Assassins can have stealth, combat stun exit, a god damned TELEPORT!, stun immunity, DoTS and DoT spread, some ranged abilities, AND fadeout! Before 3.0 Fadeout/Emersion used to be a Sorc only ability because it was for the healers to be able to get away and save themselves. There is absolutely NO reason for assassins to have fadeout in their utilities list. First off, they can stealth, then they can use combat stealth exit, they can teleport but no, the Devs thought Assassins needed another exit so they gave them the 1 ability that made Sorcs special. Seriously, what the hell guys.... you dont need to give Assassins 4 flippin escapes.....



IMO to fix this class, all the Devs need to do is take away Fadeout and the stun immunity and the class will be okish. Maybe they can nerf the DPS a bit but honestly, a good player should be able to counter an Assassin that doesnt have fadeout and the stun immunity.

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Actually sins always had force speed breaking root effects. It was in the 3rd tier tank tree.


hatred / madness needs creeping terror removed off of dot spread. That's it. It barely messes with PVE and it makes a HUGE difference to the damage in PvP.

Edited by JackNader
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hatred / madness needs creeping terror removed off of dot spread. That's it. It barely messes with PVE and it makes a HUGE difference to the damage in PvP.


I agree this would be a nice change to not break the shadow/sin, but more just bring it inline with everyone else. I would also suggest a change to Imbibe/Psychic Absorption to not buff the healing from Leaching Strike/Serenity Strike for healing for 6k+ every 10 seconds is a bit much for a dps class.


I think starting with these two changes the sin/shadow would be brought back to earth to be more inline with other classes. I will concede further changes may be needed, but this would be a good starting point.

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Instead of crying about hatred assassins and praying for their nerf explain what you think could be changed about the class. A lot of people cry about classes because they tear them up yet have no idea what is being done to them so they cry nerf and then *poof* Ops are nerfed.


IMO the only thing that could be done to nerf hatred without breaking the class is by taking away the dot spread from a death field. Anything else would be nerfing the assassin class to punish them for killing you.


Maybe it's utilities that you want nerfed but honestly utilities aren't that crazy, except for the dmg reduction while stunned utility in the first teir when it is in the sorcs masterful teir. The anti cc utility is fine as the cd is a long one and it is a masterful utility.


Assassins are scary because they are stealthers with cc, burst , and mobility. However the player base's fear of them is the biggest defense, if you know what their cd look like they are as squishy as a sorc without his bubble. Yet because the assassin is a big scary class it is usually the last to be attacked therefor gets the most dmg done.


The spec is very easy to play don't get me wrong, however is is hardly different than a class that can charge at you, has anti cc, can hit you for 9k and has lots on cc abilities, whos aoe spreads their dots, aand has heavy armor. And no one talked about that other class being Op. ( Jug def not Op don't nerf! D: )


Take away DOT spread and nerf defensive CD's slightly. Shouldn't be able to absorb as much damage as they do when you are a stealth class that wears light armor. So either lower survivability slightly by nerfing defensive CD or tweaking self healing abilities, in addition to taking away DOT spread on other targets.

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Not only are they launching as is, but they ACTUALLY BUFFED SIN with this update. As if they REALLY needed that.


This post speaks volumes about the PvP nerf cries.


So many people conflate all the specs of a class. So they get rooted by Creeping Terror and hit by a 12K Thundering Blast and Sorcs need to be nerfed into the ground.


Hatred did not get buffed. Darkness got slightly buffed.

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