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Gamebreaking gameplay issue (with many video examples)


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Um.. the riposte animation is actually irrelevant to combat, since it can be used at any time, even disregarding the global cooldown, so you can use it during other attacks and it'll work just fine. Also, I'm level 32 with my guardian, and I've never had this sweep bug occur...ever. I'm thinking this is a computer issue, rather than game issue. O.o


The riposte issue is relevant, as you should be able to fire 2 abilities at the same time, one off the GCD and one on it. If you get stuck in the riposte animation, and immediately fire another ability, riposte will not fire, but the second one will, even though your character has half performed the riposte animation 3 times.


PvP is about burst (as is a lot of threat gaining, while we're at it). Losing the potential burst, and associated talented survivability buff from firing riposte, is not ideal.

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I see this near exact thing when shooting missles on my mercanary. It's a 1.5sec cast time, sometimes it will cast about 1/3 of the way, jidder, and refresh the cast and animation over again. Happens a lot if I spam a button when it's not ready. Doesn't happen much if you slowly click individual skills as they are ready.


That ain't exactly true. I have this issue, but there is one more, worse. Usually, happens with Zealous Strike. I press button, my char starts animation, and backs down. Abiliwy wasn't used, GCD wasted. So again, I press calmly skill. Again, halfway trough it decides to not work. After I move a bit, it goes off. Some people mentioned animations starting and skills not doing damage or going on CD, so I'm guessing I'm not alone here.


It's most likely related to this whole sync in combat, which could be nice feature if it wouldn't cause so many bugs, and was actually visible(with all flames and explosions you rarely see more of mele char than silhouette)


Other way to recreate orginal bug it with lighsaber-wielder (for reflects, not sure if it's issue for non-force users): go to some low level area tighly packed with mobs, aggro them all, and try to use your ability. Your character will be deflecting all incomming attacks and each one will restart skill animation.

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I've experienced this issue in spades as well. It's not keeping me from playing, but it is enough of a nuisance to make me cringe a little bit when it happens. Most noticeable (as the OP stated) with Force Sweep, but I see it with Sundering Strike and other animations.


I've been curious if this same issue is what cause my knight to flourish his lightsaber a little more sometimes when I use Slash. I.e., he does the initial wrist twirl and then it's supposed to be "thwap!" but he adds in another wrist twirl. (I'm laughing at how that sounds coming out...too many wrist twirls, dammit! :))


However, I also notice it with Riposte, but it's not the delayed animation so much as it is delayed damage. I stab the bad guy and then he doesn't take the damage until a good 1 or 2 seconds later.


Like I said, it's not going to keep me from playing, but I would be very thankful if it was fixed.

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ive had all these issues at some point if u look u'll see them.


Also on Force stasis? i believe is what its called or force choke u can cast ti get bar and have animation going but do no damage just happened to me about a minute ago at 70 fps

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How is this game breaking at all?


It's a slight visual bug that's hard to notice amidst a pitched battle. It doesn't stop the ability from working. It's just a slight annoyance for people that are overly observant.


Low priority bug is low priority and deservedly so.


Well first off the video shows one failed attempt before it finally went through. I regularly get three failed attempts. I am in 4 man content as the tank and I have to get my abilities off just to hold any kind of aggro and this stuff starts happening? There is nothing slight about it.

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Just quoting from my own post :


P.S : For the ones who will claim this is a lag, computer or some other issue, let me tell you in advance that my computer is rock solid and runs the game with 60 fps locked super easy. I have 70-80 ms at most. Lastly, all other players experiencing the same problem obviously shows that this is not a problem on our end but on Bioware's end.


Thus, No. It is not a lag issue at all.


Those who claim rock solid computer play on laptops...


PS: 23ms here.

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To the OP and others with the same problem: My sympathies, it is frustrating for my sage, and I can only imagine how much more it is for you, when trying to keep aggro.


To most of the others on here: You guys are pretty mean and seem unwilling to cut a guy some slack.

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Those who claim rock solid computer play on laptops...


PS: 23ms here.


Where does it say I play on a laptop there ? I have an overclocked I5-2500k with a pair of HD6970 and 8 gigs of memory. What was your point really ? Enough wth the fanboism and ignorence in this thread already. About the latency, 70 ms is more than ideal for playing an mmo. If you do not know what you are talking about, just don't please. You are not helping.

Edited by Rendekar
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Those who claim rock solid computer play on laptops...


PS: 23ms here.


Laptop have worse performance.... Why exactly?


I7 2960M @ 4Ghz

32GB DDR3 1600Mhz

Dual M580GTX

Dual Crucial 512Gb M4's Raid 0 SATA3

Killer N wireless

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Animation glitches are not.


In the world of bug reports and QA, this is probably a C class bug. All this kind of stuff will get sorted out I'm sure, no need to panic.


In case you still didn't manage to notice this: in this game, combat is based on animations.

So animation glich means combat glitch. If it takes 2sec instead of 0.5 sec for skill to take effect it's big bug. If it's interrupt, it's huge bug, as in, you don't have interrupt anymore.

Edited by Elear
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Your character getting wiped and being unrecoverable is a game breaking bug.


Animation glitches are not.


In the world of bug reports and QA, this is probably a C class bug. All this kind of stuff will get sorted out I'm sure, no need to panic.

Right but you have missed the important part, if you spam it then the ability starts over multiple times and is not going through. See its not just an animation bug, but its actually delaying the ability from happening. Which is a waaay bigger issue than just an animation bug. get it now?

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How is this game breaking at all?


It's a slight visual bug that's hard to notice amidst a pitched battle. It doesn't stop the ability from working. It's just a slight annoyance for people that are overly observant.


Low priority bug is low priority and deservedly so.


This is not a slight visual bug, and how can you fanboi nubs say that? It is extremely noticeable amidst a pitched battle. When you use your abilities to create a tight rotation, and your force builder lags... well you get no force. The abilities you then try to do after do not go off because you have no force. So now you have wasted 2-3 gcds and then go back to press the initial button that never went off.


This is a major loss in dps, and severely hurts both pvp and pve. You fanbois, trying to fight a good change that will benefit you, should just stuff it. Stop trolling people who want to have stuff fixed to enjoy the game.

Edited by NJoyTheSilence
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OP, please go and look up the definition of 'gamebreaking' thank you.


I'm embarrassed that you even suggested something like this is gamebreaking.


If this problem is preventing them from doing their role and subsequently removing the fun from the game for them making it difficult or impossible to play, then it is game breaking for them.


It's not for you to say how they feel it affects them.

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OP, please go and look up the definition of 'gamebreaking' thank you.


I'm embarrassed that you even suggested something like this is gamebreaking.


Read up on the term "subjective" and then come back to me. And I would go so far as to say that it is indeed gamebreaking and for many people because when this happens, and it is frequently, the combat fills extremely clunky and slow, everything taking a good 1-2 seconds extra and the ability animations repeating themselves or not even executing them sometimes.

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If this problem is preventing them from doing their role and subsequently removing the fun from the game for them making it difficult or impossible to play, then it is game breaking for them.


It's not for you to say how they feel it affects them.


It is infact for me to judge whether something is gamebreaking or not. I know exactly what they are talking about because I also deal with it, once again it is far from game breaking. It is infact whinging.

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