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Everyone satisfied with the expack SGRs?


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I get that others dig romance options and am fine with them being in game. I would personally prefer less of them. Or at least option lists more like:


A. Dropkick Theron

B. Pet the wookiee's silky fur

C. [Flirt] Tell Lana that she looks a lot better when she's facing the other way

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Yay, the thread has devolved into a flame thread about homophobia. ****in hell.


I was mostly talking to people who have a vested interest in SGR. If you don't, then obviously any SGRs are of dubious value and risk becoming annoying, the same way the plethora of OGR in vanilla start to grate if one lets them. Expacks and DLC are notorious in my experience for taking things that should happen slowly and cramming them into a short timeframe because devs think bigger than their budget or just want to tick things off their list, regardless whether they're done well.


Please take your flame war to pm (yeah right :p)

Edited by calypsissmexy
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Then you're skipping posts. I think there are too many for BOTH.


Well there's you.

But then you tend to argue for the sake of arguing, so I don't take your posts very seriously nowadays.


But other than you, I haven't seen anyone complaining about the number of flirt options with Lana. (with the exception of those who are just complaining about lana being ugly, but that doesn't count since it's not the number of flirting they are complaining about, just the looks of the subject)

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Since there are non-flirt options available, what's it to you how many flirt options there are:


1. Flirt with Lana

2. Flirt with Theron

3. Flirt with random drunk passer-by

4. Flirt with Jakarro

5. Flirt with D4.

6. Flirt with Darth Marr via holo

7. "How's it going, guys?"


See how that works?


Dear Bioware, please implement #6 ^_~

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Okay, allow me to put an alternate to what was given as a sign that homophobia has literally nothing to do with my complaint, nor do I want to "deny" anyone an option they desire. I will wager this may be a concept that TUXs would have been on-board with as well.


Dialogue Choice Given in Live:

[Flirt] Theron, [Flirt] Lana, kthxbye


Dialogue Choice Preferred:

Positive Option, Neutral Option, Hostile Option (the common formula for the rest of the game)

Upon dialogue completion, add the following to mission log :

- Bonus Objective: Speak to Theron (include a [Flirt] option in Convo)

- Bonus Objective: Speak to Lana (include a [Flirt] option in Convo)

Remove dialogue options upon leaving the instance.


See... I don't care that there is a SGR option; it was merely the fact that flirt options in general (again, not bashing the SGR) made up what felt like a higher percentage of the total conversation options than the vanilla game. It's the idea that unless you wanted to flirt, you weren't going to engage these characters... excluding them giving the player their marching orders.


This is pretty well said, thought I'd change it slightly so that you have a hidden affection bar with each of them. The first flirt or two come up regardless, but if you decline both/all three/whatever of those then flirt options stop showing up at all. This way flirt isn't overly spammed for people who aren't interested and allows for more replay value to see how things are different with/without the romance aspects. They didn't do this because each new content is more and more short-cutted to the point where this time they wanted there to be no variances in dialog because that's easier. It's sad, but this is likely all we can expect going forward.

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Because I have litterally seen 0 people complain about there being too many flirt options for Lana. (and I frequent these forums "quite a bit" as some would say)

We normal people know there cannot possibly be too many flirt options because they are ... options. The only way anyone could reasonably claim there are too many flirt options would be if there were dialogs that had nothing but flirt options.

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For me it feels shoehorned in. Like not a lot of thought was put into any of it to make it make sense.


It was done, just to say they did it.


"Oh Theron was captured!" We'll even though you look like you got the flu, and we have much more pressing matters at hand, I think it's time to flirt.

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We normal people know there cannot possibly be too many flirt options because they are ... options. The only way anyone could reasonably claim there are too many flirt options would be if there were dialogs that had nothing but flirt options.


If you stopped thinking in absolute terms and started thinking reasonably you'd have an easier time understanding what people are talking about.

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i agree they are in there a lot, but its not so bad.


As for Theron and Lana, i liked their little romances though Theron kind of left my knights romance up in the air when he left for Courcant, at least Lana ended it and ended it nice with my Inquisitor.

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If you stopped thinking in absolute terms and started thinking reasonably you'd have an easier time understanding what people are talking about.

People are complaining that there are too many flirt options even though they are ... wait for it ... optional!


I can say it more if it will help, but I don't think it will.


Bottom line (again): if you think there are too may opportunities to flirt, don't choose a flirt option. Easy. Peasy.


For me it feels shoehorned in. Like not a lot of thought was put into any of it to make it make sense.


It was done, just to say they did it.


"Oh Theron was captured!" We'll even though you look like you got the flu, and we have much more pressing matters at hand, I think it's time to flirt.

If you think the flirting feels forced, hey, guess what? Don't flirt.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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People are complaining that there are too many flirt options even though they are ... wait for it ... optional!


I can say it more if it will help, but I don't think it will.


Bottom line (again): if you think there are too may opportunities to flirt, don't choose a flirt option. Easy. Peasy.


If you think the flirting feels forced, hey, guess what? Don't flirt.


I'm not sure you are really understanding the complaint. The complaint isn't that inherently flirting is bad and that we don't want to see it. No, the complaint is that it seems there is less platonic character development / interaction because there are more flirting interactions... that is to say, you learn less about the characters Lana and Theron if you don't flirt.


I don't know how many I speak for, but for me personally I would have liked to see more of those two as individuals (beyond the context of your spec-ops advisers and mission givers) without having to go the romantic pursuit route.


It seems like you are confusing an observation of abundance with a request for removal; which, is simply not the case.

Edit: Either that or you are saying, "Well, as long as there is one non-[Flirt] option just shut up and do that." Which I think completely misses the point.

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I'm not sure you are really understanding the complaint. The complaint isn't that inherently flirting is bad and that we don't want to see it. No, the complaint is that it seems there is less platonic character development / interaction because there are more flirting interactions... that is to say, you learn less about the characters Lana and Theron if you don't flirt.

Then the complainers must have played a different version of FA/SoR than I did with the character I chose no flirt options for, just to see how different the story was (I've done male flirting with both as much as possible, male flirting only with Theron, male flirting only with Lana, male doing no flirting and female flirting with both as much as possible; I only have 1 female character, so that's it for me in that arena). The difference? Not much, just no kissy-kissy scenes (but I admit I did not keep a detailed log). The complainers are, as usual with complainers, blowing way out of proportion this whole pseudo-issue.

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The complainers are, as usual with complainers, blowing way out of proportion this whole pseudo-issue.


Well, now that the Ravager/Slot Machine threads have died down they have to get their drama fix somewhere? :p


Personally i think people notice the flirting "more" because unlike the vanilla companion romances that were parsed out over 50 levels and three chapters, they were condensed into 5 micro levels worth of quests. As well as having 2 diferent options to flirt instead of just one.


Im leaving the makeb stuff out since i prefer to play imperial, am female, and am attracted to men there was no "makeb" romance options for me ^_~

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Well, now that the Ravager/Slot Machine threads have died down they have to get their drama fix somewhere? :p

The slot machine issue will never die!




Im leaving the makeb stuff out since i prefer to play imperial, am female, and am attracted to men there was no "makeb" romance options for me ^_~

I have done the "romance" with every male Imp character I have just because I find it fun to do.

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If you think the flirting feels forced, hey, guess what? Don't flirt.


Hey guess what? I didn't.


However, it still was oddly timed for a flirt option in many cases as if it was put in just to say it was done. Not really much meaning to it even in the story.


I'd rather it have a proper place and mean something to the story than just have it thrown together like it seemed.

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