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Everyone satisfied with the expack SGRs?


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Neither do you. Talk about an apple to oranges comparison.


I have this feeling that some people think every single thing in games is hardcoded, but that's just not how it's done.


They build proprietary tools for themselves, then use those to manage things like dialogue. Yes, it could introduce bugs but the means to do it are likely there already and wouldn't present a big difficulty.


Editing dialogue is not remotely the same as altering gender. Editing dialogue is changing an instant or series of instants in the game that generate some other data points. Changing gender is altering a large convergence of data points, basically ripping out the center of a bike tire. The first is possible with some care.


Edit: Also, just because something could generate bugs isn't a reason not to do it. If it were...bioware would never do anything to the game ever ever ever.

Edited by calypsissmexy
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It should be the same as the straight ones and have nothing unique or different about the same sex ones. It's all about equality isn't it? There should be nothing "unique" about either one if the people arguing for SGR also are arguing for equality. The people who wanted flirt options for the same sex now have them. They should be happy and embrace it.


Exactly but we all know its NOT equality they want

They want preference

The person you quoting says it all (and I personally don't but the follow up justification honestly, his first reaction holds true to what I've seen and read on topic for years. His follow up just reads like bamage control)

"its the same options as the Straight romance so meh, I wanted more options then offer to straight romances"


Personally I have always felt they should ask at character creation if player wants straight or homosexual romance and upon that choice that is how it plays out to THAT PLAYER ONLY.


But I have never felt sexuality (any sexuality) belongs in public eye and should remain a personal choice behind closed doors, private and personal to consenting adults only.

And I see no reason for a game to treat the topic any differently to be honest.

Edited by Kalfear
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I'm not ignoring it. There's a cost benefit thing. Being overtly gay friendly has PR bonuses among swaths of young people, both gay and allied, a fact that other parts of Bioware are banking on (DAI?). EA has been a public sponsor at gay pride events. Making such a change to several of the companions could garner positive press (free publicity) and be seen as consistent meaningful support.


The cost-benefit thing just isn't there.


I consider myself an ally and I was happy that Bioware decided to move ahead with SGR on Makeb, without any form of toggles and while clearly stating that they are "very supportive of it".

And while it wasn't my No 1 priority, I was happy to support what I consider fair - even if it's just in a video game.


However, they've explained time and time again that it would require a LOT of work to go back and make changes to companions. And, quite honestly, I wouldn't want them to waste resources and time on such a small issue - and I'd say the exact same thing if we were talking about more straight romances or making the existing ones better (or less cheesy...) somehow.


If you're going to ask for something, ask them to include SGR options for some companions in future expansions - wherever that fits the story of course; I don't think it would make sense for Doc to suddenly turn gay but Kaliyo would be a good choice.

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I like it because there is an exactly the same number of option and exactly the same choices for everyone. I am tired of not having choices. And if they handle the content just like that from now on, because the resources are too scarce to make decent and variable options that are gender specific, so be it.
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Exactly but we all know its NOT equality they want

They want preference

The person you quoting says it all

"its the same options as the Straight romance so meh, I wanted more options then offer to straight romances"


Personally I have always felt they should ask at character creation if player wants straight or homosexual romance and upon that choice that is how it plays out to THAT PLAYER ONLY.


But I have never felt sexuality (any sexuality) belongs in public eye and should remain a personal choice behind closed doors, private and personal to consenting adults only.

And I see no reason for a game to treat the topic any differently to be honest.


Uh...most just want the bloody option, like you get with every straight character in the game almost. The option. If that feels like preference, then it's only because you sit on top of the target demo and have no concept what it's like to have zero representation in most games. To be treated like some alien thing. Seriously, this game has over 40 companions in vanilla, and not a single one is bi or gay. Then we get 2 or 3 in the expacks and suddenly it's TOO MUCH. Whatever.


I wholly endorse a gay/straight/bi toggle either in preferences or chargen (another thing that will never happen...they'll dump gay romances completely before they bother with that).

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Uh...most just want the bloody option, like you get with every straight character in the game almost. The option. If that feels like preference, then it's only because you sit on top of the target demo and have no concept what it's like to have zero representation in most games. To be treated like some alien thing. Seriously, this game has over 40 companions in vanilla, and not a single one is bi or gay. Then we get 2 or 3 in the expacks and suddenly it's TOO MUCH. Whatever.


I wholly endorse a gay/straight/bi toggle either in preferences or chargen (another thing that will never happen...they'll dump gay romances completely before they bother with that).


As I and others have said, the cost-benefit for revamping existing content simply isn't there.


I don't care if it is added now and moving forward. But, my issue with SGR isn't actually an issue with SGR. Seeing [FLIRT] every single time you check in with Lana or Theron is what is a bit much; I say both because there are straight flirt options too that weigh equally in my criticism. Are there some auxiliary characters in vanilla that are like that for "straight" romance options? Probably. But they aren't in recent memory where taking multiple characters through Rishi definitely is.

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As I and others have said, the cost-benefit for revamping existing content simply isn't there.


I don't care if it is added now and moving forward. But, my issue with SGR isn't actually an issue with SGR. Seeing [FLIRT] every single time you check in with Lana or Theron is what is a bit much; I say both because there are straight flirt options too that weigh equally in my criticism. Are there some auxiliary characters in vanilla that are like that for "straight" romance options? Probably. But they aren't in recent memory where taking multiple characters through Rishi definitely is.


Have I not said I know it won't happen? Pretty sure I've said that. Yet y'all repeatedly feel the need to say it will never happen, like I don't know.


But yeah, that's the compromise they made because they don't want to bother editing vanilla content, they have to railroad you to it in these short expacks. C'est la vie.

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If so, I hate that EVERY interaction with Theron has a flirt option.

First, you are exaggerating. Second, if you don't want to flirt with Theron, whichever gender your character is, simply choose one of the non-flirt options. Pretty simple.


Is it you or your character that's not smart enough to avoid doing that?


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If you're going to ask for something, ask them to include SGR options for some companions in future expansions - wherever that fits the story of course; I don't think it would make sense for Doc to suddenly turn gay but Kaliyo would be a good choice.


This isn't a bad idea. Do this Bioware. Let us SGR at least a couple comps in future expacks.

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I'm still curious as to why some people complain that there are "too many" flirt options with Theron, but nobody is complaining about the fact that there are just as many flirt options with Lana.


Oh... That's easy... And you know why. :p


What I find disturbing is there are people that really care about that stuff, it speaks volumes about their state of mind, in my opinion.

There's not a single companion in the game that would ever get their shoes under my bed, they are all obnoxious to the point of nauseating. A few of the stories are interesting and I enjoy going through them, but I cant find any attachment to any of them, well, not in "that" way.

The newest two are on the verge of being psychopaths, all loyal one minute, backstabbing the next, cuddly, then not sure.. I mean the characters are awfully written and so far from believable, I just turned off.

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I'm still curious as to why some people complain that there are "too many" flirt options with Theron, but nobody is complaining about the fact that there are just as many flirt options with Lana.


I've seen people say both have too many flirt options. I think you're just trying to start crap.


Anyways the romances with NPC's in this game are trash tier, but that's to be expected as its an MMO.

Edited by wadecounty
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Lana and Theron were way better than the SGR options for Imperial Makeb, that's for sure.


Literally awful.

You mean the guy that disappears about 2 missions into the storyline to float in a kolto tank for months or even die? I ... kind of remember him, I think.

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Lana and Theron were way better than the SGR options for Imperial Makeb, that's for sure.


Literally awful.


Personally, I liked the option for Imperial Makeb.


So far, flirting with Theron has been fun, too.

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I'm still curious as to why some people complain that there are "too many" flirt options with Theron, but nobody is complaining about the fact that there are just as many flirt options with Lana.

Read my post again - I'm somebody. I think the [Flirt] options (regardless of who they were to) were too prevalent in 3.0 - so much so that it's a bit creepy and made 3.0 seem like the sex expansion more than anything else. This has nothing to do with Theron or Lana and everything to do with the overkill of promiscuity in dialog options. The story was completely overshadowed by the over abundance of flirting. I don't care WHO you flirted with, but the flirting seemed like the entire focus of 3.0.

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I've seen people say both have too many flirt options. I think you're just trying to start crap.


Anyways the romances with NPC's in this game are trash tier, but that's to be expected as its an MMO.


He likely is...it's what he tends to do.

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Read my post again - I'm somebody. I think the [Flirt] options (regardless of who they were to) were too prevalent in 3.0 - so much so that it's a bit creepy and made 3.0 seem like the sex expansion more than anything else. This has nothing to do with Theron or Lana and everything to do with the overkill of promiscuity in dialog options. The story was completely overshadowed by the over abundance of flirting. I don't care WHO you flirted with, but the flirting seemed like the entire focus of 3.0.


Exactly... at the end of Rishi

after completing the Battle of Rishi flashpoint and talking to Satele and Marr

you have 3 dialogue options: [Flirt] Theron, [Flirt] Lana, and one that is effectively "Okay, see you there"


Would have been nice to see these characters without having to put it in the context of coming onto them...

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Exactly... at the end of Rishi [...] you have 3 dialogue options: [Flirt] Theron, [Flirt] Lana, and one that is effectively "Okay, see you there"


Would have been nice to see these characters without having to put it in the context of coming onto them...

There is, and you just noted it yourself. No one's forcing you to choose one of the flirt options.


Don't like flirt options? Ignore them. Or is it that you don't even like that they are available for others to use?


Read my post again - I'm somebody. I think the [Flirt] options (regardless of who they were to) were too prevalent in 3.0 - so much so that it's a bit creepy and made 3.0 seem like the sex expansion more than anything else. This has nothing to do with Theron or Lana and everything to do with the overkill of promiscuity in dialog options. The story was completely overshadowed by the over abundance of flirting. I don't care WHO you flirted with, but the flirting seemed like the entire focus of 3.0.

If you felt compelled to flirt, that was your choice. If you didn't flirt, what exactly is your problem, here, the mere fact that the flirt options are there? Does it bother you that everyone is given the choice to flirt, if they want to?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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There is, and you just noted it yourself. No one's forcing you to choose one of the flirt options.


Don't like flirt options? Ignore them. Or is it that you don't even like that they are available for others to use?


He didn't say anything about caring if anyone else used them so where do you get that from?


I think they're too much a part of the story. If you're not flirting with one of them, you're not seeing the whole story and missing cut-scenes. Is every story expansion going to be based around romancing another new character?! 3.0 seemed like it was mostly about flirting over the story to me, and Revan was just a distraction for my sexually motivated toons. I believe the story would have been better without a [Flirt] option being thrown at us every few dialog choices.


This has nothing with me disliking [Flirt] options, I just think they went extremely overboard with 3.0...you know, like my opinion and stuff.

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If you felt compelled to flirt, that was your choice. If you didn't flirt, what exactly is your problem, here, the mere fact that the flirt options are there? Does it bother you that everyone is given the choice to flirt, if they want to?

See above.


I'm not at all bothered that they offer it, it's how MUCH they offered it bran. See the difference?!

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He didn't say anything about caring if anyone else used them so where do you get that from?

Are question marks invisible to you?


This has nothing with me disliking [Flirt] options, I just think they went extremely overboard with 3.0...you know, like my opinion and stuff.

Thus you have the option to ignore them, as noted.


See above.


I'm not at all bothered that they offer it, it's how MUCH they offered it bran. See the difference?!

Since they are optional, no, I do not see any difference. If the choice was "Flirt with Lana, flirt with Theron or pound sand," then you would have a point.

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