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Everyone satisfied with the expack SGRs?


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SGR: same gender romance


I remember this was a fairly vocal issue for a long time. Haven't seen much about it since the expacks dropped with some SGR options.


But I still want to romance my companions who I spend 50 hours with.


I don't even care for kaliyo but she teases like she was originally written as bi but then got straightened out during the dev process. It frustrates me every time I roll a f-agent.


I assume since the SW property has changed hands that whoever from on high that restricted romances to straight only has lost their control. So why not have SGR options open up with companions? I've seen mods for other games do it very well without even including new dialogue *cough*DAO*cough*.


Yes yes...there are more important things to worry about. Thanks, never occurred to me.


Although it would be nice, the problem with going back to add a "romance" SGR option to existing companions, is that they would have to do a lot of re-writing of scenes and possible outcomes. Not to mention the huge can of worms they would open with this in that many players would then want to "re-do" their interactions with companion storylines that were already completed a long time ago. So what they did instead was just add SGR flirts to expansions "going forward"... Makeb and SOR both have it in there, and I'm sure if they ever add more class companions to our characters they will be there too. It's just very hard to "go back" and change what they have already done (lots and lots of voice actors would have to be asked to re-record scenes).

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Although it would be nice, the problem with going back to add a "romance" SGR option to existing companions, is that they would have to do a lot of re-writing of scenes and possible outcomes. Not to mention the huge can of worms they would open with this in that many players would then want to "re-do" their interactions with companion storylines that were already completed a long time ago. So what they did instead was just add SGR flirts to expansions "going forward"... Makeb and SOR both have it in there, and I'm sure if they ever add more class companions to our characters they will be there too. It's just very hard to "go back" and change what they have already done (lots and lots of voice actors would have to be asked to re-record scenes).


For some comps, sure, but many have mostly gender neutral dialogue. Some could be switched with the flip of a bit of code. Some, yes, would either require re-recording or creative editing, but it can be done for many without calling the VAs back into the studio.

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For some comps, sure, but many have mostly gender neutral dialogue. Some could be switched with the flip of a bit of code. Some, yes, would either require re-recording or creative editing, but it can be done for many without calling the VAs back into the studio.


You could be right, but then there's the players who would want to "re-do" their companion stories and not start their character over to get those options (though that couldn't be that hard either, though some of the companion stories are directly tied into the character's progressing story....like Khem, Kaliyo, Kira, Malavai, and I'm sure others I'm not remembering, so resetting these stories wouldn't work.)

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You could be right, but then there's the players who would want to "re-do" their companion stories and not start their character over to get those options (though that couldn't be that hard either, though some of the companion stories are directly tied into the character's progressing story....like Khem, Kaliyo, Kira, Malavai, and I'm sure others I'm not remembering, so resetting these stories wouldn't work.)


I don't think making an option to reset there affection/conversation would happen, that would be more technically challenging then just adding the options and letting people know they are there now if they want to reroll to see them. Thought i don't think either is likely to happen.


This only further points to how low the ROI would be of doing this. If they did it the simple way of just making the changes and having people reroll to see them it would like enrage a lot of people who want the options on there current and refuse to reroll. If they made the change to reset companion conversations that would be more technically challenge but more favorable to the players, both of those concerns negatively affect the ROI of doing it.

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You could be right, but then there's the players who would want to "re-do" their companion stories and not start their character over to get those options (though that couldn't be that hard either, though some of the companion stories are directly tied into the character's progressing story....like Khem, Kaliyo, Kira, Malavai, and I'm sure others I'm not remembering, so resetting these stories wouldn't work.)


I think when Togruta drops, people would be happy to reroll and try out the new species and new romance options.


But sure, some would want it reset and they can just say, deal with it. People roll alts all the time, and that's where old players could experience it. And the game has constant new players who won't have that problem.

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I think when Togruta drops, people would be happy to reroll and try out the new species and new romance options.


But sure, some would want it reset and they can just say, deal with it. People roll alts all the time, and that's where old players could experience it. And the game has constant new players who won't have that problem.


Good point, I made at least three new alts when the Cathar were made available.

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I dunno... I feel like having the flirt option for every single character and NPC is really lame. I mean, am I just leading these folks on? Aren't I already married to one of my other companions? Like, is Mako or Vette or whoever going to be pissed at me or do I just get a free pass if they're not there? Is Theron going to keep quiet and not say anything? What if he's a big blabber mouth and sends them a message about all of this flirting stuff? Is it just assumed now that every character is hetero and gay and promiscuous all at the same time? What's next? Marauders with sniper rifles????
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I dunno... I feel like having the flirt option for every single character and NPC is really lame. I mean, am I just leading these folks on? Aren't I already married to one of my other companions? Like, is Mako or Vette or whoever going to be pissed at me or do I just get a free pass if they're not there? Is Theron going to keep quiet and not say anything? What if he's a big blabber mouth and sends them a message about all of this flirting stuff? Is it just assumed now that every character is hetero and gay and promiscuous all at the same time? What's next? Marauders with sniper rifles????


It's an option. Just like you have the option of flirting with every human you meet IRL but most likely don't... :rolleyes:

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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It's an option. Just like you have the option of flirting with every human you meet IRL but most likely don't... :rolleyes:

I tend to agree with Anzel. I don't mind the option there, and I couldn't care less if it's same sex or not, but it's a bit overkill with 3.0. I feel like every meaningful story oriented question is meant to lead someone on sexually...which is creepy to me.

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I tend to agree with Anzel. I don't mind the option there, and I couldn't care less if it's same sex or not, but it's a bit overkill with 3.0. I feel like every meaningful story oriented question is meant to lead someone on sexually...which is creepy to me.
Admit it, you're just mad that you can't flirt with Jakarro. :p

I mean, he's the only NPC in the entire game that likes you enough to address you by your first name.

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Admit it, you're just mad that you can't flirt with Jakarro. :p

I mean, he's the only NPC in the entire game that likes you enough to address you by your first name.

Uh...yeah! Long flowing hair, athletic build, well mannered with a bit of a temper...who isn't right!?

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I tend to agree with Anzel. I don't mind the option there, and I couldn't care less if it's same sex or not, but it's a bit overkill with 3.0. I feel like every meaningful story oriented question is meant to lead someone on sexually...which is creepy to me.


I didn't see his comment being about SoR specifically, he said every single NPC, I was assuming over the whole game since a significant discussion on this thread has been how nice it would be to get it into 1-50 and he mentioned mako and vette which are also old content changes we talked about. I can see the point that SoR had the option a little too much.

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For some comps, sure, but many have mostly gender neutral dialogue. Some could be switched with the flip of a bit of code. Some, yes, would either require re-recording or creative editing, but it can be done for many without calling the VAs back into the studio.


you can make excuses and come up with all the reasons you want. It has been explained to you WHY it WILL NOT HAPPEN with previous companions....


to much to redo

to large a margin for bugs

most already played those stories and don't want to start over

return is ABSOLUTELY not worth the investment..regardless of how you want to spin it.


You want them to do it? fine. That's all good. But have realistic expectations and stop thinking you know how much work is involved and what they can/can't achieve, receive, etc on such a move.


It's NOT a simple case of going back and turning off a FEW flags.


Ever wonder why we can't change from male to female in the appearance kiosk??


exactly. You have no clue how much work and potential for bugs/etc it would entail. Despite what you think.

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It's NOT a simple case of going back and turning off a FEW flags.


Ever wonder why we can't change from male to female in the appearance kiosk??


exactly. You have no clue how much work and potential for bugs/etc it would entail. Despite what you think.


Neither do you. Talk about an apple to oranges comparison.

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I tend to agree with Anzel. I don't mind the option there, and I couldn't care less if it's same sex or not, but it's a bit overkill with 3.0. I feel like every meaningful story oriented question is meant to lead someone on sexually...which is creepy to me.


Yeah, it just makes me feel like the game assumes all of my characters are both bisexual and promiscuous. Or maybe they just assume that all bisexual people are promiscuous? I'm not sure. But my Merc is married and his lady wouldn't appreciate BW trying to get him to flirt with Lana OR Theron! Now I probably have a terrible confrontation waiting for me when I get back to my ship. Great. Thanks BW!!!!!!!

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I tend to agree with Tux.


I don't have a problem SGR aside from the fact that it seemed every other dialogue choice had a [Flirt] option. It wasn't the same-sex part that bugged me, just the frequency of the option for both Lana and Theron.


As for levels 1-50, I don't see them going back and spending resources to modify the existing romance options available. Too much potential downside for too little potential upside.

Edited by azudelphi
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accidentally flirting with men is annoying.

Is it you or your character that's not smart enough to avoid doing that?

im a spacebar kind of guy.

I'm guessing Space Bar is a bar you frequent and since going there you accidentally hit on men I'm guessing it's gay bar ;)


Whatever creams one's twinkie. :sul_angel:

Edited by Mavolio
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Neither do you. Talk about an apple to oranges comparison.


You're right in that I don't know EVERYTHING involved. But I am smart enough to know it's not the simple matter you two want to make it out to be.


But whatever helps your trollol.

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