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Time to rethink your F2P model...


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What you wrote here already totally exceeds what I'd consider a reasonable amount of time to find out if you like the game. Lvl 35? Seriously? By the time you finish the starter planet and your faction's capital world, you've already sunken more hours into it than some full priced SP games offer.


So at this point, you either spend some cash to lift the restrictions that bother you most or sub. BW/EA are NOT a charity.

Level 35 is the extreme situation, a situation where someone who decided to take punishment for being a free player and at this point he can't take anymore. i saw over 50 people leave from my guild after their 5 wz limit was up and i told them they need weekly pass to do more. 35 is like the straw that broke the camel's back.

But no matter how valid logic we bring here the only logic you and people like you understand here is : "i pay, they don't pay." Your brain doesn't function beyond that point. you never stop and think what you are paying for, you are so happy with having kdy and running it million times like a pig chewing **** over and over. but for some of us it is not fun and thus we want EAWare to bring in more players to make our game time relaxed and fun. and current f2p model is not helping us that way.

Edited by BrintoSFJ
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A lot won't sub simply because they don't want to add to their monthly subscription bloat. They're fine throwing money at the game on impulse but they don't know that they'll have the time to justify being subbed since there will be weeks and sometimes months where they can't play much.


It doesn't have to have anything to do with what you can afford but rather what's convenient. Unsubbing in anticipation of not having time only to find you do is annoying and people really do avoid things that are even minor annoyances.


Being able to simply unlock all the subscriber perks as you like looks much more user friendly to me.


I hate having a sub. I'm subbed to a pile of things and it annoys me and I will unsubscribe and that's not a threat, it's my reality. Some month I won't feel like playing or have the time and ill kill my sub and then I won't come back for a while because FTP is so awful but I don't know that I have time to justify resubbing.


Bottom line: the current FTP and preferred restrictions are a barrier to paying customers like me. :rak_03:

Edited by calypsissmexy
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Level 35 is the extreme situation, a situation where someone who decided to take punishment for being a free player and at this point he can't take anymore. i saw over 50 people leave from my guild after their 5 wz limit was up and i told them they need weekly pass to do more. 35 is like the straw that broke the camel's back.

But no matter how valid logic we bring here the only logic you and people like you understand here is : "i pay, they don't pay." Your brain doesn't function beyond that point. you never stop and think what you are paying for, you are so happy with having kdy and running it million times like a pig chewing **** over and over. but for some of us it is not fun and thus we want EAWare to bring in more players to make our game time relaxed and fun. and current f2p model is not helping us that way.


Now where did you get that from? Personally I detest that FP and have only done it with a low lvl character once or twice...I'll probably never even reach max rep on this one.


Fact is, the F2P component was never meant to be a comfortable way to play through the game for free. It's a trial. You don't need that much time to decide wether you like the game or not and by the time those restrictions really start to hit you, you already got more than 15.00$ worth of entertainment value out of it.

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The simple fact is the current F2P model just doesnt work as well as it could.


Maybe some form of ammendment to the "preferred" status kinda like someone else has said with a "x amout of time subbed reward" that when a player reaches certain marks


$5 basic preferred

$25 spent Advanced preffered (say cred cap removed and quickbars unlocked)

$50 spent +1 to wz/fp runs




That way at least preffered players arent punished for throwing $50-$100 a month on gamble boxes and rewarded for the fact they put more into the game than most players.

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Sorry I can't even be bothered to read threads like this (so sorry if any of this has been covered) I feel as if F2P is EXACTLY as it should be, for nothing you get 8 whole games worth of story quests its essentially a game with "no frills".


If anything needs to happen it is on "Preferred" status for instance for say 4-8 cartel coin purchases in the year (or something along those lines so that the actual people who regularly contribute to the cost of the game gets recognised) many "issues" with F2P get unlocked (or in some cases just limits raised for example warzones increase from 5 per week to 10 or 15) for instance:


1) xp gets raised

2) preferences such as unify colours and hide head slot

3)limits on warzones, ops and flashpoints etc get raised

4)"other" limits to increase such as credit cap, cargo holds etc and crew skills.


Obviously should you not pay into the game for x amount of time you loose the preferred status and go back to free to play.


This way it would a least "encourage" people to input into the game and hopefully make more people preferred statuses rather to F2P.

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Credit cap keeps credit sellers from actually being able to sell credits doesn't it?


I mean why else would there be junk items for 1 bil on GTN all the time. Frauderino, probably why their spamming so much, morons buy them and can't get them because they don't exist.

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Who would be retarded enough to do what you are suggesting?


You would be amazed how many people literally just drop cash on "gamble boxes" I mean PWI released a report for a couple of their games and over a year gamble box income was higher than sub income. so I would assume similar occurs here

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Prob is, as a sub of 2 accounts if F2P got everything you want or feel they should get, why would I continue to sub?


You may feel that comment is unconstructive but its true never the less. If players stopped subbing then there would be no game for anyone.

Ok you can come back and say I would continue to sub, but how many others would? Regardless of what you say there has to continue to be an incentive to sub.


The few changes you want on the face of it don't seem that bad, however within weeks of them getting it, if it were to happen we would get more of these such threads asking for more and then more again and more yet again if they were to get it.


To be blunt I am now after seeing endless threads on how hard done by F2P members are, I personally wish they would just end F2P altogether. I was very happy when this game became F2P, not any more.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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I think the term F2P is a bit misleading.....the game was built around a subscription based model and they layered a micro-transaction model on top of it to try and stop some of the 'bleeding' when the initial hype wore off. The F2P aspect is really just the hook to try and get more people to spend money....being a big ol' demo of almost the entire game gives them more opportunities to hook people.


The way I see it there are 3 types of people playing MMO's:


- Subscribers: These are the sought after 'traditional' customer base. They are people who want a product and will happily pay for it for themselves or their family members. In the case of Star Wars MMO's they are (imo) the hardcore fanbase who are interested in the brand (SW) and will throw money at anything you inject into the game i.e. expansions, Cartel Coins, branded merchandise etc. because hey, Star Wars.

- In-for-a-Penny-not-a-Pounders: These are the transitory, App Store Game type players that MMO company's see as their salvation and to whom the micro-transaction model was targetted. They want quick gratification, shiny things and to 'pay to win' e.g. 500 Crystals to complete building my Clan Castle now? Ok, here's 5 bucks. Fast forward to the end of the month when the credit card bill comes in....."Honey, did you really spend 500 bucks on Smurfberries? No more game for you!"

- Can't-or-Won't Pays: These people may be passionate but they aren't an income stream for a variety of reasons. They may be here just to try something out, or because they really want to be here, but there's zero incentive to offer more to these folks as (again imo) they're more likely to just jump around between free games as opposed to jump into the paying crowd.


Creating a hybrid between 'pay to play' and 'pay to win' models is tricky, not likely to satisfy everyone and akin to having your cake and eating it too. Those who can and want to pay for a SW MMO are already here and part of the fan base...sure you may attract a few more dollars and a few more folks with the micro-transaction model, but I'd bet my money that most of the CM revenue stream comes from the established player base....not people trying to unlock dye modules on a F2P account.


If BW/EA want to make serious micro-transaction money, what they need to do is release some sort of phone/tablet enabled mini-game or TOR tie in....think SWG's TCG with its packs (purchased for $) and chance at IG items.

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Prob is, as a sub of 2 accounts if F2P got everything you want or feel they should get, why would I continue to sub?


You may feel that comment is unconstructive but its true never the less. If players stopped subbing then there would be no game for anyone.

Ok you can come back and say I would continue to sub, but how many others would? Regardless of what you say there has to continue to be an incentive to sub.


To be blunt I am now after seeing endless threads on how hard done by F2P members are, I personally wish they would just end F2P altogether.


they tried subscription only thing. didn't work out for them its why they went for hybrid model in a first place.


as for why would you subscribe when f2p is not as restricted. becasue subscription would still be beneficial. becasue subscription would still be a better deal. its not like there aren't any other hybrid games on the market - there are, its a very popular model. but they tend to go with carrot rather then stick aproach, unlike bioware.


some reward their subscribers by making any and all content expansions - free with subscription. subscription-less people have to buy each and every DLC individually. a lot of the games with cash shop - give a much more generous allowance of currency that we get with cartel coins.


here's an example of restriction for f2p vs subscription even in this very game that is more along the lines of subscription benefits. crafting. subscribers get to use 6 companions at lvl 56 and can queue up up to 5 tasks per companion. their crit chance is also twice as high as that of f2p. (10% for f2p, 20% for subscribers, and f2p can only use 3 companions at a time) while it IS a restriction, it doesn't stop player from crafting. its slower. but its essentially the same crafting. another example - vendor and respec costs . subscribers get everything cheaper and respecs for free. f2p - pay more and have increasing fee for each additional respec.


you CAN monetize f2p in a way that makes subscription appealing, without making f2p version of the game frustrating. and btw... how do you think pure f2p games make money? you know the ones that don't even have a subscription and don't resort to pay to win tactics. cash shop! people are actualy willing to spend money in small increments at their discretion for ONLY things they want WHEN they want them. and often end up paying more than just $15 a month.


and that's how f2p games get and keep customers instead of pushing them away.

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f2p is working just fine. There's nothing to change about it. It's supposed to be restrictive. If you don't like it then pay to be preferred or sub.


Honestly this is more of a shifting mindset of the certain portion of the population that feels they're entitled to have everything handed to them, but not contribute in an constructive way, but that's a post for a different thread.


In conclusion, f2p is working as intended and I see no reason to make any changes to the model for any reason. There are plenty of options available to remove many of the restrictions, therefore, it is incumbent upon the player to make the decision to remove said restrictions. In essence, "Put up, or Shut up."

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First of all I am a subscriber. I am making this because I meet F2P players and feel bad for them and do not think they will stick for ever.


It has been a while since this game has gone f2p. I think it is about time you guys went back and reassessed your F2P model. there is only minor changes I think would help not only the players (free and sub) but BW/EA too...


1. Up the amount of credits or put no cap on F2P credits. if you take out the cap, cancel out the escrow item from cartel market, this could help F2P players to stay and help the people who are sub or preferred. Most items that subscribers sell are for more than 250k or 300k. armors, decorations, etc. so it is hindering the subs from selling items to a larger player base. Also, F2P players cannot even buy a garage to the stronghold. Players can easily make 100k in less than an hour and have nothing worth while to buy.


2. Trading. Why stop a F2P player from trading and allow them to mail? that's just dumb in my opinion. There is more worth while things to entice people to sub.


F2P players sometimes do spend a few bucks on CM here and there. But not if you cannot even keep them in the game long enough to want to. I am sure there could be 1 or 2 more minor changes to F2P benefits that would not even hurt BW/EA from TRYING TO FORCE people into subbing. Change the benefits here and there and it could help the whole game and the community in the long wrong, especially with all the problems on the forums as of late.



Ok for one ,,,, If they followed what you asked then this will happen,,,, If you think the Gold Spammers & Gold Farmers are bad now they would x10 overnight,,, So not just a "no" but a "HELL NO" !!!!!:rolleyes: Edited by Legolose
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f2p is working just fine. There's nothing to change about it. It's supposed to be restrictive. If you don't like it then pay to be preferred or sub.


Honestly this is more of a shifting mindset of the certain portion of the population that feels they're entitled to have everything handed to them, but not contribute in an constructive way, but that's a post for a different thread.


In conclusion, f2p is working as intended and I see no reason to make any changes to the model for any reason. There are plenty of options available to remove many of the restrictions, therefore, it is incumbent upon the player to make the decision to remove said restrictions. In essence, "Put up, or Shut up."


However you ignore just how restrictive "Preferred" is , and thats where the crux of the "F2p" issue comes in

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That's not the point. If you have enough money for a computer that plays ANYTHING then you most definitely can afford 15/month for a sub. Besides, buy spending literally 5 bucks, you become preferred which vastly better than pure F2P.


I have to agree with this. If your playing you


A) Have a computer

B) Have internet


If after these two you cant afford $15 maybe you need to reprioitise.


"But im not an adult and dont have a credit card" Pre-paid time cards/pre-paid Mastercards (Bioware wont take the Visa ines for some reason) Again, if perks and extras are important to you, mow some lawns, shovel some snow and get the cards. Maybe skip one meal at McDonalds a month...


You dont -NEED- unify colors, hide helmet, to buy fancy armor and weapons off the GTN, et cetera, you -WANT- those items.


Unless your the "Gimme everything while i sit on my lazy *** and collect my welfare check" mentality, life isnt free, and if your one of the aforementioned parasites, you have to pay for what you -WANT-

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Subscribers and Cartel Coin purchasers keep the game afloat. Without them, the game would close and then f2p players would get nothing at all. Their restrictions are all wholly acceptable as the entire intent is to give them a taste of the game and if they enjoy it, convert them to someone who is also contributing to the longevity of the game.


If the restrictions are lifted and they are able to play more easily to the level cap, through the stories, etc, then they get the full game experience with never once needing to provide a penny for it.




If you don't like the restrictions there are available to you methods to drastically reduce to nothing these restrictions. At the speed you can level up in the modern game, you can spend $30 and get a character to the level cap (actually multiple characters if you are dedicated) and so receive basically several full games worth of story for less than half the average cost of a new game.


f2p likely should be more painful than it is.

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What gets me is the other F2P game I've played (LOTRO) had a full credit cap unlock you could purchase without subbing.


Pay the $19.95 (IIRC), get the gold cap unlocked forever, full stop. None of this escrow here and there BS.


IMO allowing F2P to purchase a full credit unlock would be much better for retention and make it much more likely for F2P to sub. I didn't sub to LOTRO until after I'd bought that unlock (and some others) as F2P, and I probably eventually spent $200-300 on that game before I left over its...legendary item RNG issues.


If I had to join this game all over again as F2P with none of the benefits I've received from being a CE sub since pre-launch beta, I honestly doubt I'd ever drop that much money on this game. The F2P experience just isn't inviting enough--most people who try F2P games have to get hooked into enjoying the game enough to justify spending any substantial amount of money on it.


I think it would lose EA/BW a lot of money to do that.


One of the only reasons I am subbed at the moment is the inconvenience of not having the credits I'm used to on the characters I play.


I'm sure there are a lot of other inconveniences, but, if you bought up all the necessary unlocks before un-subbing from the GTN, one of the few really big ones left over would be the credit cap.


For example, you wouldn't be able to buy most good CM items on the GTN, which is a large portion of what the game revolves around now, as pathetic as that is.

Edited by arunav
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f2p is working just fine. There's nothing to change about it. It's supposed to be restrictive. If you don't like it then pay to be preferred or sub.


Honestly this is more of a shifting mindset of the certain portion of the population that feels they're entitled to have everything handed to them, but not contribute in an constructive way, but that's a post for a different thread.


In conclusion, f2p is working as intended and I see no reason to make any changes to the model for any reason. There are plenty of options available to remove many of the restrictions, therefore, it is incumbent upon the player to make the decision to remove said restrictions. In essence, "Put up, or Shut up."


Yep - we have the crappiest music of my lifetime nowadays because an entire generation of people decided artists shouldn't be paid anything for their work.


These people just illegally downloaded everything for free, and now, as an overall culture, all you get is the most awful form of radio-pop, because labels can't risk funding bands or individuals who aren't almost a guaranteed payout.


MMOs are even cheaper than buying music - get your act together and come up with $13-$15 PER MONTH if you want to play. You honestly shouldn't be playing a videogame for as long as MMOs generally occupy your time if that is a burden.

Edited by arunav
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Serious question. From a business standpoint what do F2P players add to the game that we need them to stick around? They don't contribute, so they aren't helping the game stay afloat financially. I could see there being a more than one tier of preferred status, based on how many CC's a person buys. More things for players who are not contributing seems like a bad model.


If your point that more free stuff for F2P will eventually lead to more subs, then maybe have a true demo period where folks get the full sub experience for a limited period of time?


i am sure I am missing something here and will be informed.

Edited by Feargal
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From a business standpoint what do F2P players add to the game that we need them to stick around?


They need to feel they want to subscribe, so giving them more benefits will not be a good idea.


The point is to give them a taste of the game and find it much easier to play with a subscription.

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what if a parent buys a kid a computer/laptop for graduation n doesn't have enough money for a game because he is starting college or moving into his/her own place?


not every 1 has the money but wish that they did :D


that is just 1 of many examples I could give


That is BS...this game costs less then it does for the same student not getting drunk 1 saturday out of the month...you forget, alot of us have paid our way through college.

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That is BS...this game costs less then it does for the same student not getting drunk 1 saturday out of the month...you forget, alot of us have paid our way through college.


It cost you 15 bucks to get drunk when you were in college?

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First off if this game was any good when it started it would t be F2P at the moment. Let's just get that out of the way now. If anything in its current state 15.00 a month is 5 dollars more than it's worth to play it IMHO. The only reason I subbed was for the credit cap unlock and various odds and ends even unlocking everything in the CC is ridiculously expensive and I'm not talking races and aesthetics either, I'm talking all the passes, artifact gear, not looking like an ******e. Stuff like that. I mean he'll the artifact gear unlock is like 11$ alone. F2P shouldn't be rail roaded into subbing, no one should. This game is just obnoxious unless you throw money at it. Cell phone games aren't even this bad.


And your xp isn't reduced by 50% either, you don't get the xp bonus that subs get. Which is one thing about the F2P model I actually agree with.

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