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Experienced PvPer looking for a competitive 4s team


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Hello PvPers of Bastion,


I'm an active PvPer on Jung Ma, and I'm thinking of transferring a character to this server for solo and team ranked. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to who to contact, whether it be a guild or just a group of PvPers looking for more talent.


I know solos pop constantly on this server, but hows the team ranked competition? Which guilds have the top 4s teams? When does team ranked usually start on this server? Please state the time zone when answering too please, I'm in the EST zone of the US.


I have a decent amount of experience with team ranked. I play combat sentinel and guardian tank on pub side, as well as carnage marauder, hatred assassin, AP PT, and medicine operative on imp side. I can DPS or tank on pub side, and i can DPS or operative heal on imp side.


Here are some pics of my records(i'm bad at winning regs lol :p)
















I only want to transfer one character for ranked, so if any guilds are interested in recruiting me just state which role you would want me to play, and the faction as well!


Thanks for reading!

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Well, if you play your operative healer.. than you guys would be one step away.


The Dps Sin

The Dps PT


The truth is you are extremely unlikely to get invited to a team prior to being transferred. The established teams are.. already established. They don't need anybody. It's other people that will need people. So unless you guys form up together it probably wont happen.

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Hello PvPers of Bastion,


I'm an active PvPer on Jung Ma, and I'm thinking of transferring a character to this server for solo and team ranked. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to who to contact, whether it be a guild or just a group of PvPers looking for more talent.


I know solos pop constantly on this server, but hows the team ranked competition? Which guilds have the top 4s teams? When does team ranked usually start on this server? Please state the time zone when answering too please, I'm in the EST zone of the US.


I have a decent amount of experience with team ranked. I play combat sentinel and guardian tank on pub side, as well as carnage marauder, hatred assassin, AP PT, and medicine operative on imp side. I can DPS or tank on pub side, and i can DPS or operative heal on imp side.


Here are some pics of my records(i'm bad at winning regs lol :p)
















I only want to transfer one character for ranked, so if any guilds are interested in recruiting me just state which role you would want me to play, and the faction as well!


Thanks for reading!


Jaango whisper me on my pub toon. Renpa

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