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Costume designer must be something more than appearance tab or xmog!


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Because why bother with a new appearance system if they can just significantly lower credit costs of moving the mods and add a cartel coin option to it as well?


Don't you guys think the above solution would be much easier and valid instead of wasting time and money on an appearance tab / xmog-like feature? Especialy if this game already has the highest outfit selection and best system from all mmos i have played.

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Because why bother with a new appearance system if they can just significantly lower credit costs of moving the mods and add a cartel coin option to it as well?


Don't you guys think the above solution would be much easier and valid instead of wasting time and money on an appearance tab / xmog-like feature? Especialy if this game already has the highest outfit selection and best system from all mmos i have played.


No, no I really don't think that would be something I'd be interested in. I want to completely detach the appearance of what I'm wearing from the stats of it and I certainly don't want to swap out and put back two dozen item mods every time I log into another character, even at a reduced cost.

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Pretty sure costume designer means you'll pay credits or coins to assign something from your collections to a peice of armor. This way they can monetize the appearance tab.


If its more in depth than an xmog system ill eat my shoe.

Edited by calypsissmexy
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Should be something that uses the existing CM of gear. Anything else would be a QOL for customers, but not a lot of money for EA/Bioware and we seem to be missing a lot of those types of perks in this game lately. :p


Likely this tool will give us the ability to assign gear as "Appearance Only"... to existing gear. That would make most sense to use the existing CM gear unlock account wides if you want say "Revan's Outfit" on many characters, but it's not legacy bound. The Armor/Mod/Enh would be legacy moved around, but appearance would be per character and unlocked via CC's for the outfit account wide and the ability to use costume/appearance as well.


I HOPE this is how it turns out. I suspect it's going to align to the most logical model that gives them the most $$$.


I'd LOVE to get my havoc squad gear out and apply to my commando. Would be cool to not have to run around in level 10 gear to get the look I want.

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If its more in depth than an xmog system ill eat my shoe.


I'll see your shoe and raise you a mailbox.


Personally, I really just hope it's an 8-or-9 slot (for each visible piece) appearance tab, with each slot costing creds/cc to unlock. If they try to do anything more complicated than that- after failing/refusing to add a hood toggle or fix robes clipping through speeders- I fear it will be severely broken and take precious development time to get fully functional.


For as long as people have been asking for it, I'd be happy if an appearance tab is all it ends up being. I'd augment and gear out 8 sets of the free pilot-themed legacy gear- one for each class- then buy an actual outfit for each of my toons.

Edited by UTlNNl
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As said elsewhere, it's going to be another version of a CC-sponge, probably will cost CC or tons of credits just to get our "outfits" back to where they are the day before release, will be buggy and clunky, and will not work in cut-scenes any more than Unify Colors, Dyes, or Head Slot toggle.
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As said elsewhere, it's going to be another version of a CC-sponge, probably will cost CC or tons of credits just to get our "outfits" back to where they are the day before release, will be buggy and clunky, and will not work in cut-scenes any more than Unify Colors, Dyes, or Head Slot toggle.


This is how i see it as well. All thes people with all these fantastical daydreams of altering items themselves are really setting themselves up for dissapointment, have you not learned anything over the past three years? :confused:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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As said elsewhere, it's going to be another version of a CC-sponge, probably will cost CC or tons of credits just to get our "outfits" back to where they are the day before release, will be buggy and clunky, and will not work in cut-scenes any more than Unify Colors, Dyes, or Head Slot toggle.


That's what I fear. I'm also wondering how it'll look when inspecting somebody else's gear. Will it show the appearance only gear or the gear with the stats? Hopefully they put it up on an open PTS before it goes live.

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As said elsewhere, it's going to be another version of a CC-sponge, probably will cost CC or tons of credits just to get our "outfits" back to where they are the day before release, will be buggy and clunky, and will not work in cut-scenes any more than Unify Colors, Dyes, or Head Slot toggle.




I remember the excitement of the "appearance designer"....then we noticed that it ONLY takes CC's :mad:

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My only hope is that I will be able to change the look of the augmented legacy sets that I share amongst many of my characters and their companions. While several don't look bad I've got, uh, lots of cartel outfits that I can't really use at this point.
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Because why bother with a new appearance system if they can just significantly lower credit costs of moving the mods and add a cartel coin option to it as well?


Don't you guys think the above solution would be much easier and valid instead of wasting time and money on an appearance tab / xmog-like feature? Especialy if this game already has the highest outfit selection and best system from all mmos i have played.

There's no real $ to be made on your suggestion. If it doesn't involve CC's, don't expect it to happen.

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There's no real $ to be made on your suggestion. If it doesn't involve CC's, don't expect it to happen.


Indeed. It will require Cartel Coins to function, the question is whether the costs are worth it in the system they implement.


Somewhere around 500CC for an appearance tab? Seemingly reasonable.

Several thousand? Much less sure.


60 to change (or remove) the shoulder pads / backpack from an armor? Seemingly reasonable.

Several hundred or more? Much less sure.

Edited by azudelphi
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People's expectations are going all over the place - what we end up with is bound to be a letdown. BW reps really should get rocks thrown at them for announcing much anticipated new systems with less than one sentence and no followup or details for weeks/months afterwards. I can't think of anything that some game devs do that annoys me more, actually. Similarly, we still have no idea what they were talking about with "better than x-server" and that was originally intended to be part of SoR. If they really don't know anything about what a system is going to be they shouldn't mention it.
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Similarly, we still have no idea what they were talking about with "better than x-server" and that was originally intended to be part of SoR.


I've been wondering about that myself...they haven't said anything about it, yet they advertised it.

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I will be thrilled if all it is is appearance tabs! All I want to do is be able to quickly and easily switch between various looks without using up pack space. Even better if it would work for characters and companions alike.


My fear is that they are working on something completely different and it won't have the utility I desire. I have enough fun armor unlocked in my collections, I have no urge to create more, unless I can also use it in a good old appearance tab!

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I will be thrilled if all it is is crapper tabs! All I want to do is be able to quickly and easily switch between various looks without using up pack space. Even better if it would work for characters and companions alike.


My fear is that they are working on something completely different and it won't have the utility I desire. I have enough fun armor unlocked in my collections, I have no urge to create more, unless I can also use it in a good old appearance tab!


Expect the worst...that's always my theory. That way, when they deliver anything more than you expected, you'll be happy!!! And I have no doubt that what they're designing is well beyond what players want.

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I don't think I could get my expectations low enough to avoid disappointment.


Well, I suppose if it doesn't set my monitor on fire, there is that.


Frankly I will be surprised if it is at least functional, and doesn't break 10 other things in the process.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I don't think I could get my expectations low enough to avoid disappointment.


Well, I suppose if it doesn't set my monitor on fire, there is that.


Frankly I will be surprised if it is at least functional, and doesn't break 10 other things in the process.


Ever since the CSM you have been super-depressing...


Sure, none of this is ideal... but this is a whole new level of being a downer.

Edited by azudelphi
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