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Parsec timer

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Well Boss 1-4 from the ToS OP


The only boss I've ever made timers for in ToS is the second one (don't really see a point to the other 3 you want).


For the shield timers, since the first ones comes at 30s, then every 60s afterward, timers are as follow:


Shield 1: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 30s

Shield 2: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 90s

Shield 3: Trigger: combat starts, durarion: 150s

Shield 4: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 210s

Shield 5: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 270s

Shield 6: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 330s


This will make 6 timers, each of which will indicate when the next shield will trigger.


Hope that helps.

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The only boss I've ever made timers for in ToS is the second one (don't really see a point to the other 3 you want).


For the shield timers, since the first ones comes at 30s, then every 60s afterward, timers are as follow:


Shield 1: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 30s

Shield 2: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 90s

Shield 3: Trigger: combat starts, durarion: 150s

Shield 4: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 210s

Shield 5: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 270s

Shield 6: Trigger: combat starts, duration: 330s


This will make 6 timers, each of which will indicate when the next shield will trigger.


Hope that helps.


You could simplify your timers down to 2


Shield 1: Trigger : combat starts, duration 30s

Shield 2: Trigger: end of timer 30, duration 60s, repeat 5 times

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I know that all but can i make specifi timers for each boss. All timers i made startet after the one 1 fight timer


Under the "TIMERS" tab in Parsec you can turn your timers on/off. You'll have to turn on only the timers you want for that boss or else, yes, every timer will trigger.

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When creating a set of timers for a specific boss, make sure the names are very specific for that fight, so if you are using the end of a timer to start another one, it isn't confusing as to which one. Also, you will need to reset them in between each fight, but it is doable. I'm still messing around with them a bit tweaking a thing or two for different fights.
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Just wanted to jump in and say that Parsec has a new export/import feature that allows a person to export their timers to a file. Maybe some intrepid user will share their awesome raid timers with everyone :)


To import timers and merge them with yours you click File > Import Data. Deselect everything except Timers and deselect the Remove Current option. Then select the import file and click import.

Edited by Docmal
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Just wanted to jump in and say that Parsec has a new export/import feature that allows a person to export their timers to a file. Maybe some intrepid user will share their awesome raid timers with everyone :)


To import timers and merge them with yours you click File > Import Data. Deselect everything except Timers and deselect the Remove Current option. Then select the import file and click import.


You know, this is friggin awesome :D Timers with different sounds is super useful, exporting them so that guild raid twink and everyone can use them.... Amazing!

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