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Waiting patiently for when we will get a blue post regarding pvp issues.


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Allow me to introduce myself, im Watcher-Six on TOFN server.

Been playing my merc since launch aswell as every other AC in the game. 4 lvl 60s and 11 rank 55s so far. I have done an extensive amount of pvp on all of the classes. I made some pvp videos back in the days and got pretty nice responses from the community.

With that out of the way i would like to get to the point of this thread.


The dual wielding favourites of swtor (people love the look of marauders/sentinels) got an answer to their pretty dire situation in pvp. No details so far but still, it is a morale boost for their part of the community.


I cant help but feel that a post like that is oh i dunno, 3~ years overdue in this part of the forums?

Been waiting for a long time now to feel that mercs/commandos are a equally good choice for normals/solo ranked/group ranked as other classes. Keep in mind im fully aware that other classes also needs help in certain regards, i dont mean to diminish their needs with a "me me me" post. But we DO need to get a pretty drastic reconstruction of our defensive cooldowns.


We dont need to discuss exactly what each person wants in this thread, we got plenty of those. But i would dearly want a blue respons about the plans they have for pvp for this class. As it stands im on the edge of leaving for the second time cause its just too frustrating to excell as a sin or a sorc or a jug etc and yet i have to struggle like a maniac on my merc to keep up. And i have totally stopped doing solo ranked, i dont feel i have the same horse power in my car as the other racers.


So how about devs, throw us a bone here will ya?

Love and hugs etc


Edited by Nightkin
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I think that is the stigma of the class. We do great in PvE and thus no fixes should ever be done for pvp. Its all L2P, H2F, LOS and make em pay. I would like to play this game more, but not with the fotm crowd.


I want "my" class to be equally viable for PvP, if its not then i keep paying for something that i dont even enjoy doing, wich is stupid. So come on now BW, wake up and help us out!

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Im still waiting BW, we all are. As you already know patience after 3 years of pvp neglect is starting to wear really thin but its getting closer to some kind of boiling point for a lot of players. Thread after thread regarding our issues pop up on a daily basis and the "oh shyite" thread on the pvp forum is really getting big. It is high time to atleast answer us or try and start a discussion of some kind. If no plans are in motion to increase this class viability then we would like to know why.


Thanks for reading...

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Im still waiting BW, we all are. As you already know patience after 3 years of pvp neglect is starting to wear really thin but its getting closer to some kind of boiling point for a lot of players. Thread after thread regarding our issues pop up on a daily basis and the "oh shyite" thread on the pvp forum is really getting big. It is high time to atleast answer us or try and start a discussion of some kind. If no plans are in motion to increase this class viability then we would like to know why.


Thanks for reading...


They don't answer because they don't have one. Anyone that has PvPed consistently in this game knew that just by looking at the class changes which ones were getting serious buffs and were going to be considered OP and which ones, like the mercs and maras, where going to get shafted.


They do not know how to fix it because they do not know how it operates in a PvP environment.

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Lol, "did you know we constantly monitor class balance?"


What a load of ****, otherwise commando / merc woulda been the VERY first class to get tweaked instead of juggernaut, and now marauder / sent coming up.

Yeah that line was just an extra slap in the face, with a chair.

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