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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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I don't see how that makes my point moot. You realize there's plenty of people who are more knowledgeable in the force than Anakin but lack enough power that it doesn't matter? Knowledge of the force =/= raw power which is what this thread is about. It's literally about who is the strongest. Not who will win in a duel, who has more knowledge, etc. If Yoda has more force knowledge than Sidious but his power is close enough to be able to stand against him there is reason to assume that this might allow him to match him as an equal.


This is why I gave the bladesman example.

The thread is analyzing command over the Force, not just raw power. To be more clear it's assessing both how much raw power an individual possesses, and to what extent they are able to apply that power.


Anyway honestly don't get you're point, and I don't think you're getting mine, I don't plan on predicating any argument of Yoda's superiority over ROTS Sidious on a quote anyway so I'm not going to press this point.

The problem here is I think people are a bit biased because it goes very against the grain of what we originally thought. That there are two dark side users above Yoda. I understand this but sometimes we have to take a step back and look at the facts.
Calling your opponents biased because they disagree with you is not a good strategy, not saying I'm offended but I would advise against it, you'll persuade nobody, and only present yourself as entrenched in your own opinions.


I'm happy to concede Valkorion's superiority over Yoda if a good argument is made, so far no one's even tried.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Is nobody actually going to address the evidence to the contrary? :rolleyes:


You mean the script? Yeah, the script does nothing to help your case. It says they both flew off the podium. What, you think Yoda just jumped off on his own? :/


The novel describes that particular scene a. differently, b. from Yoda's point of view and c. is an inferior source to the script. However the fact that Sidious was barely able to cling to a senate pod strongly indicates he was pooped.


You mean the novel that was reviewed and edited by George Lucas himself per Stover? I'd think they are on similar grounds given Lucas' involvement in each.


And just because it's in Yoda's perspective does not invalidate it at all. It provides the detail that shows that Yoda was putting everything he had into it. And heck the script helps my case. It says he went searching for Yoda. Why would he do that if he was 'pooped'? He may have expended a great deal of energy, but Yoda had reached his highest limit, per the novel. The script does not contradict this nor does the film itself.

Edited by Aurbere
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You mean the script? Yeah, the script does nothing to help your case. It says they both flew off the podium. What, you think Yoda just jumped off on his own? :/




You mean the novel that was reviewed and edited by George Lucas himself per Stover? I'd think they are on similar grounds given Lucas' involvement in each.


And just because it's in Yoda's perspective does not invalidate it at all. It provides the detail that shows that Yoda was putting everything he had into it. And heck the script helps my case. It says he went searching for Yoda. Why would he do that if he was 'pooped'? He may have expended a great deal of energy, but Yoda had reached his highest limit, per the novel. The script does not contradict this nor does the film itself.


Let's also not forget that Sidious isn't one to make unnecessary risks. So if he felt he could pursue and kill Yoda it wasn't out of arrogance. He truly felt he could pursue and kill Yoda. If he was losing or being overpowered this would be incredibly stupid. Something we know Sidious isn't.

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You mean the script? Yeah, the script does nothing to help your case. It says they both flew off the podium. What, you think Yoda just jumped off on his own? :/
I mean the script and the film, the film depicts Palpatine being visibly overwhelmed. That is not what a stalemate looks like, this is what a stalemate looks like. Can you spot the difference?


And the scripts says that Yoda "throws PALPATINE backwards off the podium" i.e. he overpowered him.


Yoda is described as being "knocked off the Podium", but this is not attributed to Sidious directly, instead we are left to assume it was a result of the excess energy Yoda failed to contain, the backlash of deflecting the attack.


If it were a stalemate as you describe the film would depict them both struggling as equals, however it is Yoda pushing forward with an expression of resolve, and Palpatine floundering in desperation as the is pushed back. Secondly he script would not use language partial to Yoda i.e. "they both fly off the podium." They do not because it was not.


However I forgot to add TCW to the list, which also depicts Yoda defeating Palpatine in the hallucination scene, but with Yoda's superiority being more obvious:



Both are blown back, but it is more obvious that Yoda is blowing Sidious away, and being stumbled by the backlash.

You mean the novel that was reviewed and edited by George Lucas himself per Stover? I'd think they are on similar grounds given Lucas' involvement in each.
I'm not saying the novel is not in keeping with Lucas' vision, but the films, the script and TCW (which also had Lucas' heavy involvement) are ultimately going to be more accurate.


Stover's writing of the scene for example, is more symbolic, generalised and metaphorical than the film.

And just because it's in Yoda's perspective does not invalidate it at all. It provides the detail that shows that Yoda was putting everything he had into it.
That wasn't my point, my point is it only tells you what Yoda is experiencing, not Palpatine, we do not know what Palpatine is feeling in this situation, only what Yoda percieves. The fact that it doesn't mention Palpatine's exhaustion is therefore irrelevant, as it doesn't mention Palpatine's condition at all.
And heck the script helps my case. It says he went searching for Yoda.
Why wouldn't he? Palpatine had the high ground, ergo he had won, hence why he cackles despite hanging vulnerably from a pod. Yoda retreated because he didn't have the energy to reclaim it.


But do you think Sidious would have attempt to reengage if the roles were reversed?

Why would he do that if he was 'pooped'? He may have expended a great deal of energy, but Yoda had reached his highest limit, per the novel. The script does not contradict this nor does the film itself.
If he were not exhausted, why didn't he Force leap onto the Senate pod, why didn't he pursue Yoda immediately rather than clinging on to the rungs of the pod for dear life? If he can't even pull himself onto a pod he's obviously exhausted.


Furthermore, if Palpatine had not expended his energy, why was he unable to sustain his Force lightning attack against Yoda? Why was Yoda able to push his energy back, and throw him off the platform?

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