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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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You still ignore that Aleema used sith sorcery, which was Kun also proficient in. Skeleton reducing blast with sorcery is not even the same league of doing the same with lightning, let alone TK.


Nothing, since they never used similar power afaik. Kun on the other hand used TK. Where's Kun Force Crushing something of an AT-AT size pre-prime without amp? Or atomizing something of half the Salvation size?


The fact is that Vader and Starkiller have Plagueis tier feats, Kun doesn't. If you put Kun above them based on hype, then why not Talzin?


How is freezing thousands of people at once not a Plagueis tier feat? Also doing it with sorcery IS just as impressive. Name other sorcerers who could do the same? It's using sorcery to create concentrated blasts of pure energy. It doesn't need rituals to set up he can just "fire' those blasts. Also again her ability is absolutely nothing compared to Kun's ability.


Telekinesis isn't everything. Truth is Kun can freeze thousands of people. He can protect himself, his temples, and his army from being bombed all at once CASUALLY. It was literally no effort to do this. It wasn't a strain. It wasn't even difficult. It was easy for him.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Stasis is? I missed the memo.


No. Being able to stop a carpet bombing over a large area while he protects himself, his warriors, and his temples is. That's more impressive than lifting up an AT-AT and crushing it. It also wasn't tutaminis. That's why I compare it to telekinesis. It was a barrier.


Remember, this was something he can do casually without straining. It was simple to him. It didn't even require concentration.


Also yes I also find the stasis feat better too. Holding thousands of beings in place while casually giving a speech? As I pointed out. Many things > One bigger heavier thing. It usually requires more concentration to affect multiple things at once. Especially living things. Casually holding a galactic senate down without even so much of a gesture?

Edited by Rhyltran
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Semantical? You literally said that atomizing lyleks puts Vader in Talzin's tier.
Yes semantical, you misunderstood what I said, I explained what I meant quite clearly and now you're attempting to use the fact that my meaning was unclear to claim I'm contradicting myself.


I find this kind of argument exasperating and pointless, and I'm not going to engage in it.

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Folks I don't think this dick measuring contest is going to get us anywhere, it's pretty obvious that Kun has done things Vader and Starkiller haven't, and there are things Vader and Starkiller have done that Kun hasn't.


But we never used that as valid proof of superiority before so I don't know why we are starting now. Sidious has done things Luke hasn't, Vitiate has done things Yoda hasn't, etc. etc. we all know why this isn't a valid form of argument.


There's a reason why I suggested we move away from a comparison of feats and look to accolades because grounded conclusions can't be made in terms of feats. Yes there are things that Vader and Starkiller have done that Kun hasn't and vice versa, but we are not in a position to prove that either party would be incapable of replicating those feats, we don't have sufficient evidence, especially in the case of Kun, who has little to no showings in many areas.


But again, what Kun does have very much stacks up to Vader and Starkiller in comparable areas, and he has, as Rhyltran and others have shown, just as many #8+ feats at the high end as they do. There certainly aren't any feats that Vader/Starkiller possess that prove they are stronger than Kun, and in that respect, featwise, they are in deadlock.

Edited by Beniboybling
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How is freezing thousands of people at once not a Plagueis tier feat? Also doing it with sorcery IS just as impressive. Name other sorcerers who could do the same? It's using sorcery to create concentrated blasts of pure energy. It doesn't need rituals to set up he can just "fire' those blasts. Also again her ability is absolutely nothing compared to Kun's ability.


Telekinesis isn't everything. Truth is Kun can freeze thousands of people. He can protect himself, his temples, and his army from being bombed all at once CASUALLY. It was literally no effort to do this. It wasn't a strain. It wasn't even difficult. It was easy for him.


Nah, Sidious says in the book of Sith that Sorcery is a path to powers you don't actually have the strength for.


Also, link me to this bombardment feat. If it's what I think it is, it's being taken way out of context.

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Folks I don't think this dick measuring contest is going to get us anywhere, it's pretty obvious that Kun has done things Vader and Starkiller haven't, and there are things Vader and Starkiller have done that Kun hasn't.


But we never used that as valid proof of superiority before so I don't know why we are starting now. Sidious has done things Luke hasn't, Vitiate has done things Yoda hasn't, etc. etc. we all know why this isn't a valid form of argument.


There's a reason why I suggested we move away from a comparison of feats and look to accolades because grounded conclusions can't be made in terms of feats. Yes there are things that Vader and Starkiller have done that Kun hasn't and vice versa, but we are not in a position to prove that either party would be incapable of replicating those feats, we don't have sufficient evidence, especially in the case of Kun, who has little to no showings in many areas.


But again, what Kun does have very much stacks up to Vader and Starkiller in comparable areas, and he has, as Rhyltran and others have shown, just as many #8+ feats at the high end as they do. There certainly aren't any feats that Vader/Starkiller possess that prove they are stronger than Kun, and in that respect, featwise, they are in deadlock.


There's still the fact that the Muur measuring stick is skewed.

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Accolade time then:


Once the most powerful and dangerous of the Dark Lords of the Sith, he [Exar Kun] was responsible for the deaths of millions four millennia before the rise of the Empire.


- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia


The most powerful Sith Lords possess a talent for the dark alchemy of the Sith. The Emperor, like Naga Sadow and Exar Kun long before him, became a master of manipulating the genetic building blocks of living creatures through the dark side. Over the millennia, many creatures have been broken, twisted, and rebuilt by this evil power.


- The Dark Side Sourcebook


There in front of him, starkly visible against the blackness of space, he could see the faint images of Emperor Palpatine and Exar Kun, two of the greatest focal points of the dark side he’d ever had to face. They were standing there before him, gazing back at him. And laughing.


- Specter of the Past


One shotting Odan Urr who was a very powerful Jedi in his own right. Spending his time communing and drawing from a nexus and being one shot by a force wound attack. Kun resisted and shrugged off a sever force attack from him.


Kun, even in his day and age, never suffered defeat at the hands of his enemies. He was so powerful his spirit had to be sealed in a temple.


Kun is confirmed to be more powerful than the likes of Freedon Nadd who is considered one of the most powerful sith in his own right. This is proven when he encounters his spirit and effortlessly obliterates it.


Kun has mastered alchemy to a degree that virtually no other sith lord could ever hope to compete. He's also accredited as one of the most powerful Sorcerers of all time.


Nah, Sidious says in the book of Sith that Sorcery is a path to powers you don't actually have the strength for.


Also, link me to this bombardment feat. If it's what I think it is, it's being taken way out of context.


I agree with you on the Sorcery bit which is why I pointed out that what he's done with sorcery no other sith has really done. Plus almost everything Talzin does is the Nightsisters own brand of sorcery but it's nothing short of impressive for exactly the same reason. It allowed her new ways to utilize the force in the likes that no one before has. I'll try to find the bombardment thing..

Edited by Rhyltran
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And why shouldn't he? Revan's Yavin feats being far and away better than Kun's is a perfectly valid argument for Revan being better than Kun :rak_02:
On what grounds are they far and away better than Kun's?
Heh, you'll just have to wait and see what I have in store for that.
Well I'll reserve my reaction in advance: https://media.giphy.com/media/3h5pe45FM9qUM/giphy.gif
Yea but Exur haven't shown the ability to replicate those feats off of a Darkside Nexus.
*Exar, and neither has Revan bro. Edited by Beniboybling
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