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The Contraband Slot Machine


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I seriously believe BioWare overreacted by a large margin on this change. They did not nerf the slot machines, they dropped the nerf factory on them. I'm not a big GTN seller, never took the time to really learn the market. But I was enjoying the scrap drops for my own personal crafting, making stuff for myself and my wife. Really was gonna make life easy for making those purple augments. And the faction specific walker, really? We already have faction walkers courtesy of the Yavin 4 rep vendor. The drop rate on the walker is so abysmally low, and with no other real rewards, the slot machines are now just really pretty (read: expensive) decos. At least during nightlife you had pretty good odds at the golden certs to buy some kinda decent gear. This is all just my opinion, but BW really did just makes these things completely worthless. All because people were crying that their profits were getting hurt by them. This is a game, not a fortune 500 company (speaking of the characters, not BW) the point is to have fun. If trying to be the Warren Buffet of the server is fun for you, fine. But the point of the game is not to make billionaires in the in-game economy. And everything else BW has done that has hurt the economy (such as the 192 comp gear), is working as intended.
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Given the outcome in so many of BW's decisions; apparently it is -d a m n- near impossible to find a happy median.


With public reaction, sure, but with numbers? That should be easy.


They went way too far with the drop rates on the Certs and non-JJ scraps. 'And' they increased the price of the coins by 50% and DOUBLED the outright 'loss' rate. It's quite literally, mathematically speaking, 100 times as hard to get a Certificate now.


As people have already said, it went from being a fun item with too much payout to completely worthless with no payout.

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You have to laugh at the irony, they killed the slots due to the whining of just a small number of players that just kept posting to a couple threads repeatedly, now they have mass complaints by a large number of people posting a huge number of threads.


yeah good job there BW :eek:

You really believe that THIS is the reason they made this change?

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You have to laugh at the irony, they killed the slots due to the whining of just a small number of players that just kept posting to a couple threads repeatedly, now they have mass complaints by a large number of people posting a huge number of threads.


yeah good job there BW :eek:


Lol mass complaint and forums should never be used on the forums. The forums are a small percentage of players. Those crying about the slots cry eveeytime there is a new hot topic some were even crying last week about the slots and now are crying about the consequences of their previous crying.


Most are the same ones who cried about class chsnges who cried about trainings cost, it's the same people over and over lol mass complaint lol too funny.

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Eric. I can only hope that you do read through these posts. Please do something about GTN prices and put Item Price Caps in Place. Many of us are tired of spending half the game farming for Credits to pay the astronomical prices on GTN for the items that the material from the Slot Machines allowed us to make ourselves. I agree, the Slot Machines were not good for the Crafters, but they are the minority, and the majority need your help as well to ensure fair game play.
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the imp mount http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/1650/3869/original.jpg disco globe comes above head as usual says you have received blank (no description just blank) , is in inventory with no description .When added in your list of vehicles has no name next to it just blank.


Just looked at the screencap, thank you. If the Pub walker looks similar, then I think I'll just stick with my 100K walkers from the Yavin Rep vendor.

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Fine... then give me a refund on the 5,400 CC I used to purchase the hypercrate and we'll call it even.


No one forced you to buy it in the first place you made that choice all on your own so only one to blame here is you.


I bought packs too and got a machine, you don't hear me whine over the nerf, and I am a Master crafter and NO I do not sell mats at all I craft for a living and no I don't have countless millions horded away.

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Your looking at the wrong thing, what they needed to do was remove grade 11 blue and purple items from the jawas, not change the slot machine.


I agree with Danw...the drop rates for blue, and especially purple, needed to be changed, not the rest.

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Because you can get 10 Jawa from conquest, that means you can make an augment once every 2 weeks :rolleyes:


Ya, it was already bad :p


I get 50 or 60 jawa junk every week from conquests depending on which alts I push through for points. It takes 3 jawa junk to get 1 Adaptive Circuitry, and 2 Adaptive Circuitry to make 1 Augment.


That's 8 to 10 augments per week, for me. If you only did conquest on one alt, that's still 2.5 augments per week, not 0.5 augments per week.


You really need to learn to math. Every one of your posts is mathematically inaccurate, and that's being generous.

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Lets face it the slot machine allowed people to augment without Slicing.


It [Jawa Junk] had to go, it was allowing an entire profession to be bypassed.


Good riddance.


And why should Slicing be the only necessary and by far the most profitable skill while others wither away, becoming increasingly useless with each expansion?


Players should be able to bypass other players, it happens absolutely all the time in other professions and other parts of the game. You're just angry because it happened specifically to you, and you want the devs to personally protect your profits.


There was nothing disproportionate about the machines in theory. It wasn't as if they were particularly easy to obtain, or widespread. The drop rates could have tweaked, but should not have been erased entirely. Now the machines are equally rare, but entirely useless. This is in contrast to Slicing, which was still very useful and profitable, just slightly less so - which was apparently a change on par with the Holocaust according to the whinge brigade that stormed the forums to complain about the slight difficulty they were experiencing in their usual price gouging.

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Whiners will do nothing but whine. But i agree with the OP. Slots were bad for the game and derped crafting to nothing and killed the economy. Those of you still whining about the nerf should all join together and sing a sad sad song. We can provide the violins.


Btw i have a slot machine and have been grinding it for that last week. I managed to farm tons of mats from it. It kills the economy. Absolutely kills it. The difference with slots and CM is slots it literally unlimited the number of mats you can win and the credits would never run out. If you ran out of credit you sell mats and make a profit. Who makes a profit from gambling?? If you cant plainly see it was wrong to begin with no one can help you.


Edit: And about jawa junk? Unless you have unlimited cash to buy CM packs thell run their course over time. You wont see a flood of new artifact mats like we had just after they addee grade 11 mats to the jawa vendors. With slots you could farm unlimited artifacts for nothing. There is a difference.

Edited by chosonman
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Whiners will do nothing but whine. But i agree with the OP. Slots were bad for the game and derped crafting to nothing and killed the economy. Those of you still whining about the nerf should all join together and play a sad sad song. We can provide the violins.


Btw i have a slot machine and have been grinding it for that last week. I managed to farm tons of mats from it. It kills the economy. Absolutely kills it. The difference with slots and CM is slots it literally unlimited the number of mats you can win and the credits would never run out. If you ran out of credit you sell mats and make a profit. Who makes a profit from gambling?? If you cant plainly see it was wrong to begin with no one can help you.


People like you killed the economy, grinding the machine and then flooding the market with mats.. Remember that a machine has no effect without a user, or in this case, an abuser.


Nuclear energy is a very powerful energy source. In the wrong hands it can destroy cities in a second, in the right hands it can power cities for thousands of years. You choose to be the destructive power of nuclear energy instead of a constructive one.


Guess that economy recovered quite well huh? Midlithe crystals on Jung Ma were back over 40k this morning after the patch, and Adaptive Circuitry is stupid expensive again.

Edited by Draqsko
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As a MASTER CRAFTER (all 6 crafting professions), the machine aided me in making items for those that needed it.


Now, I also don't count on the GTN for sales - so if your "argument" is that it hurt GTN sales, then sure, I'll buy that.


But CRAFTERS need MATERIALS to CRAFT... The machines aided us in that endeavor.


Someone who understands that the slots actually helped us (crafters).

to the OP:Yeah the price points collapsed but new opportunities were created and if you didn't see them that is not the Dev's fault.

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Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:




Where is Eric's post about refunding people who bought the machine? After he said "working as intended" you have to believe BW would compesate poeple that trusted them on that and bought it believeing it wouldn't be changed, except for jawa junk which they were 'looking into.' All the other changes ought to be reverted, or they should allow customers to refund the machines. This has to be the worst PR fail i've witnessed in my MMO history.

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Someone who understands that the slots actually helped us (crafters).

to the OP:Yeah the price points collapsed but new opportunities were created and if you didn't see them that is not the Dev's fault.


Yeah, I was selling augment kits like hotcakes. Within 2 hours of posting and they would all be gone. When the price for augment mats dropped, people started actually augmenting more than one set.

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Through the machine you could get 1000+ grade 11 mats per day, that is an issue.


The only issue you present here is that there are people who have enough free time and nothing better to do with their lives than playing that boring machine so long and so excessively that they got 1000+ java junk per day.


How many people do you think could or would do that? If really a lot of people did it, then there is indeed more to worry than just a nerf for the machine. It would mean that many people have serious real life issues. Yes, I claim that here and now. It is my opinion about such people.


If only few people did it and most actually did it in a normal fashion, like playing 198 coins per day, then we have the case that the e. g. 1% killed a fun thing for the 99% rest.


Either way, the slot machine itself and the drop rate was not the problem.

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But crafters are the evil overlords of the SWTOR universe, pressing down their vengeful thumb on the shoulders of the poor and destitute.


If only there was a way for everybody to pick a crew mission and run missions, so they too could sell the resources they deem to be 'overpriced'.


If only...

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I also suggested that the purple and blue drop rates should be dialed down, the green rate dialed up.


The time has come, The Walrus said, to speak of many things. Of Howard Roarke and Architects, of cabbages and kings. And why the wind blows east then west, And whether devs have wings.


Artemis, you did *not* suggest that purples be dialed down, you said they were fine as they were -- that was what started our conversation yesterday, in this very thread:


Me: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7965732&postcount=463


My proposal (from way earlier in the thread) was that removing all jawa stuff (replacing drops with the free spin, not a loss), or at least reducing the purples to 1%, and leaving the rest as is would be sufficient to correct the damage to mission gathering skills without negatively impacting the rest of the machine's functionality.


So basically you are asking them to balance the nerf by adopting my suggestion.


I'm not saying this to gloat or rub anything in, because like you, I am "not thrilled" with the stealth nerf to the Certificate drop rates. And, as I said, I don't like to take pleasure in others' misfortune. I know you thought the devs were taking the game in a 'better" direction. To be honest, I had hoped that it really was intentional (even if it was something I didn't want), since I'd rather somebody do a good job on a game I wouldn't like than a bad job on one I do.

Edited by eartharioch
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