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The Contraband Slot Machine


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BW should refund their players. The new odds are absolutely ridiculous. What a disgusting thing to do.


Yea, its open season now. I have given them FAR too much slack in recent months. I am done with that. I am going to hold their feet to the fire on every single issue from here forward.


I am not very happy.

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Funny how only the data that might leave BW looking bad disappears.


The emperor is naked, indeed.


Yea, well the abundant stupidity of this change is going to make itself apparent soon enough. I mean I just bought this damn thing....I didn't expect the drop rates for junk to stay put, but jeez....did they really have to take a big dump all over this thing?


With the reward rates where they are, this is your chance when you play....get your money back or have a tiny chance to win something. A TINY chance for anything.


I can't believe they didnt at least roll the additional percentages they had after shearing them off everything else into the coin return at least....that would have at least made SOME sense.


This is pure garbage. This is as bad as charging folks for abilities they already had IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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OK BioWare, you did your thing and saved the market prices for people that want to get rich from selling mats on GTN.


These changes are preposterous.


Played 99 spins, got nothing but rep items, no certifs, no mats, nothing.


This will be the downside for YOU guys :


- People will not buy Cartel packs anymore because there is a slot machine inside. As you nerfed the thing to death already, the chips prices may vary if you think it is needed. And patches may come to nerf it even further into oblivion if people cry enough.


- People in Europe are entitled to cartel coin refunds. As you stated before the machine was WORKING AS INTENDED before nerfing it so draconously. I suggest changes it back as were before, or start drawing the checkbooks .....

ToS having stated that software is provided AS IS doesn't cut it under EU law ....


You may rather think of fixing the bugged Coratanni fight or the unplayable 16 man ops and ongoing perf issues then worrying about the slot machines ....

Edited by ron_harmeling
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Yea, well the abundant stupidity of this change is going to make itself apparent soon enough. I mean I just bought this damn thing....I didn't expect the drop rates for junk to stay put, but jeez....did they really have to take a big dump all over this thing?


With the reward rates where they are, this is your chance when you play....get your money back or have a tiny chance to win something. A TINY chance for anything.


I can't believe they didnt at least roll the additional percentages they had after shearing them off everything else into the coin return at least....that would have at least made SOME sense.


This is pure bull. This is as bad as charging folks for abilities they already had IMO.


I'm disappointed in how this is going to return the market to an extreme seller's market on certain mats.


If I'd actually spent real or game money on one of these, there would probably be steam coming out of my ears.


Sadly, I've come to expect this sort of crap from MMOs... they retain the right to make any change they feel like at any time regardless of what people might have invested in time, effort, or money. It's half the reason I have a very low threshold of "meh, too much effort" when it comes to MMOs -- whatever it is I've put effort into could change tomorrow and all the effort would be for nothing.

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Well I for one will no longer buy any cartel packs after this BS. They took something useful and made it into an extremely expensive paperweight, all to appease the whiny mat farmers who were no longer making 500% or more profit
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I wanted to reserve judgement until we got some evidence under our belts. And...now we do. I for one probably won't buy cartel packs until something else comes up that might spark my interest. Until then I'm just shelving my coins. Thankfully, I got quite a few levels of crafting done for my still leveling PT. Back to before. I feel like Bioware catered to the anti obamacare crowd. Oh mah gerd they have death panels! Oh mah gerd it's gonna break the economy! I doubt any of that would have happened, but Bioware caved to the scare tactics. Great job. At least I have a somewhat cool looking ornament in my strong hold now. Back to sending out crew members on missions all the time, and searching for the cheapest stack of mats on the GTN. Congrats 1%ers. You all cried about the game, and you got your wish. I'll be sure to hopefully level up my crafting so I can gouge everyone just like you do because things absolutely can't get better with this game. Ohhhhhhhhhh well. Fun while it lasted.
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If it wasn't so stupid it would be funny.


Had the slot machines come out with these odds, no one would have much cared...not many people would have bought it, those that want a cantina feel to their Stronghold would have been happy.


Instead they come out overpowered, causing a huge upset and rush, people spending lots of money, especially after BW basically say "workling as intended".


Of course most people were expecting a nerf, which was rushed through yesterday to today (the things had been out for a week, why the sudden kneejerk?).


Now, they have overcompensated to a ridiculous degree after advertising a modest adjustment [my words, not theirs]. With the new drop rates on certificates this is not an attractive way of getting them and how many people are going to grind for the walker when we can get a similar model from Vavin rep?


In summary, Bioware have managed to anger just about everyone during the course of this sorry affair. All completely unnecessary.

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See you around Tdmaha.


I will be here...laughing at all the babies who were crying about the slot machines for the last week that are now crying about the changes to the slot machines they forced bw to make because of their crying in the first place.

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And idiots who cry about everyrhibg and still pay for it...bravo!


Im not crying, im speakin my oppinion. Look in a dictonary, and you will know the difference. And since i play for the game, i think i have the right to say when they have made a bad decision. If nobody speaks about it, they will just make more (but considering the decisions they have made over time, it seems pointless, unless of course it hurts the people who are making a ridicules amouth of credits, then they change it)

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I will be here...laughing at all the babies who were crying about the slot machines for the last week that are now crying about the changes to the slot machines they forced bw to make because of their crying in the first place.


look of cry'ing, seriously. apparently you don't know the meaning of it. And i highly doubt that the people who complained about how the drop rate was before, are the same who are doing it now. If you think that, you can't be to bright

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Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:



Have fun? Fun is over. This machine is not ever a toy, works completely different and now really is a money (and time) sink and waste. Not even a nerfed machine. It is another thing. You did not adjust it, you broke it. Well done. A move from white to black, no middle point. You could have put a cooldown on the machine if you wanted to regulate the use, but what you have done is like giving a toy to your child, and when you see he overuses it then you crash it to the ground and give it back to the child. Marvelous decission.

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This is what I suggest to fix this complete debacle.


Increase drop rates as follows....


Purple - .05 percent

Blue - 2 percent

Green - 4 percent


Then return cert drops to their prior drop percentage, and roll the remaining percentage into a COIN DROP, not a failure rate.


That, IMO would fix it. Even if you do not fix the drop rates for scraps, at the very least you HAVE to return the cert rates to their prior level and remove that added loss rate...which is now ridiculous.


I can accept the reductions in drop rates for scraps. They should not have been on the machine in the first place IMO. I can also support the coin cost increase...what I CAN NOT abide is the cut to the cert drop rate or the increase in the loss rate, both completely idiotic changes IMO.


You don't nerf the only two things that would likely keep the machine appealing. The point that made the machine fun, IMO, was that you would often win something. That should have remained as certs and your coin back. That, coupled with a small chance to get a great mount might have been enough to keep it appealing IMO.


As it is now it is next to useless. You turned this thing into garbage with one fell swoop.

Edited by LordArtemis
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While I'm sympathetic to those who claim a bait-and-switch happened given the extreme changes in Jawa Junk drops, I feel like the end result is actually a good vision of what the Slot Machine should be: primarily a way to get the associated Reputation, with an unlikely 'jackpot' odds of getting a Cartel Cert and a super-duper-rare chance of getting the special mount (similar to the Rancor odds during the Summer Event).


This is a good version of the item, but BW made a mistake in ever releasing a version that had people treating it as a crafting-focused machine or an easy way of getting Cartel Certs. Now people, justifiably, feel like they're getting jerked around.

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