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The Contraband Slot Machine


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Indeed the nerf has come. A price increase on the coins to 750 and greatly reduced jawa junk, as well as greatly increased rep tokens (purple). There will also a rare drop walker mount for those who feel BW didn't use any lube.

My opinion on the situation doesn't matter one bit so I will refrain from sharing it, but I will be at the slots this evening. Thank the force it's not a raid night.

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Which "integral part of the game" is that?


Rotating toons to send out companions on missions for purple mats?

Is that what some people play SWTOR to do? I always just found it a necessary annoyance myself.


But are you saying it's integral to game? That it wouldn't be Star Wars: The Old Republic" without it?


I don't recall anyone doing crafting missions in any of the movies. Is it from the books perhaps? I haven't read much of the EU stuff.


they need to make crafting missions only advance while the character is logged in..make it on par with EVERY other activity in the game

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No, it doesn't. It reduces the cost of two aspects of the game (purple mat acquisition and CM reputation acquisition). That's change, but it does not break anything.


This is not like the Collections bug that was a nearly limitless source of new gold in the game. Making purple mats cheaper just means some crafted item will be cheaper and more abundant. I don't see that that breaks anything. And making CM Certs and rep easier to get just means some vanity items, like mounts, are easier to get. Again, not game breaking.


I'd appreciate it if people would try to limit the hyperbole in their posts. Hyperbole works great for scamming people and comedy acts, but other than that it is not very productive.


I guess they agreed more with me than with you. I considered making companion gathering missions completely obsolete was breaking the game. It appears this was one of the justifications for the upcoming hotfix changes tomorrow.


Game fixed.

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they need to make crafting missions only advance while the character is logged in..make it on par with EVERY other activity in the game


Are we only going to be allowed to sell items on the GTN only when we are logged in as well? As in..... must be online for the sale to complete on the GTN? ... of course not.


Same thing with crew missions...... both crew missions and selling on the GTN are fire/forget/collect_later game events... which specifically work whether you are logged in or not.. and the timers continue to run while logged out.


And no.. not all timers stop when you log out in this game.

Edited by Andryah
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Unfortunately this likely means they will NOT make adjustments to crew missions, which is disappointing IMO.


But I think the changes proposed are actually good ones in the long run.


1) limits the impact on the market in the long term.

2) You can still likely get around the same amount of mats...for the same cost ratio, but with more time investment. They are increasing rep drops with the coin price, and now it will take more time...so crew missions are more appealing now.

3) You now have a chance at a rare mount, which increases the appeal of the machine.


I do not think they should have nerfed green scraps. Right now green mats are easy to get as it is, so I didn't feel this would have impacted the market at all. If I had made the changes.....


Coin price increased

Green scraps stay the same

Blue and Purple scraps drastically reduced as planned

Rep items increased substantially as planned

Certificates increased

Walker, Rancor, black/black and white/white dye added as very rare drops, all BOL.


That, IMO, would have accomplished the changes goals and still kept the machine just as appealing.

Edited by LordArtemis
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The increased rep drop is the stupidest thing ever.



The increased rep drop is likely calculated to work with the increased token cost and the reduced rate of JJ drops to make the unit continue to drop items at a rate whih is 'fun' for the player, provides the proper ratio of 'sellback' so the initial investment hurts less, but still puts the cost per purple gathered by 'slotting' equal to or higher than gathering missions.

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stupidest thing was using this to sell packs and then nerfing it. very dishonest are they trying to tell us they didnt know the odds before they released it? not a chance.


Meh, if you bought packs specifically because you knew the drop rates from the slot machine, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Anyone with an ounce of common sense realized the drop rates on the Jawa Scrap was absurd and there was no way it was going to remain that way.


If you bought packs because of the slot machine, but didn't know its drop rates, lowering the drop rates isn't any different than if it had started out with lower drop rates to begin with. In that case, you basically got a "bonus" week of higher drop rates.

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And no.. not all timers stop when you log out in this game.


In fact, from what I've seen, timers do or don't stop in the player's favor:


Timers Stop: Buffs -- Stims, XP Boosts, Class Buffs (most importantly, one applied by other players), etc.


Timers Don't Stop: Cooldowns/Debuffs -- Quick Travel cooldown, Legacy Transport cooldowns, Heroic Moment cooldown, Raid Ability lockout debuffs, etc.

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SNIP... Anyone with an ounce of common sense realized the drop rates on the Jawa Scrap was absurd and there was no way it was going to remain that way.


After BW said it was not bugged and was working as intended. Thinking the drop rate was absurd wouldn't really cross your mind and shouldn't. Since it was confirmed as to not be bugged but what was intended.


Once word got out it would sell pack and thats what BW wanted. If you think they didn't know what would happen but suddenly suddenly backtracked on it as if they were clueless, then I got some land to sell you about 50 miles east of Miami.

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After BW said it was not bugged and was working as intended. Thinking the drop rate was absurd wouldn't really cross your mind and shouldn't. Since it was confirmed as to not be bugged but what was intended.


Once word got out it would sell pack and thats what BW wanted. If you think they didn't know what would happen but suddenly suddenly backtracked on it as if they were clueless, then I got some land to sell you about 50 miles east of Miami.


"If it's not a bug, it's intended."


Shows how much you know about game design. :rolleyes:

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After BW said it was not bugged and was working as intended. Thinking the drop rate was absurd wouldn't really cross your mind and shouldn't. Since it was confirmed as to not be bugged but what was intended.


Once word got out it would sell pack and thats what BW wanted. If you think they didn't know what would happen but suddenly suddenly backtracked on it as if they were clueless, then I got some land to sell you about 50 miles east of Miami.


Again you should read the first post completely.


From Eric :


With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun!


Even so, it still is dubious they didn't know the impact it would have.

Edited by shinkabuto
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Meh, if you bought packs specifically because you knew the drop rates from the slot machine, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Anyone with an ounce of common sense realized the drop rates on the Jawa Scrap was absurd and there was no way it was going to remain that way.


If you bought packs because of the slot machine, but didn't know its drop rates, lowering the drop rates isn't any different than if it had started out with lower drop rates to begin with. In that case, you basically got a "bonus" week of higher drop rates.


I couldn't have said it any better myself. I spent 25 minutes using a guild members slot machine and the drop return rate was ridiculously abundant. Common sense would have told anyone something like this would be nerfed. I didn't click for long but i personally began to feel like using crew skills would become obsolete.

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I couldn't have said it any better myself. I spent 25 minutes using a guild members slot machine and the drop return rate was ridiculously abundant. Common sense would have told anyone something like this would be nerfed. I didn't click for long but i personally began to feel like using crew skills would become obsolete.


Jawa scrap? Isn't that the green one?


Sorry, but you would have to use multiple machines at the same time to beat

Yavin IV nodes + gathering missions (6 companions at level 56+).

Edited by Halinalle
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1 purple every 1000 tokens.


Guess the effort taken to level gathering skills and run them doesn't sound so bad now?


It is quite extreme yes. That change means that this slot machine is ment only now for rep items and rare times something special like jawa materials or mount/certificate.

Edited by Divona
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Jawa scrap? Isn't that the green one?


Sorry, but you would have to use multiple machines at the same time to beat

Yavin IV nodes + gathering missions (6 companions at level 56+).


I'm referring to purples. I didnt say jawa scrap the poster i quoted did.

Edited by Denzul
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Well, I supported the changes until I found out just how draconian they are.


This is preposterous.


I was all for reductions, but reducing certificate drops? Increasing loss chance? How in the world, Bioware, do you feel that this adjustment would be even close to a sensible change? And your solution for this nerf beyond the ground is to increase trophies and add a mount with a microscopic drop rate?


Really? You really feel this was a smart move?


Nerfing the scraps, no problem. That made sense, and I was ready to back you on that....though you nerfed them into almost non-existence (at those drop rates you might as well have just removed them), but to nerf the certificate drops? And a substantial increase on the rate of loss?


You MUST have lost your minds. This is a serious blunder on your part IMO.


....and you add a microscopic chance for a mount as a door prize.


I am very disappointed in all of you. Very foolish, VERY FOOLISH move. You should have known better.


You just flushed a few months of good will down the toilet as far as I am concerned.


I gave you quite a bit of slack over the many blunders you made with 3.0. But that ends now.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Its amazing that cartel market items get such a fast response when concerns are raised and yet there are pages of threads in the operations forum and many bugs issues being reported at it just gets outright ignored.


It's ridiculous already. DEAR BIOWARE HIRE MORE STAFF!!!!!!!!

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So... I think a post with the new odds and something I posted quoting it both just "mysteriously vanished".



At any rate, the new odds pretty much killed the best part about the CSM -- that it had the potential to destroy the extreme seller's market on certain mats.


Oh well, back to our regularly scheduled program of running dailies on multiple planets just to bring in enough credits to get those mats off GTN.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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