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I'd like to thank BioWare for making all this content


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Thank you BioWare, for making all this content with rich story within it, for making spectacular flash points and group content that no one hardly bothers doing. I would like to thank you for making it extra hard for me to find a group on my server. I'd like to thank you for turning the players in this game in to anti social community, because most are locked in their own world called "leveling, will do everything I missed later."


Thank you... -_-!

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Thank you BioWare, for making all this content with rich story within it, for making spectacular flash points and group content that no one hardly bothers doing. I would like to thank you for making it extra hard for me to find a group on my server. I'd like to thank you for turning the players in this game in to anti social community, because most are locked in their own world called "leveling, will do everything I missed later."


Thank you... -_-!


This is MajikMyst and I approve this message!!



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You obviously havnt got further than 30 then. Taris being a possible exception (and that only scrapes by with the bonus series really), planets past 30 become absolutely massive with only about half the quest content fo earlier planets. Hoth especially is rather bad, it has maybe about a dozen quests on it. You do two quests then travel a distance equal to your capital planet to get to the next two quests.


Planet size is ok, and I wouldnt expect the same quest content to geographical size, in fact with the laters planets I do like the idea of being able to travel a bit without stumbling on a quest. But especially with hoth and belsavis its more than a little silly just how little content there is. 4 level planets (as in supposed to be able to get you up four levels) but unless you do the heroics and all the bonus stuff youll MAYBE scrape by one level.

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You obviously havnt got further than 30 then. Taris being a possible exception (and that only scrapes by with the bonus series really), planets past 30 become absolutely massive with only about half the quest content fo earlier planets. Hoth especially is rather bad, it has maybe about a dozen quests on it. You do two quests then travel a distance equal to your capital planet to get to the next two quests.


Planet size is ok, and I wouldnt expect the same quest content to geographical size, in fact with the laters planets I do like the idea of being able to travel a bit without stumbling on a quest. But especially with hoth and belsavis its more than a little silly just how little content there is. 4 level planets (as in supposed to be able to get you up four levels) but unless you do the heroics and all the bonus stuff youll MAYBE scrape by one level.


This is what I'm talking about m8, it is as if no one knows there are flash points in this game, especially the fun ones, and they drop good looking loot as well.


And in some cases, if there are two of each class in a group, one of them leaves because he's afraid of competition.


It's infuriating, is what it is. :mad: Bioware, FIX THIS!

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Thank you BioWare, for making all this content with rich story within it, for making spectacular flash points and group content that no one hardly bothers doing. I would like to thank you for making it extra hard for me to find a group on my server. I'd like to thank you for turning the players in this game in to anti social community, because most are locked in their own world called "leveling, will do everything I missed later."


Thank you... -_-!



Thank you BioWare for making a main storyline so engrossing that I don't wanna do flashpoints. Thank you for creating a movie-like atmosphere where I'm excited to see what happens and once again, thank you for redeeming the franchise George Lucas almost killed -_-

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Thank you BioWare, for making all this content with rich story within it, for making spectacular flash points and group content that no one hardly bothers doing. I would like to thank you for making it extra hard for me to find a group on my server. I'd like to thank you for turning the players in this game in to anti social community, because most are locked in their own world called "leveling, will do everything I missed later."


Thank you... -_-!


but according to everyone on here it's easy to find a group

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This is what I'm talking about m8, it is as if no one knows there are flash points in this game, especially the fun ones, and they drop good looking loot as well.


And in some cases, if there are two of each class in a group, one of them leaves because he's afraid of competition.


It's infuriating, is what it is. :mad: Bioware, FIX THIS!


Do you think EA/Bioware is the government they cannot change how people behave.


Jerks will be jerks and this is why they have guilds for.


You like playing this solo with the occasional requirement to group up?


And when it does not go your way you come to the forum to complain.


You're the problem.

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Do you think EA/Bioware is the government they cannot change how people behave.


Jerks will be jerks and this is why they have guilds for.


You like playing this solo with the occasional requirement to group up?


And when it does not go your way you come to the forum to complain.


You're the problem.


What on earth are you smoking, all of a sudden you know me? ROFL


I'm the problem? Problem to what, honestly, make a point, none of what you said made any sense, at ALL.


I was complaining about lack of LFG tool.

Edited by Bhemont
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Thank you BioWare, for making all this content with rich story within it, for making spectacular flash points and group content that no one hardly bothers doing. I would like to thank you for making it extra hard for me to find a group on my server. I'd like to thank you for turning the players in this game in to anti social community, because most are locked in their own world called "leveling, will do everything I missed later."


Thank you... -_-!


glad for the group quests and that i can do diff solo-story stuff solo if cant find a group on this game. :D

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