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Another Exploit Opinion thread..


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First, I have not done the exploit. I was not even sure what it was until 3 days ago.

Now, I have botted diablo 3 when you were able to. And ya, the bot did nothing more than a person could do. And I sold the gold in the rmah. So I have been the bad guy.

Until I started playing SWYOR. In this game, I learned about how much fun I could have by playing by the rules. That credit spammers are evil. And as ANYONE reading this will say...credits come EASY.

So when I actually found out what it was...I will admit, I was intrigued. But then someone in my voice server told me what they gained from the exploit. And I was appalled!

I assumed it was just an easy way to grab some loot for a toon. But what they did with no effort...I told him I hoped he would get IP banned.

And I know there are people out there that did it worse than him and they need to be perm banned to!

I saw what exploits and scams did to a cool game like Diablo 3...I don't want it happening (or even want to HEAR about it) in this game. This is a good, fun game. And we as a community need to come together and tell EA/BW that we agree with them and want improved reporting system so that honest players can report people for exploits/scams/etc and know that something will be done fast (that day even...but instant results like that are prob a pipe dream)

There. My little rant is done. I do thank SWTOR devs and employees for doing their best on this game and want to tell them I enjoy it and wont be unsubbing any time soon. Peace outtie :D

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