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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Yea.. this isnt about making sure exploiters are punished. Its about everyone who wants the exploiters punished to be able to know exactly what happened so they can take pleasure in the misfortune of others, gleefully rejoicing at their expense. If you have ever reported players for misbehavior you would know that it is a violation of Bioware policy to disclose what punishments are issued and/or whether any punishment was actually issued except to the individual being punished.


No this is purely about making sure they are punished and Bioware can tell us how many accounts have been action against and what actions they took against those accounts just not who those accounts belong to so I love to break it to you but they can it's really only a matter if they will.

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No this is purely about making sure they are punished and Bioware can tell us how many accounts have been action against and what actions they took against those accounts just not who those accounts belong to so I love to break it to you but they can it's really only a matter if they will.


what possible business reason would they tell you that? what do they have to gain over saying nothing and going forward?

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No this is purely about making sure they are punished and Bioware can tell us how many accounts have been action against and what actions they took against those accounts just not who those accounts belong to so I love to break it to you but they can it's really only a matter if they will.


*facepalm* The denial is strong with this one.

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what possible business reason would they tell you that? what do they have to gain over saying nothing and going forward?


It's tells the player base that they are doing their job I mean Square Enix which has the same policies as BW every time they ban people in FFXIV they list how many accounts were action and what actions were taken they do it to let the player base know they are actually doing something and keeps the player base from thinking they can get away with exploiting.

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It's tells the player base that they are doing their job I mean Square Enix which has the same policies as BW every time they ban people in FFXIV they list how many accounts were action and what actions were taken they do it to let the player base know they are actually doing something and keeps the player base from thinking they can get away with exploiting.


I don't think BW believes that 'naming and shaming' is an appropriate practice to indulge in.

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*facepalm* The denial is strong with this one.


Nope I love to break it to you but it's all about seeing they are doing the job they promised to do and it lets players know this is what will happen to you if you exploit because the number one excuse you hear from exploiters is because they didn't do anything with Nefra they won't do anything here.

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Nope I love to break it to you but it's all about seeing they are doing the job they promised to do and it lets players know this is what will happen to you if you exploit because the number one excuse you hear from exploiters is because they didn't do anything with Nefra they won't do anything here.


That's they point they let people hack this game 6 ways to Saturday and you think there stepping up just because this happened. some people i tell ya.

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They don't name who the accounts belong to they are just listing the numbers to allow people to know they are doing something.


That's too close to naming and shaming. In fact, as far as I can see, BW goes out of its way to protect the identity of those who break the rules and that's wise. No one will quit the game, after all, if they never hear about the punishment of people who aren't them. Whereas people 'will' quit if they're made to feel bad about what they've done. And it'll leave a lot of bad blood in the process.


Anyone who's ever dealt with a bad customer who got told off will know what I'm talking about. The customer 'is' in the wrong, but if that's pointed out with even a 'hint' of anything negative, that customer will rage and leave and bad-mouth that store forever and a day afterward.

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That's too close to naming and shaming. In fact, as far as I can see, BW goes out of its way to protect the identity of those who break the rules and that's wise. No one will quit the game, after all, if they never hear about the punishment of people who aren't them. Whereas people 'will' quit if they're made to feel bad about what they've done. And it'll leave a lot of bad blood in the process.


Anyone who's ever dealt with a bad customer who got told off will know what I'm talking about. The customer 'is' in the wrong, but if that's pointed out with even a 'hint' of anything negative, that customer will rage and leave and bad-mouth that store forever and a day afterward.


Well considering what you said isn't the case in FFXIV as they have been listing accounts action against since the game returned and player base has been increasing over time it does quite the opposite of what you believe.

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Well considering what you said isn't the case in FFXIV as they have been listing accounts action against since the game returned and player base has been increasing over time it does quite the opposite of what you believe.


Good news, the Blacksmith called and said your pitchfork is sharpened and ready to be picked up!

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Well considering what you said isn't the case in FFXIV as they have been listing accounts action against since the game returned and player base has been increasing over time it does quite the opposite of what you believe.


Thankfully, this isn't FFXIIVVX or whatever.

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No this is purely about making sure they are punished and Bioware can tell us how many accounts have been action against and what actions they took against those accounts just not who those accounts belong to so I love to break it to you but they can it's really only a matter if they will.

ToS aside, BW is legally obligated, throughout the privacy act of The United States of America to keep information about you private. This would extend to "punishment" for your actions. They will likely do what they plan to do and move forward with no further discussion of the matter.

Besides, the riot that occurred on the forums is enough for them to go back to their policy of just not talking about it until everything is settled.

From a business stand point they have nothing to gain from publishing, publicly, the outcome. No one outside these forums truly cares. The whole stunk didn't even merit a story on any sites other than Dulfy and Reddit.

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Why because if it was it wouldn't have even come to this due to the fact the exploit would have been removed before even reaching live as they have way better quality control then this game.


FFXIV....and quality control...*slowclap*

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ToS aside, BW is legally obligated, throughout the privacy act of The United States of America to keep information about you private. This would extend to "punishment" for your actions. They will likely do what they plan to do and move forward with no further discussion of the matter.

Besides, the riot that occurred on the forums is enough for them to go back to their policy of just not talking about it until everything is settled.

From a business stand point they have nothing to gain from publishing, publicly, the outcome. No one outside these forums truly cares. The whole stunk didn't even merit a story on any sites other than Dulfy and Reddit.


You do realize that releasing the number of accounts action and what actions were taken in NO WAY violates any privacy laws as it DOES NOT release ANY personal information on the exploiters.

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They need to permanently ban the offenders and list their names in a topic dedicated to such to let everyone know that cheating is not tolerated whatsoever. I mean, how pathetic do you have to be to cheat in a video game and then act like you are superior to everyone else?


Maplestory never once had any qualms about posting the names of the offenders in a giant list, nor did the GMs hesitate to spam the names of those who were recently banned in big, bright, blue chat so everyone could see and know who was trying to screw the game over. Yet, Maplestory is on it's way to its ninth anniversary and makes more money than a wampa has hair follicles.


The only thing that comes to mind is that you lot don't want to be embarrassed because you are cheaters yourselves, hence why you are against this in the first place. Hell, some stores right here in NYC take photos of shoplifters and stick them right at the front door to let everyone know who tried to steal from them and failed; they even make the person display the item they were looking to abscond with in the first place.


No reason Bioware cannot embarrass the ne'er-do-wells here; if you cannot play the game as intended, then don't play at all. Simple as that.

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Isn't that the game that was so damned horrible at launch that they shut it down, revamped it and reopened again?


Yes but in it's current state under it's current leadership that is the quality control I am talking about not the stuff that happened in 2012.

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I don't know what the QC of that game has to do with them posting lists of amount of people punished etc. Seems like a perfectly good idea to me and can't do any harm ( if not naming names ) and would go as far as to settle things down in topics like these.


Even something as simple as "appropriate actions have now been taken against the accounts that have exploited thius bug, once again we apologise for this and thank those players that chose not to exploit the bug for their honesty".


Be aware before you post anything in this topic though, there are a couple of posters who want to take the opposing view and call you a witch hunter regardless of how rational, well thought out and well explained any thoughts and posts you may make will be.

I believe one or two even went as far as to try point out why they aren't actually trolls ... I beg to differ and if you read through their post history you may as well. ;)


On the QC/Relaunch note I think this is possibly something many of the anti BW/Pro cheater camp would be in favour with considering how much they have lambasted Bioware's inability to release well tested content etc. as justification for the cheating or BW hatred. Takes other who hate on Bioware's use of the hero engine ... more grounds for a relaunch. Seems based on some of that logic the Final Fantasy game should be praised as opposed to derided.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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