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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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BioWare Austin's corporate culture really kinda sucks. I'm not talking about the community team here either. The Studios lack of openness with the on going community of this game is pathetic, this is not how you treat people who have given you in many cases $1000.


Are you saying, then, that you didn't get any entertainment value out of the money you spent? Spending money on services rendered does not excuse you from theft of items you haven't earned/paid for.


If you shop at Walmart and spend a thousand bucks on items, then grab some extra "loot" on your way out the door, do you think they'll cut you some slack because of your purchase? Hell no, they'll treat you like the thief you are, have you arrested, dragged out in handcuffs, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You get what you pay for, but nothing more.

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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.

Edited by Kebrin
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So its fine to do something until/unless Bioware specifically calls it an exploit? By that logic, no one should be banned or punished for their behavior except for those that continued to do it AFTER Bioware came out and said it was an exploit.


Of course not, not if you think it's an exploit. If you think it's an exploit you probably shouldn't do it and if you do well you've got no one else and nothing else to blame except yourself if you do get punished for it.


My point was BW have still not noted that datacron collection as an exploit but it would seem you think it may be so you should probably steer clear of doing it ( you didn't already do that ASWELL did you? Sheesh I hope not! That's pushing the envelope! ) just to be on the safe side like I do. ;) Reason being tomorrow they might decide it is an exploit and remove it from everyone who gained it that way and ban them all for a week! It probably won't happen but it could, it's their prerogative to do so if they want.


An exploit is anything that allows you to gain an advantage by using a flaw or bug in the system. It doesnt matter if Bioware specifically calls it an exploit or not, and if you read the ToS you will also see that an exploit is not defined as requiring Bioware to have called it an exploit or not, only that it is a bug that allows for an individual to gain an unfair advantage.


NOW you're getting it and now you can see why all those that exploited this exploit should be punished. :)


I don't really care who did what else in other exploits and what other exploits I'm not aware of until I'm aware of them and can judge if I feel they've affected me or the community.

I'll deal with that on a case by case basis ( like when you open that thread for them, which I'm sure you won't do because your clutching at straws here, if it catches my interest ) in terms of my opinion and response as I've done with this exploit.


Ignore option can only do so much. These people kept remaking new toons and kept on with the harassment and STILL do every now and then, to THIS day, whenever they see me on the fleet, which I ultimately try and avoid being there by all means because nothing is being done about it. I do not even acknowledge them and that still doesn't stop them.


Well, Bioware, I am SO sorry that you had an exploit in this game. My DEEPEST condolences. It's great that you fixed it and all. I really hope you seek therapy after all of that, the exploit must have made your life a little harder! GG!


Yes because it's sooo hard to keep ignoring the extra toons right? I would think if there are that many people harassing you that you've filled your entire ignore list ( somewhat unheard of except for gold spammer ignore ) that one would wonder what you did to provoke their ire.


Maybe it was witty, sarcastic comments like the one at the end of your post? *shrug*.


You obviously stopped reading when you found out you were just a big hypocrite, because I specifically said that people should be punished for it but I also think that those calling for people's heads when they have engaged in exploitation of other bugs are hypocrites. Any exploitation of a bug or using something to bypass mechanics (such as pulling people to a daracron so mechanics can be skipped) are wrong as well. On the same scale? No. But it is exploitation by bypassing game mechanics or in the case of the bugged Rishi Datacrons, exploiting a bug to get the datacrons on as many toons as possible and advertising/offering free or paid summons to the glitched datacrons. Taking advantage of the bug on the first boss in SnV so it can be done without having to do the mechanics, pulling certain bosses out of rooms to ignore mechanics, etc are also all exploits of bugs. Yet those are downplayed, because they werent or arent as easily done as the current exploit. Any exploitation of a bug to gain benefit for yourself is wrong though, no matter how big or how little the reward


Oh I am? Why is that? Are you accusing me of exploiting the bugs you mentioned or you just assume everyone did it? Have I personally down played anything you speak? Not that I'm aware of though I do believe they are far lesser exploits than this one, this is my opinion and having said opinion does not make me a hypocrit.


My stance is that if they are an exploit for whatever reason and someone does choose to take advantage of it then they deserve punishment that is fitting for the crime.


I believe I can honestly say I haven't done any of the exploits you've mentioned so I'm still stuck with this hypocrit part.


Also for the record when it comes to mechanics per se ... where is the guide that Bioware wrote that specifically tells you how to beat a boss etc? I always thought people ran into operations/flashpoints etc. and would often work out the mechanics for themselves. If Bioware then later on decide that doing a boss a certain way wasn't as they intedned and they fix it so it can no longer be done that way then you are quite right, they could very well ban everyone who had ever done it that way if we want to follow it to the letter of the "law".


However this won't happen because it's really not on the scale. It's not being a hypocrit it's called being realistic something you are having trouble with in your defence of these cheating actions.


If you are one of those who exploited this bug after everything you've put forward so far in this thread about hypocrisy etc. then I truly hope you end up at the more severe end of the punishment scale ( if there is one ).


Anyone else should just harden up, take what's coming to them and that will be that. Got problems with other exploits, got start another damn topic.

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Are you saying, then, that you didn't get any entertainment value out of the money you spent? Spending money on services rendered does not excuse you from theft of items you haven't earned/paid for.


If you shop at Walmart and spend a thousand bucks on items, then grab some extra "loot" on your way out the door, do you think they'll cut you some slack because of your purchase? Hell no, they'll treat you like the thief you are, have you arrested, dragged out in handcuffs, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You get what you pay for, but nothing more.


Lol, one of the few posts I've had a wee laugh at and so true to boot. :)

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BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


I'd be surprised and disappointed if Bioware actually listened to the lynch-mob* one bit.


(* they can call getting pixel-stuff from a bug in the game "stealing", so why not turn the overblown rhetoric around, right?)

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If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game.


Good riddance?


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


If you didn't want me to burgle your house you shouldn't have had glass windows! I won't be prosecuted for this! I will quit life and no more taxes for you stupid government! ( assuming losers like that paid taxes ).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit;


That's exactly what you're doing. Read your own damn post heh.


Really it's people like you who think you are justified in your actions that really make me hate the exploiters all the more. Why? Because you paid to play? So did many who didn't cheat genius.


Heck I spend more than you so I could pay your game too. Perm ban Kebrin or I'll throw my toys out of the cot and take my $500+ I spend on the game a year and go elsewhere!


Really I won't though like most of these idle threateners. I like this game and parts of the community and I get what I pay for without having to cheat and if people like aren't taken care of I'll probably continue doing the same regardless of how pissy I may be about it. Kind of like what will happen if B/W does punish them all. For all there bluster etc. most will be back and spending before you know it ... they've got legit gear to earn now after all :D


Still posts like Kebrin's have got to be the worst I've seen in not only thinking you shouldn't be punished but are justified in keeping the gear you got. What a tool.

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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


Paying a subscription doesn't entitle you to disregard all rules. Threatening to leave if action is taken for you misdeeds is childish and shows a lack of maturity, accountability and remorse. I'd recommend taking your $180 a year back to WoW and see how long you last "playing how you want to play" and freely exploiting.


If I were in Bioware's position and you approached me to acknowledge your misdeed and apologize, I'd probably cut you some slack. If you came to me saying "screw you and your buggy crap, I don't care about your rules, I'll do what I want," I'd permanently ban you even for the smallest infraction.


You claim you're part of the community. I'd say the community would be better off without people like you.

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Remove everything each person gained from this exploit. I would not ban people for it unless they did X amount of times. If its just 1 time its mostly curiosity to see what its all about, I myself don't even know what it was cause I don't follow those things.
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So what happens to those that did the exploit, then after the threats started flying like gosh darn mortars, destroyed the gear and mats they had acquired from said exploit? Should they also be burnt, gassed, and banned in the same group of those who decided to keep all the items they got? Even if they kept a few items (i.e. a few mods or enhancements) does that really seem fair to those who willingly destroyed (not sold) the items to show that yes they performed the exploit, but decided to get rid of the fruits of the exploit? I mean, perhaps selling the lockouts or charging for the items crafted from them maybe should get a little harsher punishment, then the ones that spread it to other servers get an even more harsh punishment. I think there is going to be several tiers of punishment, this isn't going to be a one-size-fits-all sweep.


If you disagree with my logic, then you are a terrorist.

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How can anyone who raids in this game not see that basically walking through an Ops without killing a boss but getting loot is an exploit? I dunno, I would hope that most players period (any way you measure it) would not use an exploit, I guess I don't get the appeal of cheating anywhere but especially in a game like this. I do like progressive raiding and the fun to me is eventually beating and earning the rewards, not having loot just handed to you for doing nothing.
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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.



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(* they can call getting pixel-stuff from a bug in the game "stealing", so why not turn the overblown rhetoric around, right?)




If/when Bioware recovers the stolen items and rolls back credit gains, don't be mad, because, after all, it's just "pixel stuff."

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Honest to God, I LOVE the irony of this whole shart storm; how the story line of SoR was supposed to bring enemy factions together, and from an oversight in the code, has now created two factions of users that want to slit the others throats, flog, burn and smash their enemies. Great fracking job Bioware!


I wonder if this was all intentional on their part...take the game to a whole nother level.

Edited by euroDSMtuner
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soo sayeth care bear #3000101013... yet another face in an otherwise already stagnant pool of ignorance and sheepish behavior..


Being a sheepish carebear would imply that I'm soft.


If I had my way, I'd have already permanently banned EVERYONE involved. Trust me, I'm the one carebear you should be glad isn't allowed access to the ban hammer.



The rant in your signature about fascist moderators, LOL Just another example of a player who lacks accountability.

Edited by LadyVix
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If/when Bioware recovers the stolen items and rolls back credit gains, don't be mad, because, after all, it's just "pixel stuff."


Works both ways -- if it's just pixel stuff, why demand it be removed in the first place?


Nice thing about pixel-stuff, you effectively have an infinite number of copies (digital storage issues aside). Who cares how somebody else got one? I don't care, at least.



Honest to God, I LOVE the irony of this whole shart storm; how the story line of SoR was supposed to bring enemy factions together, and from an oversight in the code, has now created two factions of users that want to slit the others throats, flog, burn and smash their enemies. Great fracking job Bioware!


I wonder if this was all intentional on their part...take the game to a whole nother level.


Eh... I'd just like everyone to chill out and go back to playing the game, and hypothetically enjoying it.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


Tootles. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

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How can you claim that you are going to punish those who took advantage of this, but did and said nothing to those that cheesed nightmare DF first boss for months on end? This seems inconsistant.


I didnt cheese either encounter, but your inconsistant justice screams total incompetence.


Its like every facet of this game reeks of inexperience but we are 3 yrs down the road.

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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


This has YES written all over it.

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If someone goes on vacation and doesn't lock their house then it's fine for someone to say "damn that was a really dumb move, I don't feel sorry for you at all that you got robbed" heck it may even be fine for the insurance company to try denying the claim, but the one thing it absolutely doesn't mean is that the robbers shouldn't be punished if caught.


actually the insurance company would deny the claim. Or at least most would, that way they dont have to pay for your ******* move of not locking your house.

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How can you claim that you are going to punish those who took advantage of this, but did and said nothing to those that cheesed nightmare DF first boss for months on end? This seems inconsistant.


I didnt cheese either encounter, but your inconsistant justice screams total incompetence.


Its like every facet of this game reeks of inexperience but we are 3 yrs down the road.


Are you saying that because Bioware hasn't been firm in enforcing their policies in the past, they shouldn't enforce any policies in the future? The first step in enforcement changes is always the most difficult. After the problem players ragequit, things will settle down and return to normal.

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Paying a subscription doesn't entitle you to disregard all rules. Threatening to leave if action is taken for you misdeeds is childish and shows a lack of maturity, accountability and remorse. I'd recommend taking your $180 a year back to WoW and see how long you last "playing how you want to play" and freely exploiting.


If I were in Bioware's position and you approached me to acknowledge your misdeed and apologize, I'd probably cut you some slack. If you came to me saying "screw you and your buggy crap, I don't care about your rules, I'll do what I want," I'd permanently ban you even for the smallest infraction.


You claim you're part of the community. I'd say the community would be better off without people like you.


At least Blizzard fixes the bugs when they are known on the test server instead of pushing the Xpac through.

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I don't PvE so I didn't take advantage of it.. But I don't see it worth banning people over a mistake that YOU(BW) made in the first place. This is why you guys shouldn't be drinking on the job.:p I know you guys do, don't lie! lol.


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Are you saying, then, that you didn't get any entertainment value out of the money you spent? Spending money on services rendered does not excuse you from theft of items you haven't earned/paid for.


If you shop at Walmart and spend a thousand bucks on items, then grab some extra "loot" on your way out the door, do you think they'll cut you some slack because of your purchase? Hell no, they'll treat you like the thief you are, have you arrested, dragged out in handcuffs, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You get what you pay for, but nothing more.


You are right, we get what we pay for. I guess what we get is a steamy pile of bug infested **** they call an expansion pack, because generally when you pay for something, unless you buy it at walmart of course you expect a quality product. So I guess EA is the Walmart of the gaming industry.

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I exploited, I offered to assist others in my guild to do the same.


I did not pay for the exploit, another player sent me information on it and let me use the lockout for free.


I have been a sub for about 2.5 years, plus several hundred dollars spent in the Cartel Market. If any action is taken against my account, I will unsub and quit the game. This includes removing gear, or any disciplinary action including a warning. I will encourage anyone else who has the same experience to do the same.


I play the game the way I choose to play the game. If BW releases a bugged instance, I will take advantage of that if I so choose. I do not demand that others exploit (and I did not encourage anyone outside my guild to exploit); I do not expect to be told by Bioware how to play the game so long as my play does not 1) negatively impact others and 2) involve circumventing the game as it is released by BW. If I have fun in the game doing something that Bioware created and put into the game, that's my choice. If I have fun driving circles on the fleet; that's my choice.


If you didn't want the exploit in the game, you shouldn't have released it. It was in the game, and I did it because that was how I chose to play. I won't be disciplined for that.


I understand it's Bioware's game, and they will enforce rules as they see fit. I understand by classifying this bug as an exploit they put me in a category that violates the ToS (though I also want to point out that when I wipe on content that is bugged and so can't complete it, BW doesn't send me loot or schems or mats to compensate for the wasted time).


I am not saying this to 'threaten' or pitch a fit; I'm saying that the consequence of BW taking any remedial action against me is losing the $180 a year I pay to play the game. I'm sorry to leave, but I won't tolerate you releasing a buggy product and then punishing me for using it as I see fit. I didn't hack the game or do anything that isn't a normal behavior in the game. No other players are affected by my using the exploit. I did not harm anyone in doing so. There was plenty of harassment directed at me for exploiting, but none of those players will suffer consequences for their behavior.


BW said they "heard the community" - I am part of the community, clearly, based on their response, they did not hear me. So we'll see what happens.


You profited from the exploit, at the very least you should lose ALL gear and creds gained from using it. You don't like the punishment, then don't break the rules. Kinda simple to understand.

It doesnt matter that you say it impacted no one else. The fact is it does, because now every person you shared the exploit with now faces the same possible action on their account because of you playing the game "as you see fit".

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