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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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And you're obviously out of excuses. Didn't even have to wait for you to be punished and quit for it to happen. :)


Whether I'm punished or not is irrelevant. I mean, don't you get it? Your gameplay is completely unaffected either way, and yet you're furious about all of it. Like you're personally offended. Which boggles my mind, because nothing I did effected you at all.

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Ok a lot of u will disagree with this but BW never intended for the "Classic" ops would still drop elite and ult coms, nor did they want 55 HM fps to drop elites but they did. How many people took advantage of that "exploit" in the coding. How many people earned enough coms to get gear. Smaller scale but as everyone is saying all exploiters should be banned and you have to agree u exploited this if u did any of those things in the past 3+ weeks. And yes the coms were an exploit of bad coding or else the devs would not have changed it today. Sorry for shattering all the glass houses.
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On the contrary, this is a positive sign that exploiters are not tolerated in SWTOR. No one wants to play in a game full of cheaters, so taking a hard stance on exploiters is better in the long run than giving the handful of cheaters a free pass and showing the playerbase that exploiting is okay in the future.


I will believe this when I can see the chests on Makeb not being farmed by bots that glitch through walls and travel hundreds of meters in seconds.

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Ok a lot of u will disagree with this but BW never intended for the "Classic" ops would still drop elite and ult coms, nor did they want 55 HM fps to drop elites but they did. How many people took advantage of that "exploit" in the coding. How many people earned enough coms to get gear. Smaller scale but as everyone is saying all exploiters should be banned and you have to agree u exploited this if u did any of those things in the past 3+ weeks. And yes the coms were an exploit of bad coding or else the devs would not have changed it today. Sorry for shattering all the glass houses.


Oh but that one was not wide spread, and mighty Musco didn't admit it was real so it doesn't count.

Edited by Derat
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I want to say something here: HYPROCRISY.

Most of the ones wanting to ban all the exploiters for ever is the ones who couldn't get the loots.


um.... sure.... it couldn't be at all because of the fact they were, I don't know, that they knowingly violated the terms of service that they agreed to should suffer the consequences....


ban might be too harsh in some instances, personally, I want to see people just stripped of credits and gear ( both theirs and their comps) and items and just run around fleet with nothing to their name other than their nameplates but thats just me cause I think that would be pretty freakin hilarious



on a serious note though, really, something had to be done

Edited by Sangrar
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It's funny as soon as I point out that EVERYONE exploited the broken expansion all the people crying for exploiters heads seem to have disappeared. Wow funny how that works. Also Mr Musco if u can go back and look at everything take a look at all the sm ops done by ur mob here. And please watch where the pitchforks are pointed people.
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I want to say something here: HYPROCRISY.

Most of the ones wanting to ban all the exploiters for ever is the ones who couldn't get the loots.


You ARE kidding I hope. I could've done it several times on several toons, but instead I CHOSE not to do it....at all.....on any of my toons.


Don't be mad, be glad......glad you'll have plenty of time to find a new game should you be banned.

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It's funny as soon as I point out that EVERYONE exploited the broken expansion all the people crying for exploiters heads seem to have disappeared. Wow funny how that works. Also Mr Musco if u can go back and look at everything take a look at all the sm ops done by ur mob here. And please watch where the pitchforks are pointed people.


You are incorrect.

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So what happens to those that did the exploit, then after the threats started flying like gosh darn mortars, destroyed the gear and mats they had acquired from said exploit? Should they also be burnt, gassed, and banned in the same group of those who decided to keep all the items they got? Even if they kept a few items (i.e. a few mods or enhancements) does that really seem fair to those who willingly destroyed (not sold) the items to show that yes they performed the exploit, but decided to get rid of the fruits of the exploit? I mean, perhaps selling the lockouts or charging for the items crafted from them maybe should get a little harsher punishment, then the ones that spread it to other servers get an even more harsh punishment. I think there is going to be several tiers of punishment, this isn't going to be a one-size-fits-all sweep.


If you disagree with me, then you are a terrorist. Fact.

Edited by euroDSMtuner
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Whether I'm punished or not is irrelevant. I mean, don't you get it? Your gameplay is completely unaffected either way, and yet you're furious about all of it. Like you're personally offended. Which boggles my mind, because nothing I did effected you at all.


While I don't advocate cheating or exploiting, I do believe there are several extenuating circumstances that can be in your and other people's favor and should be considered:


1. Bioware is just as guilty for letting this exploit happen as the players who actually did it. After all, they let this exploit continue without a hotfix for a month, after having had ample notifications from PTS testing and bug reports, despite knowing full well the lure it provided and the widespread nature of this issue. Be that from ineptitude, inability or unawareness, they let this spread like wildfire out of sheer negligence.


2. Look at this exploit more closely. Who did it hurt personally? PvE raiders are not competing against each others like PvP'ers, they are fighting static, scripted enemies. The gear and crafting mats they obtained, while unfair, doesn't put anyone else at a disadvantage. You don't lose out on some exclusive one-time reward. The Ops is there for all to go in and the rewards are there indefinitely.


3. Bioware has been ignoring win-trading in ranked PvP for forever. THAT is an exploit. Why? Because only 3 advanced classes per server can potentially get the one-time, very exclusive rewards. So by doing win-trading, you have the potential to increase your rating to a point, where it will actively hurt honest players and prevent them from obtaining some exlusive reward.


4. It's a reasonable guess that most people did it only on Story Mode to optimize their gear. Why? Because Bioware made it almost impossible to get proper mods and enhancements from any other source. The commendation gear is not only crap, now the ability to earn commendations was nerfed significantly. The notion that people should be permabanned for getting 192 Story Mode gear is, frankly, ridiculous.


5. Come on, both operations were bugged in a BILLION other ways. None of which benefitted the players. Bulo was bugged, Torque was bugged, Coratanni was bugged in another ways, Sword Squadron was bugged, Underlurker was bugged, Revan was bugged....so there's one bug that actually helps the player and you're going to single that one out? I mean even after today's patch, the Underlurker is still ridiculously bugged, harder than ever, after having been out for 1 and 1/2 months already. You even broke the mail system. Plenty of new bugs but I guess it's alright as long as they're hindering the players. By that logic, can I demand the missed loot from the 16man Ops back? Can I demand my commendations because I happened to die during the Ruugar fight and couldn't loot at the end?


6. The entire SoR was a letdown, rushed, half-finished content, unplayable lags, bugs everywhere....early access was essentially beta testing on the live servers. People were massively frustrated with the XPac in general, and the new Ops in particular. You haven't exactly made a stellar example of providing quality product for your playerbase.


Don't misunderstand me, I'm not advocating the exploit. But look at the bigger picture and the circumstances surrounding it. Any notion that players should be permabanned, temporarily banned, credits taken away etc is ridiculous. At most, take away the unduly earned gear, crafting mats and schematics. And I have trouble believing even that.


They can't just say that every single negative bug and lag and whatever issue that's plaguing the game is okay, well because, it's not helping the players. But when they smell "exploit", they'll put on their white armor, ride their mighty horses and swing the banhammer with a righteous face? Such hypocrisy.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Ok Painterwhit sorry if I misspelled ur name but if u did not do any ops other than Ravagers or ToS, for the past 3+ weeks, only did lvl 60 HMs. Even though they were broken too. Then maybe you didn't take advantage of bad code but if that's is the case then what did u do with the rest of your time. LOL, I am playing devils advocate there was far many more exploits than this one so what can they do to EVERYONE
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Whether I'm punished or not is irrelevant. I mean, don't you get it? Your gameplay is completely unaffected either way, and yet you're furious about all of it. Like you're personally offended. Which boggles my mind, because nothing I did effected you at all.


So you say and assume. You may be on a different server in which case you are probably right.


Else you could have shown others this and it could have spread from there leading to my increased difficulty in getting into ops groups as a result of gear differential.


You could have many things to do with the various ways this has affected the GTN ( mat selling, REing gear for sale etc. ).


Ironically it's not even the fact you cheat that offends me. I at first thought on your statement and thought I'm not offended at all but when I think about it I do believe I am and this is why ...


It's your attitude. An attitude as thought you've done nothing wrong and if Bioware do something about your cheating then they are the ones in the wrong and they will suffer for it from your lack of spending or playing. Yet I'm sure you were aware of the ToS when you did it. I'm sure you played and spent before you exploited the game so anything you get as a result is completely deserved.


It then seems to go into an attitude of superiority in that you seem to want to be superior to all those that think this needs remedying and some how everyone else are cry babies or out of line in their wanting justice.


It's quite pathetic really.


I had seen you around a lot on the forums and thought you were a forum regular who knew his/her stuff but from now on you'll always be that guy who cheated and tried to threaten B/W whilst belittling the innocent players all in a means to get away with it.


Heck at first I didn't even want the cheaters punished beyond removing everything that was viable that they had illegally gained but now I'm starting to hope they do at least ban the forum warriors who try defend their actions instead of just being apologetic and admitting they are wrong and taking their punishment on the nose.

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I know of people who were going to buy crates today but held off because of the threat hanging over them.


Not going to go into the why's and wherefores of exploiting, but the way this has been handled has hurt SWTOR in lost revenue. I speculate that a widescale ban and the player loss that would lead to would do the same.


Acknowledging the exploit while doing nothing about it, then issuing a vague 'we'll get you, just you wait' to players who are most likely the most dedicated subscribers is not a smart move.


I'd urge the powers that be to tread very carefully.

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This whole thing is hilarious. I am looking forward to the next exploiter to type up four paragraphs about why he/she shouldn't have action taken against them.


They are amusing reads: "I shouldn't be punished because um... Bioware owes it to me.... um... because their game has some bugs in it so they totally should let this go... and its technically their fault... and stuff."

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It's funny as soon as I point out that EVERYONE exploited the broken expansion all the people crying for exploiters heads seem to have disappeared. Wow funny how that works. Also Mr Musco if u can go back and look at everything take a look at all the sm ops done by ur mob here. And please watch where the pitchforks are pointed people.


I think people aren't replying because your logic is just plain flawed.


You run an operation/flashpoint as intended and get given a bunch of comms as intended. Were they the wrong comms? No because that's the comms we were given, nothing is being exploited because nothing is being done to get around a function of the game.


People knowingly holding open lockouts so someone can run in and click on a boss to get comms/gear/mats/etc is blatantly not as designed and is going out of your way to cheat the system. You know you didn't kill that boss yet you still chose to take the gear. I could POSSIBLY understand someone doing it once and realising they did wrong after the fact but beyond that is intentional cheating.


If you think getting comms for running content as normal is the same as the current exploit going around you sir are a fool and need not wonder any longer why people are ignoring you as I shall do so if you continue to act so foolish.

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I want to say something here: HYPROCRISY.

Most of the ones wanting to ban all the exploiters for ever is the ones who couldn't get the loots.


Well even if that were true (it's not in my case), in the end its a better thing... we aren't the ones facing potential bans.

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I vote we punish pie. This was suggested by cake. True story.


Why should pie be punished? It's not like the oft-seen crust, which cake almost never has, puts cakes at a disadvantage. And besides, if pie should be punished, shouldn't pizza and bread be punished first? They've had their crust for so much longer than pie has.

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