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Transferring for Ranked


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Title says it all. I'm currently on The Shadowlands, but thinking of moving my main to another server for ranked. So here are my questions:


-How is the pvp community?

-Is ranked thriving?

-Are the matches competitive?

-Faction balance? Imbalance?

-Any ranked teams that run with concealment/lethality operatives?


Btw my main is a dps operative

Edited by Ononogbu
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Title says it all. I'm currently on The Shadowlands, but thinking of moving my main to another server for ranked. So here are my questions:


-How is the pvp community?

-Is ranked thriving?

-Are the matches competitive?

-Faction balance? Imbalance?

-Any ranked teams that run with concealment/lethality operatives?


Btw my main is a dps operative


I came to The Ebon Hawk from The Shadowlands, so I can compare the two for you.


Shadowlands has a stronger and larger PvP community comapred to TEH and a better balance throughout it`s player base. They are both Imp heavy servers but there are way fewer solo queue regstars on TEH pub side. Ranked is a joke, you can get a few good games in and then it catches wind and you find everybody and their cat queuing. For team ranked, <Post Mordem> is the equivalent to <Say NO to PuGs> and every other team is just not that into it, <Post Mordem> will ask guilds on characters outside of their guild to queue group ranked to get them to queue and then go queue on <Post Mordem> to get a win. 8v8 are pretty equal to Shadowlands, 6-7 different guilds run premades and hope for a decent right side and other team to get a good match, except on TEH you will find many more ROFLSTOMP matches than Shadowlands. TEH has a very heavy Impside, I get a Pub vs Pub match every other day, 75% of people play FOTM on Imp side while on Pubs I believe people are still catching up leveling wise.


And since I used to be an officer in your old guild and consider you a friend and one of the better operatives I have ever played with, I will tell you Shadowlands is better for PvP. TEH is practically drama free compared to Dramalands and is pretty much why I PvP here now, I just want to play and have fun. If you do transfer however, roll a Pub and I will have a home for you.



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I came to The Ebon Hawk from The Shadowlands, so I can compare the two for you.


Shadowlands has a stronger and larger PvP community comapred to TEH and a better balance throughout it`s player base. They are both Imp heavy servers but there are way fewer solo queue regstars on TEH pub side. Ranked is a joke, you can get a few good games in and then it catches wind and you find everybody and their cat queuing. For team ranked, <Post Mordem> is the equivalent to <Say NO to PuGs> and every other team is just not that into it, <Post Mordem> will ask guilds on characters outside of their guild to queue group ranked to get them to queue and then go queue on <Post Mordem> to get a win. 8v8 are pretty equal to Shadowlands, 6-7 different guilds run premades and hope for a decent right side and other team to get a good match, except on TEH you will find many more ROFLSTOMP matches than Shadowlands. TEH has a very heavy Impside, I get a Pub vs Pub match every other day, 75% of people play FOTM on Imp side while on Pubs I believe people are still catching up leveling wise.


And since I used to be an officer in your old guild and consider you a friend and one of the better operatives I have ever played with, I will tell you Shadowlands is better for PvP. TEH is practically drama free compared to Dramalands and is pretty much why I PvP here now, I just want to play and have fun. If you do transfer however, roll a Pub and I will have a home for you.




that awkward moment when good talk's a team is 30+ - 0 against any PM team. good guild when they were here but that torch has been passed until itchy's team comes back to slap us around.


I would love to try a dps operative in ranked.

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that awkward moment when good talk's a team is 30+ - 0 against any PM team. good guild when they were here but that torch has been passed until itchy's team comes back to slap us around.


I would love to try a dps operative in ranked.


I was about to say something... but I never recall a time when those guys were "dominant". Not to mention they had a shorter life on this server then a fruit fly.

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Postmortem's main ranked team went to Pot5 because the ranked scene is better there at them moment as far as I know.


To my knowledge, Postmortem never formed a serious team on TEH against good talk. I could be wrong though.




To the OP, however.


If you're thinking of moving here for ranked and ranked alone, I wouldn't bother. <good talk> is literally the only guild that does ranked regularly. The other guilds that do ranked aren't as active because they do other things, raid, conquest, RP, etc...


So we basically have one full time ranked team on this server. You'd be better off looking else where tbh.


I'd recommend Pot5 most of their competitive teams came back to the game with 3.0 and I'm told the ranked scene there is very good right now.

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i dont mean to in lead on that we went in there and roflstomp'd PM. all the games we played against them were competitive except when Meb was healing but he's bad and can't kite. to say we didn't play a serious team of theirs does take a little away from what we've been able to do as a group, especially since we played most combinations of every player in that guild. so unless none of them are competitive, then at least one group must have been.


<3 you anyway sindol, even though you need a new guard keybind for ranked.


anyway, yeah TEH is a pretty **** server for group ranked tbh. more teams would help and other groups are on the upswing right now. word is we have a harb team or two transfering here as well but as always, the FoTM server be it PoT, Bastion or Harb will always have a bigger and better scene.

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-How is the pvp community?

-Is ranked thriving?

-Are the matches competitive?

-Faction balance? Imbalance?

-Any ranked teams that run with concealment/lethality operatives?


All fighting above aside, I'd say the pvp community is healthy and growing.


For Regs, Imps and Pubs both queue regularly - though you're more likely to see a super queue of Pub guilds because the PVP community is smaller on their side of the fence. I'd say Imps win a majority of the games, but Pubs are very good at Huttball.


Solo Ranked seems to pop every day even in pre-season. I'm not sure if that will persist into S4, but we'll see. It's the usual cancer it is on every server. Pray you don't get queued with the less than reputable characters.


As for Group Ranked, there's teams floating around. <good talk> has 2 teams, there was some internal issues in Postmortem which caused some of their strongest PVP players to split off, and in their current state they're a bit scattered - I'm not sure they're able to sport a team anymore. (But yes, we did beat them eventually. It wasn't before an entire season of getting our *** kicked, though.) There are other guilds out there interested in Group Ranked, however, and from what I've been told(promised?) S4 should see some more consistent teams. Mandalorians have their double AP team, Corruption is forming a team, Decimation has a team(?), Saberwing wants to do Group Ranked. There's plenty of people wanting to do group ranked. And <good talk> looks forward to fighting anyone who is willing to rumble.


Are the matches competitive? I think other servers have a better average mass of "adequate" players; simply because PVP servers attract that sort of attention. But it is a mistake to assume there are no skilled players on this server simply because it's an RP server. The skill levels on TEH vary in fairly large spikes and are incredibly obvious. Solo Ranked and Regs can hardly be considered "competitive", so I'll just say this. Teams start off weak till they build their synergy and become better as players. Some teams are better than others; but that doesn't last forever.


Faction Balance? Probably more Imps for PVP. But the PVP community Pub side is tight knit across a few guilds.


DPS Operatives? I'd like to try running two concealment Operatives one day. But outside of that idea, I've never seen anyone run a DPS Operative outside of Vps going full sharkmode one day on Fusrodah's stream.


Anyone who feels like downplaying the accomplishments of my guild is more than welcome to verse us in team ranked. Just make sure to bring your "serious team"; we wouldn't want any misunderstandings.

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@ both of you...




No one is down playing anything you've accomplished. My gawd. Maybe you just need to get over yourselves a little bit?


Eat some humble pie. What I said was 100% truth. Postmortem didn't field a single team that consisted of the players that were going at it hardcore in season three did they? I don't think so, because they went to Pot5 because when Casual and the likes returned to Pot5 among other serious teams that's where the better players went off to get their fill.


In short, saying you're the best on TEH isn't saying much. If you think that is me trying to put you down, you're wrong. It's just the simple fact of the matter. The ranked scene on TEH isn't that good, it's hardly competitive in terms of teams that are fielded on Pot5, Bastion, and Harb. That's all I'm getting at.


Calm down mates. You're on an RP server. But if you're here just to rub peoples faces in the mud, have at it. You're good, you're running the meta game well. I can't deny you that. I wish I could field a team that "would" be competitive against you guys, but I can't. What I have is two burst Vanguards a tank of any class and a scoundrel healer. We probably won't beat your team if you're running a fotm Sin. It's just the way the cookie crumbled for us. We're not really a meta guild, so we don't level every fotm class just to be competitive. We're an RP guild, sorry.




Idk why you guys get so defensive every time I make a frackin post.. Sheesh.

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No offense, but my pug teams had a 3:1 win/loss ratio last season, the only team that was "competitive" with us was Postmortem and to be frank we fielded some *******s just to get ranked popping.


Dirty and Decimate/Hypnotic/Infuriate are both great players imo, so any combination of them and a non-crappy tank/healer combo would be a "competitive" team from PM; of course that's moot because both dirty and Decimate/Hypnotic/Infuriate (along with many others from PM) have moved over to POT5.


Anyway, there are a lot of people on this server that I love/hate to pvp with/against, but in general TEH pvp's scene has shrunken to the point that most nights it's a headache to queue unless you are in one of the small pvp circles; almost all talent, no matter how mediocre, has been absorbed into a larger collective and the average solo queue'r is so brain dead that you would be better off pvping with an npc who did nothing but guard the node and spam basic attacks.


That being said, the community (in general) is great, and if you get involved in the community I think you'll enjoy it because there are a bunch of great and passionate personalities in TEH's pvp community.

Edited by alexsamma
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can confirm that Sindol just said that Fusrodah, Lovebites/Trowa-barton and Dirty-sanchez aren't serious players.


No you can confirm that the Postmortem squad that ran in season 3 hasn't all played together in pre-season of season 4.

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I'm gonna attempt to be nice here. May be slamming my head in a wall but i dont have anything else to do while i wait for WoW resets. Responses in red.


@ both of you...




No one is down playing anything you've accomplished. My gawd. Maybe you just need to get over yourselves a little bit?


Eat some humble pie. What I said was 100% truth. Postmortem didn't field a single team that consisted of the players that were going at it hardcore in season three did they? I don't think so, because they went to Pot5 because when Casual and the likes returned to Pot5 among other serious teams that's where the better players went off to get their fill.


No but they did. They ran, on a couple of occasions, multiple teams of highly skilled players. I don't know exactly what their comp was but a *wide* variety of these teams were built of solid players forwards and backwards for the most part.


In short, saying you're the best on TEH isn't saying much. If you think that is me trying to put you down, you're wrong. It's just the simple fact of the matter. The ranked scene on TEH isn't that good, it's hardly competitive in terms of teams that are fielded on Pot5, Bastion, and Harb. That's all I'm getting at.


Saying you're the best in TOR isn't saying much. This game is tiny, the pvp scene even smaller and the ranked scene ANYWHERE takes a hit from the game as a whole being absolutely tiny. I think a major problem you have here is that you think that we all think we're gods. For at least two of our ranked team, we spend a significantly larger amount of time in WoW than TOR. In terms of playing competitive teams, we played against arguably the best in the game right now against itchy's double-sin insanity and held our own, taking rounds off them.



Calm down mates. You're on an RP server. But if you're here just to rub peoples faces in the mud, have at it. You're good, you're running the meta game well. I can't deny you that. I wish I could field a team that "would" be competitive against you guys, but I can't. What I have is two burst Vanguards a tank of any class and a scoundrel healer. We probably won't beat your team if you're running a fotm Sin. It's just the way the cookie crumbled for us. We're not really a meta guild, so we don't level every fotm class just to be competitive. We're an RP guild, sorry.


And this is the part of this post that annoys me the most. Blaming your loses on meta is the highest form of idiocy since if we were running that you'd be playing a pair of madness sins with a darkness tank, but we're not. At that, you're running what is arguably the number two comp in terms of meta via the twin Tactics burst craziness. Literally the only difference in our teams is one hatred sin vs one of the APtechs. Both are equally ridiculous comps, even if I still maintain that in four's Hatred sin has the potential to be much meaner than AP. Your loses aren't meta based, their play based. Much like you suggested to someone in an earlier thread on Republic losses, I would suggest looking in the mirror before blaming other things. You guys lost to us because of slower guard swaps and slower hard-switches. I don't mind talking to you guys about ranked and going through it and seeing where both of our teams could get better even but that "YOU GAIZ HAD HATRED DOE" is a bit silly.



tl;dr stuff, words, let's all get better at ranked cause this community is tiny. dont blame classes for your loses.

Edited by VarekRayth
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can also confirm that Itchy's team (arguably the best in the game right now running double Hatred Sin) went neck and neck with us, even though both of our DPS weren't using the ship parts bolster and theirs were.


Not gonna lie, I laughed when you said that AP PT wasn't FOTM. That part was good.


"I'm not downplaying your accomplishments."


And then you spend an entire post trying to downplay our accomplishments, rofl.


Different servers doesn't define you as a better PVPer. Teams from other servers have come to us. The -only- team we've lost to so far was Itchy's team. And if you honestly think the Postmortem teams we versed weren't serious you're just deluding yourself to bolster your down in the dirt pride.


We got better. We started winning. Get over it. We're not trying to brag, we just don't want derps **** talking us.

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When I transferred here, the ranked scene was in a word...dead. I returned from a break and decided to transfer here, because the population was so high. Little did I know, that there were so few that had a constant passion for pvp.


Then came 3.0, and with the preseason we have right now, I was able to find a way to try and cultivate a stronger, more healthy ranked scene. I helped by endlessly promoting our global arena channel, and tried for weeks to get players who pvp'ed to join it.



Is The Ebon Hawk ranked scene over-flowing with teams of players?... NO!


Is The Ebon Hawk ranked scene better than it was? ... YES!



On the subject of the latter point, there is a comfort-zone when queing here. The reason for this is because there are no trolls to really speak of. For the most part, you have nothing other than people earnestly trying to do their best. Now on occasion, you'll have a select few critique what they think someone else's best should be, but overall the solo que'ers retain a decent average of skill level.



The thing that troubles me the most, is that the number of skilled players will dwindle at the beginning of season four. I point towards the word "skilled" as being able to produce large and diverse numbers for their AC's at the end of the match. For example, the number of tank AC's that never have protection values at the end of an arena is there, but it is low. The dps from most is rather comparable, excluding of course team executes. There is a lot of coaching that goes on, but that's a good thing. Like I said, players have a high level of sincerity here, and try to make their next game, better than their last.



The Ranked population is low. Period. You'll have four to six Republic players que yolos like once a week. lol.. not even kidding. Maybe there was two nights in a row, like 3 weeks ago... or something... Main point is, that even imp side there might not be enough people to keep the games rolling consistently into the new season. We need more ranked players to transfer here, and we need the bigger guilds both pub and imp, to stop treating regular warzones like it's some big-time accomplishment. Get your roster, develop your strats, and get in the ranked arenas. Now is the perfect time to try different comps, etc... but I digress....



I can count on any given day, that there will always be at least a dozen ranked players queing up every night. Other days you'll have twice that many. BUT, another problem is that I can count the tanks that que with one hand, and the healers that que regularly on my other. The group is small, but the action is good. Is that a problem? Maybe in time, more players will see that ranked on this server is competitive, and sincere. Perhaps people from other servers that are plagued by the ugliness that ranked arenas can yield, may consider to transfer over to The Ebon Hawk, although I won't hold my breath on that.



Honestly? I shouldn't have to create a global chat channel, and try to drum up players to not pve that night, or to not que for regs. I'd much rather prefer to log on at any given time and have ranked options with at least 7 other players on the damn server. Unfortunately, it seems that some people here might take their characters too seriously, and this prevents them from enjoying the random competitive enjoyment of pvp... lol, I don't know. I mean once in awhile, you'll see new people, but I've been que'd for ranked every night, for hours, for over two months. There are even people who post on these forums often, that I've only ever seen on the battlefield once. Yeah, that's right. You know who you are.

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I'm gonna attempt to be nice here. May be slamming my head in a wall but i dont have anything else to do while i wait for WoW resets. Responses in red.




tl;dr stuff, words, let's all get better at ranked cause this community is tiny. dont blame classes for your loses.


I'd like to post seriously for once. Sorry to derail.


I agree with the last part of your post. Looking back, from my perspective Crinntar and I weren't coordinating CCs as well as we should have, or performed very well when we tried to hard-switch (I actually wish Crinn would've fraps'd that, because looking back our performance was laughable and Sindol told us as much in Mumble that we weren't coordinating very well). That being said I want to q again because I do want to improve and get the hang of ranked (I've never really done it before) and if anyone else from the guild wants to.... then we'll do it.


But we won't q probably as often as the other teams, mainly because at the moment we're trying to get our guild in order. I really don't want to explain, but if you -really- wish to hear a four year history of disappearing GMs, people getting hit mysteriously by moving lamposts, and the second coming of RPesus... PM me. :rak_03:


And uh.... given the recent posts I had to read... Can't we all be friends guys? Thanks. Jabba approves.

Edited by GrizzMeshurik
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Who does one guard when the entire team is taking damage from assassin dots? It was a battle of attrition.


We didn't lose because of slow guard swaps, you guys did a good job of trying to separate me and stun me so I couldn't guard swap.


We lost because we dwindled down from dot pressure damage and because we didn't coordinate our CC properly and yes hard switching was also a problem. That said, I have no complaints or regrets. Two people on my team had never even played a team ranked match before that night. We have A LOT to work on, that is true. But we don't have the time to dedicate ourselves to just ranked because we actually like to ya know... RP! Because ya know... this is an RP server.


I can't even get the 7 members of my guild online to earn a few conquest points so we can unlock rooms in our guild ship. That doesn't leave me very hopeful that we'll ever have time to work on ranked PvP strategy.


In other news, if you think double burst AP is viable against any team that is running a pressure dot class you're silly. We would have to get really good at forcing a guard and them hard switching with our burst to have any success with this comp and even then there are just too many ways to mitigate it.


If I recall correctly we did kill you in the first round though. :rolleyes:


I'm not blaming my loss on fotm, I'm simply stating that I don't think we can beat the team we faced with the team we have.


You guys are good. I love how you guys fail to see how I've stated that time and time again. I've never said that your ranked team wasn't good. You're the ones getting completely defensive here focusing on all this "perceived" negativity.




Good luck with ranked on TEH. I would like to say we will queue again, but given your sportsmanship in this thread I'm reluctant to play you again. Wouldn't want you to get on the forums and tell everyone how you ran me or my guild out of ranked or off of the server.



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Double AP can beat our team, I assure you. But it comes down to coordination. It's a hardswitch comp.


Det bait on a false target to force a guard swap to a false target, stun the tank, blow up unguarded target. youwin.


I can't be bothered playing mountain goat with you anymore, so I'll just leave you to your thoughts.

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I'd like to post seriously for once. Sorry to derail.


I agree with the last part of your post. Looking back, from my perspective Crinntar and I weren't coordinating CCs as well as we should have, or performed very well when we tried to hard-switch (I actually wish Crinn would've fraps'd that, because looking back our performance was laughable and Sindol told us as much in Mumble that we weren't coordinating very well). That being said I want to q again because I do want to improve and get the hang of ranked (I've never really done it before) and if anyone else from the guild wants to.... then we'll do it.


But we won't q probably as often as the other teams, mainly because at the moment we're trying to get our guild in order. I really don't want to explain, but if you -really- wish to hear a four year history of disappearing GMs, people getting hit mysteriously by moving lamposts, and the second coming of RPesus... PM me. :rak_03:


And uh.... given the recent posts I had to read... Can't we all be friends guys? Thanks. Jabba approves.


I'm just gonna go ahead and say thank you for being worth talking to Grizz. If at any point you want to talk ranked, AP in general, or literally anything hit me up either way.


Sindol I literally can't help you if you want to blame your loss on 1.4k dot ticks. I'm sorry you think guard isn't enough to cover that.

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