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Fun GSF Achievements!


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Every now and then something happens in a GSF match that the game does not officially reward, but that deserves praise nonetheless. These range from the hilarious to the serious. There are many times when im thinking "man, there should be an achievement for that!"


In that spirit I thought I should make a fun thread who's purpose is to nominate / create new achievements for GSF (from the inane to the serious):


Event: EMP Missile Kill on a player ship - achievement: One in a Million


Event: Get a Kill while Fortress Shield is active - achievement: Sitting Duck


Event: Get a kill with Feedback Shields - achievement: Eye for an Eye (or alternately porcupine)



There's a few to get the ball rolling, anyways have fun :D

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Kill 6 players in succession with no more than 4 seconds between each kill - Achievement: Monster Kill


Die 50 times due to self-destruct caused by engine maneuver - Achievement: Power Die


Cause 50 player ships to self-destruct through engine maneuver after damaging them - Achievement: Boo!


Kill a player-controlled ship with primary weapons without having them targeted - Achievement: Use the Force!


Kill a player-controlled ship with ion weapons only - Achievement: A Thousand Cuts


Take 30000 damage without dying - Achievement: Unkillable


Complete one match without using afterburner - Achievement: The Scenic Route


Be responsible for more than 50% of the kills or damage of your team - Achievement: A Heavy Burden


Obtain 12 powerups in a single deathmatch - Achievement: Pacman


Kill 10 player ships in a stock fighter - Achievement: Hacker

Edited by Fractalsponge
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One-hit kill : He shoots, he scores.


5 Proton kills in a single match : The power of science.


5 Thermite kills in a single match : They said space was cold, so I...


Killing around enemy flagship : Home delivery


Using 5 different ships in a single match : This one ? Or this one ?


Staying alive 2 min while burning : Don't you smell burn ?


Self-destructing under the effect of Sabotage Probe : Sabotaaaaage !


Destroying 100 Scouts : Scouting for scouts


Destroying 100 Strike Fighters : They didn't strike back


Destroying 100 Gunships : The big guns were for show.


Destroying 100 Bombers : Them too, make BOOM.


Destroying someone having damage overcharge : Can't let you do that, Starfighter.

Edited by Altheran
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Haha nice thread. My fave so far ..


Complete one match without using afterburner - Achievement: The Scenic Route


An enemy self destructs while under effect of your sabotage probe - Prime Time TV


Killed 20 times by enemy capital ship turrets - Fingers Burned


Collect a powerup while using an engine ability - Stunt Man


Kill 20 enemies while strafing - The Wallbot


Obtain 20 kill assists in a game without a killing blow - Killing Me Softly


Win 20 games with only a single ship in your line-up - One Ship Wonder


Self destruct 5 times in a single game - Get Your Wings Clipped!!

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Get 10 kills in a match while using only RFL - One million cuts later


Survive 1 min with black hull - Burnt, cooked... And still alive


Cause two crashes by Tensoring your teammates in the middle of a risky manoeuver - And one more for the speed


Survive around an enemy sat for 4 min - Unkillable assaillant

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Kill 3 player ships with a single mine detonation - Achievement: Set Them Up the Bomb


Kill 5 ships of each type in a match - Achievement: Equal Opportunity Ace


Kill the player ship that killed you before you respawn again - Achievement: From Beyond the Grave


Kill a player ship after a match has completed - Achievement: Too Slow!


Kill a player ship in the middle of an engine maneuver - Achievement: Sleight of Hand

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Die while under the effects of Damage Overcharge without scoring a kill - At least the other guy didn't get it


Have all four power-ups active simultaneously - Unlimited Power


Survive 15k damage with a red hull - Why won't you just die?


Score 5 kills without taking damage - Can't touch this

Edited by Delta_V
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Love this thread. Made me laugh out loud. Here's a few more.


Collect 20 powerups in a TDM without dealing or taking any dmg. - Playing your own game.

Win 20 games in a row with nothing but strikes in your hangar. - I beat the game.

Win a game without a death using only mouse (no keyboard) with default keybinds. - Look ma! No hands!

Self destruct with charged plating active. - Too much pinball is bad for you.

Get 100% accuracy with a gunship. - Some sort of bot.

Power dive through any of the openings on kuat mesas(without crashing). - Threading the needle.

Get 500 objective points without doing any dmg. - Pacifist.

Cause someone who landed a sabo probe on you to crash while the probe's still active. - What just happened?

Suffer 100% interdiction and live to tell the tale. - The one that got away.



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Win a game without a death using only mouse (no keyboard) with default keybinds. - Look ma! No hands!


This one is bad.. My Razor Naga Hex can use 1-6 as default keybind.. So I would basicly suffers very few penality.. And beside try to play without targeting... The correct formulation would be : 'Win a game without using any components' active ability.'

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This one is bad.. My Razor Naga Hex can use 1-6 as default keybind.. So I would basicly suffers very few penality.. And beside try to play without targeting... The correct formulation would be : 'Win a game without using any components' active ability.'
Really? You're going to be "that" guy?
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Killing someone with a DoT you applied before he killed you - Revenge is a dish best served cold

Getting killed by the same player four times in a row - Groundhog day

Getting the same number of kills and deaths in a TDM (both numbers greater 0, obviously) - At least he made the match shorter

Repairing more damage than causing it - Medic!

Surviving 10 mines - Never tell me the odds

Causing the 50th death in a TDM by dying in the exhaustion zone - I believe I can fly

Getting more than 40K damage without getting the Combatant medal - Medals are overrated anyway

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