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Nerf marauders ffs they too stronk!!!!!


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whats a maraurder?


No ****, you barely even see any Maras/Sents in WZs now.


I might try to roll a Fury spec Mara for the challenge. I do still sometimes see good Maras/Sents, but most these days are just cannon fodder and do nothing dmg and lead their team in deaths.


Mara, Merc and Sniper could all use a bit of love for survivability. Maybe I'm wrong, but these 3 classes tend to lead the way in death totals in reg 8v8 WZs.

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12:15:01.894 **** hits you with Backstab for 9 772* kinetic damage

12:15:02.047 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 647* internal damage

12:15:03.061 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 359 internal damage

12:15:04.068 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 376 internal damage

12:15:04.952 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 665* internal damage

12:15:05.832 **** hits you with Veiled Strike for 8 165* kinetic damage

12:15:05.972 **** hits you with Volatile Substance for 10 841* internal damage

12:15:05.972 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 409 internal damage

12:15:06.959 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 433 internal damage

12:15:06.996 **** hits you with Laceration for 4 280 kinetic damage

12:15:07.425**** hits you with Collateral Strike for 1 082 kinetic damage

12:15:08.533 **** hits you with Laceration for 4 011 kinetic damage


nerf Marauders..

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I aggree, Marauders are ridiculous.


Annihilation spec can easily spread their DoTs to everyone, they don't even need to be standing next to you (*** I thought they were melee?) and then they get enormous self-heals from the bleeds and can even heal their entire ops group, several maurauders doing this would be unkillable from all the healing, they just self-heal through the damage while your health bar keeps going down.


In Carnage spec, they have this three second window during which they can completely global anyone and nobody can do anything against this, they just ignore your cooldowns and cannot be stunned or rooted or kited.


In Fury spec they can jump constantly to you, they have so much mobility it is a joke, and they destroy everyone with huge auto-crits, this is clearly ridiculous and must cease! At least make them lose single-target damage to gain this AoE burst!


Overall, Maras have too much immunity and mobility, their DCD are just too strong, and the tools of other classes absolutely do not counter their damage abilities, they completely dominate in both ranked and regular warzones as well as being the best DPS to have on operations, you can only beat the new HM Ops if all your DPS are Marauders and you will not win in group ranked if you do not have at least 2 Marauders in your group, these are the facts, something must be done!


nice :)

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12:15:01.894 **** hits you with Backstab for 9 772* kinetic damage

12:15:02.047 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 647* internal damage

12:15:03.061 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 359 internal damage

12:15:04.068 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 376 internal damage

12:15:04.952 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 665* internal damage

12:15:05.832 **** hits you with Veiled Strike for 8 165* kinetic damage

12:15:05.972 **** hits you with Volatile Substance for 10 841* internal damage

12:15:05.972 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 409 internal damage

12:15:06.959 **** hits you with Acid Blade: Poisoned (Tech) for 433 internal damage

12:15:06.996 **** hits you with Laceration for 4 280 kinetic damage

12:15:07.425**** hits you with Collateral Strike for 1 082 kinetic damage

12:15:08.533 **** hits you with Laceration for 4 011 kinetic damage


nerf Marauders..


they nerfed combat because of too much burst, than they made 3.0 powertechs, something doesn't sounds well...

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