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Mission: Big Guns (Balmorra, Imperial)


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On Balmorra, Imperial Side, there is a mission titled "Big Guns." In the mission, we are suppose to destroy two generators in order to complete it. Unfortunately, for the last three days, the generators are not resetting so we can destroy them. I have tried logging in, and out of the game, restarting the game, and trying on a second toon.


This is kind of a biggie since, without destroying the generators, we can't move on in the quest chain.

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Have started a second thread. I think that everyone here should open a thread about it, that way we can flood BioWare's customer service with bug reports about this quest. That way it will get addressed more quickly.




Also you should all submit an in-game ticket about it, and flood their in-game support service with more bug reports. Flooding is the way forward, ladies and gentlemen. They will HAVE to take notice if they wake up every morning to it.

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> for the last three days


Honey, I've got news for you, this has been happening since mid-December at least.


Well, honey, since I haven't touched Balmorra (Imp side) in well over six months. It was kind of hard for me to know about that, but thanks to for the info.

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