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Fix MIDS PVP bracket. Signed. Dated. Now.


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Mara was already at 45. Mara has a hard time anyway even in 60s. I have sniper, slinger, sage, sorc, Merc, op, scoundrel, and sin between 30 and 54. Mara is the hardest because mobility issues. Sorc and sin were perfectly fine. Scoundrel and op were perfectly fine. Merc was fine sometimes. Got destroyed other times. had about the same experience on my sniper as Merc. I would say the only class I played in lower midbies that is frustrating is mara, but that is more of a class thing.


Oh and it's perfectly cool if you call me a liar. I need to be more calm in the forums anyway and not take them personally. It was kind of pointless for me to argue in this one. It's just too tempting sometimes :D. I will do fine if they change up midbies or if they leave them the same. Therefore, my part in this argument is over. If you want to ask me other questions though I can answer them. Like yours was fine because it didn't tempt me to try arguing much haha. Need to be more constructive and less antagonistic. Therefore, I honestly hope they make a change that makes everyone in this thread enjoy midbie PVP more. The more pvpers the better. Not sure what change is good, but that's not up for me to decide anyway. I thought the thread was an over reaction (still do), but there was no point arguing it. Sorry. Hopefully things get better for you guys in one way or another.

Edited by Saikochoro
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To be blunt: You don't seem to have much experience with the 30-59 bracket from a lowbie perspective. Try leveling from 30 - 40 on nothing than PVP and come back to us. This lovelyness was only a rare occurrence pre-3.0, but nowadays it happens every other fight or so it seems.


I can totally see how I am coming across like that. Very fair comment. I have/had several toons in the 30-50 range since patch (I'm somewhat of an altoholic). I level up through PVP and always have leveled that way. I do the occasional flashpoint, but 90% of my leveling experience is through PVP and has been that way since 1.0. Never really been into PVE. I accept that your opinion is different than mine and will no longer try to convince you otherwise. My experience in midbie PVP on my 30-40s has been fun for the most part. (Sometimes frustrating, but that is PVP in general.) it's okay if I'm the only one that has had that experience. Hopefully it will get better for you guys.

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Completely agree with the OP.


I recently came back to this game after a long break and decided to level a new toon. In the past I really enjoyed PvP whilst leveling but after hitting the 30's bracket it really pisses me off when I get melted by toons over 55. I have full BiS gear at 35 and am fully augmented and I get 4 shotted by some people.


This bracket makes no sense and it appears like the developers didn't think this out. Has there been any sign the developers acknowledge this problem and have a solution or do they have a reason why we need to bear this?


This game really needs to sort its **** out prior to the release of the latest movie. The game stands to reap a new population boost after the release of episode 7 and if basic **** like this and more isn't covered and the game polished, we will just slowly loose the population that we stand to gain.

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Completely agree with the OP.


I recently came back to this game after a long break and decided to level a new toon. In the past I really enjoyed PvP whilst leveling but after hitting the 30's bracket it really pisses me off when I get melted by toons over 55. I have full BiS gear at 35 and am fully augmented and I get 4 shotted by some people.


This bracket makes no sense and it appears like the developers didn't think this out. Has there been any sign the developers acknowledge this problem and have a solution or do they have a reason why we need to bear this?


This game really needs to sort its **** out prior to the release of the latest movie. The game stands to reap a new population boost after the release of episode 7 and if basic **** like this and more isn't covered and the game polished, we will just slowly loose the population that we stand to gain.


In the same position here, Loved the PVP in the game (not quite sure why, has always had issues, but what mmo hasn't?) Loathed the pve - especially the stupidly big boring worlds for questing - what a ridiculous time sink that is. As such, I always levelled in pvp. Getting into a new bracket was never fun, ie turning 30 but I always still felt I contributed something for my team.

Started playing mid brackets to try to level up some alts upon my return as a subscriber. OMG - just not funny. Those 56-59 premades that think they are so cool should be ashamed of themselves. Even playing better tactically can't save you. If your team is significantly lower than the other team you WILL lose. It is now utterly level based and it is truly pathetic how the devs let it get into this state. Just the HP disparity itself between a 30s and a 56-59 - usually about 10k. Add the bolster, massive amounts of additional skills - zero fun for the lowbie.

So what do I now do in this game to level? Roam massive, boring, souless worlds picking up 3 objects then being sent on another 10 minute journey to blow a senator's nose? No thanks. Flashpoints? Boring, no thanks. So I have to put up with this mid level nonsense or unsubscribe. Not an attractive proposition.

PLEASE, for the love of god, fix this.

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In the same position here, Loved the PVP in the game (not quite sure why, has always had issues, but what mmo hasn't?) Loathed the pve - especially the stupidly big boring worlds for questing - what a ridiculous time sink that is. As such, I always levelled in pvp. Getting into a new bracket was never fun, ie turning 30 but I always still felt I contributed something for my team.

Started playing mid brackets to try to level up some alts upon my return as a subscriber. OMG - just not funny. Those 56-59 premades that think they are so cool should be ashamed of themselves. Even playing better tactically can't save you. If your team is significantly lower than the other team you WILL lose. It is now utterly level based and it is truly pathetic how the devs let it get into this state. Just the HP disparity itself between a 30s and a 56-59 - usually about 10k. Add the bolster, massive amounts of additional skills - zero fun for the lowbie.

So what do I now do in this game to level? Roam massive, boring, souless worlds picking up 3 objects then being sent on another 10 minute journey to blow a senator's nose? No thanks. Flashpoints? Boring, no thanks. So I have to put up with this mid level nonsense or unsubscribe. Not an attractive proposition.

PLEASE, for the love of god, fix this.


^ Exactly. The greatest part is there are a few people that post on forums that, "mids is fine it's a L2P issue!" Which is utter crap. The bracket is borked, needs fixed. It appears it's the bolster system that is at most fault here.

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This will not be an issue in a month. The only fix would be to take expertise off the old pvp gear as they did with ROtHC. This also means that 55s with brutalizer may feel gimped when they hit 60.


You want them to fix a problem that will fix itself in a month? Yeah, ok.

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This will not be an issue in a month. The only fix would be to take expertise off the old pvp gear as they did with ROtHC. This also means that 55s with brutalizer may feel gimped when they hit 60.


You want them to fix a problem that will fix itself in a month? Yeah, ok.


Explain how it will fix itself in a month. I am lost here. :confused:

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Explain how it will fix itself in a month. I am lost here. :confused:


Toons that gained pvp gear before the expansion, and are even augmented will eventually level out of the bracket. This is happening because the expansion is very recent. Lowbie bolster puts toons at about 1700-1800 expertise if I'm not mistaken. They're going up against a high amount of 55+ toons with 2018 expertise. You can no longer get pre 60 pvp gear, so this issue will not last very long.


Before creating a thread about this you should have determined what the actual problem is, and presented a solution. That would lead to a discussion. This is nothing more than a rant where you shout "bolster bolster fix now now now".

Edited by Nekrall
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Toons that gained pvp gear before the expansion, and are even augmented will eventually level out of the bracket. This is happening because the expansion is very recent. Lowbie bolster puts toons at about 1700-1800 expertise if I'm not mistaken. They're going up against a high amount of 55+ toons with 2018 expertise. You can no longer get pre 60 pvp gear, so this issue will not last very long.


Before creating a thread about this you should have determined what the actual problem is, and presented a solution. That would lead to a discussion. This is nothing more than a rant where you shout "bolster bolster fix now now now".


And you should stop writing off threads backed by dozens of people's opinions and experiences with the retort that fixing expertise on level 55 pvp gear fixes the problem overnight. In no way do you need pvp gear to wreck lowbies in this bracket.. I just levelled to 55 on my vanguard who has no pvp gear. It is absolutely embarrassing wrecking lowbie after lowbie with virtually full hps remaining.


There is a LOT more to this problem than balancing expertise on 55 pvp gear. You honestly think everyone between 55-59 is wearing this when they wreck someone?

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And you should stop writing off threads backed by dozens of people's opinions and experiences with the retort that fixing expertise on level 55 pvp gear fixes the problem overnight. In no way do you need pvp gear to wreck lowbies in this bracket.. I just levelled to 55 on my vanguard who has no pvp gear. It is absolutely embarrassing wrecking lowbie after lowbie with virtually full hps remaining.


There is a LOT more to this problem than balancing expertise on 55 pvp gear. You honestly think everyone between 55-59 is wearing this when they wreck someone?


Explain how there is "a lot more to this problem" then. You didn't give a reason, or present a solution either. It's all just ranting, whining, baseless opinions, and meaningless anecdotes.


An iintuitive solution would be switching the brackets to 10-39 and 40-59. But then you will get the same ppl crying about the 10-39 brackets, stating that they're getting wrecked. Creating a problem which does not exist, and asking for a solution to the problem.


Only issue is the expertise difference. Everything else, such as ability differences (no shoulder cannon on some, shoulder cannon on others) has been a factor since release, and will remain a factor as long as MMOs have levels.


In short, hurr durr cry more, none of you will ever be happy.

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An iintuitive solution would be switching the brackets to 10-39 and 40-59. But then you will get the same ppl crying about the 10-39 brackets, stating that they're getting wrecked.


I doubt so, because in these levels there just is no expertise. Only bolster.

And therefore I assume that the gab would be smaller.


Me, I had always been a fan of 10-29 and 30-39 etc. - even smaller brackets where poeople might get even more wins, because there just aren't higher level characters battling them.

But, I admit that the drawback of brackets like these would be them resulting in possibly even longer wait time until the next match pops.

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And you should stop writing off threads backed by dozens of people's opinions and experiences with the retort that fixing expertise on level 55 pvp gear fixes the problem overnight. In no way do you need pvp gear to wreck lowbies in this bracket.. I just levelled to 55 on my vanguard who has no pvp gear. It is absolutely embarrassing wrecking lowbie after lowbie with virtually full hps remaining.


There is a LOT more to this problem than balancing expertise on 55 pvp gear. You honestly think everyone between 55-59 is wearing this when they wreck someone?


Just due to the fact that I am able to kill lvl 50+ on my 43 scoundrel, I really don't think that this is as much of an issue as some people suggest. So they have a few more skills to use? Thanks to 3.0 we get the majority of what rounds off our specs early on in the game and not have to wait till lvl 40+ to be competitive.


I am not saying that lvl 50+ are not at an advantage, of course they are. But I do not think that they present as dire an issue as many hear seem to suggest. This is just me personally.

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Explain how there is "a lot more to this problem" then. You didn't give a reason, or present a solution either. It's all just ranting, whining, baseless opinions, and meaningless anecdotes.


30s : 1950-2200 main stat

40s : 2200-2400 main stat

50-55 : 2500-2600 main stat

55-60 : 2600-2750 main stat


Add 700 main stat to 53-60 if they are augmented.


30s : 29-30k HP

40s : 32-33k HP

50-55 : 35k HP

55-60 : 35-39k HP


Tell me where is the balance here. A 30s is at a huge stat disavantage over a 59.

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Just due to the fact that I am able to kill lvl 50+ on my 43 scoundrel, I really don't think that this is as much of an issue as some people suggest. So they have a few more skills to use? Thanks to 3.0 we get the majority of what rounds off our specs early on in the game and not have to wait till lvl 40+ to be competitive.


Rage Jugg, Fury Mara, Carnage Mara, MM Sniper say hi. These four don't have their major procs 'til 44-48.


Arsenal Merc, Pyrotech say hello. These two don't come together before 40-41.


Try to Rage/Fury without Shockwaves.

Try to Carnage without Slaughter and Gore.

Try to MM without FT and Recoil Control.

Try to Arsenal without Barrage and Priming.

Try to Pyrotech without SHFT and Immolate.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Rage Jugg, Fury Mara, Carnage Mara, MM Sniper say hi. These four don't have their major procs 'til 44-48.


Arsenal Merc, Pyrotech say hello. These two don't come together before 40-41.


Try to Rage/Fury without Shockwaves.

Try to Carnage without Slaughter and Gore.

Try to MM without FT and Recoil Control.

Try to Arsenal without Barrage and Priming.

Try to Pyrotech without SHFT and Immolate.


I have, they are still playable and competitive. Are they as optimal? No, never said they were.


"majority of what rounds off our specs" Not optimal with every bell and whistle they need. With variations in levels come gaps of course,


I've already stated that?

Thank you for confirming my point.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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30s : 1950-2200 main stat

40s : 2200-2400 main stat

50-55 : 2500-2600 main stat

55-60 : 2600-2750 main stat


Add 700 main stat to 53-60 if they are augmented.


30s : 29-30k HP

40s : 32-33k HP

50-55 : 35k HP

55-60 : 35-39k HP


Tell me where is the balance here. A 30s is at a huge stat disavantage over a 59.


those are inaccurate numbers, my 55 op in a mix of obroan and brut, fully augmented is only 34,995.

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I have, they are still playable and competitive. Are they as optimal? No, never said they were.


"majority of what rounds off our specs" Not optimal with every bell and whistle they need. With variations in levels come gaps of course,


I've already stated that?

Thank you for confirming my point.


But are they competitive enough to overcome a 1000 main stat and 5-8k HP gap? Assuming equal skill level? No.


These aren't simple 'bell and whistle'. These are the main pillars of the spec. Rage is all about Shockwaves and Dominate. Carnage is all about Gore, Slaughter and Berzerk being close seconds. MM is all about Sniper Volley reseting Penetrating Blasts and Followthrought. Arsenal is mainly about Barrage.


Sure they are playble before that. MM burst is heavily shortened due to lack of low cost abilities before Followthrought. Carnage has basicly no burst before Gore and good burst only one Gore every two without Slaughter. Rage without Shockwaves is a wet noodle.


I'm not complaining about that though. It's perfectly normal. What isn't is the stat gap being so large it's almost impossible to outplay a lvl 55 who isn't completely and utterly dumb in 1vs1. Fix bolster. Fix the huge gap between 30 and 59. In lowbies there isn't even 300 main stat and 1k HP between lvl 15 and lvl 29. Why is there such a large gap between lvl 30 and 55???

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I already explained why PVP currently is a joke. If you're level 28-29 you're an unkillable beast. Then in the range 30-37, you die instantly because of the 55-59 group. Same for fresh level 60's, although then you can slowly improve IF you've chosen the correct fraction and (adv) class.

So this post is a repetition.

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But are they competitive enough to overcome a 1000 main stat and 5-8k HP gap? Assuming equal skill level? No.


These aren't simple 'bell and whistle'. These are the main pillars of the spec. Rage is all about Shockwaves and Dominate. Carnage is all about Gore, Slaughter and Berzerk being close seconds. MM is all about Sniper Volley reseting Penetrating Blasts and Followthrought. Arsenal is mainly about Barrage.


Sure they are playble before that. MM burst is heavily shortened due to lack of low cost abilities before Followthrought. Carnage has basicly no burst before Gore and good burst only one Gore every two without Slaughter. Rage without Shockwaves is a wet noodle.


I'm not complaining about that though. It's perfectly normal. What isn't is the stat gap being so large it's almost impossible to outplay a lvl 55 who isn't completely and utterly dumb in 1vs1. Fix bolster. Fix the huge gap between 30 and 59. In lowbies there isn't even 300 main stat and 1k HP between lvl 15 and lvl 29. Why is there such a large gap between lvl 30 and 55???


Have you read this morning's patch notes?


I'm going to assume not.

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Even more than a level discrepancy, I think the major problem with the mid pvp bracket is that many 55-59's are in full pvp gear from a previous season. If your toon was geared in a previous season, than he is running around with 2018 expertise while everyone else is only bolstered to just under 1800. Also, having pvp gear means u have relics with procs that lowbies don't have access to. I believe that expertise is the main problem because I have both a lvl 57 sage and a lvl 57 sorc. The sage has full pvp gear from last season (2018 expertise) and the sorc has pretty poor pve gear. Becacuse of this, my 57 sage is far stronger than my sorc. I think the main thing bioware needs to do in the mid pvp bracket is simply bolster every1 to the same expertise level regardless of gear. Also, make the procs on relics no longer work in lowbie warzones.
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Even more than a level discrepancy, I think the major problem with the mid pvp bracket is that many 55-59's are in full pvp gear from a previous season. If your toon was geared in a previous season, than he is running around with 2018 expertise while everyone else is only bolstered to just under 1800. Also, having pvp gear means u have relics with procs that lowbies don't have access to. I believe that expertise is the main problem because I have both a lvl 57 sage and a lvl 57 sorc. The sage has full pvp gear from last season (2018 expertise) and the sorc has pretty poor pve gear. Becacuse of this, my 57 sage is far stronger than my sorc. I think the main thing bioware needs to do in the mid pvp bracket is simply bolster every1 to the same expertise level regardless of gear. Also, make the procs on relics no longer work in lowbie warzones.


stop asking for more bolster, it caused problems to begin with. get rid of bolster then start building the game correctly, stop with the Band aid BS.

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