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regarding punishment for exploit


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And btw, IF BW things exploiting this bug is a big deal, they should have put up a patch ASAP and not wait until tuesday

This is the best part imo...


"We're gonna take serious action against those who use this exploit...but we're not going to do anything for at least a week, except draw attention to it...so..."

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It's your inference; not mine. I never stated a link between exploiting and HPs, but rather commented on the sheer amount of DPS's with more than 55K HPs in only a short span of time. While it can correlate to exploiting, it can also mean more play time - especially in ops (where the exploit makes it more possible to accomplish).


This really is a messy situation, and I'm lamenting on now having to give up ops, until such time that some kind of gear balancing can occur.


Just a quick clarification on HP pools.


If you model any dps class in optimized 198 gear, you don't get close to 60K HP, and the ones I've modeled don't even hit 55K fully buffed. Even a mitigation focused tank won't hit 60K buffed in optimized gear.


The only players hitting 60K HP at this point are those using all the non-optimized mods and enhancements, which are sold by the commendation vendors, not gained from running operations.

Edited by DawnAskham
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The problem was that people transferred servers and carried the lockout with them. This in itself wouldn't have been a major problem aside from the fact that there was a secondary exploit that went hand in hand with it. I will not mention it here. Suffice to say that this whole issue was created because of two major programming issues that people discovered and took advantage of and it only required that one guild have a clear.


I think it's possible there are some exploiters, I first became suspicious when I noticed a larger number than would be expected 192 barrels/hilts/mods/enhancements on our GTN, I checked our progression thread and noted that our guilds hadn't cleared HM Ravagers or Temple yet, with most only registering a few kills in each operation, meaning that given the number of lockouts since the release of 3.0 and the unreliability of those artifact crafting material drops along with the value of keeping them in guild for any serious raiding guild gearing meant those must be coming from an exploit or off server, when I did some research apparently it had been an issue already for some time on Harbinger. I'm uncertain whether or not any lockouts are persistent on Jung Ma or who the exploiters are, but the volume and availability of 192 crafted items has been moderate (1-2 pieces of a few types at a time on GTN) so the market hasn't been significantly impacted here, though I suppose you could argue that given no guilds on server had cleared the content the availability should be zero, the amount is still small enough that I'm not sure there is a significant portion of exploiting.

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This is the best part imo...


"We're gonna take serious action against those who use this exploit...but we're not going to do anything for at least a week, except draw attention to it...so..."

^^ This. So much of this in this thread.



Anyways, nice chatting with you all. I'm done. I'm just gonna play the 'wait and see' game, and see what BW does or doesn't do, and go from there.



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I think it's possible there are some exploiters, I first became suspicious when I noticed a larger number than would be expected 192 barrels/hilts/mods/enhancements on our GTN


there is a legal way to get the epic materials to craft the 192 stuff, and it is possible with 8m.

Edited by Citruzz
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the reply is a bit dull


Because you cannot report an exploit if it never happen to u... So u actually did it, be able to know about it and report it.

They cannot ban people because its not their fault...


But ok, am one of the people that I am not sure yet how to do that and what is all about. I assume its inside an operation. I tried once to play the pirate cove with a pug group and we couldnt, kill the boss, soooo never tried any other OP and am not playing right now for many days.. The game needs some balancing.

Edited by Oyranos
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very common Nefra exploit.

This "exploit" was live for few months. And since BW did nothing to fix it, we should rather say that everything was "working as intended".

And same story we have now. Instead of realeasing any hotfix they're "looking into it". Have fun and good luck. If they couldn't fix it for good in short period of time, was that really so difficult to make quick patch with reseting/changing loot table at known boss? People wouldn't have any gain from exploit if they would find there Arkanian tokens. And BW would have have time to properly fix ongoing problem. At least one...

But no, it's easier to talk about punishments. If BW is making such mistakes and don't react about it - that's their own fault people are using it

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This "exploit" was live for few months. And since BW did nothing to fix it, we should rather say that everything was "working as intended".

And same story we have now. Instead of realeasing any hotfix they're "looking into it". Have fun and good luck. If they couldn't fix it for good in short period of time, was that really so difficult to make quick patch with reseting/changing loot table at known boss? People wouldn't have any gain from exploit if they would find there Arkanian tokens. And BW would have have time to properly fix ongoing problem. At least one...

But no, it's easier to talk about punishments. If BW is making such mistakes and don't react about it - that's their own fault people are using it

EXACTLY!!!! That is all that would have been necessary, change the freaking loot! Instead, nothing...complete silence for 3+weeks worth of it.

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months? That means its not a SOR exploit?

I and he were referring to older exploit with previous tier BW was unable to fix for a long period of time. They tried once and failed, then another time and I suppose it worked. But the exploit was there for a long time and people exploiting it could just continue to do so. In a way BW has taught people that they condone exploiting - or at maximum, they use pretty darn strong words at forums about such things. :o

Edited by Ruskaeth
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there is a legal way to get the epic materials to craft the 192 stuff, and it is possible with 8m.


True, but the sheer number of items available for sale on some servers would lean you more towards the abundant use of exploits by some individuals. It was approaching the level of mats being a quest reward like in previous tiers.

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I was told that this was reported in beta. and went live anyway. the devs responsible should be fired.


Like I say, if so then they failed twice... once in beta not ensuring the bug was ranked high enough. And then again at launch/NDA timeout and not publicising this game breaking bug that was there for exploitation. As I also said... its conjecture, but if that's the case, its really REALLY poor - if this was known, it really should have been fixed or exposed.


To pile in on those questioning ops gear limits and people being excluded from content by elitists and how this extra loot might affect things... seriously? What game are you playing? We're playing and talking about SWTOR... maybe that other game that you're talking about is worth a go? Let us know, yeah.

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The message to the rest of us is "anything goes"


Seriously, who cares if they are special snowflakes, or subs. You may loose a few subs but how much more will you lose if you lose your credibility?


They cheated, they knew it, and now they are all scrambling for a reduced sentence.






and good riddance.

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I don't care about the gear. If someone wants to shortcut their way to having nothing to do in the game that's their choice.


I say no bans, but delete all of the mats from the culprit (including those in guild banks). That throws the economy off and should be fixed.

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This is the best part imo...


"We're gonna take serious action against those who use this exploit...but we're not going to do anything for at least a week, except draw attention to it...so..."

at this point, it went viral. talking about it can't do more harm.


in fact, this threat of action against accounts likely stopped a lot of people from doing it again this week.

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Am sick of feeling like a fool and sucker for not exploiting in MMOS, I hope they will swing the ban/punishment hammer hard and without mercy.


They won't do that reason for that is if you read Eric comments it is very wide spread. With people that pay subs for this game being to harsh will kill this game. I am sure that what all you guys want a dead game right. So they may only remove items and that about it. But any action they do will take away from more content development i would rather have them fix the bugs move along with adding more pve and pvp content. Wasting money to try to punish a large part of the player base while we have people bored of content is what? ...

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Is it safe to say what item is getting exploited so I can make sure i DO NOT BUY IT on the GTN? Or is this something that isn't being sold on the GTN?


If you can't say anything, that is fine. I don't want anyone to get in trouble, but if this is an item being sold on the GTN I would rather not purchase it.

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Is it safe to say what item is getting exploited so I can make sure i DO NOT BUY IT on the GTN? Or is this something that isn't being sold on the GTN?


If you can't say anything, that is fine. I don't want anyone to get in trouble, but if this is an item being sold on the GTN I would rather not purchase it.


Not sold on gtn but items crafted from it can be, or schematics learned from re of exploited items.

Edited by g_land
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at this point, it went viral. talking about it can't do more harm.


in fact, this threat of action against accounts likely stopped a lot of people from doing it again this week.

They should have announced this MONDAY...not freaking Thursday. And why the hell wait?! Remove/replace the loot NOW! Offer to fulfill the quest rewards by submitting a ticket that CS can verify. Done! Could have been in place 3 weeks ago.

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They won't do that reason for that is if you read Eric comments it is very wide spread. With people that pay subs for this game being to harsh will kill this game. I am sure that what all you guys want a dead game right. So they may only remove items and that about it. But any action they do will take away from more content development i would rather have them fix the bugs move along with adding more pve and pvp content. Wasting money to try to punish a large part of the player base while we have people bored of content is what? ...


It's a game without cheaters and exploiters and I'm good with that. Hell, even if the game closes down at least they tried to keep it honest. That I can support.


Letting exploiters and cheaters get away with it with a slap on the wrist. I can't support that.


Just because the exploit is there doesn't mean you should use it.

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