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Official: Harbinger Progression Thread


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Welcome to the Harbinger Progression Thread!


This thread will be used to track Hardmode and Nightmare Operations only. An archive of past progression will also be included.





Submission Format:



Guild Name

Empire or Republic

What raid you're doing

Boss killed

Day/time you killed it with your timezone

Screenshot or video proof


Please make sure to post all your kills in PST.

APAC kills please put in your post that you're an APAC guild and I will note it in yellow.


Tatooine Royal Navy


8 Man NiM EC


11/27/12 10:08 PM PST





Post a screenshot of all kills:



Must have proof of difficulty mode. All screenshots must be unedited screenshots with the game clock clearly shown. Please post a direct link to the screenshot/video. I don't want to have to go digging through your guild's webpage to find it. There are a few different ways you can post and acceptable screenshot:


1. Take a screenshot the second the boss dies and the "Achievement Unlocked" is still on your screen.


2. If you were too slow in getting the screenshot for option 1, you can just open your achievement list and show the difficulty beaten there.


3. In the event one of the first two options aren't available due to weird glitches, another option would be to show the boss corpse with the raid difficulty show, like so: http://i.imgur.com/7VgN1HG.png.


4. Post a screenshot showing the loot the boss dropped.


5. Videos are also great.







Ranking for this is going to be real simple. Guilds will be ranked by whoever is furthest and whoever got their fastest. In the long run, the winner will be whoever clears the raid first.




Full Guild Kills:



All progression kills have to be guild kills. All screenshots for proof of kills have to be in the instance shortly after the boss dies and all 8/16 people must be seen in the raid frames in the screenshot. To be considered a guild kill at least 6 members of the raid must be in the same guild for 8 man (therefore at least 12 for 16 man) and at least one person in guild must have the new kill achievement to be considered for the thread.




APAC Ruling



1. 5/8 or 10/16 players within the team need to be APAC based players for the kill to be considered APAC.


2. If the guild is primarily APAC but has a US team killing the content the kills will work under two categories:

- US team kills under the guild tag will be counted as US.

- APAC team kills under the guild tag will be counted as APAC.

Therefore that guild will have two lines in progression.







Any kills that have pugs will be recorded, but they will be unranked (put at the bottom of the list) and have an asterisk indicating they were pug kills. If the guild later clears the content as a full guild, the pug will be removed and replaced with the new guild kill.


All PUG rules will become more lenient over time. The only rule that will always be strictly enforced is the rule that all 8/16 people need to be seen in your screenshots. I may give leniency on the other rules after the main race amongst the top guilds is over if I don't suspect foul play.








Any cases of blatant cheating will be disqualified. And by blatant, I mean blatant. Clever use of mechanics, positioning, etc. won't count as cheating.


I really don't want to disqualify anyone for cheating. I hope never to do so, but will do so in the most extreme of circumstances.







Boss Killed

Killed with PUG

Boss has not been killed

Inactive guilds will be removed from the list.

Edited by Revenal
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[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Hatred 10/02 8:07 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Raze 10/02 8:21 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Haterade 10/06 7:58 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Epic Gaming 10/10 10:07 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Invictus 10/11 8:18 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Phobos 10/14 8:12 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] The Last Centurions 10/15 10:32 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Solo's Cholos 10/16 9:03 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] MLP Friendship is Magic 10/18 9:10 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] The Silver Order 10/19 10:55 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Knights of the First Order 10/27 7:45 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Nightmare Council 10/28 2:39 am

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] W.T.F 12/3 6:54 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Reason 10/5 10:41

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Catalysts 10/6 7:20 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Force In Balance 10/9 10:49 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] One Shot 10/08 9:16 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] It's Pugable 10/28 6:54 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Registered Sith Offenders 10/16 11:05 pm




[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Intrepid 10/08 9:36 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Haterade/Yes 11/5 10:07 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] The Last Centurions 10/22 9:14 pm

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES] Psy Ops 11/22 5:31 pm


Patches related to this content:



Corruptor Zero

In Hard Mode, Corruptor Zero's "Concussion Mine" ability now fires at the proper intervals, and there is less of an increase in damage dealt by additional stacks of the ability.

Gate Commander Draxus

The "Corrosive Grenade" debuff applied by Gate Commander Draxus can now be removed by any ability that removes negative effects.

Gate Commander Draxus' "Emergency Shield" is now be visible in Hard Mode.

Guardians of the Fortress will now deal the correct damage and have the correct amount of health in 8-Person Story Mode.

Maintaining crowd control abilities on enemies while Gate Commander Draxus has Escaped no longer causes him to become invulnerable for a short time upon returning.

Dread Master Brontes

Dread Master Brontes no longer fails to properly transition into her Overcharge Beam phase in some instances.

Players are no longer able to taunt Dread Master Brontes during the transition to her Overcharge Beam phase.

The damage dealt and amount of health for The Fingers of Brontes are now correct in 8-Player Hard Mode and 16-Player Story Mode.

Added a description to the "Enraged" buff.

Names and descriptions throughout the encounter are now present in French or German.



Removed a rogue red square that just wanted to be a part of something bigger from the phase door of this Operation.

Corruptor Zero’s Concussion Mine firmware has been updated to a new dreadware version and the effects now correctly attach and detach as described.

The magnet in the Grob’thok encounter will now display an effect on the ground to make it easier to spot its location.

During the encounter with Draxus in 8-Player Story Mode, the damage dealt by Mass Affliction is now consistent after the Corruptor is defeated.













[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Haterade 10/06 10:15 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Epic Gaming 10/14 11:21 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Invictus 10/18 10:17 pm


[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] MLP Friendship is Magic 10/26 7:12pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] The Last Centurions 11/13 11:52 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Nightmare Council 11/13 4:46 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] The Silver Order 11/17 8:30 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Knights of the First Order 11/18 7:53 pm


[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Solo's Cholos 10/24 9:00 pm


[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Catalysts 10/28 8:58 pm

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Registered Sith Offenders 11/4 4:11 am

[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] It's Pugable 11/7 9:34 pm






[bESTIA][TYRANS][CALPHAYUS][RAPTUS][COUNCIL] Haterade/Yes 11/5 11:54 pm


Patches related to this content:




Dread Master Raptus

Players are no longer able to get to an area and avoid Dread Master Raptus' Spinning Attack phase.

Cursed Captive now deals the correct amount of damage when only a single player is present for the Tank Challenge in 8-Player and 16-Player Hard Mode.

Dread Master Calphayus

The encounter with Dread Master Calphayus will now progress properly after a failed attempt.

Final Encounter

During the final encounter, all bosses will remain on the platform for the duration of the battle and they will always return to their thrones as intended.

Dreadmaster Calphayus' crystals now respawn after a group fails the final encounter.




Dread Master Calphayus has upgraded his Focus Crystals, and they now have immunity to crowd control effects that are equal to his own immunity.












TIMED RUN: Gate Crasher (pre - 2.8: With NiM Buff)



The Ex-Dalborran Elitists



TIMED RUN: Gate Crasher (post - 2.8: No NiM Buff)







8 - Man


[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Hatred 4/12 12:04 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] The Ex-Dalborran Elitists 5/4 4:08 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] The Vexxed 5/23 9:16 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Textbook Execution 5/25 12:07 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Phobos 5/30 9:11 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Epic Gaming 6/1 11:02 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Concept 9/6 11:20 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Invictus 8/24 6:41 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Midian 7/14 3:56 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Psy Ops 9/16 5:56 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Aurum Gaming 4/8 10:25 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] The Last Centurions 4/15 11:05 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] The Silver Order 4/17 10:48 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Ewokalypse Now 4/21 3:47 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Vindicated 4/21 6:49 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Rouge Elite 4/26 11:28 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Fearless Arms 5/1 10:37 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] W.T.F. 5/23 8:02 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Purple Parallel 5/28 10:01 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Elusive 11/25 11:30 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Multiverse 7/30 10:02 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Solo's Cholos 4/8 7:26 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Pax Fatalis 4/9 9:33 AM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Beyond Redemption 4/29 8:50 PM


16 - Man


[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Intrepid 4/29 10:11 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Zorz 5/27 9:14 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Yes 8/24 8:12 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Textbook Execution 9/27 10:25 PM

[NEF][GCD][GROB][CZ][bRONTES][bUFF][TITLE] Midian 5/1 4:53 AM



Patches Associated with this content:



Patch 2.8 - Nightmare Power buff removed. The title "Conquerer of the Dread Fortress" can no longer be obtained.













TIMED RUN: Dread Master (pre - 2.10: With NiM Buff)





TIMED RUN: Dread Master (post - 2.10: No NiM Buff)


Textbook Execution

The Ex-Dalborran Elitists

Epic Gaming



8 - Man





[bESTIA][TYRANS][CAL][RAPTUS][COUNCIL][bUFF][TITLE] Textbook Execution 9/12 9:00 PM






[bESTIA][TYRANS][CAL][RAPTUS][COUNCIL][bUFF][TITLE] Ewokalypse Now 11/23 10:02 PM



[bESTIA][TYRANS][CAL][RAPTUS][COUNCIL][bUFF][TITLE] The Silver Order 8/1 9:45 PM



16 - Man






Patches Associated with this content:



Patch 2.10 - Nightmare Power buff removed. The title "Deposer of the Dread Masters" can no longer be obtained.





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8 - Man


[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Four of Five 1/9/14 2:35 AM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Ewokalypse Now 2/8/15 4:16 AM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Psy-Ops 1/11/15 7:25:35 PM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Fearless 03/08/15 4:39 AM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] The Silver Order 02/10/15 10:07 PM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Eternal Oblivion 03/17/15 12:10 AM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Anguish 1/13/15 12:13 AM

[sPARKY][bULO][TORQUE][bLASTER][CORATANI] Slayer 02/22/15 12:07 PM




16 - Man



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8 - Man


[MAL][sWORD][uNDERLURKER][REVANITE][RETURNED] Four of Five 12/29/14 3:37 AM

[MAL][sWORD][uNDERLURKER][REVANITE][RETURNED] Ewokalypse Now 01/25/15 2:01 AM

[MAL][sWORD][uNDERLURKER][REVANITE][RETURNED] Eternal Oblivion 01/26/15 5:30 AM



[MAL][sWORD][uNDERLURKER][REVANITE][RETURNED] The Silver Order 03/22/15 8:33 PM







16 - Man



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Alright thank you Val for handing this over and good luck in the future.


Please post future kills in this thread. I will go back and check that the last thread and make sure that the above has been updated properly. Please be patient while I do this.


How I will judge "that" thing that everyone is talking about


Based on what Bioware announced today it makes this easy.


I agree with Tef's idea therefore based on this the rules are:

1. All HM Coratanni Kills need to be time stamped.

2. All kills before patch fix will not be counted regardless of who you are.


Luckily enough most guilds on the server except for a select few are stuck on Master & Blaster so if Bioware do officially fix the problem next Tuesday then we can all go back to our happy lives.


Some may come and say "those who are killing HM bosses and not just Coratanni have an advantage because of "that"". Yes I agree they do but skill outweighs everything at the end of the day.



<We Think We Are Awesome> went to <Pay Us 4 Loots> and <Pay Us 4 Loots> ran each member of the team within <We Think We Are Awesome> through all 10 HM bosses and in turn each member became geared to the teeth and in turn <Pay Us 4 Loots> received lump sums of coin in return. With those loots <We Think We Are Awesome> went into HM with their amazing loots but couldn't kill anything because they are scrubs.


Now obviously some will say what about the "top guilds" who have done it. Well that is why I am not counting any Coratanni kills until after it is fixed.


Now I do not think what has happened is acceptable at all but with how wide spread it is I cannot police it. But I think with the use of the above rules this thread can be saved.


If anyone disagrees or has any other suggestions please feel free to post.



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Alright thank you Val for handing this over and good luck in the future.


Please post future kills in this thread. I will go back and check that the last thread and make sure that the above has been updated properly. Please be patient while I do this.


How I will judge "that" thing that everyone is talking about


Based on what Bioware announced today it makes this easy.


I agree with Tef's idea therefore based on this the rules are:

1. All HM Coratanni Kills need to be time stamped.

2. All kills before patch fix will not be counted regardless of who you are.


Luckily enough most guilds on the server except for a select few are stuck on Master & Blaster so if Bioware do officially fix the problem next Tuesday then we can all go back to our happy lives.


Some may come and say "those who are killing HM bosses and not just Coratanni have an advantage because of "that"". Yes I agree they do but skill outweighs everything at the end of the day.



<We Think We Are Awesome> went to <Pay Us 4 Loots> and <Pay Us 4 Loots> ran each member of the team within <We Think We Are Awesome> through all 10 HM bosses and in turn each member became geared to the teeth and in turn <Pay Us 4 Loots> received lump sums of coin in return. With those loots <We Think We Are Awesome> went into HM with their amazing loots but couldn't kill anything because they are scrubs.


Now obviously some will say what about the "top guilds" who have done it. Well that is why I am not counting any Coratanni kills until after it is fixed.


Now I do not think what has happened is acceptable at all but with how wide spread it is I cannot police it. But I think with the use of the above rules this thread can be saved.


If anyone disagrees or has any other suggestions please feel free to post.



I think this is the best way to go about it

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<We Think We Are Awesome> went to <Pay Us 4 Loots> and <Pay Us 4 Loots> ran each member of the team within <We Think We Are Awesome> through all 10 HM bosses and in turn each member became geared to the teeth and in turn <Pay Us 4 Loots> received lump sums of coin in return. With those loots <We Think We Are Awesome> went into HM with their amazing loots but couldn't kill anything because they are scrubs.


Oh I see how it is. Way to call us out.

Edited by mastirkal
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Oh I see how it is. Way to call us out.


Lol nice one. Lets keep this on topic :p. I will upload the rest of the kills tonight when I get home from work. (Yes I am APAC based).

Edited by Revenal
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Congratulations Rev! Glad to see someone from our APAC Community took over the thread :)


As for your comments on Coratanni, I 100% agree.

The skill vs. Gear comment you made is also a strong point.


In my honest opinion, regardless of "that", Coratanni & Revan will still not be cleared by the majority of guilds for quite some time now, regardless of gear level. Those who did not participate will end up as geared as the rest and the playing field will even again quite soon.


Good luck Rev! :D

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On that note also there is always the chance BW will actually do something to those that got gear in a seemingly untoward fashion. I know usually it's all words and most expect nothing to happen as a consequence but as Eric did say ...


we will be taking appropriate action against those who have abused it.


so who knows, maybe something will happen and it will all balance itself out because depending how thorough their logging is it may not be too hard for them to tell the legit from the not and remove the not. *shrug* stranger things have happened right? :p

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I have updated the kills as per the previous thread.


Paramount I watched both video's and I can clearly see the different mechanics, the loot that drops and could clearly see that you had 6/8 in the guild + the achievement pop up on your screen. So I will be happy to count them as kills. However before I can upload them would you be able to provide screenies or footage of the first 3 bosses as well?




Edited by Revenal
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Congratulations Rev! Glad to see someone from our APAC Community took over the thread :)


As for your comments on Coratanni, I 100% agree.

The skill vs. Gear comment you made is also a strong point.


In my honest opinion, regardless of "that", Coratanni & Revan will still not be cleared by the majority of guilds for quite some time now, regardless of gear level. Those who did not participate will end up as geared as the rest and the playing field will even again quite soon.


Good luck Rev! :D


No more no and no again.


This thread shouldn't exist and goodbye. Only reason people are sniffling blaster kills is the gear they got.

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No more no and no again.


This thread shouldn't exist and goodbye. Only reason people are sniffling blaster kills is the gear they got.


Can you or someone explain what you mean? I don't get it. /serious.

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Although I am keeping this thread going and will post any kills (apart from HM Coratanni until it gets fixed as mentioned). There is no way I am able to confirm 100% integrity of the thread. Thus, NiM will be when the true race will start and fingers crossed we don't have this kind of issue.


The race has already been won and we all know that. There are some fights like Master & Blaster & Torque that are a big gear check as well as a skill check. So although I will post your kills at the end of the day it is your own moral values you need to think about here and whether you think in your minds that you legitimately killed it fairly.



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Hey Rev, just updating <Elusive> Progression through ToS HM


Revanite Commanders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYFvEui4yUw 5/1/2015 @ 23:26 PST




Hey Bane, you are lucky that I was able to see the pants right in the end with the Revanite Legs Token attached. The achievement popped up but it was cut out from your overlay that you use.


I cannot however confirm the actual date of the kill in any of that. I went to your website and saw the pic you took but that doesn't show me either. Are you able to link the achieve for me?

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Hey Bane, you are lucky that I was able to see the pants right in the end with the Revanite Legs Token attached. The achievement popped up but it was cut out from your overlay that you use.


I cannot however confirm the actual date of the kill in any of that. I went to your website and saw the pic you took but that doesn't show me either. Are you able to link the achieve for me?


Hey Rev, Sorry about that.

Here is a link to the achievement: http://i.imgur.com/mdXBjC4.jpg

Keep in mind, it is in my time (Australian Central Time) I just did the conversion to PST



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Couldn't you add a gear check to the rules or does that become too much of a grey area?


e.g. if all guild members are first time clearing the content in full 198 enhancements/mods then you got to think something is rather fishy?


I did think about doing this initially however there are a few issues and grey areas. Firstly how would I police it without asking everyone to post single screens of each of their members gear? You would either have over 100 screenshots or one very long video and then I would have to go through all of the gear one by one lol. Yes I could inspect the team but that's the same thing. I don't have the time to have 8 people in a line so I can check their gear lol.

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Rev, you're bad. Get good bro.


While TEDE is still raiding strong, we wont be participating in this thread during this round of content. Maybe come back for NiM, who knows.


Good luck to all guilds pushing through HM.

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Rev, you're bad. Get good bro.


While TEDE is still raiding strong, we wont be participating in this thread during this round of content. Maybe come back for NiM, who knows.


Good luck to all guilds pushing through HM.


So so bad Ero :p


Good luck to TEDE in prep for NiM :).

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Can you or someone explain what you mean? I don't get it. /serious.


I don't want to turn it into a mud slinging contest. People out gear the content with gear they haven't earned and outside of recruitment this thread has little overall purpose. I'm not going to say much but its hilarious seeing people with more gear than people in Zorz when we run three lockouts a week and have been going at least 8/10 since week one.


I'm not telling people what progression is to me cause it was their choice just sad knowing some kills were heavily reliant on gear they obtained without killing content.


If people want to go run Revan & Coratanni with 53k+ hp pools for their guilds progression have at it. Its hilarious knowing the difference from a wipe and kill is often 2-4k difference in HP on Coratanni.


I just have a issue with the entire situation because it reflects poorly on Zorz anyway you slice it

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