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What is RP server?


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RP servers are supposed to be for roleplayers, so players with a higher interest in story/lore and who consider their characters an actual part of the Star Wars universe, instead of just a character in a game controlled by a human player.

Gameplay wise, RP servers are identical to PvE servers (except for RP-PvP servers which mimic PvP servers). The RP tag only means that this is the place for roleplayers to meet up.

Edited by Jerba
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Dont roll on one if you don't RP. I didnt understand it at first too and never RPed (tried to take RP seriously) till about... One month ago and now I just let people be. I'm not a fan of RP thanks to me walking in and hearing a ghost story or someone has demons inside them or whatever but ya it would most likely interest me if people would just RP some Star Wars not crap. Also I hated it due too one day "a long long time ago" deciding I'd be nice and help someone out who said "please" in gen. Turned out they wanted to RP. I'm like meh ok whatever. So we group up its some twelik creature. So then someone wanted to RP with us and now were a group of 3. Cool so now its not gonna be wierd right??? WRONG!!! We cleared out a flashpoint to some cantina and this damn person started saying how she/he (was a female twelik) is a princess slave who builds droids and podraces... I mean ok. She also said that she would pay us to kill her/his master but the sad part was she/he tried giving me 100 credits for it...??? do i look cheap.Then she/he says I want you two too come with me to the back room here. Me and the other dude are whisper each other and decided to troll. We tell her/him that were too busy becuase we found a great deal on our galactic trade network iPad. I mean who sells a charizard holographic for only 60credits? Tell me you wouldn't take that deal.


P.s. she/he also said he master keeps her so he can produce spawns.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Dont roll on one if you don't RP. I didnt understand it at first too and never RPed (tried to take RP seriously) till about... One month ago and now I just let people be. I'm not a fan of RP thanks to me walking in and hearing a ghost story or someone has demons inside them or whatever but ya it would most likely interest me if people would just RP some Star Wars not crap. Also I hated it due too one day "a long long time ago" deciding I'd be nice and help someone out who said "please" in gen. Turned out they wanted to RP. I'm like meh ok whatever. So we group up its some twelik creature. So then someone wanted to RP with us and now were a group of 3. Cool so now its not gonna be wierd right??? WRONG!!! We cleared out a flashpoint to some cantina and this damn person started saying how she/he (was a female twelik) is a princess slave who builds droids and podraces... I mean ok. She also said that she would pay us to kill her/his master but the sad part was she/he tried giving me 100 credits for it...??? do i look cheap.Then she/he says I want you two too come with me to the back room here. Me and the other dude are whisper each other and decided to troll. We tell her/him that were too busy becuase we found a great deal on our galactic trade network iPad. I mean who sells a charizard holographic for only 60credits? Tell me you wouldn't take that deal.


P.s. she/he also said he master keeps her so he can produce spawns.



I roleplay and lemme tell you, that person just sounds SPECIAL. not all roleplayers are like that.. and the ones who are are considered sort of an embarssement.

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They are there so the sadistic bottom-feeders are less prevalent on normal servers because they spend their time harassing others *there*.


There is no oversight at all. If you want to RP, find a guild and turn of ALL other chats and nameplates.

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BW never promised oversight though, they initially had no intents to bother with RP servers. it was only when RPers asked if they'd be so kind as to give us the tags so we can ID where to go that they did so


Never said they did. I've never played on an RP server (but have been around long enough in the MMO world to know better), so it doesn't affect me. Just telling the OP how it is.

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Can someone please tell me what are the features of RP servers?

Is it PVE or PVP, what does the people doing at there and etc.


Appreciate for your help.


In SW:TOR they dont actually exist (other then designation but thats meaningless)


RP servers traditionally are mostly just mature player servers truth be told

- Nameing rules (players and guilds) so you dont have really stupid names we all see on the PVE and PVP servers

- Moderated general chat (which doesnt mean you cant talk OOC on general but you cant do the stupid stuff like Jawa name game, cant talk real world politics or make racist comments like you see daily on PVE and PVP servers)


just basically think of RP servers as mature behavior servers and thats really all they are.

You still have all the aspect of the game available

but because of the more mature setting the Role Players are attracted because they will not be outcasted, slandered, assaulted, belittled.

ANYONE who claims you have to role play on a RP server is full of donkey dodo.

You just cant attack others because they are role playing.


In SW:TOR though none of the traditional rules apply as EA refuses to enforce the rules there.


I started out on RP server (as thats always what Ive played since they were created) but ended up having to reroll on a PVE server as the RP designation in SW:TOR just means it will attract the very worst troll like player who will go out of their way to break every traditional RP server ruleset standard intentionally.


One of the final breaking points for me on the RP server was

(I logged my imp agent into Balmorra and said over chat) "Good day Empire, remember we at the Imperial Intelligence Agency are always watching"


Pretty basic greeting with only the slightest hint of RP flaire I think people can agree on. Nothing at all intrusive or insulting.


Well for the next 10 minutes Balmorra chat was FILLED with vulgar and abussive replies about taking my RP and shoving it you know where and how this server (which was a RP server) isnt for RP fruits and just everything you can think of under the sun.


In ANY other game, those replies would not be allowed on a RP server and frankly 99% of the names making the replies would not be allowed on a RP server.


In SW:TOR, RP servers are just PVE servers that because of their designation attract the very worst anti RP trolls.


Hope that answers question OP

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Never said they did. I've never played on an RP server (but have been around long enough in the MMO world to know better), so it doesn't affect me. Just telling the OP how it is.


How can you tell the OP how it is, if you've never played on an RP server before? (And no, your mmo experiences in different games don't count for this game.)

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Not for me to decide since I don't play there. But unless you've actually played on an RP server in SWTOR, you can't claim to tell the OP how it is.


Unless you can show me why I'm wrong, I guess I can? I'm just that amazing really.

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Unless you can show me why I'm wrong, I guess I can? I'm just that amazing really.


Sure thing.


Never said they did. I've never played on an RP server (but have been around long enough in the MMO world to know better), so it doesn't affect me. Just telling the OP how it is.


The bold shows why you are wrong because you have no experience playing on the server. Therefor you can't.

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Me and the other dude are whisper each other and decided to troll.


see, thats part of the issue...you could have simply told them that youre not into that type of RP, but instead you chose to take the road frequently traveled by those folks who should have just rolled on a regular server to begin with.


i would love to RP more and have created a new toon on EH just for that endeavor. my suggestion would to kindly play along or just let them know youre not interested, but mocking them places you in douche territory and, im sure, you are not like that at all. i try to leave every encounter on a positive note regardless, but thats just me. (i once spent an hour RP with one of those "special" types cause he was just having such a great time...didnt want to mess it up for them)

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Can someone please tell me what are the features of RP servers?

Is it PVE or PVP, what does the people doing at there and etc.


Appreciate for your help.


The RP tag just is a way of helping role players (people who like to act as if they are their character) congregate in one place as to have more people to RP with.


As for how it affects you in game.... At least as far as Jung Ma (RP-PVP) is concerned it just means there are quite a few guilds, groups and players that have stories to their characters and act out that story.


(a weak example as im rather new at RP is my Cathar Sith Warrior was captured during a mandalorian raid of my families settlement and then sold as a pet to a sith lord. Upon finding i was force sensitive i became his little "science" project to see how well the dark side could reside in such a lower life form. To his surprise i exceeded his expectations and so he rewarded me with the opportunity to venture to the sith academy to further develop my talent in the dark side. Little does he know though i still harbor the values and honor of my race secretely using my hatred for mandalorians and my owner to fuel my hate while still trying to do what i can to save those like me. Thus my sith light side cathar works.


others have far better stories they act out. but thats a hint of what youll see is stories like that / events / parties / etc.


edit - for the most part though unless you're actively wanting to RP it is just like any server without the RP. just know you will see a lot of themed events and guilds. (jedi only, cathar only, military themed, etc). but that doesn't mean you have to be a part of it. i love RP -PVP servers in all my mmo's as i just have a more enjoyable time / atmosphere there.

Edited by antiheroxi
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The bold shows why you are wrong because you have no experience playing on the server. Therefor you can't.


I've read enough discussions about RP servers and moreover the kinda people that play and troll there to know. It's the exact same on every game.


There are RPers who just wanna have fun.


There are RPers who flame everyone who doesn't adhere to a strict code of conduct in addition to having intricate knowledge of every source material relevant to the game.


There are RPers who are somewhere inbetween.


There are trolls who go there for the sole reason of making fun of, and harassing RPers


Then there are the curiosity seekers, who might want to see what it's all about, but haven't found a group yet, so they get flamed by the strict crowd.


An RP server is a mix of all of these elements. Making logical conclusions about how well these different players interact with eachother doens't require a degree in psychology.

Edited by Jandi
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I've read enough discussions about RP servers and moreover the kinda people that play and troll there to know. It's the exact same on every game.


There are RPers who just wanna have fun.


There are RPers who flame everyone who doesn't adhere to a strict code of conduct in addition to having intricate knowledge of every source material relevant to the game.


There are RPers who are somewhere inbetween.


There are trolls who go there for the sole reason of making fun of, and harassing RPers


Then there are the curiosity seekers, who might want to see what it's all about, but haven't found a group yet, so they get flamed by the strict crowd.


An RP server is a mix of all of these elements. Making logical conclusions about how well these different players interact with eachother doens't require a degree in psychology.


But you never played there...

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Some people claim we've never landed on the moon to begin with. So yes I would say you were wrong until you've been.


Some people say the moon is a hologram (no joke). That's hardly a valid point, and I'm pretty sure people *have* been on RP servers.

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I've never been to the moon, either. Yet if I gave you a description of what's on the moon, you'd say I'm wrong? Even if I copy/pasted it from NASA? :D


Inb4 someone counters with moonlanding conspiracy theories! :p EDIT: Too late!


But on topic; as someone who's played on RP servers since the dawn of the mmo age :D, I can safely say to the OP that Jandi's overall assessment a little higher up is pretty accurate, and those broad strokes apply no matter the game.

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