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So pvp flags on pve servers


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No there is a reason for this. Being some people do not want to have PvP forced upon them. I for one fully support this where it is warranted. There is no reason to remove the flagging system from PvE servers. Simply improve it so two willing people who wish to PvP can flag as the only means to PvP in the open world.

I've gotta agree with this. Improve it!!!


Players absolutely are responsible for their own actions and they MUST pay attention, even on PvE servers...but...the ability of griefers to ruin play for some people also needs to be minimized. Right now there are simply too many mechanics that promote the ability to grief, like feign dead loot thing, stealth in dense mobs, tab targeting tabbing to flagged players, not just NPCs...Bioware is ultimately responsible for the way players abuse their game and I believe that they must do something to reduce the chance of this happening. Improve the flagging mechanics.

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I couldn't disagree more with folks who say it should be the responsibility of the PvE'r to avoid being unintentionally flagged for PvP on a PvE server. It is utterly counter-intuitive--it's a PvE server.


I recognize that there are players that want to do both, even on a PvE server--if a player wants open-world PvP, that's fine, they have the toggle.


Don't want unflagged players aiding flagged players? Don't allow targeting of, or aoe effects on, flagged players.


If there exists a possibility of griefing, it will be exploited; that's a sad reality of MMO's.

Edited by Feargal
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I couldn't disagree more with folks who say it should be the responsibility of the PvE'r to avoid being unintentionally flagged for PvP on a PvE server. It is utterly counter-intuitive--it's a PvE server.


If there exists a possibility of griefing, it will be exploited; that's a sad reality of MMO's.

YOU target a flagged player. YOU attack the flagged player. Who exactly do YOU think is responsible?!


You can blame bad game design, and we will agree, but until that is addresses, it's absolutely the responsibility of the player to know who and what he's attacking at all times.

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YOU target a flagged player. YOU attack the flagged player. Who exactly do YOU think is responsible?!


You can blame bad game design, and we will agree, but until that is addresses, it's absolutely the responsibility of the player to know who and what he's attacking at all times.


I am absolutely blaming poor game design, and advocating for a change to make the game more intuitive, hence the word "should" in my premise.

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Great, then the fix is even more simple, don't allow targeting of flagged players by unflagged players.

Right. But until then, know what you're attacking. PvE doesn't mean you can be lazy or sloppy...pay attention and push for that change!

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have you tested ALL aoe's? or just some?

People here on the forums have done extensive testing (this isn't the 1st time the issue has come up). As far as we know, ALL AoE's. Do you know of any that DO flag you? If so, that's a bug and it needs to be reported.

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Back when the new Rakghoul first launched I made a huge thread about AOE's and Flagged players. Turns out using AOE on someone flagged doesn't flag you.


Quite true, sadly the auto targeting on abilities can sometimes get you. The simple solution is to add an option that only allows you to interact with flagged players when you toggle your pvp flag on.

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Yavin lag (ability delay) is unbearable...I'll give you that. So again, report the guys doing it. I have no desire for them in this game at all. They don't add to my PvP queue on a PvP server and they only seem to want to destroy the experience on a PvE server...get them outta here!


I'm curious....why would someone wanting to PVP play on a PVE server?


Really, this isn't snark, I just wonder about it. I don't normally engage in PVP, but I play on PVP servers because honestly, the game would be too easy without the extra threat. I totally understand why some people would rather not PVP at all though. Given what has been said here I'm glad I did not roll characters on a PVE server. If I'm going to have to PVP anyway I'd rather it was up front.


(An Aside: I met my first 'honorable' PVP foe this morning. Normally I get attacked right after a fight before I can rest and heal up. This guy actually watched me finish my NPC fight, let me heal up and then attacked. I lost, but my hats off to him since he had every opportunity to jump me before I could reasonably defend myself)

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I'm curious....why would someone wanting to PVP play on a PVE server?

They don't. The people we're talking about are only doing this to upset players...they're griefers, nothing more. They enjoy upsetting other players and winning easy 'fights'...they are not PvPers imo.

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Quite true, sadly the auto targeting on abilities can sometimes get you. The simple solution is to add an option that only allows you to interact with flagged players when you toggle your pvp flag on.


LOL no. The "simple" solution would be for players to turn the silly auto target feature off, so stupid **** like this does not happen. Hint: it's under preferences -> controls tab -> auto target nearest enemy. Really, you should turn it off anyway, even if you don't PVP, unless you want to piss off your party members in operations or flashpoints by pulling mobs by accident.


I'm curious....why would someone wanting to PVP play on a PVE server?


I can't speak for everyone, just myself and my friends and some reasons include:


- Rolled on a PVE server because that's where friends from real life and/or guilds from a previous game rolled - and those friends/guildies don't pvp.

- Didn't want to deal with the cesspool of general chat on a PVP server.

- Likes warzones but don't want to deal with pvp while leveling.

- Likes the population size, faction balance, etc... that's lacking on most pvp servers.

- Likes to do more than just pvp.

- Didn't realize that they were going to like pvp in the game enough to play a lot until after they leveled their toon to the cap and didn't want to re-roll.


etc... etc...


That said, I don't know anyone who griefs like this. People run around flagged, for sure, but players bored enough to run around trying to trick people into auto-targeting them seem to be pretty rare. They certainly aren't the majority of people who pvp. Nevertheless, it's still on the OP to make sure autotarget is turned off, pay attention to who they're tab targeting, and get a little bit of situational awareness. That would stop their problems entirely.

Edited by Prisoner
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I have commented before on this issue, and I will again.


Yes, the person at fault is the one that attacks the flagged player. That much is obvious. If you are careful you can avoid this mistake.


THAT SAID, something needs to be done to cater to those players that do not wish to engage in PVP unless they directly choose to do so. This is what I suggest....


Disable PVP toggle. This forces a player to manually toggle their flag to attack a flagged player or factional NPC. NOTE: if you have this enabled you will not be able to attack flagged NPCs...but they can attack and kill you. Players can not. You would still receive an automatic flag if you enter a PVP zone.


PvPers need us PvEers... but we PvEers don't need PvP Players. This person respects that simple truth, and by doing so respects Players that prefer not to PvP or have it exploited upon us.


This toggle would obviously only work on PVE servers.


If this is done, it does not matter what a player does to try and pull a flag....it will be impossible to pull a flag on a player that has this toggled in a non-PVP area.


This is the way to stop this from happening.


Awesome Idea. Great and wonderful. Somebody at Eaware hire this person. A person like this employed with EAware would ensure my continued patronage of this game. This person understands that the desires of Players that prefer to refrain from PvP are just as important as the desires of Players that prefer to PvP.

Edited by Kyrmius
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