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So pvp flags on pve servers


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I'm fine with you requesting a button that does that, I support that request...and I'm not tying to say "don't ask for it", I just think that until it's implemented, the only thing you can do is pay attention (like you did).


Of course it's the only thing I can do, that's exactly the problem that this thread is trying to point out. Just because it's not impossible to get around the poor PvP flagging system doesn't make it any less flawed.


And I'm not gonna "sit back and enjoy being smarter than them", because that's not something I enjoy, nor is it what I play the game for. If being better or worse than other players was something I cared about I would probably play on a PvP server.

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Of course it's the only thing I can do, that's exactly the problem that this thread is trying to point out. Just because it's not impossible to get around the poor PvP flagging system doesn't make it any less flawed.


And I'm not gonna "sit back and enjoy being smarter than them", because that's not something I enjoy, nor is it what I play the game for. If being better or worse than other players was something I cared about I would probably play on a PvP server.

As I was typing my suggestion to sit back and enjoy it, I even thought the same thing "that's not why I play this game", so I concede that point.


So...report the players doing it and make threads discussing the current issue (not complaining about not understanding the mechanics like this thread did). I fully support changing this - it won't impact my gaming one bit because I'm on a PvP server...but understand WHY you're getting flagged to begin with (which you do, I just mean generally).

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but understand WHY you're getting flagged to begin with (which you do, I just mean generally).


We do understand, hence the complaint.

It's due to mechanics that combined with server issues such as ability delay and lag are hard to avoid and as much as you'll try in the end you'll get flagged.

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Some folks will refuse to take responsibility for the fact that they get flagged, and that is unfortunate. It does not allow the discussion to move forward.


You don't have to be faultless for this idea to have merit and be implemented. You should not have to engage in PVP unless you want to if you are on a PVP server. That much is a given.


You are generally warned if you wander into a PVP zone and have time to retreat. You do not get that kind of warning if you are careless enough to attack a PVP flagged player.


I strongly support the idea of allowing players to disable the PVP flag so they have to manually activate it if they want to PVP....unless they are in a PVP area of course....with the caveat that they are venerable to flagged NPCs as a result.

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What prompted my participation in this thread wasn't what OP had to say, but rather the many comments telling them it's basically their fault. It's not. Careless or not, if a player on a PvE server unintentionally flags themselves, the blame is on the system being lousy. Nobody on this thread was helpful or informative, trying to explain to OP what they should do to avoid that without laying the blame on them in the process. And continuing to blame OP after they said that they understand the mechanic and still aren't successful in avoiding it is even worse.
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We do understand, hence the complaint.

It's due to mechanics that combined with server issues such as ability delay and lag are hard to avoid and as much as you'll try in the end you'll get flagged.

Yavin lag (ability delay) is unbearable...I'll give you that. So again, report the guys doing it. I have no desire for them in this game at all. They don't add to my PvP queue on a PvP server and they only seem to want to destroy the experience on a PvE server...get them outta here!

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What prompted my participation in this thread wasn't what OP had to say, but rather the many comments telling them it's basically their fault. It's not. Careless or not, if a player on a PvE server unintentionally flags themselves, the blame is on the system being lousy. Nobody on this thread was helpful or informative, trying to explain to OP what they should do to avoid that without laying the blame on them in the process. And continuing to blame OP after they said that they understand the mechanic and still aren't successful in avoiding it is even worse.

My posts detailing what he should do were removed...but the suggestions/advice were made. Play smart. Play slower. KNOW your target. Turn off auto targeting. He's only flagged if he actively attacks another player (intentional or not).

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just as a reminder if you do get flagged against your will, just que up for a wz and when it pops you can quit out and your flag will be gone.


Please don't take this advice. There's no reason to ruin PVP matches for other players. Launch the tutorial for Galactic Starfighter and quit immediately. This way is faster, because you don't have to wait for a queue to pop, and you don't cause issues by instantly quitting a warzone match.

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I too play on a pve server and am finding it much too easy to get flagged for pvp on Yavin. I hate it. Even being careful, there are moments, I stray just a bit too close to the pub base and find myself flagged. I think people need a bit more time to make their getaway...10 seconds in that place is a bit short, especially with the lags.


The thing is, I have to wonder, when Imps and Pubs are working together in a coalition to solve a problem together, why is there any pvp at all? It's the same with Oricon, they're working together, though on Oricon, it's laid out a bit better, and I haven't gotten flagged for pvp ever.


I understand that some people like the option to pvp even on a pve server, but I think increasing the 'getaway' time might be an easy solution, so that those of us that don't wish to, can get out of the area quicker. Or perhaps some visual flags that mark the boundaries as belonging to the 'enemy camp.' Or just let us make it so that we can turn off the option to pvp, so that we don't have to worry about being tripped accidentally.

Edited by Lunafox
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I too play on a pve server and am finding it much too easy to get flagged for pvp on Yavin. I hate it. Even being careful, there are moments, I stray just a bit too close to the pub base and find myself flagged. I think people need a bit more time to make their getaway...10 seconds in that place is a bit short, especially with the lags.


I don't think 10 seconds is too short. You get very large text that comes up on your screen and says "hey, turn back this is a PVP zone". Though I will give you that the lag can make that difficult.


The thing is, I have to wonder, when Imps and Pubs are working together in a coalition to solve a problem together, why is there any pvp at all? It's the same with Oricon, they're working together, though on Oricon, it's laid out a bit better, and I haven't gotten flagged for pvp ever.


They weren't working together on Oricon. They shared a common goal, and were both trying to take down the Dread Masters, but they never cooperated.


Thematically Yavin 4 makes less sense that they would be directly fighting, but game play wise it's a very good spot for OW PVP.


I understand that some people like the option to pvp even on a pve server, but I think increasing the 'getaway' time might be an easy solution, so that those of us that don't wish to, can get out of the area quicker. Or perhaps some visual flags that mark the boundaries as belonging to the 'enemy camp.'


The visual flag is generally a base full of red champions, many of whom are forming a perimeter around the base, conveniently near the border of the PVP zone.

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What?! I don't believe I was there, unless the OP is on a PvP server and he ran into me this weekend?! But I was not knowingly there. Were you? 3.0 has a lot of issues...but the AOE issue seems to have been fixed for good. The issue these days is player carelessness.



Don't get frustrated by these guys...beat em at their own game like you did. Sit back and enjoy the fact that YOU are smarter than they are and you're not going to waste your time giving them what they want. I'm glad you did it like you did...I hope they wasted a ton of time trying to goad you into clicking on them in vein. If more players were as astute as you are, these guys would all give up their silly game and go back to the PvP server they likely came from.


I'm fine with you requesting a button that does that, I support that request...and I'm not tying to say "don't ask for it", I just think that until it's implemented, the only thing you can do is pay attention (like you did).



Remember when this game came out. Not sure which patch caused it but some had skill ability lag. That is back. So I am just going to hold off on ruling it out. I could be wrong. Won't be the first time.

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Remember when this game came out. Not sure which patch caused it but some had skill ability lag. That is back. So I am just going to hold off on ruling it out. I could be wrong. Won't be the first time.


Ahhhhhhh!!! Yes...the ability lag, especially on Yavin, is most certainly back...and arguably worse than ever.

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Ahhhhhhh!!! Yes...the ability lag, especially on Yavin, is most certainly back...and arguably worse than ever.


It can be pretty messed up. I hope they solve this problem soon. Speaking of PVP what the heck is up. I started 3 chrs on a pvp server and I have yet to be ganked. I feel insulted:mad:

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Having to constantly teleport to safe spot and unflag myself (5 mins wait each time) is annoying after first couple of times. Yavin 4 is first planet that no matter how much I try to avoid attacking flagged players I just can't. It's bad game design and archaic which needs to be addressed.



I wish to preface what I'm about to say with this: I hate PvP. Despise it, won't do it, not ever. And I have never, not even once, gotten myself accidentally flagged on Yavin 4 when doing dailies. And I have 3 60's so yeah, I'm on Yavin a lot. Here's how you avoid it:


  1. When you see a player with a yellow name plate, think to yourself, "A person flagged for PvP. I must be a little careful with my targeting." At that point stop tab targeting. The mobs on Yavin 4 simply are not dangerous enough for you to be in that big a hurry anyway. If they are that dangerous to you, you need to work on your gear. Badly. :p
  2. If possible, move to a different area. The daily areas on Yavin are pretty large, with mobs spread all over that count for the daily. Go find a new spot.
  3. Limit AoE's. I keep seeing some people say that AoE's will get you flagged due to a bug; others say they won't. Best just to play it safe and lay off the Force Storm button a bit. It could probably use a rest anyway. :)
  4. If you group up with a flagged player, don't use a healing companion. I couldn't tell you the number of times that insane little Ewok has gotten me flagged by healing a flagged player.


Trust me, all the above does work, and it has minimal impact on your gameplay. You get so used to it that you eventually go into "Jerk Avoid Mode" without even thinking about it.


Would a "don't you dare flag me or else" button be nice? Yes. I've played a game before that had one, and it was awesome. But sadly we don't have that here, so we have to be a little more aware of our surroundings and cautious around the Perpetually Flagged And Looking to Grief crowd.

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Aww, man. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought the Gree event had come back (along with the pvp QQ). I am so disappointed now. :(



P.S. Stop spamming tab target (or turn off autotargeting if you're silly enough to still have that on) and grow some situational awareness and this won't be an issue at all, OP.

Edited by Prisoner
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P.S. Stop spamming tab targeting and get some situational awareness and this won't be an issue at all, OP.


Yep. That is all that is required really.


I bet the OP also does not drive defensively, and demands that local law enforcement prohibit others from driving when he is on the road too. I bet they are laughing it up at the local PD too. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Please don't take this advice. There's no reason to ruin PVP matches for other players. Launch the tutorial for Galactic Starfighter and quit immediately. This way is faster, because you don't have to wait for a queue to pop, and you don't cause issues by instantly quitting a warzone match.


If pvpers want to ruin my pve experience then returning the favor is fine. If it bothers you, enter pvp in premades, it is a simple fix to your problem. take responsibility for yourself. a small change in the way you play will eliminate any problem.

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I do run around Yavin 4 flagged, hopping that people try to kill me all the time. While i don't go running in front of them, i will use /sing in their general direction if they stop and look at me :).


It would be nice if being flagged didn't make you yellow to non-flagged people. Or you couldn't flag unless you click "flag for PvP" , But until then you will just have to watch were you shoot, and get people to kill the griefers if they keep on annoying you.

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I don't think 10 seconds is too short. You get very large text that comes up on your screen and says "hey, turn back this is a PVP zone". Though I will give you that the lag can make that difficult.




They weren't working together on Oricon. They shared a common goal, and were both trying to take down the Dread Masters, but they never cooperated.


Thematically Yavin 4 makes less sense that they would be directly fighting, but game play wise it's a very good spot for OW PVP.




The visual flag is generally a base full of red champions, many of whom are forming a perimeter around the base, conveniently near the border of the PVP zone.


Thanks for understanding about the lag, I do find it really impedes me on Yavin, to do pretty much everything...


I would have to disagree about Oricon, the way I see it, they were working together...when you have Imperials/Sith rescuing Republic soldiers out of their escape pods/crashed capsules, letting them take shelter (even briefly to talk to them) and then releasing them to help with the problem, to me, suggests they're working together. I suppose people's perceptions will differ, but that's what I took away from it. It wasn't quite the same level of coalition as Yavin, but it was there.


The thing with Yavin, is that there are a lot of trees and you don't always know you're getting close to the enemy camp. I totally get this in other places, but in Yavin, it is much more difficult to see that you're getting into enemy camp. Also, and this might just be me, but the red letters don't show up as well there as they do in other places. Maybe I'm just old, so I probably miss the first couple of seconds, and then wow, crap, I have to get out of here....panic, lag and boom flagged. I really would appreciate and just love to be able to permanently disable the pvp flagging for myself on the planets.

Edited by Lunafox
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I play on a PVE/RP server because I want to PvP when i want to PvP.


I like being able to quest and stuff but alot of the times when I run dailies, I will be flagged for PvP because i find random PvP fun.


I have also been flagged by another player, i respawned and continued on with my mission, no big deal.


Its not that big a deal and I have yet to be flagged by another player while on yavin

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Honestly, the way it is on a pvp server should be the norm for all servers. It's really not bad at all. There should no longer be distinction between servers.


No there is a reason for this. Being some people do not want to have PvP forced upon them. I for one fully support this where it is warranted. There is no reason to remove the flagging system from PvE servers. Simply improve it so two willing people who wish to PvP can flag as the only means to PvP in the open world.

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Simple Fix.

Every few weeks someone is complaining about this.


Why not just spin up separate instances for PvP and PvE on the same server.


If you flag, you go to the PvP instance, otherwise you go to a PvE instance.


It would be win win, adding OW to PvE servers and ending blue flagging (the term used to describe a blue player attacking a flagged player)

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