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So pvp flags on pve servers


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I know I'll open a can of worms here but something must be said.


Some of us chose to play on pve server because we enjoy the pve aspect and do not wish to pvp.

There are pvp WZ and space combat if anyone gets the urge. Even we got some open world pvp areas like outlaw's den and illum.



Doing the new expansion zones on yavin 4 are extremely tiny and most missions will send you to the same place.


Canceling the aoe damage to flagged players was a good start but really game is full of trolls.

some L337 PVP'ers which are so happy with their pvp skills decided to open a character on a PVE server for some reason and walk around flagged.


Many times I'll face some horde of mobs and this trolls will just walk in middle of the fight jump around me and inside the mobs until the'll make me flagged as well. At which I need to un--flag myself and wait 5 minutes.

This is a plague on yavin 4 and extremely annoying, mostly because many times I'm still under level 60 and blocked out of decent gear while this trolls are level 60 and with much better gear.



for pve servers create "zones of pvp" in which you are flagged automatically, like inside other faction bases maybe and when you walk out you will be un-flagged after few minutes.


in one hour on yavin 4 I was flagged for pvp over 6 times... this people are all over the place and just ruin the experience. Again this is PVE server not pvp server.

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sounds like you have a problem with a group of players, not the actual game itself. Griefing like that on a PVE server will not be tolerated by BW if you bring it to their attention, those players are exploiting a game mechanic to hassle other players who chose PVE for that very reason, not to be hassled. Report them, BW will do something, a email to all said accounts with ban warning along with eula/tos reminder will probably clear issue really quick I would imagine xD. It's all fun and games till their accounts come into question across all servers lol
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I don't understand.


How are they making you flag by simply jumping around? Are you failing to target the mobs properly and accidently hit them?


Either way, I've always supported the idea for both parties to consent to PvP on a PvE server if they so choose to do so. Whether it be bay queuing for wz's or both flagging in the open world.

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So.... you can predict with 100% certainty which targets your AoE's are gonna affect?... and what a pvp flagged player is about to do that may be lurking to jump into that area the moment you use it?


Think not...but then again, coming from you that attitude don't surprise me...

NEWSFLASH!!! AOEs do NOT flag you (unless you're actually targeting the player). ONLY targeting and attacking does. Please try it for yourself. Plenty of people have proven this is the case. If you can provide evidence to the contrary, please do so.

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this is 100% YOUR FAULT!

Nope, it is 100% the fault of those anti-social PvP'ers...

... and Bioware by not including a system that is 100% failsafe.


It would be so simple: if you don'thave the flag on, you can't target other flagged players. Easy solution. Why this wasn't implemented 3 years ago, noone knows.


Even better: on PvE-servers, the flagg should not be turned on at all, unless you enter a pvp-zone or a WZ. Simple solution.


Well, he did pay attention - he logged in onto a PvE server. There shouldn't be any PvP gankers on that server.

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Well, he did pay attention - he logged in onto a PvE server. There shouldn't be any PvP gankers on that server.

I meant while he plays....and PvE doesn't mean PvP free. Players on PvE servers enjoy PvP too.


People like him, who freely spam buttons without looking at what they're targeting, are exactly why these griefers exist. If players played less sloppy and denied them their "fun", they'd go away...instead, players defend the OP who carelessly targets and attacks...giving these d-bags exactly what they're looking for. Don't defend the OP...educate him. The problem will solve itself when you PvEers learn to pay attention.

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I have commented before on this issue, and I will again.


Yes, the person at fault is the one that attacks the flagged player. That much is obvious. If you are careful you can avoid this mistake.


THAT SAID, something needs to be done to cater to those players that do not wish to engage in PVP unless they directly choose to do so. This is what I suggest....


Disable PVP toggle. This forces a player to manually toggle their flag to attack a flagged player or factional NPC. NOTE: if you have this enabled you will not be able to attack flagged NPCs...but they can attack and kill you. Players can not. You would still receive an automatic flag if you enter a PVP zone.


This toggle would obviously only work on PVE servers.


If this is done, it does not matter what a player does to try and pull a flag....it will be impossible to pull a flag on a player that has this toggled in a non-PVP area.


This is the way to stop this from happening.

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Some people here are like those blaming sexually abused women they walked out provocatively and made some mentally ill person to sexually abuse them.


let's start with location..


Yavin.... 4....


now what do we have there? lag and ability lag.


one moment I target a mob and use an ability then... whoops... I'm suddenly shooting flagged player.

system auto select targets for some reason... TAB will select flagged targets as well for some reason.


When I enlisted into the PVE server I knew I won't be forced into pvp unless I chose it hence the description but now with ability delay, lag and tiny areas which are shared by both faction it's damn hard to avoid this issue.


Bottom line,

you want to pvp all the time? play on pvp server. you want to pvp on pve server? either use the pvp wz\gsf\owpvp areas or just flag yourself but don't jump like a bunny around non flagged players in hope they'll get flagged.


It's not even competitive... I mean... level 60 players in pvp gear with 50k hp vs level 57-59 with mere level 55 gear there is no way to beat them even if you get flagged by mistake.

Worse are those moving in packs... you fight 1 strong mob then 3 flagged players in a group will bounce around and it's extremely difficult to avoid them.


Don't force non-flagged players into pvp the behavior of bouncing near ppl fighting to flip them was worse before when AOEs were auto hitting flagged players... it's so hard to lock pvp flag until someone flag himself?

Edited by lironBD
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I know I'll open a can of worms here but something must be said.


Some of us chose to play on pve server because we enjoy the pve aspect and do not wish to pvp.

There are pvp WZ and space combat if anyone gets the urge. Even we got some open world pvp areas like outlaw's den and illum.



Doing the new expansion zones on yavin 4 are extremely tiny and most missions will send you to the same place.


Canceling the aoe damage to flagged players was a good start but really game is full of trolls.

some L337 PVP'ers which are so happy with their pvp skills decided to open a character on a PVE server for some reason and walk around flagged.


Many times I'll face some horde of mobs and this trolls will just walk in middle of the fight jump around me and inside the mobs until the'll make me flagged as well. At which I need to un--flag myself and wait 5 minutes.

This is a plague on yavin 4 and extremely annoying, mostly because many times I'm still under level 60 and blocked out of decent gear while this trolls are level 60 and with much better gear.



for pve servers create "zones of pvp" in which you are flagged automatically, like inside other faction bases maybe and when you walk out you will be un-flagged after few minutes.


in one hour on yavin 4 I was flagged for pvp over 6 times... this people are all over the place and just ruin the experience. Again this is PVE server not pvp server.


For no reason, if you aren't flagged, should you be interacted with in pvp. And there are pvp areas where you get auto flagged, like The Outlaws Den.

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system auto select targets for some reason...


Not for "some reason", there's literally a setting called "auto target closest enemy".


TAB will select flagged targets as well for some reason.


I haven't tested this on players, but TAB won't cycle to yellow NPCs unless you have no red targets in view.

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Some people here are like those blaming sexually abused women they walked out provocatively and made some mentally ill person to sexually abuse them.


let's start with location..


Yavin.... 4....


now what do we have there? lag and ability lag.


one moment I target a mob and use an ability then... whoops... I'm suddenly shooting flagged player.

system auto select targets for some reason... TAB will select flagged targets as well for some reason.


When I enlisted into the PVE server I knew I won't be forced into pvp unless I chose it hence the description but now with ability delay, lag and tiny areas which are shared by both faction it's damn hard to avoid this issue.


Bottom line,

you want to pvp all the time? play on pvp server. you want to pvp on pve server? either use the pvp wz\gsf\owpvp areas or just flag yourself but don't jump like a bunny around non flagged players in hope they'll get flagged.


It's not even competitive... I mean... level 60 players in pvp gear with 50k hp vs level 57-59 with mere level 55 gear there is no way to beat them even if you get flagged by mistake.

Worse are those moving in packs... you fight 1 strong mob then 3 flagged players in a group will bounce around and it's extremely difficult to avoid them.


Don't force non-flagged players into pvp the behavior of bouncing near ppl fighting to flip them was worse before when AOEs were auto hitting flagged players... it's so hard to lock pvp flag until someone flag himself?

Please stop it. Stop suggesting this is a PvP issue...it's NOT! These players are NOT PvPers and they are sure as hell not looking for PvP. They are greifers. Nothing more. They're looking to spoil your fun.


I'm fully in favor of allowing people to flag themselves as fully NON PvP...and I will support any effort to make that happen. Until then...be more careful. Know what you're targeting before you attack...it take a faction of a second to do.

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I meant while he plays....and PvE doesn't mean PvP free.

Well, but it should be. Or at least it should be a "only PvE unless I voluntarily turn on a PvP flag, where the button to turn it on is somewhere where I can't accidentally click on during normal game play, and there are no means I accidentally get flagged by any other means than intentially and voluntarily flagg myself for PvP.


A PvE player shouldn't be able to target PvP-Players.


And (don't know if that has been changed, but it happened to me twice) stuff like "PvP-flagged player can heal the mob I as a PvE player am attacking" shouldn't work, either. Once a PvE players attacks a target, players of that faction should not be able to do anything on that mob.


Please stop it. Stop suggesting this is a PvP issue...it's NOT! These players are NOT PvPers

Sure, they are. They are flagged for PvP, they attack other players... they are PvP'ers. I see no difference.


And since those gankers are the only PvPers I ever encountered, they are the reason why I personally hate PvP, and never ever want to participate in it. Theese guys are, for me, the definition of PvP.


I'm fully in favor of allowing people to flag themselves as fully NON PvP...and I will support any effort to make that happen.

Well, from all those offensive comments you post like "pay attention", I pretty much doubt that. Actually, those comments on your previous posts make me believe you actually are one of those "I only have fun when I can spoil other's people fun"-PvP-griefers.

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Exploiter apologist with the typical victim blaming BS.


On a PvE server you should not be able to flag without specifically telling the UI you want to flag for PvP. End of story.

I am not. I'm a realist.


This is proven to be 100% avoidable by knowing your flippin target. My interest is in wasting the d-bags time who try to do this so it no longer becomes an issue. I would love it if they went days/weeks without anyone "falling" for their stupid trick...sadly, players like the OP guarantee they get what they want...so I also support your suggestion to make flagging even more idiot proof than it is (target+attack is pretty freaking clear imo), since people still seem to flag themselves.

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NEWSFLASH!!! AOEs do NOT flag you (unless you're actually targeting the player). ONLY targeting and attacking does. Please try it for yourself. Plenty of people have proven this is the case. If you can provide evidence to the contrary, please do so.


Newsflash, they do. I have had it happen a number of times.


Perhaps they are not supposed to flag you, but in this game supposed and actual are often different things.

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NEWSFLASH!!! AOEs do NOT flag you (unless you're actually targeting the player). ONLY targeting and attacking does. Please try it for yourself. Plenty of people have proven this is the case. If you can provide evidence to the contrary, please do so.

News flash there was just recently a bug where AoEs would flag you. As far as I know it was fixed, but it is possible that it is happening again or was only partially fixed. There was also a bug where your companion would initiate combat if you targeted a flagged player while in combat with an NPC.


I meant while he plays....and PvE doesn't mean PvP free. Players on PvE servers enjoy PvP too.


People like him, who freely spam buttons without looking at what they're targeting, are exactly why these griefers exist. If players played less sloppy and denied them their "fun", they'd go away...instead, players defend the OP who carelessly targets and attacks...giving these d-bags exactly what they're looking for. Don't defend the OP...educate him. The problem will solve itself when you PvEers learn to pay attention.

Did you know for your convenience the game will auto fire the power in the first slot if you right click on a target? It could be something as simple as that. These griefers exist because the game allows them to. Just like with glowie stealing or any number of totally avoidable issues that they refuse to fix. Even if what he was doing was nothing but spamming buttons why is the impetus on him to change how he plays rather than fix a flaw in the game? I could see if it was a feature of the game, but it isn't.


It is especially on the game when you have to be geared for PvP or your totally at their mercy. It isn't like oh well he could fight back if it happens or quickly switch gear to maybe fight back. They are gaming the flaw not playing the game so it is on the game to fix it.

Edited by Sorwen
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The problem is that you cannot turn off pvp flagging completely.


I am sure that if you play a certain way and follow suggestions other players give you might avoid accidentally getting flagged for pvp.


However, the burden of this should not be placed on the unsuspecting pve'er on a pve server. This is why it's a game issue. The game should have a setting that disallows pvp flagging entirely. Let there simply be an option in preferences that disables pvp flagging for yourself and let it be over with.


These threads keep coming back and even though I have little to no issue with this myself, I do find myself having to make sure I don't do certain things just cause there are some yellow enemies in the area trying to trick me into it. The fact that some of these people try makes it that I have to waste energy on it and it means that they are clearly successful at tricking some people into it.


It's such a great thing to put on full pvp gear and start griefing unsuspecting pve noobs in pve gear isn't it? Honestly, it's sad to be that way and BW enables this behaviour as long as people are not able to turn pvp flagging off for their account/characters.

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Well, but it should be. Or at least it should be a "only PvE unless I voluntarily turn on a PvP flag, where the button to turn it on is somewhere where I can't accidentally click on during normal game play, and there are no means I accidentally get flagged by any other means than intentially and voluntarily flagg myself for PvP.
You TARGET AND ATTACK...that's pretty obvious and voluntary imo. If you don't want to accidentally attck something, PAY ATTENTION!


A PvE player shouldn't be able to target PvP-Players.

I'd support that.


And (don't know if that has been changed, but it happened to me twice) stuff like "PvP-flagged player can heal the mob I as a PvE player am attacking" shouldn't work, either. Once a PvE players attacks a target, players of that faction should not be able to do anything on that mob.

I believe this to be fixed.



Sure, they are. They are flagged for PvP, they attack other players... they are PvP'ers. I see no difference.

What they are looking for is to ruin your experience. PvPers understand that players are our favorite content. These people are not PvPers...they're greifers.


And since those gankers are the only PvPers I ever encountered, they are the reason why I personally hate PvP, and never ever want to participate in it. Theese guys are, for me, the definition of PvP.

Fine. You're wrong though. I want to beat every person I face in PvP...but I don't try to piss players off like these guys do. I want you to fight back.


Well, from all those offensive comments you post like "pay attention", I pretty much doubt that. Actually, those comments on your previous posts make me believe you actually are one of those "I only have fun when I can spoil other's people fun"-PvP-griefers.

I say those things because that PREVENTS these twits from having their fun. PAY ATTENTION and you deprive them of their little game. You want it to stop? STOP FEEDING THEM! I don't like them either...jackholes like them have turned you off to PvP, something I enjoy...and I'm NOTHING like them. They've ruined "PvP" for you by exposing you to griefing...not PvP.

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I run dailies in pvp gear. If they want to start a fight, I'll give them one. :D


I had augmented Obroan / Brutalizer that I did the SoR storyline with. I had this happen a few times. I won every 1v1. It was just when they ganged up on me that I had problems. Oh, and my companion that I used for a given character was in mostly Obroan too.

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Newsflash, they do. I have had it happen a number of times.


Perhaps they are not supposed to flag you, but in this game supposed and actual are often different things.

Bull. If it is happening, take a video and post it, after you report it. Enough people on these forums have gone out of their way to get flagged and prove it's broken, with no success...I'm not buying your imaginary tale without proof.

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is it really that big a deal to die once and have to sit in a base for 5 mins? is it that big of a deal? I for one dont really care if I get flagged, because I was not paying attention. you should not be able to get FORCED to flag for pvp. However automatically targeting and hitting someone,even if you aren't paying attention is your own fault. This is not forcing you, this is just part of the game.
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IF you target an opposing player who is flagged for PvP, on a PvE server, AND attack them... guess what.... you get flagged. Same goes for PvE play... where careless targeting gets a player into trouble.


Would it be nice if you were not interrupted by jumping gerbils? Sure. Then again.. that could be said about all manner of player behaviors inside todays MMOs.


Protip: DO NOT tab target when someone is hopping around near you with their flag set. Also.. remove any attack skill from your number one key slot on skill row one. Why? Because it will fire automatically if your current target is dead and you hit that skill... it tabes to the next target. AND... like it not....they are not griefing you.. they are waiting and hoping for you to make a silly mistake. Guess what.. you can return the favor by denying them what they want.. so be careful and then watch them cry when you do not self-flag through carelessness. ;)

OP, you consented to PvP through carelessness on your part. This has been discussed to death over the last year in the forum.. and the fact is they cannot force you to flag.. but they can give you opportunity to flag if you are careless. MMOs are a hazardous place to play. You have to be mindful of your surrounding and DO NOT attack anything you do not want to attack... this applies for both PvE and PvP. Do you also complain when you mis-target a near by mob and draw adds into your fight and get your backside handed to you on a spatula?????? Same thing.. different targets.

Edited by Andryah
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I am not at all condoning the players abusing you, but...this is 100% YOUR FAULT! Stop being lazy, stop playing sloppy. Know your target before you start mashing buttons. This is 100% avoidable by you being certain of your targets. When you play sloppy and lazy like you did, repeatedly I must add, it's ALL YOUR FAULT! 6 freaking times?! Are you knitting while playing?! How on earth could you possibly target AND attack another player SIX TIMES in one hour?! Geezus man...pay attention!!!! This is 100% on you.


It may have been his fault, but technically on a pve server he shouldn't have to play carefully with fear of a nub trying to flag him. Its 50% his fault because I guess he was tab targeting or something, 50% the other guys fault for attempting to get him to flag.

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This is just ridicolous.

I also play EVE Online, over there I know that I log in > bang I'm pvping... everything there is destructible and hence you need to be careful.

BUT, servers there won't do weird **** like ability lag or lagging in general which gimp my ability to avoid hitting someone.


More then than, you have there 3 safety levels you can choose from in order to limit yourself from taking actions under each level from NO-pvp (there are areas there where police npc will destroy you if you gank someone) and down to criminal actions.


so hard to implement it in this game?


I play this game only for PVE aspects and story, got some nice guilds I'm member in and doing a raid once a week. SWTOR PVP is boring for me and I avoid it whenever possible hence why I play on a PVE Server.

But to blame me for being griefed into pvp? that is pure joke.

and it's not just 5 mins and it's over.. I get constantly harresed as lower level player on yavin 4, once I hit 60 and get some decent gear those griefers pick on someone else. bad game design is bad game design.

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