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How would you rank the four "op/fotm" classes in 3.0 (Sorc, Sin, PT, and Jugg)?


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Which disciplines? Some of those classes have disciplines that suck and others are pretty strong.


Also, only dps? Becuse if you're counting heals, then you have to add in Mercs/Commandos as well, as they are stronger than the other two healers at the moment.


Or if you're looking at stealth classes, for example, burst tree concealment op is stronger than a deception assassin, but hatred is stronger than lethality when it comes to dot spec.

Edited by Monterone
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Which disciplines? Some of those classes have disciplines that suck and others are petty strong.


Also, only dps? Becuse if you're counting heals, then you have to add in Mercs/Commandos as well, as they are stronger than the other two healers at the moment.


Really? Scoundrels/Operatives are no longer the best healer for PVP?

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sin > sorc > pt > jugg.


jugg is not op.

pt is easy to shut down/kill

sorc excels at dps/hps/aoe.

sin kills every other class with ease including sorcs.


not even debatable.


Really? Scoundrels/Operatives are no longer the best healer for PVP?



sorc is the best healer and merc doesn't count. Regardless of their hps they die before putting half the healing sorcs can do with their survivability.

Edited by Highsis
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Sin >>>>> Sorc > PT >>> Jugg


Sins are crazy.

Sorc and PT are pretty close.

That some classes are quite awful like mara and merc dps also makes these classes seem worse.

Jugg really is about where balance should be.

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Sorc (dps)


Sorc is the easiest to shutdown in competitive environments, PT's "handicaps" are easy to overcome in competitive environments, and jugg doesn't excel at anything but is "good" at everything.


Nothing is under-powered in regs, and solo arena is a cess pool.

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Sin >>>>> PT >>>>> Jugg >>> Sorc




Because Sin, PTs, and Juggs (and operatives) rape Sorcs. They only thing sorcs got is AoE. Even the self heal is only strong when dots are spread over something like 8 players. Even Mercs and Snipers got good chances in 1on1 vs a Sorc.

The huge numbers in the end, which all people are whining about, are spread over various targets at once, often not even killing 1 of them before dying. So sorcs need a sift from AoE Damage and Self heal towards more single target damage and AoE heal. And a change to Force Storm.


Sins rape everything!


PT has a huge amount of burst, and survivability is by far not as bad as most PTs want to make us believe. Especially when you consider how much burst, cc, and immunity they got.


Juggs also got good burst, cc, and cc immuntiy plus decent dcds. Though the burst is not as high as that of the PT.


I know most people won't agree with me, because all they do is look at the Totals at the end of a match and not how effective and efficient that player / class was .... no point in arguing with bads. But just an example: 50k instant every 10 sec beats 5k every second for 10 sec, despite both being 5k dps.


PS: you should inclued Operatives in here. If you had any clue about balance you would definitely list them here. The only reason you didn't do it is probably because you are one of the said "bads" from above who only look at the Totals and since there are so few Operatives around you probably didn't get raped often enough by them either.

Edited by Galothor
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Juggernauts survivability is a bit op..

Sorcs dmg is a bit op

ap PTs burst dmg is a bit op with the way shoulder cannon works currently

hatred Sins dmg AND survivability a bit op.


Is the way i'd describe it. Theres no real order outside of maybe hatred/serenity being the most op spec.

Edited by AngusFTW
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The OP discussion right now stop and starts with Sorcs and Sins.

Those who wish to include PTs and Juggs in this discussion are playing the old distraction trick.

Yes those 2 are strong, but no more so than they were before 3.x for the most part.

Sins and Sorcs are far stronger than before, and there are far more of them with a ton of new names and unfamiliar toons in WZs. That is the definition of FOTM.

As ive said before i mean no offense to those who have played those classes forever.. its the new ones i give grief to who ran to the class for no reason other than being OP

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sin > sorc > pt > jugg.


jugg is not op.

pt is easy to shut down/kill

sorc excels at dps/hps/aoe.

sin kills every other class with ease including sorcs.


not even debatable.





sorc is the best healer and merc doesn't count. Regardless of their hps they die before putting half the healing sorcs can do with their survivability.


This is all correct assuming you are talking hatred sins. Deception is not OP right now. Both sorc specs are overtuned a bit right now, and only AP can be considered at all OP for PT.

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Sin >>>>> PT >>>>> Jugg >>> Sorc




Because Sin, PTs, and Juggs (and operatives) rape Sorcs. They only thing sorcs got is AoE. Even the self heal is only strong when dots are spread over something like 8 players. Even Mercs and Snipers got good chances in 1on1 vs a Sorc.

The huge numbers in the end, which all people are whining about, are spread over various targets at once, often not even killing 1 of them before dying. So sorcs need a sift from AoE Damage and Self heal towards more single target damage and AoE heal. And a change to Force Storm.


Sins rape everything!


PT has a huge amount of burst, and survivability is by far not as bad as most PTs want to make us believe. Especially when you consider how much burst, cc, and immunity they got.


Juggs also got good burst, cc, and cc immuntiy plus decent dcds. Though the burst is not as high as that of the PT.


I know most people won't agree with me, because all they do is look at the Totals at the end of a match and not how effective and efficient that player / class was .... no point in arguing with bads. But just an example: 50k instant every 10 sec beats 5k every second for 10 sec, despite both being 5k dps.


PS: you should inclued Operatives in here. If you had any clue about balance you would definitely list them here. The only reason you didn't do it is probably because you are one of the said "bads" from above who only look at the Totals and since there are so few Operatives around you probably didn't get raped often enough by them either.


Obvious sorc bad

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Really has to be broken down by spec but this is how I would rank these four classes:


1) Hatred

2) Deception

3) Lightning

4) Advanced Prototype

5) Vengeance

6) Madness

7) Rage

8) Corruption

9) Immortal

10) Darkness

11) Shield Tech

12) Pyrotech (could be my perception with the difference between AP and this)

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Having played them all, I would say:


1. Shadow

2. Guardian

3. Sage

4. Vanguard


...with my Shadow being a distant first. That Deflection CC immunity is completely over the top.


as a sorc i have way more problems vs vanguard than guardian. Is this a class specific thing? since you play them all, what made you put guardian above vanguard?

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Sin >>>>> PT >>>>> Jugg >>> Sorc




Because Sin, PTs, and Juggs (and operatives) rape Sorcs. They only thing sorcs got is AoE. Even the self heal is only strong when dots are spread over something like 8 players. Even Mercs and Snipers got good chances in 1on1 vs a Sorc.

The huge numbers in the end, which all people are whining about, are spread over various targets at once, often not even killing 1 of them before dying. So sorcs need a sift from AoE Damage and Self heal towards more single target damage and AoE heal. And a change to Force Storm.


PT has a huge amount of burst, and survivability is by far not as bad as most PTs want to make us believe. Especially when you consider how much burst, cc, and immunity they got.


So true. Someone mentioned - sorcs are easy to shutdown. But the thing is - in regs noone trying to shutdown a sorc. He just runnin around, spamming his stuff. And I sh*t you not, x2 full Force Storms with Recklessness and Polarity Shift on 4-5 people is like 150-200k dmg in 9 seconds (and around 30-40k single target dmg). Quite OP, I agree.

But try casting Force Storm/Quake in Ranked arena for at least 3 seconds and you're toast (learned it the hard way). Because ppl focus the crap outta sorcs there. Because they played Reg. WZ and know if you let sorc to free cast its ge-ge and entire team drops down in mentioned 9 seconds, no matter the guards or heals.


And even this^ is true, sadly. You can't 1v1 anyone in this game as a sorc, IF you play it face-to-face straight and simple head-on. In other words, you ALWAYS have to run the f**k out and LoS, and heal. While, those guys, for example, (and not just those) can just pop their stuff and continue melting your face without any dealys or f***ing around.

Edited by Astrona
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How would you rank the four "op/fotm" classes in 3.0 (Sorc, Sin, PT, and Jugg)? Which of these classes is the most "op/fotm" in 3.0?



  1. Tactics/AP are broken beyond all reckoning; and everybody knows it, so WZs are flooded with them. there is not "time your dcds" when 3 VGs are roaming around.
  2. shadow/sin dps have always been ideal for taking off nodes, but the bumped up survivability + cc immunity + numbers make them out of control
  3. juggs/guards and sorcs/sages are very good but don't break the game



  1. sin/shadow dps -- absolutely preclude bringing certain ACs into Q if one actually cares about rating. they cannot be stunned; they can control most classes while teammates destroy them; their strikes have to be guessed, so w/e dcds one has are left to guess work; and ttk is so short that you absolutely must break before 2nd stun or focus will wreck (many) ACs; and there's usually more than one running around, which magnifies all of the above.
  2. sorc/sage dps -- they can kill from afar; there's a ton of them in seemingly every match, so you get raped twice over from 35m out; they can heal themselves and others but mostly they have survivability well beyond any other ranged AC.
  3. jugg dps -- most classes can deal with just one attacker. but like with sins and sorcs, there seem to always be multiple juggs. and if not juggs, then it's sins and sorcs. they hit hard. and have a lot of staying power. but more than anything else, it's that it always seems like there's 2 or 3 jumping to you at once. if you play the class, you have some recourse. if you play certain other ACs, you do not. gl hf.
  4. tactics/AP -- as long as there's just one in the match, it's no big deal. if there's two, then you'd better have one of those boss DCDs OR have very good teammates who know how to peel/taunt/cc. usually not the case in yolo.


Grp Rated (this assessment is based on yoloQ wherein the grps were essentially 4m "premades" with trinity comps)

  1. jugg/guard dps & tank -- tremendous control; very good burst; easy to recycle roto
  2. sorc/sage dps -- tough to focus but ungodly to free cast
  3. sin/shadow dps -- can play pressure or burst; tremendous control; good peels
  4. tactics/ap -- best burst in the game; needs to be timed properly; weak dcds offset by guard + heals; but using burst properly makes what is the easiest dps roto in the game something of an art


imo, you have to compromise all formats when balancing classes/specs, and there are a couple easy/obvious issues:

  • VGs running around with obscene burst need that toned down and better solo survivability. I don't think their sustained is as bad as VGs on the board say it is, but it's something to look into after the ICD on SC and DCD issues are addressed.
  • shadows are pretty crazy right now (at least in the first two formats). however, it's difficult to gauge just what it is about them that's so ridiculous. I would start with the deflection immunity to CC. if nothing else, I'd swap it around so that it's immune to roots/snares rather than stuns. that will help tone down sorcs/sages while giving melee some sort of counter play.
  • juggs...I hate ED, but half the classes in the game have something equivalent to it now. either get rid of all of them, or give them to the other classes. this hurts the classes that lack such dcds in every format, but it's really brutal in solo ranked.
  • sorcs/sages...I think BW realized how half-arsed their barrier was way back when, and now they've gone and "overbuffed" it (in combination with other things). leading to a ranged class with approximately the same dps capability as other ranged ACs but vastly superior solo survivability. yeah. iunno. buff the other ACs in solo or gut the sorcs/sages. gl with that.


Edited by foxmob
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