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Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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4 weeks in to the expansion and we are still seeing playability issues and the silence from the Dev's speaks (or doesn't) for itself.


Yes, I understand it is the holiday season and people get time off. That isn't a valid excuse for both a lack of communication or any signs of moving forward to fix this issue (as well as the others). If it is that big a problem, perhaps launching these things a month or so earlier would be better.


You see, with kids out of school and some working adults getting extended periods of time off, having a game that isn't suffering issues that affect game play would seem to be desirable. Especially when an expansion drops. People who left the game often come back for expansions and in order to try to keep those players you have to have a product that shines. When a game suffers for long periods from an issue that can cause frustration at the least and rage at the worst people aren't going to stick around.


SWTOR had a great opportunity that was flat out squandered by a poor expansion launch. I saw guild mates return from many months of absence who played for about a week and then left once again. The reasons were varied but the underlying theme to all of them was that they had better things to do than try to play a game where fighting lag makes even minor tasks frustrating.


Let's not mention the various operations fight bugs like the Ravager end bosses.


What could have been the catalyst for increased player populations seems to have had the opposite effect simply because people will not put up with substandard game play for extended periods of time and you really only get one chance per expansion to draw players back in.


With the new year upon us I suspect we will start seeing more conversation about these issues in the next week, but for some players it is too late. They have already come and gone and we'll be lucky to see them again.

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This is what this reminds me of:



Man, I've sounded just like that in operations meetings at work, but it's the truth. I'm not sure what the problem is that is preventing any action on the lag issue but the fact is that it has hurt the game. People returning to the game aren't sticking around and from what I've heard the blame can be laid at the feet of the lag issue. Granted, my sample size is small since I've only talked to guild mates about this but not one of them complained about the skill tree changes. Every single complaint was about either the lag or the bugs.


If the reason for the lack of action is the holiday season, it stands to reason that maybe expansions shouldn't be launched so close to them in order to give developers time to fix the problems before they rush out for the holiday break.


When people have the time to play, they want to play something that is enjoyable. Most of us forum dwellers are invested deeply into the game and so we stick it out, but how many potential customers were lost because of the issues we are facing?

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If the reason for the lack of action is the holiday season, it stands to reason that maybe expansions shouldn't be launched so close to them in order to give developers time to fix the problems before they rush out for the holiday break.


They probably rushed it specifically for the holiday season so people could ask for it for Christmas.


Doesn't make it right, and pretty much shows they don't really feel the need to impress their playerbase anymore - just want that bit of green in your wallet for least amount of effort possible.


If they were smart they'd be building up their game in every possible way (ie more investment from EA) in preparation for the new Star Wars movie release, because you know there will be a resurgence of interest in everything Star Wars related when it comes out, but how many of those people will stick around in the game with its current state of huge latency problems, exploits, and minuscule expansion content?


I really hope they turn things around in 2015.

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Well, either they're already working to fix it, in which case this thread is pointless...


Or they're lazy and not doing anything about it like everyone seems to imply, in which case this thread is still pointless.




Okay, well if the thread has no point, surely you posting *in* the thread has no point, yet you did so anyway. Maybe it's because you (just like other people on forums) enjoy talking about the game and voicing their complaints and opinions? :rolleyes:


In fact, this thread is indeed more productive and has more point then your post. The thread actually discuss the game, which is the point of the forums, whether the dev's will be influenced by it or not. If everyone shared you're mentality, there would be about 0 posts on the forums.


In fact, you yourself show that either you don't agree with this mentality, or don't care, as you post around on other threads in a normal, contributory fashion, voicing your opinion even if you think it's "pointless". And if you don't care or agree with your mentality, why should others? If you are really concerned about doing things that only have a point, why did you write that post? What's the point there? :rak_02:


As for my opinion on the actual topic of the thread, the lag is a bummer, annoying, must be fixed, etc. ;)

Edited by Swissbob
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LOL! Yeah, those "12 days of SWTOR" posts sure help. You should learn to actually read the tracker.


Check page 3 on the dev tracker




The lag is terrible but the lack of response from Bioware/EA is worse | 12.15.2014, 11:37 AM




Yup, totally understand! I do not have an ETA right now but I can tell you we are aware and looking into those issues as well.



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I'm terribly shocked they haven't issued an emergency patch for one of the issues you mentioned...it speaks volumes.


I understand there are holidays, but those are 3 days out of the 2+ weeks of silence.


they didn't even do maintenance last week as far as I could tell .. they were all too busy going to Christmas parties and getting ready for the holidays ..


I wouldn't mind so much except this is the same idiotic maneuver they pulled when the game first came out.. they bring it out just before Christmas and then the servers crash over the holidays..


IT is a severe management issue with management unable to live in the real world and the programmers having to "make it work" .. You bring out a game/large expansion just before a holiday YOU can't fix the bugs that get through in time ..


IF they had released beginning of November they would have been IN a lot better shape and BETTER yet if they had waited for January/February release they would have had a few extra months to fix the issues before it went to live and impacted so many people.

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Seriously, learn to use the dev tracker.


Check it every day hoping to see a post about some fixes. Unfortunately it's been December 15th since the last time they've even brought it up. So when they get back from their 3 week vacation like they are in college and not working a real job we'll hopefully get another update that actually says it's being fixed soon.

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Check it every day hoping to see a post about some fixes. Unfortunately it's been December 15th since the last time they've even brought it up. So when they get back from their 3 week vacation like they are in college and not working a real job we'll hopefully get another update that actually says it's being fixed soon.
not to mention that post more than 2 weeks ago promised fixes and...nothing.


ea should start trimming the fat at bw. release an unplayable expansion and disappear? way to sabotage your own product lol

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So when they get back from their 3 week vacation like they are in college and not working a real job we'll hopefully get another update that actually says it's being fixed soon.

Exactly! Are we supposed to assume that EA only hires kids who have winter break to do this work? Even my kids only have 2-weeks off from school.

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Please at least fix Belsavis and I'd be happy. I don't know what it is but that one planet has given me the most ability lag problems since 3.0.


^ This. My Sith Assassin has given up and stabbed himself with his light saber. There's only so many times he wants to Maul while standing behind an enemy and be told that he needs to be standing behind and enemy, or turning around during intense combat and see Khem Val in a distance daydream about his date last night....all the while try to use an ability 5 times before it works like he's got a bad starter in his light saber that won't fire up, he's even tried putting premium gasoline in the thing but the problem persists. Belsavis is a nightmare.


This is what this reminds me of:



Holy ****, with only hours left in 2014 you got this in just in time and hereby win my favorite youtube clip of the year award! This is hilarious!!!!

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Personally, I will give them 4 more weeks before I start to lose my patience. If they can fix this before then I will be satisfied.


You have far more patience than I. I've been a supporter of this game for the most part but occasionally something "sticks in my craw"...like this. I was away for a little over a week because I was out of town and I didn't miss SWTOR at all. In fact, I haven't played more than a few hours since I got back home. That tells me that maybe it's time to move on. If it weren't for a great guild and the friendships involved, I'd probably be able to decide faster to chuck it all and find something else to do.


Yes, the Dev's said something two weeks ago about the lag. Two weeks ago. Right before the Christmas break for most school going folks. And knowing that the break was about to come up, did they take any steps to fix the various bugs? Since there isn't any other mention of fixing the issues, I have to assume that there were none.


And if they didn't attempt to fix an issue that makes game play frustrating and "not fun" right before a break where people with free time will spend more time playing online, I have to question their processes. Simple fact: People who might have otherwise stuck around aren't. Again, small sample size but common sense dictates that if you don't provide a product people want to play...well, they won't.


My factory shuts down for two weeks at the end of the year for the holidays. Normal operations are suspended. However, if there is a need then there are people working. I hate working the holidays but I'd hate losing customers more because no customers means no demand which means no jobs.


Again, an expansion is a great opportunity to draw players in to a game and this opportunity appears to have been wasted.

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Personally, I will give them 4 more weeks before I start to lose my patience. If they can fix this before then I will be satisfied.


Damn, I wish I had bosses/owners as lenient and patient as you!


But then again, I live in NYC, where everyone moves at the speed of light. :(


I want to live in BW Land where time stands still and imperfections are smiled upon. :)

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Damn, I wish I had bosses/owners as lenient and patient as you!


But then again, I live in NYC, where everyone moves at the speed of light. :(


I want to live in BW Land where time stands still and imperfections are smiled upon. :)


lol, LA is trying to be sainted solely through his actions on ToR, I think he's going to make it at this pace xD

even Jebus would have set them on fire and sent them....someplace, at this point xD

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