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lets talk Socerer's! Seriously, no hat just realy come on now?


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Ok, I don't mind Sorcerers having massive Damage and CC............


However I do mind when Sorcerers have massive Damage, CC, AND an Immunity bubble? there is no reason any class should have all the candy in the basket!


If they're to get immunity bubbles, than they should have no force after it, and cannot heal also!


Lets be real people this is ridiculous!!

Edited by MarcoMontana
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Ok, I don't mind Sorcerers having massive Damage and CC............


However I do mind when Sorcerers have massive Damage, CC, AND an Immunity bubble? there is no reason any class should have all the candy in the basket!


If they're to get immunity bubbles, than they should have no force after it, and cannot heal also!


Lets be real people this is ridiculous!


So I assume you're willing to change the fact that they can't do anything during the bubble as well, and maybe you should propose some amazing changes to FD/ED while you're at it (it's essentially the same thing, but the jugg/guardian can still move around), and you might want to address evasion/shroud + combat stealth on stealth classes since that's pretty op... or that 100% dodge chance on concealment's roll...


Sounds like you have a lot of work to do, why don't you start brainstorming on the above and when you come back I'm sure I'll have a few more DCDs that you'll need to cripple.

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then they get enduring bastion which in reality is a 4second extension of the bubble that allows you to attack


And much like a mara's undying smart players will simply cc them.


Mara's pay for undying with half their health, sorcs pay for it with a self stun.

Edited by alexsamma
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The self stun argument is getting old. There really is no penalty for barrier. You can heal to full with it, it purges you, and you get bastion after it that absorbs a ton of damage. You don't even have to be in it for the whole time to get a lot of benefit. They over buffed barrier. I'd be fine with them lowering the cooldown by a substantial amount if they got rid of all the other crap it can do. Honestly you shouldn't be able to be healed in it. With all the other tools sorcs have now barrier is just too much.
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Other that bastion and arguably stun bubble sorcs are fine. Bastion should go in my opinion.

As for stun bubble i cant think for the life of me why a class should have a CC that activates passively but again, its not game breaking like bastion is.

Edited by Shiroikage
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There needs to be a downside to being immune to everything in the game! It has no negative effect only positives...


It allows you time to get your team it allow you to regain force, it allows cds to come off cd, all without a hitch! I think you should have no force, or return like the marauder at 50%... Or maybe the bubble returns you to spawn point? Makes it so you didn't die but you get transfered away from the area? kinda silly i suppose but the effect needs a downside, because the entirety of a WZ is all Sorcerers lightning everyone and bubbling!

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So I assume you're willing to change the fact that they can't do anything during the bubble as well, and maybe you should propose some amazing changes to FD/ED while you're at it (it's essentially the same thing, but the jugg/guardian can still move around), and you might want to address evasion/shroud + combat stealth on stealth classes since that's pretty op... or that 100% dodge chance on concealment's roll...


Sounds like you have a lot of work to do, why don't you start brainstorming on the above and when you come back I'm sure I'll have a few more DCDs that you'll need to cripple.


The classes you mention have weaknesses beyond that of their defensive cds. Also their not full hp, full resource, after such albeit escaping with maybe a fraction of hp left! The Sorcerer just gets a free immunity god mode to do what they please then come back full hp and ready to rock n roll all over again!

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why do people focus on individual skills like they are all that.... what we need to do is look at the big picture, and stop acting like one skill is the difference maker. the bubble in and of itself isnt a game breaker, at all.


If that was all they had you have to be smart enough to target swap or hold your mustard till it breaks... use the time to buff or prime yourself up and start hard casts etc... but that isnt the reality of it.


the bubble added to the monster reduction after it breaks, added to the force speed, added to the oh crap heal that noone else has, added to the blind, the stun, and the rest of the endless toookit that sorcs have right now... thats the problem.


They made a conscious decision to reduce some classes skills, and yet baked almost everything into the one class. as if there was a shortage of them and they wanted to encourage people to play the class, when we all know that wasnt the case. i dont know why they did what they did, but its clear it was intended.

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Ok, I don't mind Sorcerers having massive Damage and CC............


However I do mind when Sorcerers have massive Damage, CC, AND an Immunity bubble? there is no reason any class should have all the candy in the basket!


If they're to get immunity bubbles, than they should have no force after it, and cannot heal also!


Lets be real people this is ridiculous!


It seems to me like you do mind sorcs having massive damage and CC. The barrier is clearly not a problem, I'm not sure why there are so many complaints about it as of late. The sorc is squishy as hell; ravage + impale + force scream would probably kill him without the barrier.

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You bubble and stand very still being particularly useful. You hope they have an ADD. They move out and drop an AoE on you. Then, it's on a cool down for the rest of the zone. Honestly.... when I bubble, what I want is to get the heck out, not to stay there staring down a couple of melees through the shiny bubble. Cause I can heal them to death once the bubble drops off. Yep. That's what I am gonna do. Or, maybe... maybe... Oh, yes! I have 5 offensive spells, and I am gonna use them!!! Edited by DomiSotto
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The classes you mention have weaknesses beyond that of their defensive cds. Also their not full hp, full resource, after such albeit escaping with maybe a fraction of hp left! The Sorcerer just gets a free immunity god mode to do what they please then come back full hp and ready to rock n roll all over again!


Actually you're wrong, if you use barrier at a sliver of hp and sit in it for the full duration you will come out with roughly 60% hp (outside of a warzone with no trauma I end up at 63%)


You can opt to burst through enduring bastion if you want to stop the self heals.


Enduring bastion with the corrupted barrier utility is strong, but it's not nearly as strong as people make it out to be.


Sorcs have weaknesses beyond barrier, it's called focus the squishy sorc and don't let him free cast, outside of instant procs (in lt) or dots (in madness) the sorc is going to be doing very little damage.


Honestly, as someone who mained a jugg last season I think it's silly that you believe a sorc's barrier is stronger than ED and the arsenal of short CD DCD's that juggs have available.

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Why do sorc fanboys keep defending bubble saying "it's a self-CC"?

It's NOT a self-CC. You can stop it any time you want, you are completely invulnerable while it's up...

That's not a CC or a stun.


And if you stop it early Bastion is much weaker. I'm so sick of the Sorcerer whining. You guys think they are so invincible, play one and learn for yourself why Force Barrier exists. You all just want Sorcs/Sages to go back to being free kills.


You want stun bubble gone, fine. Electric Bindings can go too, but Barrier is our escape. Most classes have them.

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... Because comparing DCDs of a caster and the tankiest tank in the game makes total sense.


ED is better for DPS Juggernauts. The person you quoted said nothing about tanks, DPS Juggs have nearly as many DCDs and great, easy damage. This has nothing to do with tanks.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I have played sorcerer. You guys are acting the same why that juggs did with enraged defense. Barrier at inception was fine, but with all the other buffs it has it is beyond stupid. You have many other tools to survive. Saying sorcs are susceptible to focus fire is also a stupid excuse as many other classes are also susceptible. I have no problems surviving on my sorcerer and it isn't even my main. It's stupid how faceroll easy the class is. Those defending it are just deluding themselves into thinking they are fine. And if ravage + impale is killing you...then you are an absolutely terrible sorcerer.
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People have horrible memories.


This is a summary of what has transpired with barrier.


Sorcs without barrier - Focused and killed really damn fast. Bioware responded and gave them barrier..


Sorcs with barrier - People continued to focus sorcerers until they barrier. Everyone tunneling that sorcerer simply stood right next to them until their force barrier dropped and then lobbed their execute and the sorcerer died anyway. Bioware responded and gave them enduring bastion.


Sorcerers with barrier and enduring bastion - People start crying that barrier + bastion is overpowered and we need to go back to one of the above.

Edited by JackNader
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I have played sorcerer. You guys are acting the same why that juggs did with enraged defense. Barrier at inception was fine, but with all the other buffs it has it is beyond stupid. You have many other tools to survive. Saying sorcs are susceptible to focus fire is also a stupid excuse as many other classes are also susceptible. I have no problems surviving on my sorcerer and it isn't even my main. It's stupid how faceroll easy the class is. Those defending it are just deluding themselves into thinking they are fine. And if ravage + impale is killing you...then you are an absolutely terrible sorcerer.


I challenge you (or anyone else making claims that sorcerers are op) to run a twitch stream and show your sorcerer face rolling people in solo, ranked and 4v4 as proof of your claims. Feel free to run a sage stream as well.


I would particularly like to see you dominating players (without a team to back your squishy and non-bursty butt) when you face off solo against classes that are smacking you around with 10k-15k bursts.

Edited by Emperor_Troll
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People have horrible memories.


This is a summary of what has transpired with barrier.


Sorcs without barrier - Focused and killed really damn fast. Bioware responded and gave them barrier..


Sorcs with barrier - People continued to focus sorcerers until they barrier. Everyone tunneling that sorcerer simply stood right next to them until their force barrier dropped and then lobbed their execute and the sorcerer died anyway. Bioware responded and gave them enduring bastion.


Sorcerers with barrier and enduring bastion - People start crying that barrier + bastion is overpowered and we need to go back to one of the above.



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People have horrible memories.


This is a summary of what has transpired with barrier.


Sorcs without barrier - Focused and killed really damn fast. Bioware responded and gave them barrier..


Sorcs with barrier - People continued to focus sorcerers until they barrier. Everyone tunneling that sorcerer simply stood right next to them until their force barrier dropped and then lobbed their execute and the sorcerer died anyway. Bioware responded and gave them enduring bastion.


Sorcerers with barrier and enduring bastion - People start crying that barrier + bastion is overpowered and we need to go back to one of the above.


Perfectly worded !Thank you ! This had to be said !

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People have horrible memories.

Exactly...or better to say, 'selective' memory?

Sorcerers with barrier and enduring bastion - People start crying that barrier + bastion is overpowered and we need to go back to one of the above.

Yes, this is exactly what these crying whiners want. They want the EASY kills to pad their stats in a Warzone. They don't want to fight the heavy hitters. They'd rather take out the easy targets than WORK for their kills. Like flowing water, these QQ artists look for the path of least resistance.


Newsflash! Sages/Sorcs are where they are at now because of how much BW screwed them over with 1.2 and did nothing to help them until 2.0 and that wasn't enough. And even then they were still easily killed, yet people WHINED about them then. Now with 3.0 these unskilled DPS artists are coming out of the wood work crying because they now face a class that isn't easy to kill anymore. It took these developers 3 years to finally admit they screwed up. And the QQ artists are unhappy now because they can't have easy victories.

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People have horrible memories.


This is a summary of what has transpired with barrier.


Sorcs without barrier - Focused and killed really damn fast. Bioware responded and gave them barrier..


Sorcs with barrier - People continued to focus sorcerers until they barrier. Everyone tunneling that sorcerer simply stood right next to them until their force barrier dropped and then lobbed their execute and the sorcerer died anyway. Bioware responded and gave them enduring bastion.


Sorcerers with barrier and enduring bastion - People start crying that barrier + bastion is overpowered and we need to go back to one of the above.


It's not just barrier that is the problem. With 3.0 it's the gain of all the survival utilities, infinite force, extreme mobility and ridiculous damage/healing that puts the class completely over the top.

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Lets be real people this is ridiculous!


OK, I will be real this time!

You know you don't have to post anything, just make a thread, and from your avatar BW will know that some one calling for nerf of all classes beside Jug and Mara but mostly that bastard Sage, Sorc who is always running, anoying everyone! Why he is running, why he is cc us??? Why don't he face to face us???


By the way guys, my favorite sentance if I duel a melee class with my Sage: " Why are you running always?! You Sages are always just running like pusys" :D

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It seems to me like you do mind sorcs having massive damage and CC. The barrier is clearly not a problem, I'm not sure why there are so many complaints about it as of late. The sorc is squishy as hell; ravage + impale + force scream would probably kill him without the barrier.


First of all It won't that combo does TOPS 35k damage and that's if everything crits and that's a geared sent vs non-geared sorc.


Second good luck landing that in a PvP environment stand still for 4 seconds not to mention the Sorc has an innumerable amount of ways to counter this from the start.


Thirdly they are not "squishy as hell" How much hp does Force Armor give now? 7 or 8k I'd wager, getting 2 of those in 1 fight increases your HP pool by 30% and that's a short fight usually can get 3 in even at 7k thats 21k HP compared to my Sent that is in full exhumed gear has 45k hp, that's almost a 50% HP increase over a melee class with slightly better armor so please don't tell me that your squishy until you can get pulled stunned and melted in under 4 seconds, and before you say "I can" that isn't where you belong you don't belong in melee range of some one your attacking where as a Sent is SUPPOSED to be in the thick of it with other classes that have heavy armor.

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