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Force Barrier Needs to go


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People take that utility?


I'd take bubble stun, the knockback root or a handful of others anyday over the regen skill.


Now you just straight up basically said to me "I am retarded and I don't even read the utilities before posting on forums acting like I know stuff".


The corrupter barrier utility is on the third tier, smart ***. Not the same tier as knockback root, therefore you could get knockback root + corrupted barrier if you choose to.

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LOL... Actually I've been playing a Sorc since launch and "only" pvp... If you have been playing a Sorc recently you will realise that trying to cast resurgence or dark heal after it finishes will usually result in getting hard stunned if against good players...


WOW BRo, you've been playing the same class since launch therefore you must be good!


No in all seriousness I am surprised you can be so clueless if you have been playing since the game came out. I've never once mentioned using dark heal. All I said was you don't need to cast anything to heal because of what the utility corrupted barrier could offer you, to which you know nothing of.


You talk about good players, yet I seriously doubt you have played against any, tell me when you get a clue first random..


Clearly you are just another regstar who lurks in twitch.tv and pretend you are good all day, lolo.

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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Now you just straight up basically said to me "I am retarded and I don't even read the utilities before posting on forums acting like I know stuff".


The corrupter barrier utility is on the third tier, smart ***. Not the same tier as knockback root, therefore you could get knockback root + corrupted barrier if you choose to.


You know you don't have to pick the 3rd teir just because it's there?...

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WOW BRo, you've been playing the same class since launch therefore you must be good!


No in all seriousness I am surprised you can be so clueless if you have been playing since the game came out. I've never once mentioned using dark heal. All I said was you don't need to cast anything to heal because of what the utility corrupted barrier could offer you, to which you know nothing of.


You talk about good players, yet I seriously doubt you have played against any, tell me when you get a clue first random..


Clearly you are just another regstar who lurks in twitch.tv and pretend you are good all day, lolo.


Pfftt... Not worth the argument "BRo"...

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LOOOOOOl god you are hopeless


Nice txt size... Do you always do that when someone disagrees with you or can't get your point across... People who start yelling to win an argument have already lost it... Regardless if they are right or wrong... Just shows they can't articulate themselves properly...

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Nice txt size... Do you always do that when someone disagrees with you or can't get your point across... People who start yelling to win an argument have already lost it... Regardless if they are right or wrong... Just shows they can't articulate themselves properly...


How am I "yelling" (on the internet), lol? I am just laughing at how ignorant some people are...


I've never even called you bad but you on the other hand tried to tell me to L2play sorc when you don't even know what that utility does, such dumbness much amazed ~


Then you tried to justify your credibility by telling me you have played sorc since launch and you "only PVP", LOL

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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Nice txt size... Do you always do that when someone disagrees with you or can't get your point across... People who start yelling to win an argument have already lost it... Regardless if they are right or wrong... Just shows they can't articulate themselves properly...


He doesn't know what he's saying.. He is probably someone who has a medical condition (asperger's, autism, something of the like), as I can't imagine someone "normal" would be this belligerent and childish.

Edited by lpsmash
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How am I "yelling" (on the internet), lol? I am just laughing at how ignorant some people are...


I've never even called you bad but you on the other hand tried to tell me to L2play sorc when you don't even know what that utility does, such dumbness much amazed ~


Then you tried to justify your credibility by telling me you have played sorc since launch and you "only PVP", LOL


/sigh... Look at your post... You know you are rambling now... Anyway this is too funny... Please keep posting... I'm going to get some popcorn... Brb

Edited by Icykill_
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Corrupted Barrier is more or less a heal to full. You can go from 0% to -~ 65 - 70% if you barrier for the full duration. I generally don't take it as a sorc healer although i would probably be inclined to take it as a DPS.


Man finally someone with intelligence speaks out. I didn't know people use their brains on this forum, thank god I am still wrong.

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Exactly my point... Only Healers should consider it... Dps people choosing this utility are noobs


No healer should take it either, Enduring Bastion is enough to ensure you survive just fine if you know what you're doing.


I take the force wave root, far more useful for survival than a tiny heal. Especially with the salvation change.

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Nice txt size... Do you always do that when someone disagrees with you or can't get your point across... People who start yelling to win an argument have already lost it... Regardless if they are right or wrong... Just shows they can't articulate themselves properly...
He does do that whenever anyone disagrees with him, he gets uppity and starts insulting everyone. A sure sign of intelligence. : sarcasm :
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Corrupted Barrier is more or less a heal to full. You can go from 0% to -~ 65 - 70% if you barrier for the full duration. I generally don't take it as a sorc healer although i would probably be inclined to take it as a DPS.


Jack just confirmed that it isn't to 100% full health... Which was my point all along... sure it heals a bit and I guess this is good if you happen to be by yourself and the other persons stuns are on CD, but you really shouldn't be 1v1 anyway, so it is a wasted utility for that small percentage of time you find yourself in that situation... And if people feel the need to use that utility as a DPS then go for it... Personally I think it is a waste when there are so many other ways to survive... Especially as you still get hard stunned after and then they will wait till enduring bastion is finished and then kill you.. But each to their own

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No healer should take it either, Enduring Bastion is enough to ensure you survive just fine if you know what you're doing.


I take the force wave root, far more useful for survival than a tiny heal. Especially with the salvation change.


The utility they are talking about isn't in the same tier as the one you are talking about. They are talking about Corrupted Barrier in the Heroic tier. You are talking about Electric Bindings in the Masterful tier (the root). You can easily take both of those talents.


And as I am reading it Corrupted Barrier is not a tiny heal. If you bubble and hit barrier you will be healed for 4% of your health every second for 10 seconds, so 40% of your HP. It scales up to scales 8% per seocnd for the charges of Enduring Bastion. So not a small heal. This would easily top you off if you managed to get a cuddle puddle down before barrier.


I don't really play my Sage that often so I'm not super familiar with how it works in action but from a numbers stand point it looks worth it if what you want is a second life.

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The utility they are talking about isn't in the same tier as the one you are talking about. They are talking about Corrupted Barrier in the Heroic tier. You are talking about Electric Bindings in the Masterful tier (the root). You can easily take both of those talents.


And as I am reading it Corrupted Barrier is not a tiny heal. If you bubble and hit barrier you will be healed for 4% of your health every second for 10 seconds, so 40% of your HP. It scales up to scales 8% per seocnd for the charges of Enduring Bastion. So not a small heal. This would easily top you off if you managed to get a cuddle puddle down before barrier.


I don't really play my Sage that often so I'm not super familiar with how it works in action but from a numbers stand point it looks worth it if what you want is a second life.


As I understand, Selenial is suggesting not maxing out on heroic tier utilities and taking 3 utilities of the middle tier. I don't know about that. On paper, the heal doesn't seem that good, especially for a healer. There are probably some better talents. I think however that this should be good for a dps sorc in yolo queue.


On topic : force barrier seems absolutely fine. They can't even attack when they are immune and electro-net prevents it. If they use their stun breaker to bubble, then they are vulnerable to stuns (and probably aren't full resolve).

Edited by lpsmash
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As I understand, Selenial is suggesting not maxing out on heroic tier utilities and taking 3 utilities of the middle tier. I don't know about that. On paper, the heal doesn't seem that good, especially for a healer. There are probably some better talents. I think however that this should be good for a dps sorc in yolo queue.


On topic : force barrier seems absolutely fine. They can't even attack when they are immune and electro-net prevents it. If they use their stun breaker to bubble, then they are vulnerable to stuns (and probably aren't full resolve).


In other words, this kid agrees with me but it's too shy to admit it because he knows I am right, how cute :)

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