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Force Barrier Needs to go


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Takes no skill = push one button and it will work. No matter the circumstances, you are safe for 8 sec (or even healing). And when it fades, you also get a massive damage absorption AND interrupt immunity. Cloaking screen doesn't even comes close to that. What, you want stun immunity in Enduring Bastion too?


If I remember correctly people were asking for that when bastion was first announced. A bunch of sorcs were like "oh that's still pointless, you'll just get stunned through it and then melted :mad:"


May the force barrier be with you... Always


Actually I believe that's, "May the force barrier serve you." Clearly it's so OP it's a dark side thing.

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Maybe force barrier needs a longer cool down, like 6 min or even 10. 3 min cool down isn't that much in a long game. Focusing a sorc only to have them barrier and heal to full and keep Blasting or healing is just not fun and when you are dealing with such a high population of sorcs it begins to get a absurd. It's a never ending rotation of the enemy team being immune to everything while they heal.


What other class can do this?


Juggernauts, Assassins, Operatives, even Marauders when they use Force Camouflage as the escape it is.

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Maybe force barrier needs a longer cool down, like 6 min or even 10. 3 min cool down isn't that much in a long game. Focusing a sorc only to have them barrier and heal to full and keep Blasting or healing is just not fun and when you are dealing with such a high population of sorcs it begins to get a absurd. It's a never ending rotation of the enemy team being immune to everything while they heal.


What other class can do this?


simple...have 8 sages in ur team :D

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It is fine but it should have like a 10 min cd 3 mins is way to short considering they can heal escape stun bubble. Longer cd so they have to use it more carefully or skillfully.


Sure. Just proportionally increase the other escapes. So Enraged Defense, Force Cloak and Cloaking Screen go to 7 min. Kolto Overload goes to 10 minutes. And Force Camo goes to 5 minutes. Then everyone gets 1 escape per round. Let's do it.

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Someone else pointed this out but I feel it's worth mentioning again, Electro Net prevents Barrier. If you want to counter barrier, roll a Merc or bring one with you. Get the Sorc to 50% and net him. They will either have to die or use their breaker and barrier. Then they will have no breaker and no barrier. They should be pretty easy to take down after that.


And saying "There are so many of them plz nerf" isn't anything new. Class stacking has been wonky since lauch. Really it's a huge pain when there is 3+ of any one class.

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If you can't damage through a force barrier then you shouldn't be able to heal through it either. Killing a sorc is hard enough. Between their bubbles, heals, stuns, knock backs, roots, force speed... It's just dumb trying to take them down.


Everyone focusing a sorc, only to have him barrier, heal to full... It's simply a broken mechanic. I realize it's on a 3 min cool down but in a heated pvp battle when you are battling to get a node that barrier can easily turn a battle. When there are 3-4 sorcs per match it's almost like the enemy team is using barrier constantly.


Give mercs a barrier like that for the love of God. Their defense is a joke.


Ps fix shoulder Cannon


Lol... Sounds like someone doesn't know how to counter this... Ever heard of stun when the bubble finishes... Then they can't heal...

I play a Sorc as well as every other class... Each class has a counter to each defence... Learn the counters and stop calling for nerfs

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Lol... Sounds like someone doesn't know how to counter this... Ever heard of stun when the bubble finishes... Then they can't heal...

I play a Sorc as well as every other class... Each class has a counter to each defence... Learn the counters and stop calling for nerfs


Fyi stuns don't stop them from healing in bubble but yes kids need to L2play

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Unless you don't count Force Cloak, Cloaking Screen, Force Camoflage, Enraged Defense. Because all those powers totally don't let you escape combat and come back. :rolleyes:


I'm not in favor of removing the barrier, but let's at least make sure you know what the ability actually accomplishes before you say that any other ability can do the same.


Of the abilities you listed, only Cloak allows disengagement of combat. Assuming you manage to cloak and get away, you still need to heal yourself while vulnerable to attack. This is far and away inferior to barrier and the subsequent Enduring Bastion, which allow you to heal with no drawbacks in the middle of a fight while being bursted because.. unlike ED, Bastion cannot be bursted through.


It is by far superior to any ability you listed.


While I am not in favor of complete removal, I do think Bastion should be looked at. It was probably needed before.. but it is most certainly not needed now -- at least not as powerful as it is currently.

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I have less issues with barrier than I do with Enduring Bastion. My only grief with barrier is its on my list of "idiot's abilities" or in other words abilities that let you overextend with no consequence, because in my opinion if you overextend you should die for your mistake.
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You want to neuter sorc's off healing and mobility, fine, but if you do that we need to hit much harder in both specs (and before someone throws dps/overall damage output, I know that sorcs are the best number whore class atm).


sorcs are fine. maybe they burst a little too much (RNG or no doesn't really matter to me). the problem is they seem to be the only RDPS that can keep players off them and can press an O SHlT! button when 3 DPS focus them. and I'm not saying take that away from them. but really...how the hell are mercs limited to one instant heal, one 15s cast heal, and one instant (I kid you not) 100hp heal? one instant self heal from a sorc does more healing that all three of those GCDs combined. it's infuriating what they've done to merc heals. even the splash kolto would occasionally grant a 4k crit. but this xpac. jesus f_*(stick. what have they done? just take away the heals. you've got juggs and sins doing more effective healing than mercs, and the sorcs & ops are running around laughing at our dps healing. lol

Edited by foxmob
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Fyi stuns don't stop them from healing in bubble but yes kids need to L2play


LOL... You can't cast heals while you are bubbled... It breaks the bubble as it is castable... You heal after the bubble pops... The tactic is to hard stun them once the bubble pops to stop them healing

But if they are a healer then the bubble will heal them a little while it is cast... But never to full if they have low health

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LOL... You can't cast heals while you are bubbled... It breaks the bubble as it is castable... You heal after the bubble pops... The tactic is to hard stun them once the bubble pops to stop them healing

But if they are a healer then the bubble will heal them a little while it is cast... But never to full if they have low health




You do realize..... there is an utility in the sorc tree that heals you for 2% of your total health for every second as long as your barrier lasts right....? ..... and it scales up to 8% so it's automatically a heal to full...


Casting is not required...

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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I have less issues with barrier than I do with Enduring Bastion. My only grief with barrier is its on my list of "idiot's abilities" or in other words abilities that let you overextend with no consequence, because in my opinion if you overextend you should die for your mistake.


I rarely use it in this fashion... If you are playing a good team and you hit it as an oh-fk I made a mistake ability it will still get you killed

The best use is tactical as part of a strategy... I won't elaborate how I use it... But I will say I nearly never use it if I have less than half health

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Lol. My point is the game shouldn't be balanced around what casuals think, but rather around competitive elements.


Sure, if 8v8 is still alive and it is somewhat competitive by all means, you could balance the game around it. However, there is no more competitiveness in warzones. The only thing that has competition around it is group arean, therefore the game should be balanced around it.


You want to align the whole game after a mode that is played by at most 2% voluntary? Following a reduced simplistic PVP Mode for E-Pen Fans? LOL.

Edited by Magira
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You do realize..... there is an utility in the sorc tree that heals you for 2% of your total health for every second as long as your barrier lasts right....? ..... and it scales up to 8% so it's automatically a heal to full...


Casting is not required...


/sigh... Read... I said that it does for healers... Who really should be the only ones picking that utility on this class...

Not sure how 8% is a heal to full??... Maybe if they have half health... But it won't heal to full anyone with low health using it as an oh-fk ability to stay alive...

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i rarely use it in this fashion... If you are playing a good team and you hit it as an oh-fk i made a mistake ability it will still get you killed

the best use is tactical as part of a strategy... I won't elaborate how i use it... But i will say i nearly never use it if i have less than half health






Edited by BloodDevistaor
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/sigh... Read... I said that it does for healers... Who really should be the only ones picking that utility on this class...

Not sure how 8% is a heal to full??... Maybe if they have half health... But it won't heal to full anyone with low health using it as an oh-fk ability to stay alive...


It's very evident that you have no clue what that utility does, maybe you should test it in-game first before posting here....


In fact, I will just explain it to you right now. That ability will heal you from 10% to 100% when you barrier for 4 sec to gain the full duration of Bastion savior then casts resurgence + static barrier on yourself... If you don't pick up this utility you are a moron.

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Wht are you even talking about..... clearly you only barrier when you are really low health then it automatically heals you to full....


....so confused....


LMAO... Do you even play a Sorc or a Sage in ranked or against higher LVL pvp players... There are more ways to use this ability then as a life boat that will get you sunk by a good team...

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LMAO... Do you even play a Sorc or a Sage in ranked or against higher LVL pvp players... There are more ways to use this ability then as a life boat that will get you sunk by a good team...


You really should stop talking, you are only further embarrassing yourself...


You asked if I even play a sorc or sage, I can link you screenshots of my rating but I am not going to bother because you are clueless + rating doesn't matter.


You asked if I even play against high level pvp players, I could link you replays of me playing 4s against/with the top teams in the game, but I am not going to bother because you wouldn't know any of the names..


Anyone that has a brain will realize how powerful that utility is, test it out before you even try to post clueless **** to me..


Just stop...

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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It's very evident that you have no clue what that utility does, maybe you should test it in-game first before posting here....


In fact, I will just explain it to you right now. That ability will heal you from 10% to 100% when you barrier for 4 sec to gain the full duration of Bastion savior then casts resurgence + static barrier on yourself... If you don't pick up this utility you are a moron.


LOL... Actually I've been playing a Sorc since launch and "only" pvp... If you have been playing a Sorc recently you will realise that trying to cast resurgence or dark heal after it finishes will usually result in getting hard stunned if against good players...

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It's very evident that you have no clue what that utility does, maybe you should test it in-game first before posting here....


In fact, I will just explain it to you right now. That ability will heal you from 10% to 100% when you barrier for 4 sec to gain the full duration of Bastion savior then casts resurgence + static barrier on yourself... If you don't pick up this utility you are a moron.


People take that utility?


I'd take bubble stun, the knockback root or a handful of others anyday over the regen skill.

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You really should stop talking, you are only further embarrassing yourself...


You asked if I even play a sorc or sage, I can link you screenshots of my rating but I am not going to bother because you are clueless + rating doesn't matter.


You asked if I even play against high level pvp players, I could link you replays of me playing 4s against/with the top teams in the game, but I am not going to bother because you wouldn't know any of the names..


Anyone that has a brain will realize how powerful that utility is, test it out before you even try to post clueless **** to me..


Just stop...


I'll stop so you don't have to sound like a broken record... L2P... LoL

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