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Force Barrier Needs to go


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You are gonna take light armor classes only escape and make him die in 3-4 sec. since it heals you but you will be ok with 7 Shoulder cannon healing you %35 when used and you are also having much more mobility and deffenses compared to sorcs. or juggs having enage deffence healing themself to top while reflecting all damage to you, or assassins incredible deffence+ self healing abilities.

I dont play sorc-sage much in pvp but it is their only deffensive ability you can rely on with a very long cd and you want to take it away. With out it they are dead before starting fight. I accept there are situations makes it hard for other classes like dotting people and going barrier but every class have some strong side to some other classes (like off cd SC or saber reflect).

I see you are using merc which means you have counter for force barrier, you can kill %85 of sorcs using electro net, it pevents them to use barrier and only way to use barrier with electro net is using cc breaker first (even most sorcs doesnt know this :) ). I barely play with merc but i have no problem killing sorc if i play merc. I ask team not attack sorc 2-3 sec. and i use Concussion Missile to force him to use cc breaker and after he uses cc breaker use electro net and burn him in a few seconds. If he doesnt uses cc breaker no problem we will have 1 player advantege 8 seconds. I use my merc 1-2 times in a week and if i know how to beat sorc and your main is merc and you are complaining about it then there is only one thing i can say LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS, and learn your counters to other classes.


I don't play a merc. But I get the jist of what you are saying. I don't want them to take away Force Bubble. I think it is a needed cooldown as you say. Now that you mention it though I think Force Barrier is pretty analagous to the operative/scoundrel cloaking screen. I just wonder if it is a little overpowered. Both sorc/sage and operative/scoundrel healers have a get-out-of-jail-cooldown, but Mercs/Mandos really don't have much.


Also sorcs have great mobility. Force speed can be specced to remove roots/snares, and its cd can be brought down to 15 seconds.

Edited by Moriam
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You are gonna take light armor classes only escape and make him die in 3-4 sec. since it heals you but you will be ok with 7 Shoulder cannon healing you %35 when used and you are also having much more mobility and deffenses compared to sorcs. or juggs having enage deffence healing themself to top while reflecting all damage to you, or assassins incredible deffence+ self healing abilities.


LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS, and learn your counters to other classes.


Amen :ph_agree:

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Analogius to cloakibg screen? You've got to be kidding.

Half of the time that thing just doesn't work due to failure to exit battle (annoying bug), and the other half you just get uncloaked by any half decent player with an AOE attack.


I see it used wisely. I see Operatives use it and get away behind a pillar and we don't notice. It is counter-able, but it requires some thinking ahead. Force barrier should have a counter in some form or fashion. It presently does not.

Edited by Moriam
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I don't play a merc. But I get the jist of what you are saying. I don't want them to take away Force Bubble. I think it is a needed cooldown as you say. Now that you mention it though I think Force Barrier is pretty analagous to the operative/scoundrel cloaking screen. I just wonder if it is a little overpowered. Both sorc/sage and operative/scoundrel healers have a get-out-of-jail-cooldown, but Mercs/Mandos really don't have much.


Also sorcs have great mobility. Force speed can be specced to remove roots/snares, and its cd can be brought down to 15 seconds.


I dont play much ranged classes in pvp (i get bored stay away and cast your abilities kinda play) i enjoy only true melee classes (marauder and juggernaut - rep versions animations are lame :)) and i must say easiest class (as dps) to kill for a melee is merc. and most mercs making this easier for you since they dont check your butt-debuff section and also use push back after i jump them. On the other hand hardest healer class to kill is mercs. since they have insane burst healing and good immunity to interrupts and push backs. I find it easier to kill operative-scoundrel healers (main main is scoundrel healer for pve so i know it very good so i have more couners for that but i like killing in pvp not healing) after 3.0. But i must admit merc dps doesnt have real go to deffensive cd but must say with 3.0 mobility increase and insane damage ability merc dps is harder to kill now, of course nerf on gore makes my burst less effective now. Still mercs are in metter place compared to pre 3.0.

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I see it used wisely. I see Operatives use it and get away behind a pillar and we don't notice. It is counter-able, but it requires some thinking ahead. Force barrier should have a counter in some form or fashion. It presently does not.


The counter is that the player has to sit there for 8 seconds out of combat doing nothing. Every other escape ability allows the player to move, hide away, etc. Except for the DoT then Barrier scenario, it can't be used offensively.


Think about what you all are saying:


"I don't like that I can't kill this Sorcerer. Sure, he can't do anything to me, but I should be able to bypass his defenses so he has no chance."


That's BS. If you don't like your class, play another and see if the grass is as greener as you think it is. I have multiples of them all. Do you?

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I see it used wisely. I see Operatives use it and get away behind a pillar and we don't notice. It is counter-able, but it requires some thinking ahead. Force barrier should have a counter in some form or fashion. It presently does not.


That's the difference. CS requires skill and timing to be effective, and can be countered.

Bubble requires no skill at all, and is impossible to counter.


That's far from analogous.

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I don't agree that force barrier needs to go but I do believe that after its finished sorcs should not get an immunity. Yes sorcs would be burned down but that would make this support class heavy depended on teamwork to survive just like dps mercs.


or...give mercs dcds and heals that are in the same league (let along ball park) as sorcs (sorry, but heavy vs. light armor has been relatively insignificant since launch).


I don't know what to do with snipers. I don't see them played well (in ranked) often enough to say what they need. as an opponent, I'll say 1v1 them requires los if they're any good at all. I'm guessing their problem is focus fire -- same as mercs in yolo.

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That's the difference. CS requires skill and timing to be effective, and can be countered.

Bubble requires no skill at all, and is impossible to counter.


That's far from analogous.


If you think it takes no skill, fine. Play a Sorcerer and see for yourself what happens. Watch what happens when you get mezzed or stunned right as it drops and the opponents let your absorb shield fall, then kill you.

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or...give mercs dcds and heals that are in the same league (let along ball park) as sorcs (sorry, but heavy vs. light armor has been relatively insignificant since launch).


I have no problem with that. And that's the right way to handle it. Give Mercs a power in the league of FD/ED, Force Barrier or Vanish. If it were up to me, for Mercs (not PTs) Kolto Overload wouldn't have the 35% limit. Do that and Mercs immediately have a very potent escape/heal for ten seconds.


I don't know what to do with snipers. I don't see them played well (in ranked) often enough to say what they need. as an opponent, I'll say 1v1 them requires los if they're any good at all. I'm guessing their problem is focus fire -- same as mercs in yolo.


Their Dodge needs to last longer, around 5-6 seconds IMO.

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If you think it takes no skill, fine. Play a Sorcerer and see for yourself what happens. Watch what happens when you get mezzed or stunned right as it drops and the opponents let your absorb shield fall, then kill you.


Takes no skill = push one button and it will work. No matter the circumstances, you are safe for 8 sec (or even healing). And when it fades, you also get a massive damage absorption AND interrupt immunity. Cloaking screen doesn't even comes close to that. What, you want stun immunity in Enduring Bastion too?

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If you can't damage through a force barrier then you shouldn't be able to heal through it either. Killing a sorc is hard enough. Between their bubbles, heals, stuns, knock backs, roots, force speed... It's just dumb trying to take them down.


Everyone focusing a sorc, only to have him barrier, heal to full... It's simply a broken mechanic. I realize it's on a 3 min cool down but in a heated pvp battle when you are battling to get a node that barrier can easily turn a battle. When there are 3-4 sorcs per match it's almost like the enemy team is using barrier constantly.


Give mercs a barrier like that for the love of God. Their defense is a joke.


Ps fix shoulder Cannon


Someone sounds jelly.....u mad bro? Ok, granted I'm not dumb enough to play Merc since dps Merc has been cannon fodder since beta, but damn, don't rip down Sorcs. Sorcs have had their tough times too man.


Merc isn't the ONLY class to get torn to bits in no time, ever play a Mara?


But I agree, Mara, Merc and Sniper could all use some DCD and/or self healing help. The way PT, Sins and Sorc are pumping out dps post 3.0 is a little out of whack. AP PT are boss mode now with their burst, it's downright scary.

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I don't play a merc. But I get the jist of what you are saying. I don't want them to take away Force Bubble. I think it is a needed cooldown as you say. Now that you mention it though I think Force Barrier is pretty analagous to the operative/scoundrel cloaking screen. I just wonder if it is a little overpowered. Both sorc/sage and operative/scoundrel healers have a get-out-of-jail-cooldown, but Mercs/Mandos really don't have much.


Also sorcs have great mobility. Force speed can be specced to remove roots/snares, and its cd can be brought down to 15 seconds.


No one, and I mean no one, uses the reduced cd on force speed in arena, there are too many other necessary heroic utilities that take priority for arena.

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Takes no skill = push one button and it will work. No matter the circumstances, you are safe for 8 sec (or even healing). And when it fades, you also get a massive damage absorption AND interrupt immunity. Cloaking screen doesn't even comes close to that. What, you want stun immunity in Enduring Bastion too?


You're right, Cloaking screen is substantially better. It takes you out of combat entirely. You're gone. You can go off heal, mezz the opponent, and now you even can get a purge with it. And no one asked for stun immunity, not sure where you got that strawman. I was trying to help you since you seem not to see how easy it is to counter Enduring Bastion.


That's the rub about these classes. If you like one class's advantages, you have the option to play it. When I'm playing one character or another, I always miss powers from other classes. So again, if you think Sorcerers have it so good, play one.

Edited by Master-Nala
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You're right, Cloaking screen is substantially better. It takes you out of combat entirely.


Nope, it doesn't. It's bugged. Sometimes you don't exit combat not even after dying and respawning.

And like I said before, it's too unreliable. Sometimes you use it just to pop back from stealth a second later due to AOEs, delayed attacks or bugs.

Edited by JFoxstride
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Nope, it doesn't. It's bugged. Sometimes you don't exit combat not even after dying and respawning.

And like I said before, it's too unreliable. Sometimes you use it just to pop back from stealth a second later due to AOEs, delayed attacks or bugs.


Then lets fix the bug. If it worked properly, it is a significant cooldown.

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No one, and I mean no one, uses the reduced cd on force speed in arena, there are too many other necessary heroic utilities that take priority for arena.


Fine, but most people do get the masterful talent which breaks roots/slows. It is on a 20 second cooldown. Sorc/sages have decent mobility.

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If you can't damage through focused defense then you shouldn't be able to heal through it either. Killing a guardian is hard enough. Between their leaps, saber ward immunity, stuns, knock back, roots, saber reflect... It's just dumb trying to take them down.


Everyone focusing a guardian, only to have him focus defense, heal to full... It's simply a broken mechanic. I realize it's on a 3 min cool down but in a heated pvp battle when you are battling to get a node that ability can easily turn a battle. When there are 3-4 guardians per match it's almost like the enemy team is using focused defense constantly.


Give mercs an ability like that for the love of God. Their defense is a joke.


Ps fix shoulder Cannon





btw electro net prevents the use of being able to barrier..just thought you should know..


my main is also a guardian and that's how I feel about him


im not letting this go ignored

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Fine, but most people do get the masterful talent which breaks roots/slows. It is on a 20 second cooldown. Sorc/sages have decent mobility.


I agree, but much of our survivalbility is tied to our mobility, and with our lack of burst (madness has no burst in 3.0, and lighting's burst is only "good" when we get a crit/proc chain on someone with zero passive aoe damage reduction) we need up-time to do meaningful damage.


You want to neuter sorc's off healing and mobility, fine, but if you do that we need to hit much harder in both specs (and before someone throws dps/overall damage output, I know that sorcs are the best number whore class atm).

Edited by alexsamma
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I agree, but much of our survivalbility is tied to our mobility, and with our lack of burst (madness has no burst in 3.0, and lighting's burst is only "good" when we get a crit/proc chain on someone with zero passive aoe damage reduction) we need up-time to do meaningful damage.


You want to neuter sorc's off healing and mobility, fine, but if you do that we need to hit much harder in both specs (and before someone throws dps/overall damage output, I know that sorcs are the best number whore class atm).


Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said I want to nerf Sorc off healing and/or mobility. I think force barrier may be a tad bit OP is all.


I was just replying to someone who said that powertechs have better mobility/defenses. Which I agree powertechs are very mobile, but I think sages/sorcs don't have it as bad as he believes.

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Maybe force barrier needs a longer cool down, like 6 min or even 10. 3 min cool down isn't that much in a long game. Focusing a sorc only to have them barrier and heal to full and keep Blasting or healing is just not fun and when you are dealing with such a high population of sorcs it begins to get a absurd. It's a never ending rotation of the enemy team being immune to everything while they heal.


What other class can do this?

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