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Skill trainer inside stronghold and story ship


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Like the title says it would be wonderful if we could have his skill trainer stationed inside our stronghold and our class ship I know that people paid flirt holographic statue and that's fine but for all of us that missed out on it it's hard to find counterparts in counterparts in the cartel packs and it would make the game a lot more convenient and fun if we could have skilled trainers stationed in our stronghold and our class story ships because from the way the cartel market is holographi holographic trainers its like playing and a lot of us cannot affor and a lot of us cannot afford to be spending upwards to 7,000 cartel coins to try our luck


in stronghold in stores in stronghold in stores ships would be a great idea please pos what you think about it under m what you think about it under my topic yes they would be a decoration but decorations in you decorations in your stronghold well we can have permanent 24 /7 ou permanent 24 /7 our trainer ready for us so we don't have to spen 92 92 3 hours in the middle of a quest then having to give up on the quest and look for a trainer in the middle of a quest then having to give up on the quest and look for a trainer just so we can continue the quest its annoying also the free passes take too long to recharge you have to wait 9 hours for those things we charge for 12 hours and just to use that just to get your skills from her makes the game really not fun so if we could have a permanent skill trainer a holographic one or decoration of one that functions as a school planner stationed in are strongholds and our story ships I think this would make everybody happy because even when you find one sometimes you outgrow the level restrictions of that trainer and you are not able to use him besides how many people are really enjoying having to go back to the fleet every time they want to improve their skills and have to search all over the fleet for the skill trainer guy please post your feedback under this post thank you very much I hope this is implemented in the game for all our player for all the players that have trouble with this and I hope this makes the game a lot more enjoyable for everybody because if the game is not enjoyable people leave it and I would hate to see that happen so let's make the game a little bit more fun and a little bit more convenient i holographi holographic statues for Republican Empire Republic and Empire for skilled trainers could just be bought in the cartel market as a separate item I'm sure people would pay for that and just make that item account wide or till after wide but yes people would pay money to get them hands on that I know I would and my money I'm talking about the cartel coins of course you have to buy subscription cards to get those coins

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