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Leaving WZ Matches Early


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I feel like this is a problem that should be addressed. It is quite annoying and unfair when you are in a WZ such as ancient hyper gate and your team starts off losing early, and 2-3 just drop out. You then have to wait for additional players to be added or don't get any at all. Your team then loses ALL momentum and also becomes at a huge disadvantage in that period of bringing in new players. "I will admit that there are occasional times when you end up getting better players which end helping your team more, but this is usually not the case." I have also seen treads about people doing this in sub 60 as well to avoid leveling up. That's a slightly different problem, but both seem to be subjects to address.


Bioware: Maybe they should be penalized for leaving early, or possibly reward those who stay. Ultimately I don't have a perfect and ideal solution, but it just seems unfair and annoying. I think that most people would agree unless they are the people doing it. Anyone have any good ideas or solutions to contribute?

Edited by bzotta
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I found a long post about what one person feels is "wrong" with pvp. In that post, I found something that might be a suggestion:


" 2. Find a way to boost unequal teams. In other words 7 vs 8 tends to not be a fair fight. Especially when the full team is better geared. You need to give the under manned team an additional healing and damage bonus to make up for the missing team mates. And in the course of the match, if the teams become equal or fully manned, you take the boost away."


This would allow ppl that want to leave, to leave, with no penalty to either them or the team they left.

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IBioware: Maybe they should be penalized for leaving early, or possibly reward those who stay. Ultimately I don't have a perfect and ideal solution, but it just seems unfair and annoying. I think that most people would agree unless they are the people doing it. Anyone have any good ideas or solutions to contribute?


They can't penalize players for leaving early while still allowing premades to go up against pugs. People would leave the game in disgust.

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I found a long post about what one person feels is "wrong" with pvp. In that post, I found something that might be a suggestion:


" 2. Find a way to boost unequal teams. In other words 7 vs 8 tends to not be a fair fight. Especially when the full team is better geared. You need to give the under manned team an additional healing and damage bonus to make up for the missing team mates. And in the course of the match, if the teams become equal or fully manned, you take the boost away."


This would allow ppl that want to leave, to leave, with no penalty to either them or the team they left.



I'd tell 3 people to f-off at the start of every warzone just so i could roflstomp entire groups of players on my own.



See the problem with this suggestion?

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It's my right to leave the WZ match early.


Too many times I get put in an AH match full of crap players who don't play the objective and think it's TDM or go up against a premade who just slaughters the pugs. AH is one of the longer WZ's so instead of spending 10 minutes on a loss I'll take my chances at a re-Queue or just go do something else.


I do the same thing if I queue for ranked and 2 people on my team have <1900 expertise. Just not gonna waste my time when I'm just gonna end up walking out with practically no comms.

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I reserve the right to leave a match early. Penalizing people who leave early would do one of three things:


1. Instead of leaving they will just afk on the node their team holds and farm medals and do nothing to stop caps.

2. Get them pissed so they intentionally sabotage their own team to end the match quicker.

3. Make them stop queueing altogether.


My guess is number 1 would happen a lot as it already happens a lot. That is more annoying than getting replacements. The only reason I leave a team is because:


A. It is queshball.

B. I don't want to be stuck with the same idiots who can't seem to cap when they have 7 versus 2 players, while I am calling for help against 6 of them. So, I leave to get in rotation with other players.


P.S. Premade versus pugs is not a problem IMO. I've stomped premades with a team of pugs. I've been stomped by pugs while premading. All comes down to skill of player. If a premade is stomping you get some friends or learn to play better.

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.......................................Bioware: Maybe they should be penalized for leaving early, or possibly reward those who stay. Ultimately I don't have a perfect and ideal solution, but it just seems unfair and annoying. I think that most people would agree unless they are the people doing it. Anyone have any good ideas or solutions to contribute?


Is it more annoying than being lumbered with people with <2018 expertise, you know the score, people in 186/192 PVE gear gimping their whole team?

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I guess you like forcing people to stay in a match weather they like to or not. I guess you like forcing YOUR will and playing on other people.


Are you a communist? :confused:


Tell you what buddy. If I get a match that is 6 on 8 against a pre-made I am leaving. If I get a 4v4 unranked, I am leaving. Deal with it. Sick of these elitist PVPers with egos the size of the moon.


Is it more annoying than being lumbered with people with <2018 expertise, you know the score, people in 186/192 PVE gear gimping their whole team?


Ya, those people that hit 6o and don't have full pvp gear yet....HOW DARE they play not having full set of PVP gear the second they hit 60...even though they have to play PVP at 60 to get the comms to get it. ;)


Yep, another elitist egomanic PVPer.


I have been in PVP with only 2-3 pieces of gear obtained so far and been in top 3 while we won the match, all the time. Maybe you just need to learn to communicate in the match.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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If you are good then the fodder refreshing is irrelevant, if you are bad I can see why you don't like it when the good player leaves the abortion. So logically the only people who would complain about people leaving, are bad people.


To You: I didn't post to receive criticism toward me and other players. I posted to have a discussion. I love how you automatically imply that I'm bad because of a post. Please... I agree that often it is the good "competitive" player who tend to leave. I chose not to because I want the coms. But despite what your little brain can handle.... YES your team is disadvantaged when your waiting for a full spawn of 3 news players. We are talking at least 30 seconds to 1 minute to replace these people and have them in the fight. That's 8v5 if your unsure of the math there. Even if you have 1 healer, you are still at a major disadvantage. They can have 2 on the healer and 6 on the other 4. I promise you will get your *** kicked in that situation. Doesn't matter how good you are unless the other team is horrible. But in this situation they wouldn't be, because your team members would have never left in the first place. 90% of my game play is PVP. I know what I'm talking about.


To everyone else: Thanks for the responses without criticism. After reading, I do agree that it would not work to penalize those who leave. But as I said, maybe there is still a way to reward those who stay as an incentive to stay.

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I feel like this is a problem that should be addressed. It is quite annoying and unfair when you are in a WZ such as ancient hyper gate and your team starts off losing early, and 2-3 just drop out. You then have to wait for additional players to be added or don't get any at all. Your team then loses ALL momentum and also becomes at a huge disadvantage in that period of bringing in new players. "I will admit that there are occasional times when you end up getting better players which end helping your team more, but this is usually not the case." I have also seen treads about people doing this in sub 60 as well to avoid leveling up. That's a slightly different problem, but both seem to be subjects to address.


Bioware: Maybe they should be penalized for leaving early, or possibly reward those who stay. Ultimately I don't have a perfect and ideal solution, but it just seems unfair and annoying. I think that most people would agree unless they are the people doing it. Anyone have any good ideas or solutions to contribute?


very long time.... people leave.. no choice to what you want to play.. it happens

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In regards to premades. As I stated in previous posts, PREMADES are only a problem because Boiware has time and time again failed to address the balance problem with Tanks/Healers in groups. A premade full of DPS would not be an issue but most PREMADES follow the same basic formula. Tank + Healer = win. So before complaining about PREMADES first consider what makes them so OP in the first place.
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This is a new and refreshing topic for the pvp forums, I see we've also drifted into a riveting anti-premade sup-topic as well. Perhaps we can get someone to comment on "forced to pvp" while doing the gree event? That way we can hit the trifecta for old and tired arguments all in one thread!


If you reserve the right to death match, I reserve the right to leave. /discussion.

Edited by Ridickilis
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That's not a premade.


Why are you quoting me on that? I never said a team full of DPS was a premade. I said any team that comes in as full DPS wouldn't be a premade (an issue...)... I said premades are healer/tanks that makes them OP by exploiting the balance issue that BIoware has thus far failed to address.

Edited by chosonman
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I feel like this is a problem that should be addressed. It is quite annoying and unfair when you are in a WZ such as ancient hyper gate and your team starts off losing early, and 2-3 just drop out. You then have to wait for additional players to be added or don't get any at all. Your team then loses ALL momentum and also becomes at a huge disadvantage in that period of bringing in new players. "I will admit that there are occasional times when you end up getting better players which end helping your team more, but this is usually not the case." I have also seen treads about people doing this in sub 60 as well to avoid leveling up. That's a slightly different problem, but both seem to be subjects to address.


Bioware: Maybe they should be penalized for leaving early, or possibly reward those who stay. Ultimately I don't have a perfect and ideal solution, but it just seems unfair and annoying. I think that most people would agree unless they are the people doing it. Anyone have any good ideas or solutions to contribute?


A penalty for leaving a wz will just result in me doing dailies or logging into another toon and will just result in other players going afk. When BW adds cross server + matchmaking + the ability to permanently delete hypergate and queshball from my list of wz queues then maybe I'll be in favor of a penalty for people leaving. Until then, **** hypergate. I'll alt+f4 on that map if I have to. Queshball I can somewhat tolerate but I still hate that map. If I'm on my sorc I might stay because the map is so lulzy that its ezmode for ranged with its **** design. Melee? I'll probably leave because of its **** design.

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I used to hardly ever leave matches but after 3.0 i'm finding myself leaving much more. Usually it is because i don't like people i'm grouped with. Or i see the other team and I know it is a premade off the bat. If i'm there for more than a few minutes I won't leave.. I don't care if i win or loose so much doesn't bother me out side of ranked but i rather not be getting pub stomped.. i'll leave and come back a bit later when they finished their dailies. Other reason for leaving.. Real life kicks in and i have to feed or change the kiddo, this usually happens when my team is winning though :-(


If/when they make cross server queues it would be nice if they could put a group que and a solo unranked queue.

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We have a lockout from queuing for a group for a fp if you leave, don't we? WoW has a lockout for battlegrounds if you choose to leave. There should be a lockout from doing warzones if you leave prematurely. Now before all of you cry babies wine about not being able to leave your warzone....you can, you just have to wait until you can jump back into one. Stop being butt-hurt about losing a warzone. It happens to everyone.


You aren't some special snowflake who gets to win everytime. If you are playing with people who you think are "*******" work with them to make them better. Don't simply antagonize and be an ***.


If you can't do that, then just quit pvp. You have to be thick-skinned. You SHOULD on average lose half of your matches. Live with it.

Edited by Moriam
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