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So, whats the counter for Powertech/Vang?


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This QQ train about burst is funny. On TOFN in yolo I'm the first target as an AP PT, they usually take me out first in every game amongst my team. Frankly if you let an AP PT run around you deserve to die.


AP PTs have THE most predictable burst in the game. You have 2 *********** bombs ticking on you, if you stand like a melon taking this to the face then more fool you. Also, know that when I fire one rocket I sure as hell ain't sitting on the other 6.


Frankly a good concelment op laughs all over us and literally makes us look like fools. Sins who know when to use their two shrouds can cause trouble. Sage who knows about bubble is trouble. Snipers who roll at the right time and flash bang our explosive fuel or shield are trouble. Basically, any class in this game can be countered in one way or another to some extent. If what you see in that video happens to you, son you have some L2P issues.

Edited by mrkmcknz
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This QQ train about burst is funny. On TOFN in yolo I'm the first target as an AP PT


Of course you are, because if you're allowed to live for more than five seconds you're going to obliterate the other team.


Frankly a good concelment op laughs all over us and literally makes us look like fools


This statement is utterly hilarious. I'm in the same guild as arguably one of (perhaps even the) best concealment ops on my server and half decent AP PT's give him a good amount of trouble. I'd wager a bet that an AP PT near his skill level could probably kill him.


So, frankly, if you're getting beaten by concealment ops, perhaps you're the one who needs to L2P your PT.

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This QQ train about burst is funny. On TOFN in yolo I'm the first target as an AP PT, they usually take me out first in every game amongst my team. Frankly if you let an AP PT run around you deserve to die.


AP PTs have THE most predictable burst in the game. You have 2 *********** bombs ticking on you, if you stand like a melon taking this to the face then more fool you. Also, know that when I fire one rocket I sure as hell ain't sitting on the other 6.


Frankly a good concelment op laughs all over us and literally makes us look like fools. Sins who know when to use their two shrouds can cause trouble. Sage who knows about bubble is trouble. Snipers who roll at the right time and flash bang our explosive fuel or shield are trouble. Basically, any class in this game can be countered in one way or another to some extent. If what you see in that video happens to you, son you have some L2P issues.



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So, frankly, if you're getting beaten by concealment ops, perhaps you're the one who needs to L2P your PT.


You know that an AP PT dmg is mainly done by the bombs and rockets? And that a concealment op can roll and take 0, nadda dmg for 1.5s. Frankly, the only way to kill a good concealment op is with stuns. Eat the carbonize and break the hard stun. GG PT. Beaten by knives and rolls.

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Have you ever seen pt in ranked arenas? They die fast under focus with no tank to protect them. So the answer to you question on how to counter a pt? Focus him down he'll be dead in 3 secs.


that's only partially true though. when I was on tactics, we focused a merc healer, and we both died about the same time (3dps/1heal match). I was off the board, but so was their healer. we won both rounds that way. the AC is certainly killable under focus, but...he's still gonna take you with him -- at the very least he will if the ICD out of play. his team is focusing one of your guys too...and with him, they're prolly doing more dmg.

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Give Shoulder Cannon back its 1.5s internal CD (it's currently 0.5s, which is just lol), and AP is fine. That is seriously the one thing making the burst OP. Everything else has a huge delay, and any decent player worth his salt will utilize his CD's to counter it.


Possibly even tone the HO buff heroic talent down to maybe an 25% rather than it's current 50%.


Those are the only two real changes needed to fix AP at the moment.


Naturally, when we receive the inevitable nerf, Bioware will do all the above, plus nerf all the other abilities damage by 10%, because they have no idea how to nerf/buff without breaking everything., and PT will have two useless specs in pvp instead of one amazing and one garbage.


But as to the OP, a good concealment op, read; one that times his DCD's correctly, a good jug, and sins, can all give a PT a fair fight. Also madness sorc.


Tbh, the only AC's that don't really have much to counter a PT with are Maras, Snipers, and Mercs (who can't counter a whole lot of things).

Edited by KainrycKarr
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Are you seriously going to try to tell me that there's nothing wrong with THIS?



Yeah that was really fast. But still, he got some lucky delayed crits under that buff, he can't do that all the time. Sins can do this too (but in real time, not in delayed mode) with 3 stacks and then use it one more time after re-stealth. :)

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Focus the **** out of them? Their burst is predictable, a lot of classes can negate a lot of it if you play them right.


Sure they'll pull good numbers for the amount of time they survive, but yeh, focussing them is pretty much all you can do. That Hold the line is OP though Jesus, my poor roots :(

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Give Shoulder Cannon back its 1.5s internal CD (it's currently 0.5s, which is just lol), and AP is fine. That is seriously the one thing making the burst OP. Everything else has a huge delay, and any decent player worth his salt will utilize his CD's to counter it.


Possibly even tone the HO buff heroic talent down to maybe an 25% rather than it's current 50%.


Those are the only two real changes needed to fix AP at the moment.


Naturally, when we receive the inevitable nerf, Bioware will do all the above, plus nerf all the other abilities damage by 10%, because they have no idea how to nerf/buff without breaking everything., and PT will have two useless specs in pvp instead of one amazing and one garbage.


But as to the OP, a good concealment op, read; one that times his DCD's correctly, a good jug, and sins, can all give a PT a fair fight. Also madness sorc.


Tbh, the only AC's that don't really have much to counter a PT with are Maras, Snipers, and Mercs (who can't counter a whole lot of things).

Sums up my thoughts nicely...

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