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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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Was that from a lvl 60 match? Because if not it doesn't really count. Overall damage should be alot higher if that was endgame pvp.


Not necessarily. The way bolster hits augments with endurance, there can be a lot more health in midbies running no augments on their DPS.

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I agree Sorcs are retarded and I do not think Sages have similar abilities even thou they are supposed to be mirrors. Healing and CC in 'general' is very broken in PvP. Was before the recent update even more so now. Go into any WZ and Imps are running either Sorc or Sin with a few random other classes to fill out a group. I have a Sorc , wanted to see myself if it was as bad as I thought....and it is, I do insane amounts of dps even at a low level.



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Not necessarily. The way bolster hits augments with endurance, there can be a lot more health in midbies running no augments on their DPS.


I only assume that because the score is 50 - 0 which looks like it would have been a long game. I have been in a matches that last that long and players start hitting the 1.5mil+ seen a couple of screen shots from voidstars with 3mil form a sorc :o

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I only assume that because the score is 50 - 0 which looks like it would have been a long game. I have been in a matches that last that long and players start hitting the 1.5mil+ seen a couple of screen shots from voidstars with 3mil form a sorc :o


Dude. That screenshot he posted he is highlighting a 3.5 mil damage total.

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Was that from a lvl 60 match? Because if not it doesn't really count. Overall damage should be alot higher if that was endgame pvp.


Jug/Guard dps has taken a hit from where it was but in pvp BUT we make up for it with survivability, with all the big hitters running around we are still the first to jump into the middle of everything and have sustainable dps whilst in the middle of all the shizzle being thrown around.


Yes, that is a level sixty match, and yes it was a long game... but anytime you see that kind of dps (with those damage numbers) it has to be a long game.

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I only assume that because the score is 50 - 0 which looks like it would have been a long game. I have been in a matches that last that long and players start hitting the 1.5mil+ seen a couple of screen shots from voidstars with 3mil form a sorc :o


The biggest issue I have with breaking high damage/dps on my jugg is that if I play it right I have too much downtime. Honestly, the only time jugg dps feels like it is lacking is when there is a tank riding me, a good healer, and someone else off healing.

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I predicted this very thread back a little while ago! LOL


Sorcs are NOT "OP". They can now FINALLY have a chance to survive rather than just be slaughtered, and I am sure a lot of (mostly melee) people do not like that.


Let Sorcs enjoy being competitive for a change. I do agree, with all of the whining that they will get nerfed soon enough.


Sorcs have never been slaughtered unless focused, as does pretty much any class. They are a ranged class and therefore should not have much survivability. They have freaking range on their side. They can just sit in the corner and DPS all of the melee fighting it out in the middle. If a melee jumps to them then they can kite which should be their main for of defense. If you get focused, tough luck just like everyone else. Great survivability should come from their skill at using the character to maintain distance. Distance is their advantage. They should not just simply be granted great survivability along with range and high dps. They basically get everything. Melee and tank classes should mainly be the classes with the best survivability as they are targeted often and a lot. Every class has a weakness. Answer me this.... what is the sorc's weakness?

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Sorcs have never been slaughtered unless focused, as does pretty much any class. They are a ranged class and therefore should not have much survivability. They have freaking range on their side. They can just sit in the corner and DPS all of the melee fighting it out in the middle. If a melee jumps to them then they can kite which should be their main for of defense. If you get focused, tough luck just like everyone else. Great survivability should come from their skill at using the character to maintain distance. Distance is their advantage. They should not just simply be granted great survivability along with range and high dps. They basically get everything. Melee and tank classes should mainly be the classes with the best survivability as they are targeted often and a lot. Every class has a weakness. Answer me this.... what is the sorc's weakness?


im sorry but this is kinda silly... "finally have a chance" how much chance do you want need?

As a merc i find this silly.. i mean you have a better bubble than i do, plus a second immunity bubble.. better heals, and emergency heal, more knockbacks, roots, an escape ability... plus now.. uncleanseable dots and attacks that heal you... cry me a friggin river, seriously... were the same meta class.. ranged hybrid, and youve got 10 times the survivbility tools that i do.. and do more damage.

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Sorcs have never been slaughtered unless focused, as does pretty much any class. They are a ranged class and therefore should not have much survivability. They have freaking range on their side. They can just sit in the corner and DPS all of the melee fighting it out in the middle. If a melee jumps to them then they can kite which should be their main for of defense. If you get focused, tough luck just like everyone else. Great survivability should come from their skill at using the character to maintain distance. Distance is their advantage. They should not just simply be granted great survivability along with range and high dps. They basically get everything. Melee and tank classes should mainly be the classes with the best survivability as they are targeted often and a lot. Every class has a weakness. Answer me this.... what is the sorc's weakness?


So you're saying "unless focused" and you see, there's your problem with understanding how arena works. It's not the question of "if" but "how good will they focus me". Unless I have a vanguard on my team I'm pretty much always the target. If you ever play a sorc/sage in ranked you'll get the idea, right now it's clear you have no clue what you're on about.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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So you're saying "unless focused" and you see, there's your problem with understanding how arena works. It's not the question of "if" but "how good will they focus me". Unless I have a vanguard on my team I'm pretty much always the target. If you ever play a sorc/sage in ranked you'll get the idea, right now it's clear you have no clue what you're on about.


He also thinks that range is a thing in this game... you know... because gap closing as a melee is super hard o.O.


It's funny, most people that I know who complain about sages/sorcs don't really have an issue dealing with one or two, once you talk to them you find out that they are actually complaining about stacked sages/sorcs... because class stacking in this game is only effective when it's sage/sorcs

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Yes, that is a level sixty match, and yes it was a long game... but anytime you see that kind of dps (with those damage numbers) it has to be a long game.


But then again with a long game numbers can get that high if there is a constant battle in the mid node. Patch has just come through and the damage is always going to be a problem. Give it a few weeks and when the devs have seen enough people leaving pvp they will throw out some nerfs. They lowered dps but obviously not be enough because these things are still happening.

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Dude. That screenshot he posted he is highlighting a 3.5 mil damage total.


Long games happen, nothing we can do about that (i prefer a longer tough match). If there was a healer there he could have done just as much with a long game. Balance will never be perfect but it will be made better, the devs are not blind they must know this is happening but they need to talk things out before making changes.

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I agree Sorcs are retarded and I do not think Sages have similar abilities even thou they are supposed to be mirrors..


I was wondering about this cause I have a sage, and it's hard to take down a Sorc. Once I get them down to low HP and they hit the Force Shield they go back to 100% HP, and I don't see them casting any skills. Then there is this root thing which I don't seem to have. Everyone is immune to my force wave which is supposed to root them for 2s (with the utility).


I have a soc though but haven't play it since x12.

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Ignoring the fact that sorcs are a completely broken class, which I despise honestly, it's the sheer amount of rats that play this stupid class that downs me.

Are people really that simple minded and mentally impaired that they can't play anything else but the most ****ed up class?

And BioWare...oh God, so many insults I wish I could feed you for Christmas...

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1) I love what they've done with lightning, their heart was in the right place. It's how the spec should of been a long time ago.


2) Sorc survivability is insane right now. Any spec. Just absurd. I often get 1mil dps / 600k healing as madness.


3) Yeah, it's a bit out of wack right now, but the QQ fits just make me want to play it more. I'm putting up simular numbers on most of my toons right now.


4) Where's all the AP PT QQ threads? lol. They're probably in the best position to dominate pvp right now.

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4) Where's all the AP PT QQ threads? lol. They're probably in the best position to dominate pvp right now.


You won't see many QQs about PT/VG because of how easy it is to melt them in return, they last about 3 seconds if focused fired. Can you say the same about sorcs?

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You won't see many QQs about PT/VG because of how easy it is to melt them in return, they last about 3 seconds if focused fired. Can you say the same about sorcs?


yes. if pt/vg has their CDs they can live longer. Likewise if sorc is focused and has their one CD off a 3 minute CD they can live for another 10seconds at least but during those 10 second they can do nothing. other than hope for a heal.

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They better nerf PT/VG if they nerf sorcs/sages, and Marauder/Juggernaught as well along with smuggler/agents. What the hell, let's all go back to before 3.0 when sorcs got easily slaughtered and pretty much were forced to go madness in pvp since lightning sucked balls.


We FINALLY get to play lightning in pvp and it's so gosh darn fun! Do we hurt? Yes! Do we have survivability skills? YES! Are we invincible? NO! We are still as squishy as we were before 3.0 and assassins are our nemesis (if you ask me). Lightning sorcs rely on proccs, so if you stop them from getting these proccs, they will die. Fast.

Thundering blast gives us that instant chain lightning which empowers our lightning storm which proccs our chain lightning once more. If you keep us from using our thundering blast you will EASILY destroy us. People are qqing because they actually have to use their brains in order to kill sorcs nowadays, and it's so amusing!


I have seen people elegantly disarm every single move I've tried to make and just destroyed me right there because they knew exactly what I was trying to do. If you really want to be good at pvp you should really lvl all four classes so you have a clue about what's going on.

Edited by Loxei
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