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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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By your logic sniper and merc should get a barrier. Neither class can deal with arena focus. Also since sorc has barrier the chances nonsorc classes get focused more has gone up if they're paired with a sorc.


Also been playing since launch and your sorc sob story has no foundation. There have always been a healthy population of dps sorcs and there always will be. If they were as bad as you outlined then we wouldnt see to many of them (reference sniper and merc). Maybe that was your progression because you were bad.


Also I'll keep rockin your dudes playin girl toons, paper bag em and won't call back.


Sorc = squishiest class in game. Has zero damage mitigation other than bubble which usually gets taken down in one ability.

I honestly do not see how barrier is any better than things like Enraged Defense, Undying Rage, Shroud, Reflect + Mass Mind Control (80% damage reduction for sins for 6s, 50% for second 6 if you stack these), Evasion. Barrier can be on for as long as 8s, but you are literally standing still. You are clear as day to see from anywhere on the map that there is a barriered sorc, not moving, not casting, they're desperate, and only bads wouldn't hard switch to a nearby target for 4-5s then switch back to that sorc and destroy them.


The other abilities I've compared to are more useful in my opinion because they can be used on the move, and can still cast while using them. Can't count how many times on my jugg I've healed to full with enraged defense then popped saber ward afterwards and just massively turned the tide of a fight, while still moving, while still casting, while still exerting control in the fight allowing me to be aggressive and put pressure on my enemies. Sorcs, yea they're a ***** to kill, but half the time they're just running around trying to escape you, and when they're in trouble they have to stop fighting for 8 seconds and sit completely still.


I've played Sorc, Jugg, Assassin and I think of the 3 sorcs are overall the weakest/least versatile in 4v4. They are great reg stompers, mostly because of the extra space to play with, and bads don't take advantage of sorcs weaknesses allowing them to survive and cast all day. Of the 3 specs, I think Hatred Assassin > Veng Jugg > Lightning sorc. However, I have the most FUN playing my sorc, even though I don't feel quite as powerful. They're mobile/fast have cool animations, and kiting is fun sometimes.


Also, you're just flat wrong that sorc DPS has been popular for a long time. That wasn't true since early 1.x when hybrids were possible. Lightning is finally a playable and fun spec.

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By your logic sniper and merc should get a barrier. Neither class can deal with arena focus. Also since sorc has barrier the chances nonsorc classes get focused more has gone up if they're paired with a sorc.


Also been playing since launch and your sorc sob story has no foundation. There have always been a healthy population of dps sorcs and there always will be. If they were as bad as you outlined then we wouldnt see to many of them (reference sniper and merc). Maybe that was your progression because you were bad.


Also I'll keep rockin your dudes playin girl toons, paper bag em and won't call back.


There have always been an abundance of force-sensitive classes in a star wars game, yes. Shocker. By no means is that a representation of class balance. Lets be honest here, before egress/fadeout sorcs were useless. End of story. Anyone who disagrees is clueless.


Then came barrier, a strong cooldown that is absolutely F HORRIBLE in its design. At least the pala bubble in WoW lets the user run around, but seriously - self stun just to be immune to damage? No one asked for it. Few likes it. Do we need an oh **** button? Yes. Do we need it more than mercs? Dont know.


Thats besides the point and while you seem slightly rational you should be able to deduce that for yourself. Stop jumping on a bandwagon with ill conceived arguments. Some other classes need help but thats not what we're talking about here.


Also, you point out that other classes has become targets since sorc/sage got barrier. Ok. I should care why? We've spent 2.5 years being targeted first and then you make it sound criminal other classes get that treatment?


Inb4 "you only play sorc"


/ Signed person with 18 level 60s

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There have always been an abundance of force-sensitive classes in a star wars game, yes. Shocker. By no means is that a representation of class balance. Lets be honest here, before egress/fadeout sorcs were useless. End of story. Anyone who disagrees is clueless.


Then came barrier, a strong cooldown that is absolutely F HORRIBLE in its design. At least the pala bubble in WoW lets the user run around, but seriously - self stun just to be immune to damage? No one asked for it. Few likes it. Do we need an oh **** button? Yes. Do we need it more than mercs? Dont know.


Thats besides the point and while you seem slightly rational you should be able to deduce that for yourself. Stop jumping on a bandwagon with ill conceived arguments. Some other classes need help but thats not what we're talking about here.


Also, you point out that other classes has become targets since sorc/sage got barrier. Ok. I should care why? We've spent 2.5 years being targeted first and then you make it sound criminal other classes get that treatment?


Inb4 "you only play sorc"


/ Signed person with 18 level 60s


I think you put forth a formidable argument. I think yeah the common conception is to focus the least armored individual and maybe BW has data to back that up.


My arguments may seem like im portraying sorcs as unstoppable death machines. They are not. I play a scrapper and in most cases i shouldn't lose to a sorc.


However i typically gun for the class that gets over played: sorc/sage. (Sin is located on another thread, just close your eyes and point somewhere, it's probably about sins).


I attack sorc class as i feel bad for the underrepresented merc and sniper class which i regularly dominate. (Unless netted or stacked against 3+ snipers).


I think sorc in relation to these classes have more to offer on most fronts besides armor (which force shield cycling + bubble stun kind of makes up for).


I say buff these ranged classes to be more competitive against the dominant ranged class. This isn't a star wars force user issue. Most people think bounty hunters are pretty sweet.

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There is a reason why people are QQ'ing. Every warzone has 3-6 sorcs on each team. Try focusing one.. he barriers and heals to full. Switch to another, he barrier's and heals to full. Force speeds away, kites you, bubble stun ... it's really stupid how amazingly OP the class is right now. I only place assassins above sorcs... so the entire inquisitor class is just nuts right now.


I personally am so sick of fighting 3+ sorcs every warzone, it's ruining the fun of the game.


Yes pvp is starting to get like this post 3.0. I have had arena pops in regs queue which have 3 sorcs and a sin. It is just ridiculous boring. Pvp is meant to be adjusting to different classes, as a dps i don't mind focussing classes, focussing the same over and over is getting old :/

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I don't see how sorcs are broken at all. They have to stand still to cast most attacks, making them vulnerable. I kill sorcs no problem. Some of yall are saying it takes 3 of you to kill 1 sorc, now that's ridiculous. If yall new how to play your character, you would see that they are squishy. All you have to do is this, when they start getting low on health they will pop heals, use your interrupt and boom they cant heal. seriously people will always find something to ***** about, mostly because they got outplayed or killed by a class, therefore that class must be broken and overpowered.....:D
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I think you put forth a formidable argument. I think yeah the common conception is to focus the least armored individual and maybe BW has data to back that up.


My arguments may seem like im portraying sorcs as unstoppable death machines. They are not. I play a scrapper and in most cases i shouldn't lose to a sorc.


However i typically gun for the class that gets over played: sorc/sage. (Sin is located on another thread, just close your eyes and point somewhere, it's probably about sins).


I attack sorc class as i feel bad for the underrepresented merc and sniper class which i regularly dominate. (Unless netted or stacked against 3+ snipers).


I think sorc in relation to these classes have more to offer on most fronts besides armor (which force shield cycling + bubble stun kind of makes up for).


I say buff these ranged classes to be more competitive against the dominant ranged class. This isn't a star wars force user issue. Most people think bounty hunters are pretty sweet.


I feel like snipers are at least on par in team ranked, they have DCDS that specifically complement their team and especially themselves in such a scenario . They have three viable team ranked specs and they are in no way weak. Do they fall short under pressure without backup? Such is the nature of immobility. Their greatest advantage is also their biggest downfall - solo ranked and solo play becomes a problem. Lets face it though - sorcs have always been great for solo play in the way that they can take care of themselves by running away and healing up - at least they dont have to die repeatedly (until basically anyone or anything decides that they are too much of a nuisance and starts going after them).


I implore you, all of you, to have a look at a sorcerers killing blows. Thats where you'll find the biggest differentiator of skill, frequently have I played with players "considered" good, albeit on other classes, and while they can almost keep up with the damage dealt they are always 5-15 killing blows behind. Damage dealt is only an indicator of not killing things, I'd much rather have the player with 500K less damage dealt but 10 more killing blows - that much should be obvious to anyone.


Finally, do mercs need help? Yes of course. But thats not because of sorcs being op, its because of mercs being undertuned. They have been for a very long time. They're much too easily shut down whilst under pressure and it wouldnt hurt with a DCD worth speaking of. Meanwhile they're absolutely amazing with their killswitch. They have FANTASTIC target switching capabilities and they're mechanically different. They dont need alll that much to be viable. Again, there should be plenty of threads asking for merc buffs instead of sorc nerfs.


Why isnt there? Because mostly the melee players are complaining and they dont want strong ranged opponents, because that **** F hurts when you play solo. I understand their point of view, but I detest their selfishness.

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By your logic sniper and merc should get a barrier. Neither class can deal with arena focus. Also since sorc has barrier the chances nonsorc classes get focused more has gone up if they're paired with a sorc.


Also been playing since launch and your sorc sob story has no foundation. There have always been a healthy population of dps sorcs and there always will be. If they were as bad as you outlined then we wouldnt see to many of them (reference sniper and merc). Maybe that was your progression because you were bad.


Also I'll keep rockin your dudes playin girl toons, paper bag em and won't call back.


The above statement is just wrong. Maybe you just started PvPing a year ago, or maybe they were just not popular on my server. I'm on harbinger, but I've been veeboo lunx and drooga's before the merges. Until somewhat recently, it was smashers that filled every warzone. Four on a team ftw. Balance sages didn't start seeing daylight until the 55 cap, and tk sage were still somewhat rare. Instead of seeing one dps sage every couple or few wz, you might see one per with a higher percentage over this past year with the updated balance procs/force management. It's only post 3.0, they've come out of the woodwork. The reason is not because we're happy spreading dots or because we're like having 25% utility increase on quake damage. Nope, it's because we can play TK while we move, so it's fun.

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a) what about sentinel vs sniper or merc? do they also need a nerf then?

b) if you can't dominate a sorc with one of the aforementioned 3.0 classes go do esseles better


seriously , did you even read the quote you posted. I said, leave sorc/sage alone, give sent a better way to deal with the numerous cc/root/slow that sorc/sage has an abundance of, plus all the other ranged classes that have a great amount of them as well. I said nothing about dominating a sorc/sage just make it more then a laughable 1 v 1.

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