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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.

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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


You're funny, I laughed

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I agree Sorcs are retarded and I do not think Sages have similar abilities even thou they are supposed to be mirrors. Healing and CC in 'general' is very broken in PvP. Was before the recent update even more so now. Go into any WZ and Imps are running either Sorc or Sin with a few random other classes to fill out a group. I have a Sorc , wanted to see myself if it was as bad as I thought....and it is, I do insane amounts of dps even at a low level.
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Frankly, I don't care. I hate arenas, play mostly WZs. And in WZs the vast majority of sorcs are noob FOTM-rollers with just one thing in mind: kill. So they top damage, top heals, top kills and lose the match. When I meet a sorc that's actually working toward an objective, then I'll start worrying
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The game is just as balanced as it could be, there are no OP classes every class has its weakness as does its strengths, what people don't understand is this is a team oriented game especially in PvP. All they did was give the Sorc/Sage survivability
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the game is just as balanced as it could be, there are no op classes every class has its weakness as does its strengths, what people don't understand is this is a team oriented game especially in pvp. All they did was give the sorc/sage survivability



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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


Years other classes wipe floors with sorcs and now when they can actiually defend them selfs its boohoo. Sorcs can be killed they are paper. So "One on one they are almost unkillable. " LoL I also smiled a bit.

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The game is just as balanced as it could be, there are no OP classes every class has its weakness as does its strengths, what people don't understand is this is a team oriented game especially in PvP. All they did was give the Sorc/Sage survivability


That was a joke right? Surviabilitiy? Damn make them immortal, even 3 dps on ONE Sorc can't kill him fast enough, makes taking a node held by one almost impossible.

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If by survivability you mean unkillable, then yes they gave them survivability.


Look sorcs are not balanced. Bubbles need a cd or only available to healers. Go against a war zone team with 3 sorcs, and you will see how retarded it is. They all heal, bubble, stun, run away fast, heal up... It's not even fun playing a match against multiple sorcs

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I don't see a problem (yes I'm biased).


Any 'good' team (or just a really good Guardian/Jugg) can focus me and kill me very quickly without Force Barrier.


I'll admit, I'm not the best at pvp, but I regularly put up the numbers you posted, while focusing on objectives.


The 'op damage' will go down if people aren't grouped the entire game.


I regularly get ~60-150k damage each Recklessness from entire teams standing in Force Storm.


Edit: fully 186 augmented/174 left side/174 mh and oh/168 right side.

Edited by KTap
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Years other classes wipe floors with sorcs and now when they can actiually defend them selfs its boohoo. Sorcs can be killed they are paper. So "One on one they are almost unkillable. " LoL I also smiled a bit.



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Then you DPS just suck!

Besides, taking the node from a sin or oeprative will take at least the same amount of time as they will sap you several times before the actual fight even starts.


Sorcs' big numbers only come from the spreading of the DoTs. So in one one one sorc will do far less damage.

You think sorcs are hard to kill? Try playing a sorc. Just because some sorc with high skill killed you with your low skill level doesn't mean that this class is OP.

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I do play a Sorc, and a Slinger and a Guardian and a few other classes but those are my mains. And in 'general' CC and healz need to be curtailed. As another poster said it's not fun at all in a WZ trying to play vs a team with 2-3 or more Sorcs, and I play to have fun not get frustrated. Stun Wars I cal this game in PvP and you'd think after all the years MMOs have been around and all the posts similar in every other game about being VERY careful Devs with your CC that these Devs would learn....apparently they don't play their own game. Sorcs take the brunt of the QQing prob a big part cause there are so many of them. But they DO need as good nerf to bring them in line, sorry if you disagree.
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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


Damn kid, you need to upgrade your gear bad, you're decked out in greens trying to kill a Sorc and died?


Only thing retardedly stupid easy right now with Sorc is being able to spread all our dots with Death Field, HUGE dps boost, but then I've seen A LOT of my toons can now spread dots/dmg. Looks like BW went the AoE route last patch big time.


Sorcs aren't really OP, you just can't play.


Unless you're a Mara. If you're a Mara I'd say it's not your skill or your green gear. Poor Maras are bunk.

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I don't see a problem (yes I'm biased).


Any 'good' team (or just a really good Guardian/Jugg) can focus me and kill me very quickly without Force Barrier.


I'll admit, I'm not the best at pvp, but I regularly put up the numbers you posted, while focusing on objectives.


The 'op damage' will go down if people aren't grouped the entire game.


I regularly get ~60-150k damage each Recklessness from entire teams standing in Force Storm.


Edit: fully 186 augmented/174 left side/174 mh and oh/168 right side.


The thing is people see a toon in light armor and expect to get an easy kill and NERD RAAAAGE if they can't easily kill them and go ape **** if they actually die to them, true story.

Edited by Belpheghor
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The thing is people see a toon in light armor and expect to get an easy kill and NERD RAAAAGE if they can't easily kill them and go ape **** if they actually die to them, true story.


I don't think that's it, what trip s people out is Sorcs standing 30 feet back hosing a whole team with AOE like they have a Gatling Lightning Gun and at the SAME time throwing out enough heals to keep their own team up and ending a match at 5K dps AND 5k heals or more...it's an insane hybrid.

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lol. enjoy your sorcs and sages for a month or two. but anyone with half a brain knows that nerfs are coming for them eventually. sorcs/sages and the dot spec shadow/assassins are over performing so much in PVP is silly to try to say otherwise.
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The thing is people see a toon in light armor and expect to get an easy kill and NERD RAAAAGE if they can't easily kill them and go ape **** if they actually die to them, true story.


Huh? You're kidding, right?

Way easier to kill a merc or PT (heavy armor) than a sorc. Armor type don't mean ****, and whomever nerdrages over that just began playing MMOs.

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The thing is people see a toon in light armor and expect to get an easy kill and NERD RAAAAGE if they can't easily kill them and go ape **** if they actually die to them, true story.


True but... we do die quickly without our defensive utilities, which all have cooldowns.


Just a few mins ago I had everything on cooldown with no bubble, and got killed in 2 gcds while stunned by 3 people.


I wonder how much of this is because there are so many sorcs now? I'm seeing a lot of PT/Vanguard rage as well, but I wonder if there were teams of mercs focusing people in 2-3 gcds, people would be complaining about merc dps being too high? :cool:

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