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Would you play a SW MOBA?


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Biggest downside I would see is that good MOBAs need to have a very large number of diverse characters (ideally in both appearance and abilities/gameplay).


Star Wars has a number of archetypes that are legitimately distinct from each other, but probably aren't enough to fill out a full MOBA roster, and once you get into variations within each archetype there just doesn't seem like there'd be enough variety to work well in a MOBA context.


Sure you could have a Han Solo champion that is very different from the Yoda champion, but before too long you're going to be stuck trying to make Qui-Gon Jinn meaningfully different than Obi-Wan Kenobi, or a Stormtrooper champion that's distinct from a Clone Trooper champion, and I just don't see it holding up once the 'oooh Star Wars' shine comes off.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I've never been a big fan of MOBAs, first encountering them during the custom WC3 maps, and seeing the elitist attitudes of the players. I don't want to have to invest so much time just to learn all the classes.

While I highly doubt we'll ever get an official Star Wars MOBA, I hope they don't make it. If anything, it will be small clone of League and will never be able to achieve the same kind of following because it would directed more at Star Wars fans and not hardcore gamers. The only company who'd make such a game would be EA, and we don't need another P2W game that focusses cash-shop before gameplay.

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Nop. They are a waste of time for me. I see that now. I tried out and played League of Legends for 2 years and it was fun at times but overall, so much time wasted on something in the end when my eyes were opened was dull, boring and very, very repetitive. They very much bore me now and even though I love Star Wars I would not play a Star Wars moba. Edited by Sarfux
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I've never been a big fan of MOBAs, first encountering them during the custom WC3 maps, and seeing the elitist attitudes of the players. I don't want to have to invest so much time just to learn all the classes.

While I highly doubt we'll ever get an official Star Wars MOBA, I hope they don't make it. If anything, it will be small clone of League and will never be able to achieve the same kind of following because it would directed more at Star Wars fans and not hardcore gamers. The only company who'd make such a game would be EA, and we don't need another P2W game that focusses cash-shop before gameplay.


Right ea's the only company that makes cash grab resigned clone games...


Did capcom, square Enix, ubisoft, Kokomo, Sony, Microsoft, and activision all go bankrupt and I missed it or is this more ea is worse than every other major game company dispote them all doing the same reskins cash grabs and micro transactions just cause everyone knows eas EVIL MWHA HA HA HA HA. Although I suppose ea is the one with exclusive rights to all Star Wars games for ten years so your right the other will have to stick to different ips to milk dry:D

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