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Mercs fotm????


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I was actually planning on PvP maining my merc in 3.0, since I enjoy merc DPS just as much as any of the VG specs, but then we took a 3.0 nerf to the knee and went from being bottom of the barrel to being under the barrel. Edited by Zoom_VI
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I was actually planning on PvP maining my merc in 3.0, since I enjoy merc DPS just as much as any of the VG specs, but then we took a 3.0 nerf to the knee and went from being bottom of the barrel to being under the barrel.


Meh it didnt let me down I'm still rocking my merc. Have not seen you on jung ma tho where you been? We got ranked matches going left and right.

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im still queuing with mine for little more than stubborn determination and refusing to go FOTM

We are strong if left alone, but wither quickly under focus due to our lack of survivability toolset in comparison to other classes.

I love the class.. its always been my #1.. but as a person that loves pvp as much as pve, im keeping my PT up to spec too these days

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im still queuing with mine for little more than stubborn determination and refusing to go FOTM

We are strong if left alone, but wither quickly under focus due to our lack of survivability toolset in comparison to other classes.

I love the class.. its always been my #1.. but as a person that loves pvp as much as pve, im keeping my PT up to spec too these days


Ya I was gonna min max my merc before I lvl my PT idk I feel like just blowing people up. All tho in group ranked i feel we are alot better then some dead weight like last season...

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Have not seen you on jung ma tho where you been? We got ranked matches going left and right.


No you have solo ranked matches, which I never cared for. I have moved on to greener pastures on TEH, and probably won't return as long as 4s is choked off on JM.

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Ya I was gonna min max my merc before I lvl my PT idk I feel like just blowing people up. All tho in group ranked i feel we are alot better then some dead weight like last season...


i dont know, i think our survivability is worse than pre 3,0. gutted heals and no real improvements in this regard in comparison to others.


We hit hard when left alone, but under pressure we last about half as long as others which is and always has been our weakness, especially in 4s

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Yeah, it's been nice to see... Too bad it will die off once preseason ends...


as it should. those are not real ranked matches. that's players grinding gear and learning their 60s gameplay in a ranked environment. I'm doing it too. it's just...it's not what I think crinn means when he says "ranked." to each his own. if grp can sustain itself on TEH, then great. I don't think it can on JM or really most other servers. I know for a fact that a lot of teams had to transfer to TEH to make that scene viable at all. so...I wouldn't count on it here.


something that's kinda disappointing is that the more prominent presence of <shots fired> in yolo hasn't encouraged/emboldened players from the other guilds to queue. I ran 4 yolos last night for a quick daily and just one more after I did the reg daily, and all 4 matches were against 4 <shots fired> guys. it wasn't the same 4 guys either. I think there were 6 or 7 different toons at least. I'm just mentioning it cuz it suggests that other ppl from other guilds didn't seem willing to hop in the queue.

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let's be real here, mercs being fotm will only happen in our dreams (dps that is). crinn's totally got it right tho. they got totally gutted. i tried playin my merc the other day and it went from bad to worse :/


on the other hand, lets all be optimistic about jung ma's ranked goin strong once the season starts. i def plan on doin grouped and maybe some solos seeing as heal spec is more fun than ever. WTB a crinn on JM tho....

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I dont know why People think dps is worse. Both specs have hugely improved burst and damage capabilities, not to mention the ability to do so on the fly.


If you arent getting insane results then I suggest you probably havent read what "super charged gas" does, especially in combustible gas cylinder.


I have always loved my mercs damage capablities, but never more so than now

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I dont know why People think dps is worse. Both specs have hugely improved burst and damage capabilities, not to mention the ability to do so on the fly.


If you arent getting insane results then I suggest you probably havent read what "super charged gas" does, especially in combustible gas cylinder.


I have always loved my mercs damage capablities, but never more so than now

Uh I did read it. The dot it gives is *********** sweet but now I have to relearn to manage my heat in pyro. In asenal its cake you never have to worry about heat but man that pyro.

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I was actually planning on PvP maining my merc in 3.0, since I enjoy merc DPS just as much as any of the VG specs, but then we took a 3.0 nerf to the knee and went from being bottom of the barrel to being under the barrel.


It could be worse. You could be a Mara/Sent and not even exist in the proximity of said barrel.

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I dont know why People think dps is worse. Both specs have hugely improved burst and damage capabilities, not to mention the ability to do so on the fly.


If you arent getting insane results then I suggest you probably havent read what "super charged gas" does, especially in combustible gas cylinder.


I have always loved my mercs damage capablities, but never more so than now


Actual burst relative to class level and hit points really hasn't increased any for arsenal mercs. In fact, if things are actually working like BW wants them to, which is debatable, then the burst has actually gone down.


Yes, they gave mercs the ability to shoot on the move in 3.0, a talent that they should have had in 2.0, but they also gave the already highly mobile classes even more mobility and more ways to stay mobile. That just really over rides the window dressing mobility that the merc class received.


It could be worse. You could be a Mara/Sent and not even exist in the proximity of said barrel.


I'd be willing to be that you will still see more maras/sents in the ranked leader boards that you will dps mercs/mandos.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Uh I did read it. The dot it gives is *********** sweet but now I have to relearn to manage my heat in pyro. In asenal its cake you never have to worry about heat but man that pyro.


Nothing wrong with relearing. keeps things fresh. I grant you if you get your rotation wrong in Pyro it is unforgiving compared to arsenal, but the payoff for getting it right is just the bees knees

Edited by Kalliadies
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Uh I did read it. The dot it gives is *********** sweet but now I have to relearn to manage my heat in pyro. In asenal its cake you never have to worry about heat but man that pyro.


well...it is called "pyro," right? you should kind of expect a lot of heat. :p

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List how mercs got totally gutted please.


They took away kolto missile and replaced it with a single target heal with 3x the cooldown that heals for less. The also took away our big self heal so no more insta h2f.


They didn't give us any new defenses at all, they did however give us slightly more mobility with trill of the hunt, except they also gave pretty much everyone else more mobility too.

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