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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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Sometimes I feel this way when contesting ranked but mostly not. It's very dependent on your opposition team composition but that's true for all classes that q solo ranked. I feel that the devs will probably fall back on season 3 data which shows juggs sorcs and assassins performing the best and then the rest pretty much the same with marauders not the worst out of the rest of the ACs so I don't think they're gonna change much for marauder in the immediate future. The reality is that the class is a little bit down atm but from a design point of view it is representative of what the devs have stated it should be. All the advanced classes seem to cycle through this at some point. Marauders in pvp will probably always be a little reliant on healers to be able to deal maximum damage. I stll find carnage incredibly fun to PvE and PvP on in 3.0 even tho I feel that the PvE content mostly favors rdps
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Anni Mara feels .....the flow is gone. Force Rend feels not right. It feels like there is alwas a "stuck". So bad.

Also smash as the dot-spread isn´t the right skill for that in my opinion. Every other Dot Class have there dot-spread on a skill that they use fix in there rota.

But we must use a skill we don´t usualy use. Dot-Spread on DST this would fit.

My Solution: Re-Design our Dot´s as they were pre 3.0, adjust the damage of the two dot´s and spread only one bleed with DST.


Just my thought and sorry for my bad english

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Anni Mara feels .....the flow is gone. Force Rend feels not right. It feels like there is alwas a "stuck". So bad.

Also smash as the dot-spread isn´t the right skill for that in my opinion. Every other Dot Class have there dot-spread on a skill that they use fix in there rota.

But we must use a skill we don´t usualy use. Dot-Spread on DST this would fit.

My Solution: Re-Design our Dot´s as they were pre 3.0, adjust the damage of the two dot´s and spread only one bleed with DST.


Just my thought and sorry for my bad english


Dot Spread on DST is actually a good idea, together with Anni/Watchman proc it would become pretty deadly. Would be okay, if it only spreaded Cauteize (with its old duration) and say a 1stack tick of Overload/Deadly Saber. And Force Rend/Meld could go to be an instant Force Burn attack, rest of spec could stay like pre 3.0...

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Benching my Lvl 60 Sent. It's always been my main but it is so frustrating now. I'm a day or two away from just canceling entire Sub.


Every match now is snare, stun, dead. In 4 v 4 you are the first targeted because everyone knows it's a quick kill and why bother focusing the sorcs when they have every tool in the book to be the last man standing (top dps, top heals, top dcd, top escape methods). Bleh so frustrating.

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Benching my Lvl 60 Sent. It's always been my main but it is so frustrating now. I'm a day or two away from just canceling entire Sub.


Every match now is snare, stun, dead. In 4 v 4 you are the first targeted because everyone knows it's a quick kill and why bother focusing the sorcs when they have every tool in the book to be the last man standing (top dps, top heals, top dcd, top escape methods). Bleh so frustrating.


Go play a serenity shadow. How easy it is to do insane damage and kill stough will make you laugh.


The main problem is that sorc/sage, shadow/sin, and jug/guardian already had better defensive cooldowns since the undying/GBTF nerf, and all three of those classes got significantly better defensive cooldowns. A buff of some kind to undying combined with changing expunging cammo to a purge instead of a cleanse would instantly close the gap, although hated/serenity and madness/balance will need to be toned down before any other melee classes will feel ok.

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Go play a serenity shadow. How easy it is to do insane damage and kill stough will make you laugh.


The main problem is that sorc/sage, shadow/sin, and jug/guardian already had better defensive cooldowns since the undying/GBTF nerf, and all three of those classes got significantly better defensive cooldowns. A buff of some kind to undying combined with changing expunging cammo to a purge instead of a cleanse would instantly close the gap, although hated/serenity and madness/balance will need to be toned down before any other melee classes will feel ok.


to be in par with serenity, sent would need purge on camo and being able to use it stunned, cc/physics immunity during GBTF or saber ward, and dmg=heal from dispatch available for any spec as a proc :p

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to be in par with serenity, sent would need purge on camo and being able to use it stunned, cc/physics immunity during GBTF or saber ward, and dmg=heal from dispatch available for any spec as a proc :p


It really would not be hard to make the sent as OP as serenity, but doing so would hurt the game. Better to nerf serenity.

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Go play a serenity shadow. How easy it is to do insane damage and kill stough will make you laugh.


The main problem is that sorc/sage, shadow/sin, and jug/guardian already had better defensive cooldowns since the undying/GBTF nerf, and all three of those classes got significantly better defensive cooldowns. A buff of some kind to undying combined with changing expunging cammo to a purge instead of a cleanse would instantly close the gap, although hated/serenity and madness/balance will need to be toned down before any other melee classes will feel ok.


Yeah the sad thing is my other main when game came out is a shadow. I've played it as a serenity shadow recently to see if it's as everyone is saying and the class is complete cheese. I get frustrated on my Sent and log out. I get bored on my Shadow. I fear nothing on my Shadow whether focused or not. On the Sent I try to be last one into a fight and it's still like i'm an icecube thrown into the fire.

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marauder has the best defensive cooldowns in the game... *** is everyone talking about


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. No. If used correctly the marauder has decent defensive cooldowns, but under anything more than a 1v1 fight they can still be crumpled like a can. Best DC's go to the other 2 of the 3 melee classes:


Juggernaut: When under a lot of damage juggernauts pop enraged defense and get healed up to like 80% health again. Saber ward damage reduction from tech/force and weapon damage defense increases. Endure pain at the right time can give you much more health for 10 seconds to make healing easier or just give you that much more of a damage cushion. Saber reflect, deflect all single target attacks for 3-5 seconds (depending on skill,) so the attacker gets hit.


Assassin: Assassins can become immune to tech/force (most classes using this kind of damage as a staple in their rotations, main classes who prioritize weapon damage is warriors and snipers,) and to counter weapon damage Deflection makes them difficult to hit and can spec for immunity to stuns and slows. Plus if the going gets too much phasewalk out of there or force cloak. 2 vanishes.


I think that it was nerfed a bit. It is not unplayable if you know how to use it, but there is definitely a learning curve where you must be very good to use it. As a true melee class it could slightly better cooldowns like a self cleanse, or put that into force camouflage so it is a vanish/self cleanse. Maybe, similar to the bounty hunter's energy redoubt or immortal juggernaut using an attack like force scream grants a small sonic barrier that absorbs a low amount (not as much as immortal, only a minor amount like energy redoubt) at least enough for a partial amount of the next incoming attack. Again, when used right, the current defensive cd's are adequate and I do not think you need a major DC to fix the class, but small passive buffs are often the most helpful.

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i know most of this thread is about pvp, but even in pve Mara rotations feel sloppy and overly complicated since 3.0, for both anni and carn...where as on my sorc or my jugg the rotations are smooth and less complicated. please make the mara fun again

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